Stamps inscribed 'Kraljevstvo S.H.S' and/or 'КраЉевство C.X.C.', 'Kraljevstvo Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca' and/or ''КраЉевство Сръа, Хрвата и Словенаца' or 'Jugoslavija' and/or 'Југославија'.
1918 - 1919 Overprinted stamps of individual countries
1919 - 1930 Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes
1930 - 1941 Kingdom of Yugoslavia
1941 - 1945 Axis occupation - stamps issued for separate countries
1945 - 2003 Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
2003 -> See Serbia and Montenegro
From 1918: 1 Krone = 100 Heller (Bosnia & Herzegovina) / Fillér (Croatia, Slovenia)
From 1920: 1 [Yogoslav Kingdom] Dinar = 100 Paras (= 4 Kronen)
From 1945: 1 [Federation] Dinar = 100 Paras (= 20 KD)
From 1966: 1 [Hard] Dinar (YUD) = 100 Paras (= 100 FD)
From 1990: 1 [Convertible] Dinar (YUN) = 100 Paras (= 10.000 YUD)
From 1992: 1 [Reformed] Dinar (YUR) = 100 Paras (= 10 YUN)
From 1993: 1 [October] Dinar (YUO) = 100 Paras (= 1.000.000 YUR)
From 1994: 1 [January] Dinar (YUG) = 100 Paras (= YUO)
From 1994: 1 [New] Dinar (YUM) = 100 Paras (≈ 13.000.000 YUG)
Checklists > Countries > Yugoslavia Domestic Cats List status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to checklists@catstamps.org.DOMESTIC CATS
Item Code Item type Face value Remarks SC 3 October 1965 - Children's Week Valid until 31 May 1970
YUG19651003 ST 30 Stamp 30 Unspecified breed
Cat drawing
MI 1133If you have a scan of this item, please share. YUG19651003 IMP 30 Imperforate stamp 30 Unspecified breed
Cat drawing
MI 1133U7 October 1974 - "Joy of Europe" Children's Festival / Clildren's Drawings YUG19741007 ST 5_00 Stamp 5.00 Unspecified breed
Cats in Art
Cat drawing by Jelena Anastasijević
MI 15752 October 1991 - "Joy of Europe" Children's Festival / Paintings YUG19911002 ST 30 Stamp 30 Unspecified breed
Cats in Art
Girl with Cat, painting by Mary Cassatt (1845-1926)
MI 250825 June 1992 - Fauna / Cats YUG19920625 ST 1000 1 Stamp 1000 European Shorthair
MI 2544YUG19920625 ST 1000 2 Stamp 1000 Persian (Chinchilla)
MI 2545YUG19920625 ST 1000 3 Stamp 1000 British Shorthair
MI 2546YUG19920625 ST 1000 4 Stamp 1000 Persian (Red)
MI 2547YUG19920625 FDC 2000 1 First Day Cover 2000 European Shorthair (stamp and cachet)
Persian (Chinchilla) (stamp)
Unspecified Breed (postmark)
FDC with
YUG19920625 ST 1000 1
YUG19920625 ST 1000 2YUG19920625 FDC 2000 2 First Day Cover 2000 British Shorthair (stamp)
Persian (Red) (stamp and cachet)
Unspecified Breed (postmark)
FDC with
YU19920625 ST 1000 3
YU19920625 ST 1000 4YUG19920625 FDP 11101 First Day Postmark - Unspecified Breed
"Prvi Dan - Fauna '92"
11101 Beograd (Belgrade)
25 June 199226 November 1993 - "Joy of Europe" Children's Festival / Paintings YUG19931126 ST 2000000 1 Stamp 2000000 Unspecified breed
Cats in Art
Boy with Cat, painting by Sava Šumanović (1896-1942)
MI 2634YUG19931126 FDC 2000000 1 2000000 Unspecified breed (on stamp and cachet)
Cats in Art
Boy with Cat, painting by Sava Šumanović (1896-1942)
Official FDC with
YUG19931126 ST 2000000 1Compiled by Geir Arveng
Latest update: 26 July, 2017