Stamps inscribed 'România', 'Posta Românâ', 'R.P. Rominà' or 'Republica Populara Rominà'
1858 ->
From 1858: 1 Piaster = 40 Parale
From 1868: 1 Leu = 100 Bani
From 1947: 1 New Leu = 100 Bani = 20,000 Old Lei
From 1952: 1 Revalued Leu (ROL) = 100 Bani = 20 to 400 Old Lei (dep. on form)
From 2005: 1 New Leu (RON) = 100 Bani = 10,000 ROL
Checklists > Countries > Romania Wild Cats Also see Romania Domestic Cats
Romania Mythic Cats
Romania Heraldic CatsList status: Incomplete / Under Construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Item Code Item type Face value Remarks SC 28 March 1956 - Game I RO19560328 ST 1_00 Stamp 1.00 Eurasian Lynx
For imperforate stamp of same design/different colour, see
RO19561212 IMP 1_00
MI 157112 December 1956 - Game II RO19561212 IMP 1_00 Imperforate stamp 1.00 Eurasian Lynx
For perforate stamp of same design/different colour, see
RO19560328 ST 1_00
MI 162022 June 1961 - Game RO19610622 ST 0_20 Stamp 0.20 Eurasian Lynx
MI 198228 September 1964 - Bucharest Zoo RO19640928 ST 0_55 Stamp 0.55 Tiger
MI 2334RO19640928 ST 1_00 Stamp 1.00 Lion
MI 2335November 1964 - Postal Stationary: Romanian Fauna
PSE backRO19641100 PSE 0_55 Pre-stamped Envelope 0.55 Eurasian Lynx (in cachet)
Cover no. 49
MI U207-6
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us knowNovember 1966 - Postal Stationary: Hunting If you have a scan of this item, please share. RO19661100 PC 0_30 6 Pre-stamped Postcard 0.30 Eurasian Lynx (in cachet)
Card no. 286/66
Brownish-purple stamp indicium
MI P535-6
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know.If you have a scan of this item, please share. RO19661100 PC 0_30 13 Pre-stamped Postcard 0.30 Eurasian Lynx (in cachet)
Card no. 286/66
Green stamp indicium
MI P536-6
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know.If you have a scan of this item, please share. RO19661100 PC 0_30 20 Pre-stamped Postcard 0.30 Eurasian Lynx (in cachet)
Card no. 286/66
Lilac stamp indicium
MI P537-6
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know.30 March 1967 - Paintings from the National Gallery RO19670330 ST 3_20 Stamp 3.20 Lion
Wild Cat Art
"Hercules and the Lion from Nemea" by Peter Paul Rubens
MI 2580RO19670330 FDC 10_45 First day cover 10.45 Lion
Wild Cat Art
"Hercules and the Lion from Nemea" by Peter Paul Rubens
FDC with all 6 stamps in set20 September 1969 - Circus RO19690920 ST 3_00 Stamp 3.00 Tiger
MI 2795RO19690920 PSE 0_55 Pre-stamped envelope 0.55 Lion
Tiger (in cachet)
MI U7881972 - Postal Stationary
PSE backRO19720000 PSE 0_55 24 Pre-stamped envelope 0.55 Eurasian Lynx (in cachet)
Cover no. 885/72
MI U593
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know10 March 1972 - Young Wild Animals RO19720310 ST 0_20 Stamp 0.20 Eurasian Lynx Cubs
MI 30051973 - Paintings RO19730000 PSE 0_55 1 Pre-stamped envelope 0.55
(sold at 1.00)Lion (in cachet)
Wild Cat Art
"Hercules and the Lion from Nemea" by Peter Paul Rubens
Part of a set of 22 envelopes
MI U596-??20 September 1976 - Game RO19760920 ST 3_60 Stamp 3.60 Eurasian Lynx
MI 337125 September 1978 - Daco-Roman Archeology RO19780925 ST 0_20 Stamp 0.20 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Gold Bas-relief of Lion with Cub
5. c. B.C.
MI 3548RO19780925 ST 0_55 Stamp 0.55 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Decoration on a Gold Ring
1st c. B.C.
MI 35501980 - European Year for the Protection of Nature
PSE backRO19800000 PSE 0_55 88 Pre-stamped Envelope 0.55
(sold at 1.00)Eurasian Lynx (in cachet)
Cover no. 0388/80
MI U1051-9
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know.7-13 November 1982 - Interjuleteana Philatelic Exhibition RO19821107_13 PMK 510096 Commemorative postmark - Eurasian Lynx
"Ocrotirea Naturii - Expozitia Filatelica Interjuleteana"
Alba Iulia
7 - 13 November 198228 October 1983 - Protected Flora and Fauna in Europe RO19831028 ST 1_00 9 Stamp 1.00 Eurasian Lynx
MI 3990April 1985 - Protect our Forest Fauna RO19850400 PMK 5196 Slogan postmark - Eurasian Lynx
"Protejati Fauna Padurilor Noastre"
5196 Siriu
Earliest date reported:
1 April 1988
Latest date reported:
1 April 1988
This looks like a Slogan postmark, but we have only seen it with the date 1 April 1988, so it might be a Commemorative postmark.
If you know more about this item, please let us know.29 August 1985 - 50th Anniversary of Retezat National Park RO19850829 ST 10_00 Stamp 10.00 Eurasian Lynx
Stamp from MS
MI 4178RO19850829 MS 10_00 Miniature sheet 10.00 Eurasian Lynx
(on stamp)
Single-stamp MS
MI B218RO19850829 FDC 10_00 First day cover 10.00 Eurasian Lynx (on stamp)
FDC with MS25 March 1986 - Intereuropa RO19860325 ST 3_00 1 Stamp 3.00 European Wildcat
Stamp from
RO19860325 MS 12_00 1
MI 4235RO19860325 MS 12_00 1 Minaiature Sheet 12.00 European Wildcat (on one samp only)
MS with
RO19860325 ST 3_00 1
3 other stamps
MI B223February 1987 - Protect Game RO19870200 PMK 2457 Slogan postmark - Eurasian Lynx
"Protejati Vanatul (?)"
2457 Jina
Earliest date reported:
5 February 1987
Latest date reported:
5 February 1987
This looks like a Slogan postmark, but we have only seen it with the date 5 February 1987, so it might be a Commemorative postmark.
If you know more about this item, please let us
know.April 1987 - Nature Protection Month RO19870400 PMK 5369 Slogan postmark - Eurasian Lynx
"Aprilie Luna Ocrotirii Naturil"
5369 Soveja
Earliest date reported:
5 April 1987
Latest date reported:
5 April 1987
This looks like a Slogan postmark, but we have only seen it with the date 5 April 1987, so it might be a Commemorative postmark.
If you know more about this item, please let us know.16 October 1987 - European Natural Reserves RO19871016 ST 1_00 14 Stamp 1.00 Eurasian Lynx
Issued in sheetlets of 12 different animal stamps
MI 438520 May 1988 - The Clock Museum in Ploies
DetailRO19880520 ST 3_00 Stamp 3.00 Lions
Wild Cat Art
Decorative lions on bronze clock base
MI 44461988 - Judetean Museum Buzau RO19880000 PMK 5100 Slogan postmark - Eurasian Lynx
"Visitati muzeul judetean Busâu - sectia de stiintele naturil"
5100 Buzâu
Earliest date reported:
1 December 1988
Latest date reported:
1 December 1988
This looks like a Slogan postmark, but we have only seen it with the date 1 December 1988, so it might be a Commemorative postmark.
If you know more about this item, please let us know.11 June 1988 - Nature Protection Expo RO19880611 PMK 2180 Commemorative postmark - Eurasian Lynx
"Expo Aparati Natura"
2180 Sinaia
11 June 198828 November 1990 - Bucharest Zoo
On Maximum CardRO19901128 PMK 76750 Commemorative postmark - Eurasian Lynx
"Gradina Zoologica - Fauna Protejata II"
76750 București 45 (Bucharest 45)
28 Nov 199024 April 1992 - Granada '92 International Philatelic Exhibition RO19920424 ST 30_00 Stamp 30.00 Lions
Wild Cat Art
Lion Fountain at The Alhambra, Granada
Stamp from MS
MI 4796RO19920424 MS 65_00 Stamp 65.00 Lions (on stamp only)
Wild Cat Art
Lion Fountain at The Alhambra, Granada
MS with all three stamps in set
MI B2725 June 1992 - Environment Day RO19920605 PMK 4526 Commemorative postmark - Eurasian Lynx
"Pastrati Echilibrul Ecologic" ("Presereve Ecological Diversity")
4526 Parva
5 June 1992CC April 1993 - Forrest Month '93 RO19930400 PMK 3532 Slogan postmark - Eurasian Lynx
"Luna Padurii '93"
3532 Belis
Earliest date reported:
14 April 1993
Latest date reported:
14 April 1993
This looks like a Slogan postmark, but we have only seen it with the date 14 April 1993, so it might be a Commemorative postmark.
If you know more about this item, please let us know.RO19930400 PMK 5800 Slogan postmark - Eurasian Lynx
"Luna Padurii 1993 - râs"
5800 Suceava
Earliest date:
15 April 1993
Latest date:
15 April 1993
This looks like a Slogan postmark, but we have only seen it with the date 15 April 1993, so it might be a commemo-rative postmark.
If you know more about this item, please let us
know.30 June 1993 - Protected Fauna RO19930630 ST 15 Stamp 15 Eurasian Lynx
MI 4896RO19930630 FDP 014700 First day postmark - Eurasian Lynx
"Prima za a emisiunii!"
București (Bucharest)
30 June 199312 October 1993 - "Protect Nature" Philatelic Exhibition RO19931012 PMK 3400 Commemorative postmark - Eurasian Lynx
"Monument al Naturii - Râs - L. lynx - Expozitia filatelicâ Protectia Naturii '93"
3400 Cjuj-Napoca
12 October 199324 January 1994 - "Protect Nature" Philatelic Exhibition RO19940124 PMK 5827 Commemorative postmark - Eurasian Lynx
"Expozitia filatelicà Ocrotirea Naturii - Râs - Lynx lynx"
5827 Ilisestij, SV
24 January 19941 February 1994 - "Protect Nature" RO19940201 PMK 3700 Commemorative postmark - Eurasian Lynx
"Sa cunoastem si sa proteiam fauna românei" ("To know and protect Romanian fauna") - Lynx lynx"
3700 Oradea 1
1 February 19949 June 1994 - "Glory to the Heroes" Philatelic Exhibition ( ia Filatelic
Eroilor Neamului”)
RO09940609 PSE 60 1 Pre-stamped envelope 60
(sold at 115)Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Statue
Monument to the Heroes of the Military Engineers' Army in Bucharest - designed by Spiridon Georgescu, unveiled 1929
MI U165115 September 1994 - Circus RO19940915 ST 280 Stamp 280 Tiger
MI 5029RO19940915 FDC 430 First day cover 430 Tiger (on one stamp, postmark and cachet)
FDC with two of the 6 stamps in setRO19940915 FDP 014700 First Day Postmark - Tiger
"Prima zi a emisiunii"
București (Bucharest)
15 September 19945 April 1995 - Forrest Month RO19950405 PMK 5464 Commemorative postmark - Eurasian Lynx
"Luna Padurii 1995 - Râsul - Felis Lynx - Din fauna pàdurilor"
5464 BC Caiuti
5 April 19951998 Carto - București 1998 RO19980424 PC 400 1 Pre-stamped Postcard 400 (sold at 600)Lions Club Emblem (in cachet)
Painting of King Carol I on Horseback
Horizontal format
Matte, uncoated carton
Code: 049/98
MI P1209RO19980424 PC 400 2 Pre-stamped Postcard 400 (sold at 600)Lions Club Emblem (in cachet)
Painting of Piatra Neamt Square, 1912
Horizontal format
Matte, uncoated carton
Code: 050/98
MI P1210RO19980424 PC 400 3 Pre-stamped Postcard 400 (sold at 600)Lions Club Emblem (in cachet)
Painting of a Family on Horseback
Vertical format
Matte, uncoated carton
Code: 051/98
MI P1211RO19980424 PC 400 4 Pre-stamped Postcard 400 (sold at 600)Lions Club Emblem (in cachet)
Painting of Women Washing Clothes
Horizontal format
Matte, uncoated carton
Code: 052/98
MI P1212RO19980424 PC 400 5 Pre-stamped Postcard 400 (sold at 600)Lions Club Emblem (in cachet)
Painting of Miners with Horse-drawn Cart
Horizontal format
Matte, uncoated carton
Code: 053/98
MI P1213RO19980424 PC 400 8 Pre-stamped Postcard 400 (sold at 600)Lions Club Emblem (in cachet)
Airplane 1910
Horizontal format
Matte, uncoated carton
Code: 056/98
MI P1216RO19980424 PC 400 13 Pre-stamped Postcard 400 (sold at 600)Lions Club Emblem (in cachet)
Photo of Hotel Capsa, Bucharest
Horizontal format
Matte, uncoated carton
Code: 061/98
MI P1221RO19980424 PC 400 16 Pre-stamped Postcard 400 (sold at 600)Lions Club Emblem (in cachet)
Painting of a Village Dance
Horizontal format
Matte, uncoated carton
Code: 064/98
MI P1224RO19980424 PC 400 20 Pre-stamped Postcard 400 (sold at 600)Lions Club Emblem (in cachet)
Photo of the Municipal Museum of History and Art, Bucharest
Horizontal format
Matte, uncoated carton
Code: 068/98
MI P1228RO19980424 PC 400 21 Pre-stamped Postcard 400 (sold at 600)Lions Club Emblem (in cachet)
Painting of King Carol I on Horseback
Horizontal format
Shiny, coated carton
Code: 049/98
MI P1209aM RO19980424 PC 400 22 Pre-stamped Postcard 400 (sold at 600)Lions Club Emblem (in cachet)
Painting of Piatra Neamt Square, 1912
Horizontal format
Shiny, coated carton
Code: 050/98
MI P1210aRO19980424 PC 400 23 Pre-stamped Postcard 400 (sold at 600)Lions Club Emblem (in cachet)
Painting of a Family on Horseback
Vertical format
Shiny, coated carton
Code: 051/98
MI P1211aM RO19980424 PC 400 24 Pre-stamped Postcard 400 (sold at 600)Lions Club Emblem (in cachet)
Painting of Women Washing Clothes
Horizontal format
Shiny, coated carton
Code: 052/98
MI P1212aM RO19980424 PC 400 25 Pre-stamped Postcard 400 (sold at 600)Lions Club Emblem (in cachet)
Painting of Miners with Horse-drawn Cart
Horizontal format
Shiny, coated carton
Code: 053/98
MI P1213aRO19980424 PC 400 28 Pre-stamped Postcard 400 (sold at 600)Lions Club Emblem (in cachet)
Airplane 1910
Horizontal format
Shiny, coated carton
Code: 056/98
MI P1216aRO19980424 PC 400 33 Pre-stamped Postcard 400 (sold at 600)Lions Club Emblem (in cachet)
Photo of Hotel Capsa, Bucharest
Horizontal format
Shiny, coated carton
Code: 061/98
MI P1221aM RO19980424 PC 400 36 Pre-stamped Postcard 400 (sold at 600)Lions Club Emblem (in cachet)
Painting of a Village Dance
Horizontal format
Shiny, coated carton
Code: 064/98
MI P1224aM RO19980424 PC 400 40 Pre-stamped Postcard 400
(sold at 600)Lions Club Emblem (in cachet)
Photo of the Municipal Museum of History and Art, Bucharest
Horizontal format
Shiny, coated carton
Code: 068/98
MI P1228aM 1999 Carto - București 1999
If you know the date of issue for this set, please let us know.RO19990000 PC 450 2 Pre-stamped Postcard 450 Lions Club Emblem (in cachet)
Photo of Sovata
Vertical format
Matte, uncoated carton
Code: 021/99
MI P1263RO19990000 PC 450 3 Pre-stamped Postcard 450 Lions Club Emblem (in cachet)
Photo of Sinala, Cappa
Vertical format
Matte, uncoated carton
Code: 022/99
MI P1264RO19990000 PC 450 11 Pre-stamped Postcard 450 Lions Club Emblem (in stamp indicum and cachet)
Photo of the Arteiori Palace, National Exhibition 1905
Vertical format
Matte, uncoated carton
Code: 030/99
MI P1272RO19990000 PC 450 12 Pre-stamped Postcard 450 Lions Club Emblem (in cachet)
Photo of Carol I University, Bucharest
Vertical format
Matte, uncoated carton
Code: 031/99
MI P1273RO19990000 PC 450 13 Pre-stamped Postcard 450 Lions Club Emblem (in cachet)
Photo of the Vlad Tower in Carol I Park, Bucharest
Vertical format
Matte, uncoated carton
Code: 032/99
MI P1274RO19990000 PC 450 14 Pre-stamped Postcard 450 Lions Club Emblem (in cachet)
Rooftop View of Bucharest
Vertical format
Matte, uncoated carton
Code: 033/99
MI P1275RO19990000 PC 450 16 Pre-stamped Postcard 450 Lions Club Emblem (in cachet)
Photo of Sovata
Vertical format
Shiny, coated carton
Code: 021/99
MI P1263aM RO19990000 PC 450 17 Pre-stamped Postcard 450Lions Club Emblem (in cachet)
Photo of Sinala, Cappa
Vertical format
Shiny, coated carton
Code: 022/99
MI P1264aM RO19990000 PC 450 25 Pre-stamped Postcard 450 Lions Club Emblem (in stamp indicum and cachet)
Photo of the Arteiori Palace, National Exhibition 1905
Vertical format
Shiny, coated carton
Code: 030/99
MI P1272aM RO19990000 PC 450 26 Pre-stamped Postcard 450 Lions Club Emblem (in cachet)
Photo of Carol I University, Bucharest
Vertical format
Shiny, coated carton
Code: 031/99
MI P1273aM RO19990000 PC 450 27 Pre-stamped Postcard 450Lions Club Emblem (in cachet)
Photo of the Vlad Tower in Carol I Park, Bucharest
Vertical format
Shiny, coated carton
Code: 032/99
MI P1274aRO19990000 PC 450 28 Pre-stamped Postcard 450 Lions Club Emblem (in cachet)
Rooftop View of Bucharest
Vertical format
Shiny, coated carton
Code: 033/99
MI P1275aM 2000 Wild Cats RO20001129 ST 1200 Stamp 1200 Leopard
MI 5532RO20001129 ST 2000 Stamp 2000 Snow Leopard
MI 5533RO20001129 ST 2200 Stamp 2200 Lion
MI 5534RO20001129 ST 2300 Stamp 2300 Bobcat
MI 5535RO20001129 ST 4200 Stamp 4200 Puma
MI 5536RO20001129 ST 6500 Stamp 2300 Tiger
MI 5537RO20001129 ST 14100 Stamp 14100 Lion
Stamp from MS
MI 5538RO20001129 MS 14100 Miniature Sheet 14100 Lion (on stamp and selvedge)
Single-stamp MS
MI B316RO20001129 FDC 8400 First day cover 8400 Snow Leopard (on stamp)
Leopard (on stamp and postmark)
Tiger (on stamp and cachet)RO20001129 FDC 9700 First day cover 9700 Bobcat
Puma (on stamps)
Leopard (in postmark)
Tiger (in cachet)RO20001129 FDC 14100 First day cover 14100 Lion (on MS)
Leopard (in postmark)
Tiger (in cachet)RO20001129 FDP 014700 First Day Postmark - Leopard
București (Bucharest)
29 Nov 20002002 The Zodiac RO20020104 ST 9000 Stamp 9000 Lion
Zodiac Leo
MI 56322002 ECOFIL RO20020615 PSE 3000 Pre-stamped Envelope 3000 Eurasian Lynx
MI U27412004 Opening of the Centre for Chinese and Romanian Culture in Bucharest RO20040922 ST 5000 2 Stamp 5000 Tigers
Wild Cat Art
Gong with Tiger "Feet"
Joint issue with China
MI 58652004 International Organisations RO20041208 ST 16000 Stamp 16000 Lions Club Emblem
MI 5886DLS 2005 15th Anniversary of Lions Club in Romania RO20050515 PSE 5000 Pre-stamped Envelope 5000
/ 0.50Lions Club Emblem (in cachet)
Dual Currency ROL/RON
Code 056/2005
MI U3161RO20050515 PMK 024240 Commemorative postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"Lions Club București Decan - 1990 - 2005"
024240 București 13 (Bucharest 13)
15 May 20052005 Cluj Zoological Museum RO20050629 PMK 400790 Commemorative postmark - Eurasian Lynx
"Muzeul Zoologic Cluj - Ras - Lynx lynx"
400790 Cluj Napoca
29 June 20052008 UNESCO World Heritage Sites - Joint Issue with Russia RO20080623 ST 4_30 Stamp 12.00 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Bas-relief from St. Demetrius Cathedral in Vladimir (12th century)
MI 6312RO20080623 MS 7_30 Miniature Sheet 7.30 Lion (on stamp and label)
Wild Cat Art
Bas-relief from St. Demetrius Cathedral in Vladimir (12th century)
Two-stamp MS with label
MI B431RO20080623 SH 43_00 1 Sheetlet 43.00 Lion (on stamps and label)
Wild Cat Art
Bas-relief from St. Demetrius Cathedral in Vladimir (12th century)
Sheetlet with 10 x
RO20080623 ST 4_30
and 2 labels
Labels printed in offset
MI KB6312 IRO20080623 SH 43_00 2 Sheetlet 43.00 Lion (on 5 stamps and label)
Wild Cat Art
Bas-relief from St. Demetrius Cathedral in Vladimir (12th century)
Sheetlet with 10 x
RO20080623 ST 4_30
and 2 labels
Labels printed in offset and intaglio combined
MI KB6312 IIRO20080623 FDC 7_30 1 First day cover 7.30 Lion (on one stamp)
Wild Cat Art
Bas-relief from St. Demetrius Cathedral in Vladimir (12th century)
FDC with the two Stamps in setRO20080623 FDC 7_30 2 First day cover 7.30 Lion (on one stamp and label)
Wild Cat Art
Bas-relief from St. Demetrius Cathedral in Vladimir (12th century)
FDC with the MSRO20080623 FDC MIX First day cover 7.30
+ RUR 24.00Lion (on two stamps and Russian postmark)
Wild Cat Art
Bas-relief from St. Demetrius Cathedral in Vladimir (12th century)
FDC with Russian and Romanian stamps2009 Protected Fauna in Romania RO20090728 PSE 1_00 1 Pre-stamped Envelope 1.00 Eurasian Lynx (in stamp indicum)
White envelope
MI U3505RO20090827 PSE 1_00 1 Pre-stamped Envelope 1.00 Eurasian Lynx (in cachet)
Yellow envelope
MI U3510RO20090828 ST 0_50 Stamp 0.50 Eurasian Lynx
MI 6380RO20090828 FDC 6_80 First day cover 6.80 Eurasian Lynx (on stamp, cachet and postmark)
Official FDC with
RO20090828 ST 0_50
and two other stampsRO20090828 FDP 014700 First Day Postmark - Eurasian Lynx
"Prima zi a emissiuni"
București (Bucharest)
28 August 2009RO20090928 LB 0_50 1 Gutter Label - Eurasian Lynx 2010 SOS Nature RO20100125 PMK 200850 Commemorative postmark - Eurasian Lynx
"S.O.S. Natura I"
200850 Craiova 1
25 January 20102010 Forrest Month RO20100407 PMK 245600
On Comemm. Cover
Commemorative postmark - Eurasian Lynx
"Luna Padurii - Lynx"
245600 Calimanesti
7 April 2010RO20100415 PMK 200850 Commemorative postmark - Eurasian Lynx
"Luna Padurii - Lynx - Eagle"
200850 Craiova 1
15 April 20102010 Youth Olympics, Singapore RO20100812 MS 8_10 Miniature Sheet 8.10 Cartoon Lion
Youth Olympics Mascot Lyo (on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS
This item also features a Cartoon Merlion, and is also listed under Mythic Cats
MI B4742010 Mountain Lakes RO20100814 SH 16_80 Sheetlet 16.80 Puma (on two labels)
Sheetlet of 8 stamps with 2 x 4 non-denominated labels
MI KB6462RO20100814 LB 4 Label - Puma
Non-denominated label from
RO20100814 SH 16_802011 The Zodiac RO20110505 ST 1_40 Stamp 1.40 Lion
Zodiac Leo
Issued in sheetlets of 8 stamps with central label, sheetlets of 6 x 2 stamps (2 x all designs in set) with gutter labels and in a 6-stamp MS with all stamps in set
MI 6528RO20110505 MS 18_10 Miniature Sheet 18.10 Lion
Zodiac Leo (on one stamp)
MS with all 6 stamps in set
MI B502RO20110505 SH 36_20 Sheetlet 36.20 Lion
Zodiac Leo (on two stamps and gutter label)
MI Unnumbered sheetletRO20110505 FDC 16_70 First day cover 16.70 Lion
Zodiac Leo (on one stamp and in cachet)
FDC with
RO20110505 ST 1_40
and two other stamps in setRO20110505 LB 5 Gutter Label - Lion
Zodoac Leo
Gutter label from sheetlets24 November 2011 - Crafts: Joint issue with Hong Kong RO20111124 ST 2_00 2 Stamp 2.00 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Dance figure
MI 6573RO20111124 MS 4_00 1 Miniature Sheet 4.00 Lion (on one stamp)
Wild Cat Art
Lion Dance figure
2-stamp MS with
RO20111124 ST 2_00 2
and one other stamp
Ordinary MS sold by itself over the counter
Selvedge printed in offset only
Size: 130 x 82 mm
MI B518IIf you have a scan of this item, please share. RO20111124 MS 4_00 2 Miniature Sheet 4.00 Lion (on one stamp)
Wild Cat Art
Lion Dance figure
2-stamp MS with
RO20111124 ST 2_00 2
and one other stamp
MS from presentation packs
Selvedge printed in offset and ???
Size: 129 x 82 mm
MI B518IIRO20111124 SH 16_00 Sheetlet 16.00 Lion (on all stamps and on 4 marginal labels)
Wild Cat Art
Lion Dance figure
8-stamp sheetlet with
RO20111124 ST 2_00 2
and marginal labels
MI KB6573HK_RO20111124 FDC 10_00__4_00 First day cover 10.00
/ 4.00Lion (on two stamps and in cachet)
Wild Cat Art
Lion Dance figure
Joint FDC, Romanian versionRO20111124 LB 21 Marginal label - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Dance figure
Imperf. Left
Left-column marginal label from 1st or 3rd rowRO20111124 LB 24 Marginal label - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Dance figure
Imperf. Right
Includes part of stick from label below
Left-column marginal label from 2nd rowRO20111124 LB 28 Marginal label - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Dance figure
Imperf. Right
Without part of stick from label below
Left-column marginal label from 4th row17 January 2012 - Flowers and Animals RO20120117 ST 3_30 Stamp 3.30 Lion
MI 65879 August 2012 - International Day of Zoos and Parks RO20120809 PMK 014700 Commemorative postmark - Lion
"Ziua internaională a
grădinilor zoologice şi parcurilor" ("International Day of Zoos and Parks")
014700 Bucureşti (Bucharest)
9 August 201225 October 2013 - Fauna RO20131025 ST 4_50 Stamp 4.50 Eurasian Lynx
MI 6756RO20131025 SH 22_50 Sheetlet 22.50
(5 x 4.50)Eurasian Lynx (on 5 stamps and an undenominated label)
MI KB6756RO20131025 LB 4 Undenominated label - Eurasian Lynx
Stamp-sized undenominated label from
RO20131025 SH 22_5010 October 2014 - Wildcats RO20141010 ST 3_30 Stamp 3.30 African Wildcat
Northern African Wildcat
MI 6880RO20141010 ST 3_60 Stamp 3.60 Asiatic Wildcat
MI 6881RO20141010 ST 7_60 Stamp 7.60 European Wildcat
MI 6882RO20141010 ST 8_10 Stamp 8.01 African Wildcat
South African Wildcat
MI 6883RO20141010 SH 16_50 Sheetlet 16.50
(5 x 3.30)African Wildcat (on five stamps, an undenominated label, and in margin)
Northern African Wildcat Sheetlet with 5x
RO20141010 ST 3_30
MI KB6880RO20141010 SH 18_00 Sheetlet 18.00
(5 x 3.60)Asiatic Wildcat (on five stamps, an undenominated label, and in margin)
MI KB6881RO20141010 SH 38_00 Sheetlet 38.00
(5 x 7.60)European Wildcat (on five stamps, an undenominated label, and in margin)
MI KB6882RO20141010 SH 40_50 Sheetlet 40.50
(5 x 8.10)African Wildcat (on five stamps, an undenominated label, and in margin)
South African Wildcat
MI KB6883RO20141010 FDC 22_60 First day cover 22.60
+ 3.60
+ 7.60
+ 8.10)African Wildcat (on two stamps)
Asiatic Wildcat (on one stamp)
European Wildcat (on one stamp and in cachet)
Wildcat paw print (on postmark)
Official FDC with
RO20141010 ST 3_30
RO20141010 ST 3_60
RO20141010 ST 7_60
RO20141010 ST 8_10RO20141010 FDP 014700 Bucureşti (Bucharest) 1 February 2022 - Year of the Tiger
Web article from Romfilatelia presenting the issue
RO20220201 ST 10_00 1 Stamp 10.00 Tiger (on branch)
Cartoon Tiger
Year of the Tiger
MI ???RO20220201 ST 10_00 2 Stamp 10.00 Tiger (in river)
Cartoon Tiger
Year of the Tiger
MI ???RO20220201 FDC 20_00 First day cover 20.00
(2 x 10.00)Tiger (on stamps, postmark, and in cachet)
Cartoon Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Official FDC with
RO20220201 ST 10_00 1
RO20220201 ST 10_00 2RO20220201 MC 10_00 1 Maximum card 10.00 Tiger (on stamp, card, and postmark)
Cartoon Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Official MC with
RO20220201 ST 10_00 1RO20220201 MC 10_00 2 Maximum card 10.00 Tiger (on stamp, card, and postmark)
Cartoon Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Official MC with
RO20220201 ST 10_00 2RO20220201 FDP 014860 First day postmark - Tiger (in river)
Cartoon Tiger
Year of the Tiger
"Prima zi a emisiunii"
Bucureşti (Bucharest)
1 February 2022RO20220201 MISC FLY Philatelic flyer - Tiger
Cartoon Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Philatelic flyer issued by RomfilateliaCompiled by Geir Arveng with additional information from Greg Balagian, Nahum Shereshevsky, Valentina Tanu, TS Tan,
Marci Jarvis, Bogdan Dobrev, and Andrei Emanuel Bocean.
Latest update: 2 February, 2022