Stamps inscribed 'Jersey'.
1840 - 1969 See Great Britain
1941 - 1946 German occupation stamps used alongside GB stamps
1969 ->
From 1969: 1 Pound = 20 Shillings, 1 Shilling = 12 Pence
From 1970: 1 Pound = 100 Pence
Checklists > Countries > Jersey Wild Cats List status: Incomplete / Under Construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Item Code Item type Face value Remarks SC 15 June 1971 - 50th Anniversary of the Royal British Legion
Items from this issue are also listed under Heraldic Cats
JE19710615 ST 0_02 Stamp 0.02 Heraldic Lion
Emblem of the Royal British Legion
MI 53ILS/ PM JE19710615 MC 0_02 Maximum Card 0.02 Heraldic Lion
Emblem of the Royal British Legion
MC with
JE19710615 ST 0_02JE19710615 FDP JE1 First Day Postmark - Heraldic Lion
Emblem of the Royal British Legion
"50th Anniversary - British Legion - 1921-1971"
Jersey, Channel Islands
15 June 197117 March 1972 - Wildlife Protection II JE19720317 ST 0_025 Stamp 0.025 Cheetah
MI 651973 - Jersey Wildlife Preservation Trust Booklets This item is also listed under Heraldic Cats
JE19730000 BK 0_20 Booklet 0.20 Cheetah (on cover)
Booklet with 8 x
JE19710215 ST 0_025 1
MI MH 0-??31 July 1974 - Anniversaries This item is also listed under Heraldic Cats
JE19740731 FDP JE1 4 First day postmark - Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Head
Emblem of the Royal British Legion
"Winston Churchill Centenary 1874-1974 - The Royal British Legion"
Jersey, Channel Islands
31 July 1974UKL February 1976 - Lions Club Swimarathon Slogan Postmark JE19760200_ PMK JE1 Slogan Postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"Jersey Lions Club - Swimarathon - Fort Regent - February 13-15 1976"
Earliest use reported:
13 February 1976
Latest use reported:
13 February 1976
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know.UKL 14 April 1978 - Lions Club Convention JE19780414 PMK JE1 Commemorative postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"M.D. 105 Convention"
Jersey (No town)
14 April 19781978-81 - Lions Club Swimarathon Slogan Postmark JE19780000_ PMK JE1 1 Slogan postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"Jersey Lions Club - Swimarathon - Fort Regent"
Earliest use reported:
7 February 1978
Latest use reported:
5 February 1981
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know.IL78 21 June 1983 - 50th Anniversary of the First Flight of the Handley Page Heyford
This item is also listed under Heraldic Cats
On comm. cover
Cover inlayJE19830621 PMK JE1 Commemorative postmark - Puma
Heraldic Puma
from RAF 99th Sq. badge
"First Flight of the Production Version of the Handley Page Heyford"
Jersey (no town)
21 June 1983UKL 17 January 1984 - Wildlife Protection IV JE19840117 ST 0_12 Stamp - Snow Leopard
MI 3159 September 1987 - 900th Anniversary of the Death of William the Conqueror This set also includes Heraldic Cats and Mythic Cats
JE19870909 ST 0_15 Stamp 0.15 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Figurehead
9th c. Viking Longship
Coronation of William the Conqueror
Detail from the Bayeux Tapestry. 9. c.
MI 415JE19870909 ST 0_22 Stamp 0.22 Panther
Wild Cat Art
Heraldic Lions
Coronation of William the Conqueror
Detail from the Bayeux Tapestry. 9. c.
MI 416JE19870909 ST 0_29 Stamp 0.29 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Death of King William Rufus and Unification of England and Normandy
Detail from the Bayeux Tapestry. 9. c.
MI 41723 June 1992 - Jersey Batik JE19920623 ST 0_16 Stamp 0.16 Snow Leopards
Wild Cat Art
Batik Textile by Alison Griffiths
MI 58111 January 1993 - Tourism Booklets JE19930111 ST EU 4 Stamp EU *
(0.28 on issue)Leopards
MI 60628 January 1998 - Year of the Tiger JE19980128 ST 1_00 1 Stamp 1.00 Tiger
Cartoon Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Stamp from MS
MI 812JE19980128 MS 1_00 Miniature sheet 1.00 Tiger (on stamp and selvedge)
Cartoon Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Single-stamp MS
MI B17JE19980128 FDC 1_00 First day cover 1.00 Tiger (on MS and cachet)
Cartoon Tiger
Year of the Tiger
PP with MSJE19980128 PP 1_00 Presentation pack 1.00 Tiger (on MS and cover)
Cartoon Tiger
Year of the Tiger
PP with MSJE19980128 FDP JE1 1 First day postmark - Tiger (text reference only)
"Year of the Tiger - First Day of Issue"
Jersey (no town)
28 January 199810 November 1998 - Christmas JE19981110 ST 0_63 Stamp 0.63 Lions Club Emblem
MI 86922 May 2000 - Millenium Maritime Heritage
Page ?? and pane ??JE20000522 BK 9_60 Prestige booklet 9.60 Lion (on booklet page)
Lion Figurehead from Viking Ship
Prestige booklet with 20 x 0.22 stamps and 20 x 0.26 stamps
MI MH1312 March 2002 - Europa: The Circus JE20020312 ST 0_23 Stamp 0.23 Tiger
MI 10198 August 2002 - Centenary of the Battle of Flowers JE20020808 ST 2_00 Stamp 2.00 Leopard
Wild Cat Art
1999 award-winning float 'Zanzibar' of the Parish of St. Clement
Stamp from MS or Prestige Booklet
MI 1047JE20020808 MS 2_00 Miniature sheet 2.00 Leopard
Panther (on stamp)
Wild Cat Art
Award-winning float 'Zanzibar' of the Parish of St. Clement
Single stamp MS
MI B33M JE20020808 BK 9_35 Prestige Booklet 9.35 Leopard
Panther (on one stamp)
Wild Cat Art
Award-winning float 'Zanzibar' of the Parish of St. Clement
MI MH157 March 2006 - EUROPA: Cultural Diversity JE20060307 ST 0_33 Stamp 0.33 Lion
Lion Dance Costume
MI 12209 February 2010 EUROPA: Children's Books This issue is also listed under Domestic Cats
JE20100209 SH 3_70 Sheetlet 3.70 Tiger (on marginal label)
Wild Cats in Literature
Sheetlet with 10 x 0.37 stamps
This item also shows Cartoon Cats
MI KB1458JE20100209 SH 4_20 Sheetlet 4.20 Tiger (on marginal label)
Wild Cats in Literature
Sheetlet with 10 x 0.37 stamps
This item also shows Cartoon Cats
MI KB1459JE20100209 SH 4_50 Sheetlet 4.50 Tiger (on marginal label)
Wild Cats in Literature
Sheetlet with 10 x 0.37 stamps
This item also shows Cartoon Cats
MI KB1460JE20100209 SH 8_00 Sheetlet 8.00 Tiger (on marginal label)
Wild Cats in Literature
Sheetlet with 10 x 0.37 stamps
This item also shows Cartoon Cats
MI KB1461
Inner Cover
Back CoverJE20100209 PP 2_04 Presentation pack 2.04 Tiger (on cover)
The Cheshire Cat from "Alice in Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll
Cats in Literature
Presentation pack with all 4 stamps in set
This item also shows Cartoon CatsJE20100209 LB12 Marginal label - Tiger
Bottom marginal label from any one of the four sheetlets (labels are identical)14 November 2013 - Prince Charles' 65th Birthday JE20131114 MS 4_00 Miniature sheet 4.00 Lion (on selvedge)
Wild Cat Art
Carved Decorative Lion Heads on Armrest
Single-stamp MS
MI B1117 June 2017 - Centenary of Lions International JE20170607 ST 0_49 Stamp 0.49 Lion
Lions Club emblem
MI 2116JE20170607 ST 0_73 Stamp 0.73 Lion
Lions Club emblem
MI 2118JE20170607 ST 2_00 Stamp 2.00 Lion
Lions Club emblem
Stamp from
JE20170607 MS 2_00
MI 2122JE20170607 MS 2_00 Miniature sheet 2.00 Lion
Lions Club emblem
Single-stamp MS with
JE20170607 ST 2_00
MI 2122M JE20170607 SH 4_90 Sheetlet 4.90
(10 x 0.49)Lion (on all stamps and in margin)
Lions Club emblem
Sheetlet with 10 x
JE20170607 ST 0_49
MI KB2116M JE20170607 SH 6_30 Sheetlet 6.30
(10 x 0.63)Lion (in margin)
Lions Club emblem
Sheetlet with 10 x
JE20170607 ST 0_63
MI KB2117M JE20170607 SH 7_30 Sheetlet 7.30
(10 x 0.73)Lion (on all stamps and in margin)
Lions Club emblem
Sheetlet with 10 x
JE20170607 ST 0_73
MI KB2118M JE20170607 SH 7_90 Sheetlet 7.90
(10 x 0.79)Lion (in margin)
Lions Club emblem
Sheetlet with 10 x
JE20170607 ST 0_79
MI KB2119M JE20170607 SH 9_00 Sheetlet 9.00
(10 x 0.90)Lion (in margin)
Lions Club emblem
Sheetlet with 10 x
JE20170607 ST 0_90
MI KB2120M JE20170607 SH 10_70 Sheetlet 10.70
(10 x 1.07)Lion (in margin)
Lions Club emblem
Sheetlet with 10 x
JE20170607 ST 1_07
MI KB2121M
BackJE20170607 FDC 4_61 First day cover 4.61
+ 0.63
+ 0.73
+ 0.79
+ 0.90
+ 1.07)Lion (on two stamps, postmark, back and in cachet)
Lions Club emblem
Official FDC with
JE20170607 ST 0_49
JE20170607 ST 0_73
and 4 other stamps in set.CC
Miniature sheet
Page 1
Page 2
BackJE20170607 PP 2_00 Presentation pack 2.00
(sold at ???)Lion (on MS, cover, and text pages)
Lions Club emblem
Presentation pack with
JE20170607 MS 2_00M
Page 1
Page 2
BackJE20170607 PP 4_61 Presentation pack 4.61
+ 0.63
+ 0.73
+ 0.79
+ 0.90
+ 1.07) - sold at ???Lion (on two stamps, cover, and text pages)
Lions Club emblem
Presentation pack with
JE20170607 ST 0_49
JE20170607 ST 0_73
and 4 other stamps in set.M JE20170607 FDP JE1 First day postmark - Lion
Lions Club emblem
"Lions International - First Day of Issue"
Jersey Post (no town)
7 June 2017CC List compiled by Geir Arveng with additional information from Greg Balagian, Marci Jarvis, Abi Farnworth (Jersey Post),
Roberta Nicholson, and Nahum Shereshevsky.
Latest upate: 2 March, 2022