Stamps inscribed 'Lietuvos Pašta', 'Lietuvos Pašto Ženklas', 'Lietuvos Paš. Ženk.', 'Lietuvos Paštas', 'Lietuva Oro Paštas', 'Lietuvos Oro Paštas', 'L.T.S.R', or 'Lietuva [Paštas]'
<- 1918 Part of Russian Empire
1918 - 1940 Independent Republic
1940 - 1941 Part of the Soviet Union with stamps issued for the Lithuanian PSR
1941 - 1945 German Occupation
1945 - 1990 Part of the Soviet Union
1990 -> Independence
From 1918: 1 Auksinas (German Ostmark) = 100 Skatikas (Pfennig)
From 1922: 1 Litas = 100 Centų
From 1990: 1 Ruble (SUR) = 100 Kopek
From 1991: 1 Talonas (LTT) (= 1 SUR)
From 1993: 1 Litas (LTL) = 100 Centų (=100 Talonas)
From 2015: 1 Euro (EUR) = 100 Eurocents (=LTL 3.4528)
Checklists > Countries > Lithuania Mythic Cats Also see Lithuania Domestic Cats
Lithuania Wild Cats
Lthuania Heraldic Cats
List status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Item Code Item type Face value Remarks SC 16 January 2010 - Personalities (XVIII) These items are also listed under Heraldic Cats
LT20100116 ST 1_35 1 Stamp 1.35 Heraldic Griffin
Armed Demi-griffin Rampant
Armed Griffin Rampant
Chodkiewicz Famliy CoA
MI 1027LT20100116 FDC 5_70 First day cover 5.70
(2 x 1.35
+ 3.00)Heraldic Griffin (on one stamp and in cachet)
Armed Demi-griffin Rampant
Armed Griffin Rampant
Chodkiewicz Famliy CoA
Official FDC with
LT20100116 ST 1_35 1
and the two other stamps in set4 February 2012 - Personalities (XX) These items are also listed under Heraldic Cats
LT20120204 ST 1_55 Stamp 1.55 Crowned Lion Rampant
Crowned Griffin Rampant
Radziwiłł Family CoA
MI 1096List compiled by Geir Arveng with valuable help from Marci Jarvis and D.G.Naryshkin.
Latest update: 1 August, 2019