Stamps inscribed 'Poste Persan' or 'Postes Persanes' and [find Farsi script], 'Iran' and
'', 'République Islamique de l'Iran', 'R.I. Iran', 'Islamic Rep[ublic] of Iran' or. 'I.R. Iran' and '
' or '
'. No country name until 1881.
1868 ->
From 1868: 1 Toman = 10 Qirans, 1 Qiran (also spelled Qerun or Kran) = 20 Shahi
(= 1000 Dinars - no stamps issued with Dinar values)
1881-82:1 Franc = 100 Centimes
From 1882: 1 Toman = 10 Qirans, 1 Qiran (also spelled Qerun or Kran) = 20 Shahi
(= 1000 Dinars - no stamps issued with Dinar values)
From 1935: 1 Rial (IRR) = 100 (New) Dinars (= 1 Quiran)
Checklists > Countries > Iran Mythic Cats List status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Issue Item code Item type Face value Remarks SC 1935 10th Anniversry of the Reign of Reza Shah Pahlavi IR19350222 ST 1_50 Stamp 1.50Lamassu (Half-Lion Half-Man)
Wild Cat Art
Sculptures from Persepolis
MI 648List compiled by Geir Arveng with valuable help from Greg Balagian.
Latest update 29 December 2013