Stamps inscribed '[Posta] Moldova'

<- 1991 Part of Soviet Union
1991 ->

Soviet stamps and stationary valid until 30 November 1993 (?)

From 1991: 1 Ruble (SUR) = 100 Kopeks
From 1992: 1 Cupon (= 1 SUR)
From 1993: 1 Leu (MDL) = 100 Bani (= 1000 Cupons)
Checklists > Countries > Moldova Wild Cats

List status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to


Issue Item code Item type Face value Remarks SC
1991 - Soviet Stamps and Stationary Used in Independent Moldova

1 April 1993 - Provisional Postal Stationary

Soviet postal stationary up-franked to new denomination by regional handstamps. There are hundreds of possible combinations of cards and envelopes. We list only documented combinations of cat-related handstamps and cachets.

This item is also listed under Heraldic Cats

MD19930401 PC 2_00 4 Provisional pre-stamped postcard 2.00
(0.04 + 1.96)
Heraldic Lion
Bender CoA
Up-franked Soviet un-cacheted postcards
MI P16

This item is also listed under Heraldic Cats

MD19930401 PSE 3_00 4 Provisional pre-stamped envelope 3.00
(0.05 + 2.95)

Heraldic Lion
Bender CoA
Up-franked Soviet un-cacheted envelopes
MI U17


29 November 1993 - Provisional Postal Stationary

Soviet postal stationary re-franked in new currency by regional handstamps. There are hundreds of possible combinations of envelopes. We list only documented combinations of cat-related handstamps and cachets.

This item is also listed under Wild Cats

MD19931129 PSE 30_00 4 Provisional pre-stamped envelope 30.00 Lion
Heraldic Lion
Bender CoA
Up-franked Soviet un-cacheted envelopes
MI U96
14 July 2001 - Chisnau Zoo
MD20010714 ST 0_40 Stamp 0.40 Tiger
MI 397
MD20010714 ST 5_00 Stamp 5.00 Lion
Stamp from MS
MI 401
MD20010714 MS 5_00 Miniature sheet 5.00 Lion (on stamp and selvedge)
Single-stamp MS
MI B24
MD20010714 FDC 5_00 First day cover 5.00 Lion (on stamp and selvedge)
Tiger (in postmark)
Official FDC with MS
MD20010714 FDC 5_90__0_30 First day cover 5.90 + 0.30 Tiger (on one stamp and in postmark)
Official FDC with
MD20010714 ST 0_40
and 3 other stamps in set
MD20010714 MC 0_40 Maximum card 0.40 Tiger
Official MC with
MD20010714 ST 0_40
MD20010714 MC 5_00 Maximum card 5.00 Lion
Official MC with
MD20010714 ST 5_00
MD20010714 FDP 2012 First day postmark - Tiger
"Posta Moldovei - Prima zi a emisiunii - Premier jour"
MD-2012 Chișinău
14 July 2001
5 October 2005 - 60th Anniversary of Licurici Puppet Theatre
MD20051005 PSE 0_40 Pre-stamped envelope 0.40 Lion (in stamp indicium)
MI U171
28 June 2006 - FIFA World Cup
MD20060628 ST 3_00 Stamp 3.00 Lion
World Cup Mascot Goleo
MI 553
16 August 2006 - The Moldovan Red Book
MD20060816 ST 6_20 Stamp 6.20 European Wildcat
Stamp from MS
MI 563
MD20060816 MS 6_20 Miniature sheet 6.20 European Wildcat (on stamp and selvedge)
Single-stamp MS
MI B36
11 June 2010 - FIFA World Cup
MD20100611 ST 1_20 Stamp 1.20 Cartoon Leopard
World Cup Mascot Zakumi
MI 706
21 August 2010 - Youth Olympics This item is also listed under Mythic Cats
MD20100821 PSE 1_20 Pre-stamped envelope 1.20 Cartoon Lion
Games Mascots Lyo and Merly (Merlion Cub) (in cachet)
MI U???

Compiled by Geir Arveng
Latest update: 9 February, 2025