Stamps inscribed 'USA', 'United States', or 'U.S. Postage'
1847 ->
From 1847: 1 Dollar (USD) = 100 Cents
Checklists > Countries > USA Mythic Cats List status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Item Code Item type Face value Remarks SC 1988 - USS Schofield Naval Cachet This itemi is also listed under Heraldic Cats
US1988 MIL USSSCHO Naval cachet - Griffin
Heraldic Griffin
"USS Schofield -
General cachet used on mail posted on board
Earliest use reported:
3 March 1988
Latest use reported:
3 March 1988
If you have more information about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.7 May 1998 - Bearcat Station US19980507 PMK 76008 Commemmorative Postmark - Bearcat
Paw Prints
"Bearcat Station"
Aledo, TX 76008
7 May 199816 September 2005 - 100 Years Education in Ballinger US20050916 PMK 76821 Commemmorative Postmark - Bearcat
"Bearcat Station - Celebrating 100 Years Education in Ballinger"
Ballinger, TX 76821
16 September 200520 June 2015 - 250th Anniversary of Charlemont This item is also listed under Heraldic Cats
US20150620 PMK 01339 Commemorative Postmark - Heraldic Griffin
Two Griffins Rampant Supporters
Seal of Charlemont, MA
"Charlemont *250* - Charlemont - Caulfeild, Viscount Charlemont - Capturing the Spirit - Celebrating the Future - 175-2015 - Charlemont "250" Station - Incorporation Day Celebration"
Charlemont, MA 01339
20 June 2015DP 3-7 August 2015 - Decommissioning of USS Gary This item is also listed under Heraldic Cats
US20150803_07 PMK 92110 Commemorative Postmark - Heraldic Merlion
Crest of USS Gary
"USS Gary - FFG 51 - Decommissioning Sta."
San Diego, CA 92110
3 - 7 August 2015DP List compiled by Geir Arveng with valuable information from Marci Jarvis and Elisabeth Hallsjö.
Latest update: 1 April, 2021