Stamps inscribed 'Sverige'
1855 ->
From 1855: 1 Riksdaler Specie = 2 2/3 Riksdaler Banco = 128 Skilling Banco
From 1858: 1 Riksdaler Riksmynt = 100 Öre (= 1/4 Riksdaler Specie)
From 1873: 1 Krona (SEK) = 100 Öre (= 1 Riksdaler Riksmynt)
Checklists > Countries > Sweden Mythic Cats List status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to checklists@catstamps.org.MYTHIC CATS
Item Code Item type Face value Remarks SC 1933 - Papyrus Meter Frank SE1933 MF PAPY 43126 Meter Frank - Sphinx
Machine no. 1770
Earliest use we have seen:
30 December 1933
Latest use we have seen:
30 December 1933
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.23 April 1971 - Swedish Art
This set also includes a Lion
SE19710423 ST 0_25 1 Stamp 0.25 Griffin
Wild Cat Art
Detail from the Grödinge Tapestry, Södermanland
Stamp from coils, horiz. imperf.
MI 707ASE19710423 FDC 1_15 Stamp 1.15 Griffin
Wild Cat Art
Detail from the Grödinge Tapestry, Södermanland
FDC with two pairs of 0.25 stamps as well as the other stamp in set16 November 1974 - Christmas: Mosaic Embroidery from Skepptuna Church
This issue also includes Lions, and is also listed under Wild Cats
SE19741116 ST 0_45 2 Stamp 0.45 Griffin
(turned right, country name above)
Wild Cat Art
Stamp from MS
MI 877SE19741116 ST 0_45 4 Stamp 0.45 Griffin
(turned left, country name above)
Wild Cat Art
Stamp from MS
MI 879SE19741116 ST 0_45 8 Stamp 0.45 Griffin
(turned right, country name below)
Wild Cat Art
Stamp from MS
MI 883This item is also listen under Wild Cats
SE19741116 MS 4_50 Miniature Sheet 4.50 Griffin (on 3 stamps)
Wild Cat Art
MS with 10 of 11 stamps in set
MI B6This item is also listen under Wild Cats
SE19741116 FDC 5_25 First Day Cover 5.25 Griffin (on 3 stamps)
Wild Cat Art
FDC with all 11 stamps in set18 May 1981 - Discount Stamps / Coats of Arms of Swedish Counties This item is also listed under Heraldic Cats
SE19810518 ST 1_40 1 Stamp 1.40 Heraldic Griffin
Griffin Rampant
Östergötland CoA
MI 1145This item is also listed under Heraldic Cats
SE19810518 BK 28_00 Booklet 28.00
(20 x 1.40)Heraldic Griffin
Heraldic Lion (on 5 stamps each)
Griffin Rampant
Östergötland CoA
Lion Rampant
Bohuslän CoA
MI MH8221 August 1997 - King Gustaf III Antiques Museum SE19970821 BK 32_00 Booklet 32.00 Winged Lion
Wild Cat Art
Roman Chimera Sculpture (1. C B.C. - 1. C A.D.)
MI MH231Compiled by Geir Arveng with valuable information from Greg Balagian and Arvid Strömstedt.
Latest update: 10 July, 2017