Stamps inscribed 'Kraljevstvo S.H.S' and/or 'КраЉевство C.X.C.', 'Kraljevstvo Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca' and/or ''КраЉевство Сръа, Хрвата и Словенаца' or '[FNR] Jugoslavija' and/or
'[ФΗΡ] Југославија'.
1918 - 1919 Overprinted stamps of individual countries
1919 - 1930 Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes
1930 - 1941 Kingdom of Yugoslavia
1941 - 1945 Axis occupation - stamps issued for separate countries
1945 - 2003 Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
2003 -> See Serbia and Montenegro
From 1918: 1 Krone = 100 Heller (Bosnia & Herzegovina) / Fillér (Croatia, Slovenia)
From 1920: 1 [Yogoslav Kingdom] Dinar = 100 Paras (= 4 Kronen)
From 1945: 1 [Federation] Dinar = 100 Paras (= 20 KD)
From 1966: 1 [Hard] Dinar (YUD) = 100 Paras (= 100 FD)
From 1990: 1 [Convertible] Dinar (YUN) = 100 Paras (= 10.000 YUD)
From 1992: 1 [Reformed] Dinar (YUR) = 100 Paras (= 10 YUN)
From 1993: 1 [October] Dinar (YUO) = 100 Paras (= 1.000.000 YUR)
From 1994: 1 [January] Dinar (YUG) = 100 Paras (= YUO)
From 1994: 1 [New] Dinar (YUM) = 100 Paras (≈ 13.000.000 YUG)
Checklists > Countries > Yugoslavia Mythic Cats List status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to checklists@catstamps.org.MYTHIC CATS
Item Code Item type Face value Remarks SC 24 March 1956 - Yugoslavian Art YUG19560324 ST 15 Stamp 15 Griffin
Wild Cat Art
Griffin Sculpture in Studenica Monastry, Kraljevo (12. c.)
MI 77812 June 1985 - 100 Years of Tourism on Cres and Lošinj This issue is also listed under Heraldic Cats
YUG19850612 ST 10 Stamp 10 Heraldic Hippopanther
Cres CoA
MI 2111BDC YUG19850612 FDC 10 First Day Cover 10 Heraldic Hippopanther (on stamp, postmark, and cachet)
Cres CoA
Official FDC with
YUG19850612 ST 10BDC YUG19850612 FDP 11101 First Day Postmark - Heraldic Lion
Armed Lion Rampant
Virovitica CoA
"Prvi Dan - 100 Godina Turizma - Cres - Lošinj"
11101 Beograd (Belgrade)
12 June 1985BDC 8 September 2001 - SRBIJAFILA XII National Philatelic Exhibition This item is also listed under Heraldic Cats
YUG20010908 MS 30 Miniatue sheet 30 Heraldic Lion
Heraldic Winged Lion
Heraldic Griffin (all on selvedge)
Single stamp MS
MI B52M Compiled by Geir Arveng
Latest update: 7 October, 2017