Stamps inscribed 'România', 'Posta Românâ', 'R.P. Rominà' or 'Republica Populara Rominà'
1858 ->
From 1858: 1 Piaster = 40 Parale
From 1868: 1 Leu = 100 Bani
From 1947: 1 New Leu = 100 Bani = 20,000 Old Lei
From 1952: 1 Revalued Leu (ROL) = 100 Bani = 20 to 400 Old Lei (dep. on form)
From 2005: 1 New Leu (RON) = 100 Bani = 10,000 ROL
Checklists > Countries > Romania Domestic Cats Also see Romania Wild Cats
Romania Mythic Cats
Romania Heraldic CatsList status: Incomplete / Under Construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Item Code Item type Face value Remarks SC 20 March 1965 - Cats RO19650320 ST 0_05 Stamp 0.05 Unspecified Breed
MI 2387RO19650320 ST 0_10 Stamp 0.10 Unspecified Breed
MI 2388RO19650320 ST 0_40 Stamp 0.40 Persians
MI 2389RO19650320 ST 0_55 Stamp 0.55 Unspecified Breed
MI 2390RO19650320 ST 0_60 Stamp 0.60 Unspecified Breed
MI 2391RO19650320 ST 0_75 Stamp 0.75 Unspecified Breed
MI 2392RO19650320 ST 1_35 Stamp 1.35 Siamese
MI 2393RO19650320 ST 3_25 Stamp 3.25 Siamese
Unspecified Breed
MI 2394RO19650320 FDC 1_40 First Day Cover 1.40 Unspecified Breed (on stamps and cachet)
FDC with 0.10, 0.55 and 0.75 stampsRO19650320 FDC 2_00 First Day Cover 2.00 Siamese (on one stamp)
Unspecified Breed (on stamps and cachet)
Siamese (on one stamp)
FDC with 0.05, 0.60 and 1.35 stampsRO19650320 FDC 3_65 First Day Cover 3.65 Siamese
Pesians (on stamps)
Unspecified Breed (on one stamp and cachet)
Siamese (on one stamp)
FDC with 0.05, 0.60 and 1.35 stamps1971 Postal Sationary RO19710000 PC 0_40 1 Pre-stamped postcard 0.40 Unspecified Breed
3 kittens (on picture side)
Cod 462/71
MI P590
If you know the exact issue date for this item, please tell us1972 Postal Stationary RO19720000 PC 0_40 1
Picture sideAddress side
Pre-stamped postcard 0.40 Unspecified Breed
Color-point semi-longhair (on picture side)
Grey stamp indicium
Cod 689/72
MI P629
If you know the exact issue date for this item, please tell us1975 Postal Stationary RO1975XXXX PC 0_40 1 Pre-stamped postcard 0.40 Unspecified Breed
kitten (on picture side)
Cod 0177/75
MI P629
If you know the exact issue date for this item, please tell us1989 Romanian Cartoons RO19890925 ST 2_00 Stamp 2.00 Cartoon Cat
MI 4562RO19890925 FDC 7_00 First Day Cover 7.00 Cartoon Cat (on stamp only)
FDC with two of the 8 stamps in set1993 Cats RO19930524 ST 10 Stamp 10 Persian
MI 4885RO19930524 ST 15 Stamp 15 Unspecified Breed
MI 4886RO19930524 ST 30 Stamp 30 Unspecified Breed
MI 4887RO19930524 ST 90 Stamp 90 Turkish Angora
MI 4888RO19930524 ST 135 Stamp 135 Unspecified Breed
MI 4889RO19930524 ST 160 Stamp 160 Turkish Angora
MI 4890RO19930524 FDC 10 First Day Cover 10 Persian RO19930524 FDC 15 First Day Cover 15 Unspecified Breed RO19930524 FDC 30 First Day Cover 30 Unspecified Breed RO19930524 FDC 90 First Day Cover 90 Turkish Angora RO19930524 FDC 135 First Day Cover 135 Unspecified Breed RO19930524 FDC 160 First Day Cover 160 Turkish Angora RO19930524 MC 10 Maximum Card 10 Persian RO19930524 MC 15 Maximum Card 15 Unspecified Breed RO19930524 MC 30 Maximum Card 30 Unspecified Breed RO19930524 MC 90 Maximum Card 90 Turkish Angora RO19930524 MC 135 Maximum Card 135 Unspecified Breed RO19930524 MC 160 Maximum Card 160 Turkish Angora RO19930524 FDP First Day Postmark - Stylized Cat
"Prima zi a emisiunii"
Bucuresti (Bucharest)
24 May 19931993 Cats, Friends of Mankind RO19930809 PMK 1900 Commemorative Postmark - Persian
"Pisica, prietena omului"
1900 Timisoara 1
9 August 19931994 Domestic Fauna RO19941227 ST 90 Stamp 90 Unspecified Breed (kittens)
Same stamp with overprint, see:
RO20010831 ST 300 6
MI 50551994 Animal Appreciation Month RO19941229 PMK 5800 Comemmorative Postmark - Unspecified Breed
"Luna Iubitorilor de Animale - Decembrie 1994"
5800 Suceava
29 Dec 19942000 Postal Stationary RO2000XXXX PSE 1500 1 Pre-stamped envelope 1500 Unspecified Breed (on cachet)
Two kittens in a basket
Cod 009/2000
MI U2335
If you know the exact issue date for this item, please tell us2001 Overprinted Definitives RO20010831 ST 300 6 Stamp 300
on 90Unspecified Breed (kittens)
RO19941227 ST 90
MI 55942002 Children's Drawings RO20020000 PSE 3000 27 Pre-stamped envelope 3000
(sold at 4500)Cartoon Cat (in stamp indicium)
Cat Drawing
Cod 103/2002
MI U2750
If you know the exact issue date for this item, please let us know2002 Christmas Cards RO20021100 PC 1500 2 Pre-stamped postcard 1500 Unspecified Breed (in cachet)
Santa Claus and cat
Cod 233/2002
MI P1468
If you know the exact issue date for this item, please let us know2006 Cats RO20060120 ST 0_30 Stamp 0.30 Norwegian forest Cat
MI 6022ARO20060120 ST 0_50 Stamp 0.50 Turkish Van
MI 6023ARO20060120 ST 0_70 Stamp 0.70 Siamese
MI 6024ARO20060120 ST 0_80 Stamp 0.80 Ragdoll
MI 6025ARO20060120 ST 1_20 Stamp 1.20 Persian
MI 6026ARO20060120 ST 1_60 Stamp 1.60 Sacred Birman
MI 6027ARO20060120 IMP 0_30 Imperforate stamp 0.30 Norwegian forest Cat
Stamp from MS
MI 6022BRO20060120 IMP 0_50 Imperforate stamp 0.50 Turkish Van
Stamp from MS
MI 6023BRO20060120 IMP 0_70 Imperforate stamp 0.70 Siamese
Stamp from MS
MI 6024BRO20060120 IMP 0_80 Imperforate stamp 0.80 Ragdoll
Stamp from MS
MI 6025BRO20060120 IMP 1_20 Imperforate stamp 1.20 Persian
Stamp from MS
MI 6026BRO20060120 IMP 1_60 Imperforate stamp 1.60 Sacred Birman
Stamp from MS
MI 6027BRO20060120 MS 5_10 Imperforate Miniature Sheet 5.10 Norwegian forest Cat
Turkish Van
Sacred Birman (on stamps and selvedge)
MI B637RO20060120 SH 2_10 Sheetlet 2.10 Norwegian forest Cat (on stamps, stamp size label and marginal labels)
Sheetlet of 7 stamps + label
MI KB6022RO20060120 SH 3_50 Sheetlet 3.50 Turkish Van (on stamps, stamp size label and marginal labels)
Sheetlet of 7 stamps + label
MI KB6023RO20060120 SH 4_90 Sheetlet 4.90 Siamese (on stamps, stamp size label and marginal labels)
Sheetlet of 7 stamps + label
MI KB6024RO20060120 SH 5_60 Sheetlet 5.60 Ragdoll (on stamps, stamp size label and marginal labels)
Sheetlet of 7 stamps + label
MI KB6025RO20060120 SH 8_40 Sheetlet 8.40 Persian (on stamps, stamp size label and marginal labels)
Sheetlet of 7 stamps + label
MI KB6026RO20060120 SH 11_20 Sheetlet 11.20 Sacred Birman (on stamps, stamp size label and marginal labels)
Sheetlet of 7 stamps + label
MI KB6027RO20060120 PSE 0_50 1
PSE Back
Pre-stamped Envelope 0.50 Norwegian Forest Cat (in stamp indicium and cachet)
Code 008/2006
MI U3226RO20060120 PSE 0_50 2
PSE Back
Pre-stamped Envelope 0.50 Turkish Van (in stamp indicium and cachet)
Code 009/2006
MI U3227RO20060120 PSE 0_50 3
PSE Back
Pre-stamped Envelope 0.50 Siamese (in stamp indicium and cachet)
Code 011/2006
MI U3229RO20060120 PSE 0_50 4
PSE Back
Pre-stamped Envelope 0.50 Ragdoll (in stamp indicium and cachet)
Code 012/2006
MI U3230RO20060120 PSE 0_50 5
PSE Back
Pre-stamped Envelope 0.50 Persian (in stamp indicium and cachet)
Code 007/2006
MI U3225RO20060120 PSE 0_50 6
PSE Back
Pre-stamped Envelope 0.50 Sacred Birman (in stamp indicium and cachet)
Code 010/2006
MI U3228RO20060120 FDC 2_20 First Day Cover 2.20 Norwegian forest Cat
Siamese (on stamps)
Persian (on stamp and cachet)RO20060120 FDC 2_90 First Day Cover 2.90 Turkish Van
Sacred Birman (on stamps)
Persian (on cachet)RO20060120 MC 0_30 Maximum Card 0.30 Norwegian forest Cat RO20060120 MC 0_50 Maximum Card 0.50 Turkish Van RO20060120 MC 0_70 Maximum Card 0.70 Siamese RO20060120 MC 0_80 Maximum Card 0.80 Ragdoll RO20060120 MC 1_20 Maximum Card 1.20 Persian RO20060120 MC 1_60 Maximum Card 1.60 Sacred Birman RO20060120 LB 1 Stamp-size Label - Norwegian forest Cat
Stamp-sized label from sheetletRO20060120 LB 2 Marginal Label - Norwegian forest Cat
First column bottom marginal labelRO20060120 LB 3 Marginal Label - Norwegian forest Cat
Second column bottom marginal labelRO20060120 LB 4 Marginal Label - Norwegian forest Cat
Third column bottom marginal labelRO20060120 LB 5 Marginal Label - Norwegian forest Cat
Fourth column bottom marginal labelRO20060120 LB 6 Stamp-size Label - Turkish Van
Stamp-sized label from sheetletRO20060120 LB 7 Marginal Label - Turkish Van
First column bottom marginal labelRO20060120 LB 8 Marginal Label - Turkish Van
Second column bottom marginal labelRO20060120 LB 9 Marginal Label - Turkish Van
Third column bottom marginal labelRO20060120 LB 10 Marginal Label - Turkish Van
Fourth column bottom marginal labelRO20060120 LB 11 Stamp-size Label - Siamese
Stamp-sized label from sheetletRO20060120 LB 12 Marginal Label - Siamese
First column bottom marginal labelRO20060120 LB 13 Marginal Label - Siamese
Second column bottom marginal labelRO20060120 LB 14 Marginal Label - Siamese
Third column bottom marginal labelRO20060120 LB 15 Marginal Label - Siamese
Fourth column bottom marginal labelRO20060120 LB 16 Stamp-size Label - Ragdoll
Stamp-sized label from sheetletRO20060120 LB 17 Marginal Label - Ragdoll
First column bottom marginal labelRO20060120 LB 18 Marginal Label - Ragdoll
Second column bottom marginal labelRO20060120 LB 19 Marginal Label - Ragdoll
Third column bottom marginal labelRO20060120 LB 20 Marginal Label - Ragdoll
Fourth column bottom marginal labelRO20060120 LB 21 Stamp-size Label - Persian
Stamp-sized label from sheetletRO20060120 LB 22 Marginal Label - Persian
First column bottom marginal labelRO20060120 LB 23 Marginal Label - Persian
Second column bottom marginal labelRO20060120 LB 24 Marginal Label - Persian
Third column bottom marginal labelRO20060120 LB 25 Marginal Label - Persian
Fourth column bottom marginal labelRO20060120 LB 26 Stamp-size Label - Sacred Birman
Stamp-sized label from sheetletRO20060120 LB 27 Marginal Label - Sacred Birman
First column bottom marginal labelRO20060120 LB 28 Marginal Label - Sacred Birman
Second column bottom marginal labelRO20060120 LB 29 Marginal Label - Sacred Birman
Third column bottom marginal labelRO20060120 LB 30 Marginal Label - Sacred Birman
Fourth column bottom marginal label7 February 2020 - Cats RO20200207 ST 1_80 Stamp 1.80 Persian
MI ???RO20200207 ST 2_00 Stamp 2.00 Siamese
MI ???RO20200207 ST 3_30 Stamp 3.30 British Shorthair
MI ???RO20200207 ST 5_00 Stamp 5.00 Bengal
MI ???RO20200207 ST 8_50 Stamp 8.50 British Shorthair
MI ???RO20200207 ST 11_50 Stamp 11.50 Sphynx
MI ???RO20200207 SH 9_00 Sheetlet 9.00
(5 x 1.80)Persian (on stamps)
Unspecified breed (on undenominated label and in margin)
5-stamp sheetlet with
RO20200207 ST 1_80
MI KB???RO20200207 SH 10_00 Sheetlet 10.00
(5 x 2.00)Siamese (on stamps)
Unspecified breed (on undenominated label and in margin)
5-stamp sheetlet with
RO20200207 ST 2_00
MI KB???RO20200207 SH 16_50 Sheetlet 16.50
(5 x 3.0)British Shorthair (on stamps)
Unspecified breed (on undenominated label and in margin)
5-stamp sheetlet with
RO20200207 ST 3_30
MI KB???RO20200207 SH 25_00 Sheetlet 25.00
(5 x 5.00)Bengal (on stamps)
Unspecified breed (on undenominated label and in margin)
5-stamp sheetlet with
RO20200207 ST 5_00
MI KB???RO20200207 SH 42_50 Sheetlet 42.50
(5 x 8.50)British Shorthair (on stamps)
Unspecified breed (on undenominated label and in margin)
5-stamp sheetlet with
RO20200207 ST 8_50
MI KB???RO20200207 SH 57_50 Sheetlet 57.50
(5 x 11.50)British Shorthair (on stamps)
Unspecified breed (on undenominated label and in margin)
5-stamp sheetlet with
RO20200207 ST 11_50
MI KB???RO20200207 FDC 15_20 First day cover 15.20
+ 2.00
+ 11.50)Persian
Sphynx (on one stamp each)
Stylized cat (on postmark)
Unspecified breed (in cachet)
Official FDC with
RO20200207 ST 1_80
RO20200207 ST 2_00
RO20200207 ST 11_50RO20200207 FDC 16_80 First day cover 17.00
+ 5.00
+ 8.50)British Shorthair (on two stamps)
Bengal (on one stamp)
Stylized cat (on postmark)
Unspecified breed (in cachet)
Official FDC with
RO20200207 ST 3_30
RO20200207 ST 5_00
RO20200207 ST 8_50List compiled by Geir Arveng
Latest upate: 22 September 2013