Stamps inscribed 'Sverige'
1855 ->
From 1855: 1 Riksdaler Specie = 2 2/3 Riksdaler Banco = 128 Skilling Banco
From 1858: 1 Riksdaler Riksmynt = 100 Öre (= 1/4 Riksdaler Specie)
From 1873: 1 Krona (SEK) = 100 Öre (= 1 Riksdaler Riksmynt)
Checklists > Countries > Sweden Wild Cats List status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to checklists@catstamps.org.WILD CATS
Issue Item code Item type Face valueRemarks SC 1897 Silver Jubilee of King Oscar II SE1897XXXX PC 0_05 Pre-stamped Postcard 0.05 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Statue (Royal Castle, Stockholm)
Cachet on address side192? Postal Stationary SE192XXXXX PSE 0_05 1 Pre-stamped Envelope 0.05 Lion (in stamp indicum)
Small envelope (11 x 7 cm)
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know193? Postal Stationary SE193XXXXX PSE 0_25 1 Pre-st amped Envelope 0.05 Lion (in stamp indicum)
Small envelope (11 x 8 cm)
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know1930 Postal Stationary SE1930XXXX PSE 0_20 Pre-stamped Envelope 0.20 Lion (in stamp indicum)
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know1936 Postal Stationary SE1936XXXX PSE 0_25 Pre-stamped Envelope 0.25 Lion (in stamp indicum)
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know1955 Lions Club National Convention SE19550514 PMK 58002 Commemorative Postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
14 May 19551957 Lions Club National Convention SE19570511 PMK 40010 Commemorative Postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
Göteborg (Gothenburg)
11 May 19571958 Lions Club National Convention SE19580516 PMK 11128 Commemorative Postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
16 May 19581958 Lejongalejan (The Lions Galley) SE19580530 PMK 60230 Commemorative Postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
30 May 19581959 Lions Club National Convention SE19590411_12 PMK 11128 Commemorative Postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
11 - 12 April 19591960 Skaraborg Visar SE19600401 PMK 54330 Commemorative Postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
"Skaraborg Visar"
1 April 19601961 FFK Hobby Expo SE19610407 PMK 61201 Commemorative Postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
"FFK Hobbyexpon"
7 April 19611961 Lions Club National Convention SE19610504 PMK 21130 Commemorative Postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
4 May 19611961 TK Spring Fair SE19610505 PMK 52230 Commemorative Postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
"TK Vårmässan"
5 May 19611961 Vadstena Spring Fair SE19610527 PMK 59230 Commemorative Postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
27 May 19611961 Vetlanda Mart SE19610528 PMK 57430 Commemorative Postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
28 May 19611962 Vetlanda Mart SE19620506 PMK 57430 Commemorative Postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
6 May 19621963 Lions Club National Convention SE19630524 PMK 39230 Commemorative Postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
"Lions Riksmöte"
24 May 19631964 Vetlanda Mart SE19640503 PMK 57430 Commemorative Postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
3 May 19641964 Lions Club National Convention SE19640508 PMK 30240 Commemorative Postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
"Lions Riksmöte"
8 May 19641964 Nässjö Jubilee Celebrations SE19640529 PMK 57130 Commemorative Postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
29 May 19641964 Borås Stamp Exhibition SE19640828 PMK 50300 Commemorative Postmark - Lion
Stylized Lion
"BFF Frimärksut-stallningen"
28 Aug 19641965 Vetlanda Mart SE19650509 PMK 57430 Commemorative Postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
9 May 19651966 Vetlanda Mart SE19660508 PMK 57430 Commemorative Postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
8 May 19661969 The Wasa Ship SE19690903 ST 0_55 2 Stamp 0.55 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Wood carved, crowned lion from the Wasa
Stamp from booklet
Imperforate top
MI 645DoSE19690903 ST 0_55 4 Stamp 0.55 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Wood carved lion from the Wasa
Stamp from booklet
Imperforate top
MI 647DoSE19690903 ST 0_55 7 Stamp 0.55 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Wood carved, crowned lion from the Wasa
Stamp from booklet
Imperforate bottom
MI 645DuSE19690903 ST 0_55 9 Stamp 0.55 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Wood carved lion from the Wasa
Stamp from booklet
Imperforate bottom
MI 647DuThe Booklet also contains Heraldic Lions SE19690903 BK 5_50
Booklet 5.50 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Wood carved lions from the Wasa
Booklet with all 10 stamps in set
MI MH21This item is also listed under Heraldic Lions SE19690903 FDC 5_50
FDC Inlay:
- Swedish
- English
- French
- German
First Day Cover 5.50 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Wood carved lions from the Wasa
FDC with Booklet Pane1971 Paul Bergsöe & Son Meter Frank SE1971 MF PABE 26100 Meter frank - Lion
Company logo
"Paul Bergsöe & Son A/B"
Machine no. 18264
Earliest use reported:
15 October 1971
Latest use reported:
15 October 1971
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.This set also includes a Griffin
SE19710423 ST 0_25 2 Stamp 0.25 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Detail from the Grödinge Tapestry, Södermanland
MI 708ASE19710423 FDC 1_15 Stamp 1.15 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Detail from the Grödinge Tapestry, Södermanland
FDC with two pairs of 0.25 stamps as well as the other stamp in set1971 Lions Club Canal Festival SE19710507 PMK 46120 Commemorative Postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
"Kanal-festival", Trollhättan
7 May 1971DL 1971 Stone Art from Gotland SE19710928 ST 0_55
Stamp 0.55 Lion
Wild Cat Art
"Samson and the Lion" by Byzantios
Bas-relief from Hogrän Church
Stamp from booklet, vert. imperf.SE19710928 BK 2_00
Inner Cover
Outer Cover
Booklet 2.00 Lion (on one stamp only)
Wild Cat Art
"Samson and the Lion" by Byzantios
Bas-relief from Hogrän Church1972 Inauguration of Vrinnevi Riding Centre SE19720506 PMK 60360 Commemorative Postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
"Bonnauktion - Invigningen - Ridhuset Vrinnevi Gård"
6 May 1972DL 1972 Vetlanda Market SE19720507 PMK 57431 Commemorative Postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
"Vetlanda Marknaden"
7 May 19721972 Lions Club National Meeting SE19720520 PMK 98100 Commemorative Postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
"The Land of the Midnight Sun - Riksmötet"
20 May 1972DL 1972 Kolmården Safari Park SE19720804 PMK 61892 Commemorative Postmark - Lion
"Kolmårdens Safaripark"
Kolmårdens Djurpark
4 August 19721972 Herrljunga Flea Market SE19720911 PMK 52420 Commemorative Postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
11 Sept 1972DL 1972 Post-Expo SE19720921 PMK 40010 Commemorative Postmark - Lion
Einar Forseth - Frimärkstecknare - Post-Expo"
21 September 19721972 Fun Before Christmas SE19721202 PMK 12100 Commemorative Postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
"Kul före jul"
2 December 1972CC 1973 Postal Museum Post Cards SE19730000 MISC PC
Address side
Picture side
Picture Postcard - Lion
Picture of a 0.05 Lion Coil Stamp
Souvenir issued for the exhibition "The Artist - The Stamp", with a text crediting the artist Einar Forseth1974 Stockholmia '74 - Stamp Day SE19740929 PMK STO Commemorative Postmark - Lion Statue (Royal Castle, Stockholm)
29 September 19741974 Christmas - Mosaic Embroidery from Skepptuna Church SE19741116 ST 0_45 3 Stamp 0.45 Stylized Lion
(turned left, country name above)
Stamp from MS
MI 878SE19741116 ST 0_45 7 Stamp 0.45 Stylized Lion
(turned left, country name below, embroidery below differs from
SE19741116 ST 0_45 9)
Stamp from MS
MI 882SE19741116 ST 0_45 9 Stamp 0.45 Stylized Lion
(turned left, country name below, embroidery below differs from
SE19741116 ST 0_45 7)
Stamp from MS
MI 884SE19741116 MS 4_50 Miniature Sheet 4.50 Stylized Lion (on 3 stamps)
MS with 10 of 11 stamps in set
This MS also includes Griffins, and is also listed under Mythic Cats
MI B6SE19741116 FDC 5_25 First Day Cover 5.25 Stylized Lion (on 3 stamps)
FDC with all 11 stamps in set
This FDC also includes Griffins, and is also listed under Mythic Cats1975 Lions Club Åmotsfors SE19750302 PMK 67301 Commemorative Postmark - Cartoon Lion
"Lions Club Åmotsfors"
2 March 19751976 Lions Club Åmotsfors SE19760307 PMK 67040 Commemorative Postmark - Cartoon Lion
"Lions Club"
7 March 19761978 Stamp Day
This item is also listed under Heraldic Lions
SE19781007 PC 1_30 1
Address side
Picture side
Pre-stamped Postcard 1.30 Lions/Heraldic Lions (in stamp indicum and on picture side)
Wild Cat Art
Details from the Wasa Ship
Stamp indicum like
SE19690903 ST 0_55 4SE19781007 PC 1_30 2
Address side
Picture side
Pre-stamped Postcard 1.30 Lions/Heraldic Lions (in stamp indicum, cachet and on picture side)
Wild Cat Art
Details from the Wasa Ship
Same picture and stamp indicum as in
SE19781007 PC 1_30 1
but with thext about the Stamp Day Foundation
This item is also listed under Heraldic Lions1979 Holje Trade Mart SE19790518 PMK 29060 Commemorative Postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
"Holje Marknad"
18 May 19791979 Dingle Days SE19790518 PMK 45525 Commemorative Postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
"Lions Club Munkedal - Dingledagarna"
18 May 19791985 Trosa Mart SE19850608 PMK 61921 Commemorative Postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
"Lions Trosa Marknad"
8 June 1985IL 1988 Anniversaries SE19880517 ST 2_20 Stamp 2.20 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Detail from "Noah's Ark" by Bo Beskow
Stained Glass Window in Skara Cathedral
Coil Stamp, Vertically Imperf.
MI 14921989 The Hallsberg Mart 85th Anniversary SE19891006 PMK 69400 Commemorative Postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
"Hallsberg Marknaden 1904-1989 - Kommunen i nyckelposition"
6 October 19891990 The New Wasa Museum SE19900515 ST 2_50 Stamp 2.50 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Figurehead from the Wasa Ship
Coil Stamp
Vertically Imperf.
MI 1607SE19900515 ST 4_60 Stamp 4.60 Lions/Heraldic Lions
Wild Cat Art
Details from the Wasa Ship
Coil Stamp
Vertically Imperf.
This item is also listed under Heraldic Lions
MI 16081991 Maps SE19910130 ST 5_00 3 Stamp 5.00 Lion
Zodiac Leo
"Celestial Globe" by Anders Akerman
Stamp from booklet
Imperf. top1992 Holje Marknad SE19920523 PMK 29320 Commemorative Postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
Holje Marknad
23 May 19921993 Definitives - Wildlife SE19930128 ST 12_00 Stamp 12.00 Eurasian Lynx
Same design as
SE20080000 ST 12_00
but without security perforation2000 Czeslaw Slania's 1000nd Engraved Stamp SE20000317 ST 50_00 Stamp 50.00 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Detail from "The Great Deeds of Swedish Kings"
by David Klocker Ehrenstahl (1628-1698), Ceiling fresco in the Drottningholm PalaceSE20000317 MS 50_00 Miniature Sheet 50.00 Lion (on stamp)
Wild Cat Art
Detail from "The Great Deeds of Swedish Kings"
by David Klocker Ehrenstahl (1628-1698), Ceiling fresco in the Drottningholm PalaceSE200000317 PP Presentation Pack Lion (on stamp, b&w print, FDC and cover)
Wild Cat Art
Detail from "The Great Deeds of Swedish Kings"
by David Klocker Ehrenstahl (1628-1698), Ceiling fresco in the Drottningholm Palace
If you know the initial price of this item, please let us know2008 Definitve Reprint SE20080000 ST 12_00 Stamp 12.00 Eurasion Lynx
Reprint of
SE19930128 ST 12_00
but with security perforationCompiled by Geir Arveng with valuable information from Greg Balagian and Arvid Strömstedt
Latest update: 22 March, 2017