Stamps inscribed 'Repub Franc', 'Empire Français', 'République Française', 'RF' (sometimes superimposed), 'Postes Françaises', 'État Français', or 'France'
1849 ->
From 1849: 1 Franc = 100 Centimes
From 1960: 1 New Franc (FRF) = 100 Centimes (= 100 Old Francs)
From 2002: 1 Euro (EUR) = 100 Eurocents (= FRF 6.55957)
Checklists > Countries > France Wild Cats Also see France Domestic Cats
France Mythic Cats
France Prehistoric Cats
France Heraldic CatsList status: Incomplete / Under Construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Shortcuts: 1849-1959 • 1960-69 • 1970-79 • 1980-89 • 1990-99 • 2000-09 • 2010-19 • 2020-29
1849 - 1959 Back to top
Item Code Item type Face value Remarks SC 1894 - Lyon Exhibition FR18940000 PSE 0_15 69000 Pre-stamped envelope 0.15 Lion (in cachet)
Wild Cat Art
Lion statues symbolising the rivers Saône and Rhône at the Louis XIV monument by François-Frédéric Lemot at Place Bellecour, Lyon
MI U8a (localized)1916 - Field Stationary FR19160000 SER LC 1 Military Letter Sheet PP Lion (in cachet)
Belfort Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion statue outside the Citadelle of Belfort by Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi
Field Letter Card for military personnel1917 - Field Postcards FR19170000 SER PC 1 Military Field Postcard PP Lion (in cachet)
Belfort Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion statue outside the Citadelle of Belfort by Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi
Field Postcard for military personnel1948-50 - Peugeot Meter Frank
This item is also listed under Heraldic Cats
Also see other Peugeot items from: 1958, 1959, 1960, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1977, 1978, 1980, 1998
FR1948_50 MF PEUG 75016 Meter frank - Lion
Lion Silhouette
Peugeot Logo
"L'Outil de Qualité - Peugeot Frères"
Machine no. G_1946
Paris XVI
Earliest use reported:
10 November 1948
Latest use reported:
8 June 1950
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL 1958 - Peugeot Meter Frank
This item is also listed under Heraldic Cats
Also see other Peugeot items from: 1948, 1959, 1960, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1977, 1978, 1980, 1998
FR1958 MF PEUG 75016 Meter Frank - Lion
Lion Silhouette
Peugeot Logo
"Au Salon des arts ménagers - L'appareil de qualité - Peugeot Frères"
Machine no. G_1946
Paris Tri No. 16
Earliest use reported:
13 March 1958
Latest use reported:
13 March 1958
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.March-April 1958 - Lions Club National Congress FR19580300_ PMK 06400 1 Slogan postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
"Lions Club - Congrès National - Cannes - 26-27 Avril 1958"
Cannes, Alpes Maritimes
Earliest use reported:
22 March 1958
Latest use reported:
24 April 1958
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us knowFR19580300_ PMK 06400 2 Slogan postmark PP Lion
Lions Club Emblem
"Lions Club - Congrès National - Cannes - 26-27 Avril 1958"
P.P. - Cannes
Earliest use reported:
15 March 1958
Latest use reported:
15 March 1958
Postage paid postmark for mass mailings
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know1959 - Peugeot Meter Frank
This item is also listed under Heraldic Cats
Also see other Peugeot items from: 1948, 1958, 1960, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1977, 1978, 1980, 1998
This item is also listed under Heraldic Cats
FR1959 MF PEUG 92300 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Lion Statant
Lion Silhouette
Peugeot Logo
"L'Outil de qualité - Peugeot Frères"
Machine no. G_1946
Denominated in (old) francs
Levallois-Perret (Seine)
Earliest use reported:
29 December 1959
Latest use reported:
29 December 1959
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know.
1960 - 1969 Back to top
1960-66 - La Bonneterie Alsacienne Meter Frank FR1960 MF BONN 67650 Meter Frank - Unspecified Wild Cat
"La Bonnal - La Bonnetterie Alsacienne - Societé Anonyme - Dambach-la-Ville - Bas-Rhin"
Dambach-la-Ville (b. Rhin)
Machine no. MG3022
Earliest use reported:
2 February 1960
Latest use reported:
25 June 1966
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us knowDL/ LFR 1960 - Peugeot Meter Frank
This item is also listed under Heraldic Cats
Also see other Peugeot items from: 1948, 1958, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1977, 1978, 1980, 1998
FR1960 MF PEUG 92300 Meter frank - Lion
Lion Statant
Lion Silhouette
Peugeot Logo
"L'Outil de qualité - Peugeot Frères"
Machine no. G_1946
Levallois-Perret (Seine)
Earliest use reported:
27 May 1960
Latest use reported:
30 September 1960
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1961 - Tissages A. Goujat & Cie., Meter Frank FR1961 MF GOUJ 69550 Meter frank - Lion
Stylized Lion
Company logo
"Tissages A. Goujat & Cie."
Machine no. SCW077
St. Jean la Bussière
Earliest use reported:
15 November 1961
Latest use reported:
15 November 1961
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.20 May 1961 - Red Cross FR19610520 ST 0_20__0_10 Stamp 0.20
+ 0.10Lion
Wild Cat Art
Sculpture of a lion attacking a man by Pierre Puget (1620-1694, painter, sculptor, architect)
MI 1350FR19610520 FDC 0_20__0_10 First day cover 0.20
+ 0.10Lion (on stamp and cachet)
Wild Cat Art
Sculpture of a lion attacking a man by Pierre Puget (1620-1694, painter, sculptor, architect)
Marseille1962 - Indemaillable G.I.C. Meter Frank
This item is also listed under Heraldic Cats
FR1962 MF INMA 75081 Meter frank - Lion
Two Lion Rampant Guardant Supporters
Company Logo
"Indemaillable G.I.C."
Machine no. K_2832 (?)
Paris 81
Earliest use reported:
23 February 1962
Latest use reported:
23 February 1962
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL/ LFR 1962 - Lion Noir Meter Frank FR1962 MF LINO 92120 Meter frank - Lion
Lion Noir (shoe polish) product logo
"Lion Noir - la grande marque française"
Machine no. SR0452
Earliest use reported:
20 April 1962
Latest use reported:
20 April 1962
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.20-23 June 1962 - Lions Club Convention
On comm. coverFR19620620_23 PMK 06000 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
"Convention Lions International"
20 - 23 June 19621963 - MotoStandard Meter Frank FR1963 MF MOST 71000 Meter frank - Cheetah
Company Logo
"Motoculteurs - Motofaucheuses - MotoStandard - Boîte Postale 160"
Machine no. ???
Mâcon, S&L
Earliest use reported:
24 May 1963
Latest use reported:
24 May 1963
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1964 - Lyon International Trade Fair FR1964 MF FIL 69006 Meter frank - Lion
Cartoon Lion
"Foire International de Lyon et ses Manifestations Specialisées - 15-23 Mars 1964 F.I.L."
Machine no. N2271
Lyon Brotteaux, Rhone
Earliest use reported:
11 February 1964
Latest use reported:
11 February 1964
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.28 May 1965 - Lions National Convention FR19650528 PMK 31110 Commemorative postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"Convention Nationale"
31 Bagneres-de-Luchon
28 May 1965
1966 - Le Bonbon en Sachet Meter Franc FR1966 MF BOSA 33360 Meter frank - Lion
Company logo (?)
"Le bonbon en sachet"
Machine no. SC2480
Earliest use reported:
24 January 1966
Latest use reported:
24 January 1966
If you have any information on this item, please let us know.DL/ LFR Also see Esso items from 1967, 1985, 1988, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011
FR1966 MF ESSO 92400 1 Meter frank - Tiger
Esso logo
"Mette un tigre dans votre moteur - Esso Extra Supercarbourant"
Machine no. G2401
92 Courbevoie Pal. Hts de SN
Earliest use reported:
27 July 1966
Latest use reported:
18 January 1967
If you have any information on this item, please let us know.Also see Esso items from 1966, 1985, 1988, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011
FR1967 MF ESSO 44100 Meter frank - Tiger
Esso logo
"Mette un tigre dans votre moteur - Esso Extra Supercarbourant"
Machine no. N3717
Nante Chantenay, Loire Atlantique
Earliest use reported:
23 January 1967
Latest use reported:
23 January 1967
If you have any information on this item, please let us know.DL FR1967 MF ESSO 92400 2 Meter frank - Tiger
Esso logo
"Mette un tigre dans votre moteur - Esso Extra Supercarbourant"
Machine no. G3505
92 Courbevoie Pal. Hts de SN
Earliest use reported:
9 August 1967
Latest use reported:
9 August 1967
If you have any information on this item, please let us know.BDC 1967 - Belfort Lion Slogan postmark FR19670000 PMK 90000 Slogan postmark - Lion Statue
Belfort Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion statue outside the Citadelle of Belfort by Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi
"Belfort - Carrefour - Alsace. Vosges. Franche Comté"
90 Belfort Ppal - Territoire de Belfort
Earliest use reported:
27 October 1967
Latest use reported:
27 October 1967
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us know28 October 1967 - 50th Anniversary of Lions International FR19671028 ST 0_40 Stamp 0.40 Lion
Lions Club Emblem
For this stamp overprinted in CFA-Francs, see Réunion
MI 1601FR19671028 FDC 0_40 First day cover 0.40 Lion
Lions Club Emblem (on stamp and postmark)
Lion (in cachet)
For this stamp overprinted in CFA-Francs, see RéunionFR19671028 FDP 75001 First day postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
"Cinquantenaire Lions International - Premièr Jour"
28 October 19671968 - Belgian Tourist Office Meter Frank FR1968 MF OTBE 75081 Meter Frank - Lion
Cartoon Lion
"Wee-ends - Vacances - Congrès - en Belgique"
Machine no. NA1761
Paris 81 - r. des Capucines (1er)
Earliest use reported:
19 April 1968
Latest use reported:
19 April 1968
If you know more about the dates of use of this item, please let us know.
1970 - 1979 Back to top
1970-73 - Papeteries de Condat Meter Frank FR1970_73 MF PACO 24160 Meter Frank - Lion
"Papeteries de Condat - Usines de Condat-le-Lardin - Dordogne - Tél.1"
Machine no. NA2979
Condat-le-Lardin, Dordogne
Earliest use reported:
6 February 1970
Latest use reported:
8 October 1973
If you know more about the dates of use of this item, please let us know.September-October 1970 - 10th Anniversary of Thionville Lions Club FR19700000 PMK 57100 Slogan postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
"Lions-Club de Thionville - 10e anniversaire 1960-1970 - Gala de bienfaisance
57 Thionville, Moselle
Earliest use reported:
28 September 1970
Latest use reported:
24 October 1970
If you know more about the dates of use of this item, please let us know.DL 5-6 June 1970 - 19th National Convention of Lions International FR19700605_06 PMK 64200 Commemorative postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"19e Convention Nationale"
64 Biarritz
5 - 6 June 19701971 - Ets. Pierre Favresse & Cie. Meter Frank
Also see other Peugeot items from: 1948, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1977, 1978, 1980, 1998
Most Peugeot items are listed under Heraldic Cats
FR1971 MF FAVR 02100 Meter Frank - Lion
"Ets. Pierre FAVRESSE & Cie - 9, Bd. Henri-Martin, 02 Saint-Quentin - Concessionaire Peugeot - P.F.&Cie"
Machine no. N6040
St. Quentin, Aisne
Earliest use reported:
19 October 1971
Latest use reported:
19 October 1971
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us knowLFR 1971 - Leo Pharma Meter Frank Also see versions from 2007
FR1971 MF LEO 28100 Meter Frank - Lion
Leo Pharma Logo
"B.P. 124 - 28 - Dreux"
Machine no. NA4108
28 Dreux, Eure-et-Loire
Earliest use reported:
15 April 1971
Latest use reported:
15 April 1971
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us knowDL/ LFR 22-23 May 1971 - National Convention of Lions International FR19710522_23 PMK 62250 Commemorative postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"XXè Convention Nationale"
62 Le Touquet-Paris-Plage
22 - 23 May 19715 November 1971 - 25th Autumn Stamp Fair FR19711105 PMK 75000 Commemorative postmark - Lion
"XXVè Salon Philatélique d'Automne - La Faune et la philatélie"
5 November 1971Also see other Peugeot items from: 1948, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1971, 1973, 1974, 1977, 1978, 1980, 1998
Most Peugeot items are listed under Heraldic Cats
FR1972 MF PEUG 42000 Meter Frank - Lion
Peugeot Logo
"Peugeot - Boniface - 98 à 104, rue Bergson - 42 Saint-Etienne - Tél. (77) 33.40.51"
Machine no. P3958
42 St. Étienne Prefecture, Loire
Earliest use reported:
13 November 1972
Latest use reported:
13 November 1972
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL 1972 - Comptoir Lyon-Alemand Louyot (CLAL) Meter Frank FR1972 MF CLAL 75127 Meter Frank - Lion
Old CLAL Logo
"Comptoir Lyon-Alemand Louyot - Métaux Précieux Ag - Ag - Pt - Cuivre - Nickel - Alliages - Au service des Industries & Métiers d'Art"
Machine no. C3855
75 Paris 127
Earliest use reported:
14 June 1972
Latest use reported:
14 June 1972
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us knowDL/
LFR1972 - Lions International Slogan postmark FR19720000_ PMK 75018 Slogan postmark - Lions Club Emblem
Lions International - Paris - 14 au 18 octobre 72
Paris 18, R. Duc (18è)
Earliest use reported:
8 December 1972 (we suspect this might be a faulty set date, as it is way past the event it advertises)
Latest use reported:
8 December 1972 (we suspect this might be a faulty set date, as it is way past the event it advertises)
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know1972 - National Convention of Lions International FR19720602_03 PMK 37000 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
"XXIè Convention Nationale"
37 - Tours
2 - 3 June 19721973 - Garages Metin Meter Frank
Also see other Peugeot items from: 1948, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1971, 1972, 1974, 1977, 1978, 1980, 1998
This item is also listed under Heraldic Cats
FR1973 MF GAME 77500 Meter frank - Lion
Peugeot Logo
"La qualité qu'on ne discute pas - Garages Metin - Concessionaires Peugeot - 77 Chelles - B.P. 27"
Machine no. NA19030
77 Chelle Ppal, Seine et Marnes
Earliest use reported:
11 July 1973
Latest use reported:
11 July 1973
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.Also see other Peugeot items from: 1948, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1978, 1980, 1998
Most Peugeot items are listed under Heraldic Cats
FR1974 MF PEUG 97207 Meter frank - Lion
Cartoon Lion
Peugeot Logo
"Peugeot - La qualité qu'on ne discute pas"
Used by Ets. Louis Crocquet
Machine no. P11276
Fort de France, Martinique
Earliest use reported:
10 June 1974
Latest use reported:
10 June 1974
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.IL Also see other Clemenceau items from 1982, 1987, 1989, 1991, 1993, 1994, 1997, 2003, 2009
FR19740608_09 PMK 50130 Commemorative postmark - Tiger
"Journées Marine - Clemenceau"
50 Cherbourg
8 - 9 June 19741975 - Moussier Meter Frank Also see Moussier items from 2006
FR1975 MF MOUS 84001 Meter Frank - Panther
Company Logo
"Moussier - 21 avenue de Foncouverte - 84001 AVIGNON"
Machine no. NA2099
84 Avignon R.P., Vaucluse
Earliest use reported:
24 November 1975
Latest use reported:
24 November 1975
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.September 1975 - Lions International Europa Forum FR19750900_ PMK 06300 Slogan postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"Nice - Europa Forum 1975 - 2 au 4 octobre"
06 Nice Centre-de-Tri, Alpes Maritimes
Earliest use reported:
10 September 1975
Latest use reported:
10 September 1975
If you know more
about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.FR19751002 PMK 06000 Commemorative postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"Europa Forum"
06 Nice
2 - 4 October 197521-22 May 1976 - 25th National Convention of Lions International
On Comm. CoverFR19760521_22 PMK 14800 Commemorative postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"Convention Nationale Lion's Intal. - 25"
14 Deauville
21 - 22 May 19764 September 1976 - Ramses Exhibition in Paris FR19760904 ST 2_00 Stamp 2.00 Lion
"Ramses on his Chariot"
Mural from the Toomb of Ramses II
MI 1988MC Also see other Peugeot items from: 1948, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1978, 1980, 1998
Most Peugeot items are listed under Heraldic Cats
FR977 MF PEUG 33260 Meter frank - Lion
Cartoon Lion
Peugeot Logo
"Peugeot - A. Estrade - 33 - La Teste"
Machine no. SJ12818
33 La Teste R.P., Gironde
Earliest use reported:
12 December 1977
Latest use reported:
12 December 1977
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL Also see other Peugeot items from: 1948, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1977, 1980, 1998
Most Peugeot items are listed under Heraldic Cats
FR1978 MF PEUG 59120 Meter frank - Lion
Cartoon Lion
Peugeot Logo
Machine no. ND64??
59 Loos, Nord
Earliest use reported:
9 January 1978
Latest use reported:
9 January 1978
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.FR FR1978 MF SILT 75017 Meter frank - Lion
Stylized Lion
Peugeot Logo
"SILTA - société de location du groupe Peugeot"
Machine no. NA13045
Paris 62. R. St.-Ferdinand (17è)
Earliest use reported:
6 December 1978
Latest use reported:
6 December 1978
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1978 - Kenya Tourist Office Meter Frank FR1978 MF KETO 75081 Meter frank - Lion
"Pour vos prochaines vacances choisissez; 'Le Kenya' " ["For your next vacation: Choose Kenya"]
Machine no. 19268
75 Paris 81 - R. des Capucines (1er)
Earliest use reported:
10 March 1978
Latest use reported:
10 March 1978
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1978-2004 Sigéan African Reserve Slogan postmark
Also see other Sigéan African Reserve items:1989-99, 2001-03, 2010, 2014
FR19780000_ PMK 11130 Slogan postmark - Lion
"Sigéan - Réserve Africaine"
11 Sigéan, Aude
Earliest use reported:
16 May 1978
Latest use reported:
26 April 2004
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know26-27 May 1978 - 27th National Convention of Lions International FR19780526_27 PMK 31000 Commemorative postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"27è Convention Nationale"
31 Toulouse
26 - 27 May 1978September 1978 - 30th Anniversary of Lions International in France
On Comm. CoverFR19780900_ PMK 75001 Slogan postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
"1948 - 1978 - Lions International - 30è Anniversaire en France - 13 Octobre 1948 - Création du Club Paris-Doyen"
Paris 01, Rue du ???
Earliest use reported:
15 September 1978
Latest use reported:
15 September 1978
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.23 June 1979 Tiger Meet Also see other Tiger Meet items from 1986
FR19790623 PMK 59400 Commemorative postmark - Tiger
"Rencontre des Tigres 79"
59 Cambrai
23 June 1979DL
1980 - 1989 Back to top
Also see other Peugeot items from: 1948, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1977, 1978, 1998
This item is aso listed under Heraldic Cats
FR1980 MF DESS 18200 Meter frank - Lion
Stylized Lion Head
Peugeot Logo
"Desson et ses Fils s.a. - Concessionaire Peugeot - 13 à 21 ave. B. Constant - Tel. 10.07 et 10.08 - 18. St. Amand Montrond"
Machine no. NB6633
18 St. Amand Montrond, Cher
Earliest use reported:
10 April 1980
Latest use reported:
10 April 1980
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.October 1980 - Lions Friendship Festival FR19801000_ PMK 94130 1 Slogan postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
"Fête de l'Amité Lions Clubs 1980 - 8 et 9 novembre - Pavillon Baltard"
94 Nogent-sur-Marne, Val de Marne
Earliest use reported:
13 October 1980
Latest use reported:
13 October 1980
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.22-23 October 1980 - National Congress of the ASCEE FR19801022_23 PMK 33000 Commemorative postmark - Unspecified Wild Cat (silhouette)
"Congrès National - ASCEE"
33 Bordeaux
22-23 October 19801982-90 - Hangar Ship Clemeceau Cachet
Also see other Clemenceau items from 1974, 1987, 1989, 1991, 1993, 1994, 1997, 2003, 2009
FR19820000_ MIL CLEM Military ship cachet - Tiger
General cachet
"Porte-Avions Clemenceau - R98"
The ship was based in Toulon, but mail can be found postmarked at any port of call, also abroad
Earliest use reported:
8 January 1982
Latest use reported:
13 June 1990
If you know more about the dates of use for this cachet, please let us know.BDC 1984 - UMHS Meter Frank
FR1984 MF UMHS 77002 Meter frank - Panther
"UMHS - La grande quancaillerie au sud de Paris - Tél.: 068.15.15 - B.P.G. - 77002 MELUN CEDEX"
Machine no. SR2517
77 Melun R.P., Seine et Marne
Earliest use reported:
10 April 1984
Latest use reported:
10 April 1984
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.Also see Esso items from 1966, 1967, 1988, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011
FR1985 MF ESSO 33130 Meter frank - Tiger
Esso logo
"Esso Super Oil" and running tiger in rectangle
33130 Begles, Gironde
Machine no.
KL 2236
Earliest use reported:
24 June 1985
Latest use reported:
24 June 1985
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.FR1985 MF ESSO 69007 Meter frank - Tiger
Esso logo
"Esso super oil - Esso"
Machine no.
NA 24664
69 Lyon Mouche, Rhone
Earliest use reported:
19 June 1985
Latest use reported:
19 June 1985
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.BDC FR1985 MF ESSO 92400 Meter frank - Tiger
Esso logo
"Esso super oil - Esso"
Machine no.
NC 540
92 Courbevoie, Hauts de Seine
Earliest use reported:
10 September 1985
Latest use reported:
10 September 1985
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.FR 1985 - Café Léopard Meter Frank FR1985 MF CALE 49124 Meter frank - Leopard
Company logo
"Café Léopard - 49 St. Barthélemy"
Machine no. SJ72864
St. Barthélemy d'Anjou, M. et L.
Earliest use reported:
21 June 1985
Latest use reported:
21 June 19851986-2000 - School Ship "Lion"
Also see other items from 2013
FR1986_2000 MIL LION Military ship cachet - Lion
General cachet
"Batiment École Lion"
The ship is based in l'Ile de Groix, but mail can be found postmarked at any port of call, also frequently abroad
Earliest use reported:
4 March 1986
Latest use reported:
3 May 2000
If you know more about the dates of use for this cachet, please let us know.1986 - Tiger Meet
Also see other Tiger Meet items from 1979
FR19860615 PMK 59400 Commemorative postmark - Tiger
"26è Rencontre des Escadrons Tigres"
59 Cambrai
15 June 1986DL 1987 - Gaipare (Insurance) Meter Frank FR1987 MF GAIP 75009 Meter frank - Cheetah
Old company logo
Machine no. SJ77548
R. Chauchat (9è)
75 Paris 51
Earliest date reported:
26 February 1987
Latest date reported:
26 February 1987
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.FR 1987-95 - School Ship "Guepard" FR1987_95 MIL GUEPARD Military ship cachet - Cheetah
General cachet
"A752 - Batiment École Guepard"
The ship is based in Sables-d'Olonne, but mail can be found postmarked at any port of call, also frequently abroad
Earliest use reported:
25 June 1987
Latest use reported:
27 November 1995
If you know more about the dates of use for this cachet, please let us know.1987-91 - School Ship "Lynx"
Also see B.E. Lynx item from 1993, 2006
FR1987_91 MIL LYNX Military ship cachet - Lynx
General cachet
"Batiment École Lynx"
The ship is based in Vannes, but mail can be found postmarked at any port of call, also frequently abroad
Earliest use reported:
10 September 1987
Latest use reported:
16 May 1991
If you know more about the dates of use for this cachet, please let us know.1987 - School Ship "Tigre"
Also see B.E. Tigre items from 1988 and 2001
FR1987 MIL TIGRE Military ship cachet - Tiger
General cachet
"A754 - Batiment École Tigre" (with ship number)
The ship is based in Palais, but mail can be found postmarked at any port of call, also frequently abroad
Earliest use reported:
24 April 1987
Latest use reported:
28 April 1987
If you know more about the dates of use for this cachet, please let us know.DL March 1987 - Lions International Spring Congress FR19870300_ PMK 51000 Slogan postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
"Congrès de Printemps - District 103 EST - 11 - 12 Avril 1987
Châlons sur Marne Gare, Marne
Earliest use reported:
27 March 1987
Latest use reported:
27 March 1987
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.March 1987 - 28th Jean de la Fontaine Festival FR19870300_ PMK 02400 Slogan postmark - Lion
"XXVIIIes Fêtes J. de la Fontaine - 21 juin 1987"
02 Château-Thierry, Aisne
Earliest use reported:
30 March 1987
Latest use reported:
3 June 1987
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1987 - Hangar Ship Clemeceau Cachet
Also see other Clemenceau items from 1974, 1982, 1989, 1991, 1993, 1994, 1997, 2003, 2009
FR19870604_ MIL CLEM Military ship cachet - Tiger
Commemorative cachet
"75.87 Brest - Porte-Avions Clemenceau - Excercice: Korrigan - Escale à Brest du 4 à 9 Juin"
The ship was based in Toulon, but mail can be found postmarked at any port of call, also abroad
Earliest use reported:
14 June 1986
Latest use reported:
14 June 1986
If you know more about the dates of use for this cachet, please let us know.BDC FR1988_91 MIL TIGRE Military ship cachet - Tiger
General cachet
"Batimen École Tigre" (without ship number)
The ship is based in Palais, but mail can be found postmarked at any port of call, also frequently abroad
Earliest use reported:
16 July 1988
Latest use reported:
31 August 1991
If you know more about the dates of use for this cachet, please let us know.IL
(BE)Also see Esso items from 1966, 1967, 1988, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011
FR1988 MF ESSO 92000 Meter frank - Tiger
Esso logo
"Esso Super Oil - Esso"
Machine no.
NC 540
92 Nanterre Centre de Tri, H. de Seine
Earliest use reported:
26 December 1988
Latest use reported:
26 December 1988
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.FR1988 MF ESSO 92400 Meter frank - Tiger
Esso logo
"Esso Super Oil - Esso"
Machine no.
NK 1466
92 Courbevoie Ppal., Hauts de Seine
Earliest use reported:
27 October 1988
Latest use reported:
27 October 1988
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL 1988-2001 School Ship "Jaguar"
Also see B.E. Jaguar item from 2013
FR1988_2001 MIL JAGUAR Military ship cachet - Jaguar
Stylized Jaguar
General cachet
"Batiment École Jaguar"
The ship is based in l'Île-de-Batz, but mail can be found postmarked at any port of call, also frequently abroad
Earliest use reported:
6 March 1988
Latest use reported:
12 March 2001
If you know more about the dates of use for this cachet, please let us know.1989-2001 - Sigéan African Reserve Meter Frank FR1989_01 MF REAF 11130 1 Meter frank - Lion
"Reserve Africaine de Sigéan - 11130 Sigéan"
Machine no. NL13834
No marks to the right of logo
11 Sigéan, Aude
Earliest use reported:
6 March 1989
Latest use reported:
14 March 1999
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.FR1989_01 MF REAF 11130 2 Meter frank - Lion
"Reserve Africaine de Sigéan - 11130 Sigéan"
Machine no. NL13834
Star to the right of logo
11 Sigéan, Aude
Earliest use reported:
4 June 1991
Latest use reported:
18 December 1997
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us knowFR1989_01 MF REAF 11130 3 Meter frank - Lion
"Reserve Africaine de Sigéan - 11130 Sigéan"
Machine no. NL13834
Triangle to the right of logo
11 Sigéan, Aude
Earliest use reported:
17 February 1989
Latest use reported:
16 January 2001
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know1989 - Bavilliers Bicentennial Slogan postmark FR19890000 PMK 90800 Slogan postmark - Lion
Cartoon Lion
"Bicentenaire de las Revolution - 1789-1989 - Bavilliers - Territoire de Belfort"
Earliest use reported:
6 June 1989
Latest use reported:
6 June 1989
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL 1989-97 - Hangar Ship Clemenceau Meter Frank
Also see other Clemenceau items from 1974, 1982, 1987, 1991, 1993, 1994, 1997, 2003, 2009
Our scan of this item is very bad. If you have a better one, please share.
FR1989_97 MF CLEM 83800 Meter frank - Tiger
"Porte Avions Clemenceau"
Porte Avions Clemenceau
Earliest use reported:
7 March 1989
Latest use reported:
13 June 1997
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.
1990 - 1999 Back to top
1990 - Signé Royale Meter Frank FR1990 MF SIG 75010 Meter frank - Lion
Signé Royale Logo
75 Paris 50 - rue St. Denis 10e
Machine no.
P. 73059
Earliest use reported:
12 March 1990
Latest use reported:
12 March 1990
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1990 - Milord Meter Frank FR1990 MF MILO 75013 Meter Frank - Unspecified Wild Cat
Milord Logo
Machine no. BB0104
Paris Corvisart, R. Corvisart (13e)
Earliest use reported:
28 May 1990
Latest use reported:
28 May 1990
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1990-93 - Friends of Mulhouse Zoo FR19900000_ PMK 68100 Slogan postmark - Tiger
"Amis du Zoo de Mulhouse - Visitez le Parc Zoologique et Botanique"
68 Mulhouse Bd de l'Europe, Ht. Rhin
Earliest use reported:
13 July 1990
Latest use reported:
18 October 1993
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.CC 1990-92 - Hangar Ship Clemenceau Slogan postmark
Also see othe Clemenceau items from 1974, 1982, 1987, 1989, 1993, 1994, 1997, 2003, 2009
FR19900000_ PMK 83800 Slogan postmark - Tiger
"P.A. Clemenceau - Escadre de la Mediterranée"
Porte Avions Clemenceau
First day of use:
1 September 1990
Latest use reported:
12 November 1992
If you know more about the dates of use for this cachet, please let us know.February 1990 - Valenciennes Art Festival FR19900200_0300 PMK 59300 Slogan postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"4-18 Mars 90 - Festival des Arts à Velenciennes"
59 Valenciennes Ppal, Aud
Earliest use reported:
14 March 1990
Latest use reported:
14 March 1990
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know
This item is also shows the Valenciennes CoA and is also listed under Heradlic Cats7 July 1990 - World Fencing Championships FR19900707 PMK 69001 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Cartoon Lion
"Championnats du Monde d'Escrime"
7 July 199015 November 1990 - 6th Nature Festival FR19901115 PMK 83210 Commemorative postmark - Eurasian Lynx
"VIème Festival de la Nature"
83 Solliès-Pont
15 November 1980DL 1991-93 - School Ship "Panthère" FR1991_93 MIL PANTHERE Military ship cachet - Panther
General cachet
"Batiment École Panthère - A749"
The ship is based in Rodez, but mail can be found postmarked at any port of call, also frequently abroad
Earliest use reported:
22 July 1991
Latest use reported:
10 December 1993
If you know more about the dates of use for this cachet, please let us know.1991 - 40th National Lions Convention FR19910524_25 PMK 94300 Commemorative postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"40e Convention Nationale"
94 Vincennes
24-25 May 19911992 - Super Pneus Meter Frank FR1992 MF SUPN 37390 Meter frank - Unidentified Wild Cat
"Super Pneus"
37 La Membrolle-sur-Choisille
Earliset use reported:
18 December 1992
Latest use reported:
18 December 1992
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.May 1992 - 75th Anniversary of Lions International FR19920500 PMK 76600 Slogan postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"Nous servons - 1917 - 75 Ans - 1992 - Lions Club International - District 103 Nord-Ouest France"
Le Havre Ppal, Seine-Maritime
Earliset use reported:
8 May 1992
Latest use reported:
8 May 1992
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.16-17 May 1992 - Lions Club Philatelic Exhibition FR19920516_17 PMK 77320 Commemorative postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"Exposition Philatélique"
77 La Ferte Gaucher
16 - 17 May 199222-23 May 1992 - 41st National Convention of Lions International FR19920522_23 PMK 84000 Commemorative postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"41è Convention Nationale"
84 Avignon
22 - 23 May 1992FR1993_94 MIL LYNX Military ship cachet - Lynx
General cachet (new design)
"Batiment École Lynx"
The ship is based in Vannes, but mail can be found postmarked at any port of call, also frequently abroad
Earliest use reported:
1 December 1993
Latest use reported:
22 April 1994
If you know more about the dates of use for this cachet, please let us know.BDC
(GG)1993 - 42nd National Comvention of Lions Clubs FR19930000 PMK 14800 Slogan postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"XXXXIIe Convention Nationale des Lions Clubs de France - 13.14.15 mai 1993 - Deauville"
14 Deauville, Calvados
Earliset use reported:
1 March 1993
Latest use reported:
26 March 1993
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL 1 February 1993 - 29 November 1997 - Hangar Ship Clemeceau Slogan Postmark
Also see other Clemenceau items from 1974, 1982, 1987, 1989, 1991, 1994, 1997, 2003, 2009
FR19930201_ PMK 83800 Slogan postmark - Tiger
"P.A. Clemenceau - Force d'Action Navale"
Porte Avion Clemenceau
First day of use:
1 February 1993
Last day of use:
29 November 1997DL 1993 - 40th Anniversary of Lions District 103 EST FR19980419 PMK 08600 Commemorative postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"40è Anniversaire District 103 EST - Lions Clubs International"
08 Givet
19 April 199321 October 1993 - Greeting Stamps: The Pleasure of Writing
A stamp from this issue has previously wrongfully been listed as a Tiger. It has been moved to Domestic Cats.
November 1993 - Lions' 'Give Blood' Campaign FR19931100_ PMK 11400 Slogan postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"Les donneurs du sang - 6-7 Décembre - Don du sang - Plasmapharese - 300 flacons, un pari - Lions Club"
11 Castelnaudary, Aude
Earliest use reported:
6 December 1993
Latest use reported:
6 December 1993
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.Also see Esso items from 1966, 1967, 1988, 1985, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011
FR1994 MF ESSO 92000 Meter frank - Tiger
Esso logo
"Esso - Ultron Racing Oil"
Machine no.
HK 1466
92 Nanterre Centre de Tri, H. de Seine
Earliest use reported:
1 September 1994
Latest use reported:
1 September 1994
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1994 - Regional Ploughing Final (?) FR19940000 PMK 90000 Slogan postmark - Lion
Belfort Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion statue outside the Citadelle of Belfort by Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi
"Finale régionale de labours - Les 3 et 4 Sept. 1994 - C-D-J-A 90 - Belfort Theatre"
90 Belfort RP - T. de Belfort
Earliest use reported:
23 June 1994
Latest use reported:
23 June 1994
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know1994 - Hangar Ship Clemeceau Cachet
Also see other Clemenceau items from 1974, 1982, 1987, 1989, 1991, 1993, 1997, 2003, 2009
FR19940200 MIL CLEM Military ship cachet - Tiger
Commemorative cachet
"Baptème de Tourelles - PA Clemenceau"
The ship was based in Toulon, but mail can be found postmarked at any port of call, also abroad
Earliest use reported:
4 Feburary 1994
Latest use reported:
4 Feburary 1994
If you know more about the dates of use for this cachet, please let us know.BDC 1994 - Art FR19940212 ST 6_70 Stamp 6.70 Lion (in stamp indicium)
Wild Cat Art
"Martyrdom of St. Stephen"
Stained glass window from the Cathedral
of St. Julian in Le Mans (12. c.)
MI 30051994 - Philatelic Service Christmas Card FR19941216 PC 6_70 Pre-stamped souvenir postcard 6.70 Lion (in stamp indicium)
Wild Cat Art
"Martyrdom of St. Stephen"
Stained glass window from the Cathedral
of St. Julian in Le Mans (12. c.)
Souvenir card with stamp indicium like
FR19940212 ST 6_70
serving as Christmas gifts to standing order philatelic customers
Should only be found cancelled to order, but both uncancelled copies and serviced copies used as regular postcards are known1995 - Safari de Peaugres Meter Frank FR1995 MF SAFA 07340 Meter Frank - Lion
"Peaugres Ardêche - Village du Safari - Dafari de Peaugres - 07340 Peaugres"
07 Peaugres, Ardêche
Earliest use reported:
27 July 1995
Latest use reported:
27 July 1995
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.Also see Esso items from 1966, 1967, 1988, 1985, 1994, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011
FR1995 MF ESSO 92000 Meter frank - Tiger
Esso logo
"Esso - Ultron Racing Oil"
Machine no.
92 Nanterre Cantre de Tri, H. de Seine
Earliest use reported:
24 July 1995
Latest use reported:
24 July 1995
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.BDC Also see Esso items from 1966, 1967, 1988, 1985, 1994, 1995, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011
FR1996 MF ESSO 92000 Meter frank - Tiger
Esso logo
"Esso - Ultron Racing Oil"
Machine no.
92 Nanterre Cantre de Tri, Hts. de S.
Earliest use reported:
7 June 1996
Latest use reported:
7 June 1996
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL 1996 - 42nd Europa Forum of Lions International FR19961003 PMK 14800 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
"42è Europa Forum"
14 Deauville
3 October 1996Also see Esso items from 1966, 1967, 1988, 1985, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011
FR1997 MF ESSO 92000 Meter frank - Tiger
Esso logo
"Esso Super Oil - Esso"
Machine no.
NK 1466
92 Nanterre Cantre de Tri, H. de Seine
Earliest use reported:
10 March 1997
Latest use reported:
10 March 1997
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1997 - Lions Club's National Action 1996 - 1998 FR19970000 PMK 59420 Slogan postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
"Le don d'organes et de tissus - s'informer est essentiel - Actions nationale Lions 1996 1998"
59 Mouvaux - Nord
Earliest use reported:
28 July 1997
Latest use reported:
28 July 1997
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL 3 April - 28 June 1997 - Man and the Fables Slogan Postmark FR19970403_0628 PMK 02400 Slogan postmark - Lion
"L'Homme et les Fables - Fêtes Jean de la Fontaine - 28 29 Juin 97"
02 Château Thierry, Aisne
First day of use:
3 April 1997
Last day of use:
28 June 19971997 - Hangar Ship Clemeceau Cachets
Also see other Clemenceau items from 1974, 1982, 1987, 1989, 1991, 1993, 1994, 2003, 2009
FR19970600_0700 MIL CLEM Military ship cachet - Tiger
Commemorative cachet
"Mission Flambeau - Clemenceau - Juin-juillet 1997"
The ship was based in Toulon, but mail can be found postmarked at any port of call, also abroad.
Earliest use reported:
17 June 1997
Latest use reported:
13 July 1997
If you know more about the dates of use for this cachet, please let us know.FR19970700 MIL CLEM Military ship cachet - Tiger
Cartoon Tiger
Commemorative cachet
"P.A. Clemeceau 1961-1997 - Dernière sortie des commendents"
The ship was based in Toulon. but mail can be found postmarked at any port of call, also abroad.
Earliest use reported:
17 July 1997
Latest use reported:
17 July 1997
If you know more about the dates of use for this cachet, please let us know.BDC FR19970712 MIL CLEM Military ship cachet - Tiger
Commemorative cachet
"Dernière escale à l'étranger - Livourne - P.A. Clemenceau - 12 Juillet 1997"
The ship was based in Toulon. We have only seen mail with this cachet postmarked in Livorno, Italy
Earliest use reported:
12 July 1997
Latest use reported:
13 July 1997
If you know more about the dates of use for this cachet, please let us know.1998 - FMOP Industrie Meter Frank FR1998 MF FMOP 38670 Meter frank - Lion
"FMOP Industrie - Etude et réalisation - Z.I. de l'Islon - 38670 Chasse sur Rhone"
Machine no. NL 15345
38 Chasse s/Rhone, Isère
Earliest use reported:
13 February 1998
Latest use reported:
13 February 1998
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.Also see other Peugeot items from: 1948, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1977, 1978, 1980
More Peugeot items are listed under Heraldic Cats.
FR1998 MF PEUG 68100 Meter frank - Lion
Stylized Lion
Peugeot Logo
"Peugeot 106 - une surprise de taille"
Machine no. NX473
68 Mulhouse Ppal, Haut-Rhin
Earliest use reported:
24 August 1998
Latest use reported:
24 August 1998
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.BDC 1998 - Belfort Local PAPs FR1998XXXX PSE NVI 90000 2 Pre-stamped envelope NVI
(3.00 on issue)Lion (in cachet)
Belfort Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion statue outside the Citadelle of Belfort by Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi
"Belfort: Le Lion"
No 2 in a series of 5 PAPs
Earliest use reported:
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know.1998 - Ancerville Slogan Postmark FR19980000 PMK 55170 Slogan postmark - Lion
"Ancerville - Une des capitales du tube inox" ("Ancerville - One of the stainless steel tubes capitals")
55 Ancerville, Meuse
Earliest use reported:
17 August 1998
Latest use reported:
17 August 1998
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.19 April 1998 - 40th Anniversary of Lions International District 103 EST FR19980419 PMK 08600 Commemorative postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"40è Anniversaire District 103 EST - Lions Clubs International"
08 Givet
19 April 19981999 - J.M.B Export Meter Frank Also see 2002-version
FR1999 MF JMBE 69126 Meter frank - Leopard
"J.M.B. Export"
Machine no. NP 24467
69 Brindas, Rhone
Earliest use reported:
30 April 1999
Latest use reported:
30 April 1999
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1999 - Transports Sotroff Meter Frank FR1999 MF SOTR 69280 Meter frank - Lion
Transports Sotroff Logo and address
69280 St. Pierre de Chandieu, Rhone
Earliest use reported:
16 December 1999
Latest use reported:
16 December 1999
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.Also see Esso items from 1966, 1967, 1988, 1985, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 2001, 2002, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011
FR1999 MF ESSO 92000 Meter frank - Tiger
Esso logo
"Esso Ultron - Esso - Huile de Synthèse"
Machine no.
NK 1467
92 Nanterre Centre de Tri, H. de Seine
Earliest use reported:
15 September 1999
Latest use reported:
15 September 1999
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL
2000 - 2009 Back to top
2000 - FASM Tourville Military Cachet FR2000 MIL TOURV_IN Military ship cachet - Tiger
"FASM Tourville _ Vishkapatnam"
Commemorative cachet
The ship was based in Brest, but mail with this cachet will mostly be found postmarked in India, though mail from home and other ports of call on 'Mission Myrrhe 2000' are also known
Earliest use reported:
8 March 2000
Latest use reported:
14 March 2000
If you know more about the dates of use for this cachet, please let us know.2000 - La Refuge de l'Arche Local PAP FR20000000 PSE NVI 53200 Pre-stamped envelope NVI*
(3.00 on issue)Tiger (in cachet)
"La Refuge de l'Arche - 53200 Château-Gontier"
Agreement 888
Lot 194/3DG-01
Earliest use reported:
31 March 2000
If you know the issue date for this item, please let us know.
MI U207x (localised)April 2000 - Besançon Local PAP FR20000400 PSE NVI 25000 Pre-stamped envelope NVI*
(3.00 on issue)Tiger (in cachet)
"La Citadelle de Besançon - tout voir, tout comprendre"
Agreement: 859
Lot: 243/946
Earliest use reported:
April 2000
If you know the issue date for this item, please let us know.
MI U??? (localised)DL 2001-05 - Sigéan African Reserve Meter Frank
With triangle between slogan and postmark (printed matter)FR2001_05 MF REAF 11130 1 Meter frank - Lion
"Reserve Africaine de Sigéan - 11130 Sigéan"
Machine no. VB010891
Sigéan, Aude
Earliest use reported:
12 October 2001
Latest use reported:
9 February 2005
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.Also see Esso items from 1966, 1967, 1988, 1985, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2002, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011
FR2001 MF ESSO 92000 Meter frank - Tiger
Esso logo
"Esso Ultron - Huile de Synthèse"
Machine no. NK001466
92 Nanterre Centre de Tri, H. de Seine
Earliest use reported:
19 October 2001
Latest use reported:
26 December 2001
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us know.2001 - Auneau Slogan Postmark
FR20010000 PMK 28700 Slogan postmark - Lion
"son Donjon - Auneau - son château - ses Félins"
28 Auneau, Eure et Loire
Earliest use reported:
27 February 2001
Latest use reported:
27 February 2001
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us know.DL 2001-07 - Belfort Tourisme Slogan FR20010000_20070000 PMK 90000 Slogan postmark - Lion
Belfort Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion statue outside the Citadelle of Belfort by Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi
90 Belfort CTC - Territoire de Belfort
Earliest use reported:
29 March 2001
Latest use reported:
14 Feburary 2007
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us know.February 2001 - 11th International Animal Film Festival FR20010200_ PMK 80300 Slogan postmark - Tiger
"11ème Festival du Film Animalièr 17 - 25 mars 2001"
80 Albert, Somme
Earliest use reported:
9 March 2001
Latest use reported:
9 March 2001
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL FR20010700 MIL TIGRE Military ship cachet - Lion
Commemorative cachet
"Corvette d'Été 2001 - B.E. Tigre A 754 - Stockholm-Zeebruges"
The ship is based in Palais, but mail can be found postmarked at any port of call, also frequently abroad
Earliest use reported:
7 July 2001
Latest use reported:
7 July 2001
If you know more about the dates of use for this cachet, please let us know.2002 - Agrimott Meter Frank FR2002 MF AGRI 59200 Meter frank - Leopard
Company logo
"Agrimott s.a. - Fournitures générales industrielles"
Machine no. NP020474
59 Tourcoing CDIS, Nord
Earliest use reported:
11 October 2002
Latest use reported:
11 October 2002
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL 2002 - Tissavel Meter Frank FR2002 MF TISS 59223 Meter frank - Unspecified Wild Cat
Wild Cat Silhouette
Company Logo
"Tissavel - Tél. 03 20 28 90 10 - BP 33 - 59531 Neuvill-en-Ferrain Cedex"
Machine no. SX001061
Roncq CDIS, Nord
Earliest use reported:
26 July 2002
Latest use reported:
20 February 2003
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.2002 - J.M.B Export Meter Frank Also see 1999-version
FR2002 MF JMBE 69126 Meter frank - Leopard
"J.M.B. Export"
Machine no. NR324467 (?)
69 Brindas, Rhone
Earliest use reported:
14 January 2002
Latest use reported:
14 January 2002
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us knowAlso see Esso items from 1966, 1967, 1988, 1985, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011
FR2002_03 MF ESSO 92000 Meter frank - Tiger
Esso logo
"Esso Ultra - Esso - Huile de synthèse"
Machine no.
HF 10965
Earliest use reported:
25 March 2002
Latest use reported:
27 March 2003
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.2003 - Hangar Ship Clemenceau Cachet
Also see other Clemenceau items from 1974, 1982, 1987, 1989, 1991, 1993, 1994, 1997, 2009
FR20031013_ MIL TIGRE Military ship cachet - Tiger
Commemorative cachet
"L'incroyable odyssée du Porte-Avions Clemenceau - Parti de Toulon sa ville marraine le 13 Octobre 2003 - Espange? - Grèce? - Turqie? - R98 - Inde?"
The ship was based in Toulon, but mail can be found postmarked at any port of call, also abroad
Earliest use reported:
17 November 2003
Latest use reported:
17 November 2003
If you know more about the dates of use for this cachet, please let us know.BDC 2003 - Bertrand Puma Meter Frank FR2003 MF BEPU 58000 Meter frank - Puma
Company logo
"M - Bertrand Puma - Bertrand Puma - [phone and fax numbers] - Z.I. Saint-Eloi - 58000 Nevers - France"
Machine no.
VL 505326
Nevers Colis CLC, Nievre
Earliest use reported:
23 July 2003
Latest use reported:
23 July 2003
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.2003 - Honoré-Primeurs (Wholesales, Fruits and Vegetable) Meter Frank FR2003 MF HOPR 59160 Meter frank - Leopard (?)
Company logo
"Honoré-Primeurs - M.I.N. Bât. D2 Cases 11 à 15 - 59160 Lomme"
Machine no. NL020148
59 Lomme, Nord
Earliest use reported:
12 May 2003
Latest use reported:
12 May 2003
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.2003 - l'Union Sportive du Vésinet Meter Frank FR2003 MF UNSV 59300 Meter frank - Panther
"USV - Basket-Ball"
Machine no. N32188
59 Valenciennes Pl- de la Gare, Nord
Earliest use reported:
10 June 2003
Latest use reported:
10 June 2003
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.2003 - Primex Meter Frank FR20036 MF PRIM 62112 Meter frank - Leopard
Primex logo
"Primex - Abrasifs appliqués"
Machine no. RC930057
62 Corbehem, Pas de Calais
Earliest use reported:
16 April 2003
Latest use reported:
16 April 2003
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.2003 - SATHEL (Société d' Activités Thermales Hôtelières et de Loisirs) Meter Frank FR2003 MF SATH 69890 Meter frank - Lion
"S.A.T.H.E.L - 69890 La Tour de Salvagny"
69890 La Tour de Salvagny
Machine no.
SV 3292
Earliest use reported:
11 April 2003
Latest use reported:
11 April 2003
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.2003 - Lions International Meter Frank FR2003 MF LION 92250 Meter frank - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
"Lions Club International - District 103 - Île de France Ouest - Tél. - 31, Rue Cambon - 92250 La Garenne Colombes
Machine no. VA000508
Garenn Col. PAL, Hauts de Seine
Earliest use reported:
3 April 2003
Latest use reported:
3 April 2003
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.22 February 2003 - 2nd Comic Art Fair of Sens
PSE BackFR20030222 PSE NVI 89100 Pre-stamped envelope NVI
(0.46 on issue)Tiger
Lion (in cachet)
Local PAP
Agreement No. 809 / Lot B2K0203839
MI U326 (with localised cachet)M 9-11 May 2003 - Open Doors at the Gendarmerie FR20030509_11 PMK 00484 Commemorative postmark - Lion
"Portes ouvertes Gendarmerie - Groupement Blinde Satory - du 9 au 11 mai 2003"
BPI Paris Armées 02, Annexe 2 (military post office)
9-11 May 2003BDC October 2003 - Congress of Lions International District 103 Ouest FR20031000_ PMK 53100 Slogan postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"Lions International - Congrès de District 103 Ouest - Château Gontier (53) le 25 Octobre 2003"
53 Château Gontier Mayenne
Earliest use reported:
22 October 2003
Latest use reported:
22 October 2003
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know15 November 2003 - Regional PAPs: French Guyana FR20031115 PSE M 1 Pre-stamped envelope M*
(0.90 on issue)Jaguar (on back)
Cachet: Orchid
Regional PAP sold in packs of 5 designs in French Guyana and from the Philatelic Service
MI U375-01DL FR20031115 PSE M 2 Pre-stamped envelope M*
(0.90 on issue)Jaguar (on back)
Cachet: Red Ibis
Regional PAP sold in packs of 5 designs in French Guyana and from the Philatelic Service
MI U375-02DL FR20031115 PSE M 3 Pre-stamped envelope M*
(0.90 on issue)Jaguar (on back)
Cachet: Black Cayman
Regional PAP sold in packs of 5 designs in French Guyana and from the Philatelic Service
MI U375-03DL FR20031115 PSE M 4 Pre-stamped envelope M*
(0.90 on issue)Jaguar (on back)
Cachet: Amaryllis
Regional PAP sold in packs of 5 designs in French Guyana and from the Philatelic Service
MI U375-04DL FR20031115 PSE M 5 Pre-stamped envelope M*
(0.90 on issue)Jaguar (in cachet and on back)
Cachet: Amaryllis
Regional PAP sold in packs of 5 designs in French Guyana and from the Philatelic Service
MI U375-05M 2004 - Fregate Guefratte Military ship cachet
This item is also listed under Djibouti and United Arab Emirates
FR20040000 MIL FRGU Military ship cachet - Tiger
"Fregate Guefratte - Enduring Freedom 2004"
Ship cachet used in all ports of call
Earliest use reported:
14 July 2004
Latest use reported:
29 July 2004
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us knowIL
(DJ)2004 - Mulhouse Zoo PAP
PSE backFR2004XXXX PSE NVI 68100 Pre-stamped envelope 20g
(0.50 on issue)Tiger (in cachet)
"Zoo de Mulhouse, un jardin extraordinaire"
Agreement 809
Lot B2J/0307359. Interior no.: 52383
Bar code:
3 561920 501239
Earliest use reported:
24 February 2004
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know.
MI U207x (with localized cachet)IL 2004 - Port St Père Slogan Postmark FR20040000_ PMK 44710 Slogan postmark - Lion
"L'Afrique en Loire-Atlantique"
44 Port St. Père, Loire Atl.
Earliest use reported:
23 June 2004
Latest use reported:
23 June 2004
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us knowFebruary 2004 - PAP Belfort FR20040200 PSE NVI 90000 1 Pre-stamped envelope NVI
(0.50 on issue)Lion (in cachet)
Belfort Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion statue outside the Citadelle of Belfort by Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi
"Le Lion de Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi"
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know
MI ??? (with localized cachet)FR20040200 PSE NVI 90000 2 Pre-stamped envelope NVI
(0.50 on issue)Lion (in cachet)
Belfort Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion statue outside the Citadelle of Belfort by Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi
"Le Château"
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know
MI ??? (with localized cachet)Also see Esso items from 1966, 1967, 1988, 1985, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2007, 2009, 2011
FR2005 MF ESSO 92500 Meter frank - Tiger
Esso logo
"Esso Ultron - Esso - Huile de Synthèse"
Machine no. HD102685
Rueil-Malm. (Rueil-Malmaison), Hauts de Seine
Earliest use reported:
23 February 2005
Latest use reported:
23 February 2005
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL 2005 - Circus and Illusion Museum in Dampierre-en-Burly Local PAP FR2005XXXX PSE L20 45570 Pre-stamped envelope L20*
(0.53 on issue)Tiger (in cachet)
"Allez vous croire tout ce que vous voir?......[museum poster]"
Agreement 209
Lot B2k/0411189
Bar code:
3 561920 078571
Earliest use reported:
22 September 2005
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know.
MI U601B (with localized cachet)DL 29 January 2005 - Year of the Rooster FR20050129 MS 10xL20 Stamp 10 x L20*
(5.00 /
10 x 0.50 on issue)Tiger (on selvedge)
Year of the Tiger
10-stamp MS
MI KB3900M February 2005 - Ancerville (Meuse) Local PAP FR20050200 PSE L20 55170 1 Pre-stamped envelope L20*
(0.53 on issue)Lion Statue (in cachet)
The Ancerville Lion
Wild Cat Art
Local PAP
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know.
MI ??? (with localized cachet)19-20 March 2005 - Comic Art and Animal Books Fair
PSE backFR20050319 PSE L20 59430 1 Pre-stamped envelope L20*
(0.53 on issue)Eurasian Lynx (in cachet)
Localised pre-stamped envelope with "Corporate Communication" stamp indicium.
Envelope no. 0208660
MI U352 (with localized cachet)M
PSE backFR20050319 PSE L20 59430 2 Pre-stamped envelope L20*
(0.53 on issue)Eurasian Lynx (in cachet)
Localised pre-stamped envelope with "Lille 2004" stamp indicium.
Agrément: 809
Lot: 42K/0404401
MI U396 (with localized cachet)M
PSE backFR20050319 PSE L20 59430 3 Pre-stamped envelope L20*
(0.53 on issue)Eurasian Lynx (in cachet)
Localised pre-stamped envelope with "Sean Scully" stamp indicium.
Envelope no. 0308805
MI U367 (with localized cachet)M FR20050319_20 PMK 59430 Commemorative postmark - Eurasian Lynx
"Salon de la BD et du Livre Animalier"
59 Fort-Mardyck
19-20 March 2005CC 27 June 2005 - The 14th Arrondissement in 1900 (this has previously been wrongly listed as issued in 2006)
FR20050627 PSE L20 75014 1 Pre-stamped envelope L20*
(0.53 on issue)Lion (in cachet)
Belfort Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion statue outside the Citadelle of Belfort by Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi
La Fête du Lion, place Denfert-Rochereau
Old postcard showing the Lion of Belfort statue at place Denfert-Rocherau in Paris
MI U537[.01]FR20050627 PSE 20g 75014 2 Pre-stamped envelope L20*
(0.53 on issue)Lion (in cachet)
Wild Cat Art
Le Lion de Belfort, place Denfert-Rochereau
Lion of Belfort statue at place Denfert-Rocherau in Paris
MI U537[.02]2006 - UMHS Meter Frank
FR2006 MF UMHS 77002 Meter frank - Panther
"Union Metalurgique de la Haute Seine - UMHS - B.P. 6 - 77002 Melun Cedex"
Machine no. SV2219
77 Melun R.P., Seine et Marne
Earliest use reported:
18 May 2006
Latest use reported:
18 May 2006
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.2006 - Moussier Meter Frank Also see Moussier items from 1975
FR2006 MF MOUS 84036 Meter Frank - Panther
Company Logo
"Moussier - 21 avenue de Foncouverte - BP 773 - 84036 AVIGNON CEDEX 3"
Machine no. SP453770
Avignon Pont des 2 Eaux Vaucluse
Earliest use reported:
20 January 2006
Latest use reported:
20 January 2006
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL 2006 - Philatelic Counter at Denfert-Rochereau Post Office FR20060000 PMK 75014 Pictorial postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Statue
Lion of Belfort
Handstamp used at the Philatelic Counter at Denfert Rochereau Post Office in Paris
Earliest use reported:
2 July 2006
Latest use reported:
26 November 2006
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us know.2006 (?) - Emaux de Longwy Personalised PAP
PSE backFR20060000 PSE L20 54400 Pre-stamped envelope L20*
(0.53 on issue)Panther (in cachet)
Wild cat art
Decorated vase from Émaux de Longwy
Agrément: 809
Lot: B2K/06U266
MI U601 (localised)DL 23 January 2006 - Year of the Dog FR20060123 MS 10xL20 Miniature sheet 10 x L20*
(5.30 /
10 x 0.53 on issue)Tiger (on selvedge)
Year of the Tiger
10-stamp MS
MI KB4029M
(FR)11 March 2006 - 6th Comic Art Festival of Mouins FR20060311 PSE L20 1 Pre-stamped envelope L20*
(0.53 at time of issue)Cartoon Lion (in cachet)
Stamp indicium: Piccasso
MI U497 (localized)FR20060311 PSE L20 2 Pre-stamped envelope L20*
(0.53 at time of issue)Cartoon Lion (in cachet)
Stamp indicium: Blue Prêt-à-poster imprint
MI U601 (localised)8-9 July 2006 - School Ship "Lynx" Being used in a Belgian port and principally on letters with Belgian franking, this cachet is also listed under
Belgium.Also see B.E. Lynx item from 1987
BE20060708_09 MIL LYNX Naval cachet - Eurasian Lynx
Commemmorative cachet for the "Open Doors" at Zeebrugge Naval Base
"Portes ouvertes internationales - Base Naval de Zeebrugge 8-9 juillet 2006 - Batiment École Lynx A751"
Earliest use reported:
23 December 2006
Latest use reported:
23 December 2006
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.November 2006 - Lions Club Pessac Doyen FR20061100 PSI L20 33600 1 Pre-stamped envelope L20*
(0.53 or 0.54 on issue)Lions Club Emblem (in cachet)
Same cachet as
FR20070000 PSI 20g 33600 1
Stamp indicium: Les Huitres
No window
Earliest use reported:
23 December 2006
Latest use reported:
23 December 2006
Base envelope issued November 2006
MI U784 (localized or personalized)
If you know the date of issue for this localized/ personalized item, please let us knowDL 7 December 2006 - UNESCO Service Stamps FR20061207 SE 0_60 1 Service stamp 0.60 Siberian Tiger
with BLACK stripes
Service stamp only valid if mailed from the UNESCO headquarters in Paris
This stamp is known both with and without phosphor stripes at the sides
MI DMUN57FR20061207 SE 0_60 2 Service stamp 0.60 Siberian Tiger
with BROWN stripes
Service stamp only valid if mailed from the UNESCO headquarters in Paris
(ILL)FR20061207 FDC 0_60 1 First day cover 0.60 Siberian Tiger
(on stamp and in cachet)CC FR20061207 MISC BLPR Souvenir blackprint - Siberian Tiger
Souvenir blackprint issued by Phil@poste showing
FR20061207 SE 0_60 1
and another stampM 2007 - Dermo Hygiène France Meter Frank FR2007 MF DER 13813 Meter Frank - Lion
DHF Logo
13813 Vitrolles
Machine no. HE279388
Earliest use reported:
31 October 2007
Latest use reported:
31 October 2007
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know2007 Leo Pharma Meter Frank
Also see versions from 1971
FR2007 MF LEO 78054 Meter frank - Lion
Leo Pharma Logo
78054 Yvelines
Machine no. 126304
Earliest use reported:
8 March 2007
Latest use reported:
8 March 2007
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us knowAlso see Esso items from 1966, 1967, 1988, 1985, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2005, 2009, 2011
FR2007 MF ESSO 92500 Meter frank - Tiger
Esso logo
"Esso Ultron - Esso - Huile de Synthèse"
Machine no. HD100327
Rueil Malmaison, Hauts de Seine
Earliest use reported:
4 April 2007
Latest use reported:
4 April 2007
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL 2007 - Lions Club Pessac Doyen FR20070000 PSI 20g 33600 1 Pre-stamped envelope 20g
(0.54 on issue)Lions Club Emblem (in cachet)
Same cachet as
FR20061100 PSI 20g 33600 1
Stamp indicium: Painting by Margritte
With window
Earliest use reported:
Latest use reported:
Base envelope issued January 2007
MI U797 (localized or personalized)
If you know the date of issue for this localized/ personalized item, please let us know2007 - St Maixent l’École Local PSE I FR20070000 PSE NVI 79403 Pre-stamped envelope 20g Inland (0.54 on issue) Lion Statue (in cachet)
Wild Cat Art
Same cachet as on
FR20070816 PSE NVI 79403
FR20090000 PSE NVI 79403
Stamp indicum: Red Marianne de Lamouche
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know28 April 2007 - Nature: Endangered Species of the Overseas Departments FR20070428 ST 0_60 Stamp 0.60 Jaguar
Issued both in ordinary sheets and in MS
MI 4245ILS FR20070428 MS 2_54 Miniature sheet 2.54 Jaguar (on one stamps and on selvedge)
MI B76ILM (PART) FR20070428 PSE LP 3 Pre-stamped envelope LP*
(0.54 on issue - sold at 0.90)Jaguar (on stamp indicium)
Regional PSE sold in the overseas departments and from the Philatelic Service
MI U832M
ILMFR20070428 FDC 0_60 1 First day cover 0.60 Jaguar (on stamp, cachet, and postmark)
FDP from ParisCC FR20070428 FDC 0_60 2 First day cover 0.60 Jaguar (on stamp and postmark)
FDP from Terre de Haut, GuadeloupeDL FR20070428 FDC 0_60 3 First day cover 0.60 Jaguar (on stamp and postmark)
FDP from Le Robert, MartiniqueDL FR20070428 FDC 0_60 4 First day cover 0.60 Jaguar (on stamp and postmark)
FDP from Cayenne, French GuyanaDL FR20070428 FDC 0_60 5 First day cover 0.60 Jaguar (on stamp, cachet and in postmark)
FDP from La Plaine des Cafres, RéunionDL FR20070428 FDC LP 3 First day cover LP*
(0.54 on issue - sold at 0.90)Jaguar (on stamp indicium and postmark)
FR20070428 PSE LP 3
FDP from ParisFR20070428 FDC LP 7 First day cover LP*
(0.54 on issue - sold at 0.90)Jaguar (on stamp indicium and postmark)
FR20070428 PSE LP 3
FDP from Terre de Haut, GuadeloupeFR20070428 FDC LP 11 First day cover LP*
(0.54 on issue - sold at 0.90)Jaguar (on stamp indicium and postmark)
FR20070428 PSE LP 3
FDP from Le Robert, MartiniqueFR20070428 FDC LP 15 First day cover LP*
(0.54 on issue - sold at 0.90)Jaguar (on stamp indicium and postmark)
FR20070428 PSE LP 3
FDP from Cayenne, French GuyanaCC FR20070428 FDC LP 19 First day cover LP*
(0.54 on issue - sold at 0.90)Jaguar (on stamp indicium and postmark)
FR20070428 PSE LP 3
FDP from La Plaine des Cafres, RéunionCC FR20070428 FDP 75001 First day postmark - Jaguar
"Jaguar - 1er Jour"
28 April 2007CC FR20070428 FDP 97137 First day postmark - Jaguar
"Jaguar - 1er Jour"
971 Terre-de-Haut
28 April 2007DL FR20070428 FDP 97231 First day postmark - Jaguar
"Jaguar - 1er Jour"
972 Le Robert
28 April 2007DL FR20070428 FDP 97300 First day postmark - Jaguar
"Jaguar - 1er Jour"
973 Cayenne
28 April 2007DL FR20070428 FDP 97418 First day postmark - Jaguar
"Jaguar - 1er Jour"
974 La Plaine-des-Cafres
28 April 2007DL 9 June 2007 - TGV Eastern Line PAPs FR20070609 PSE LP 31
Pre-stamped envelope LP*
(0.54 on issue -
sold at 0.80 )Tiger (on back)
Cachet: Colmar - L'ancienne Douane et la Grand Rue
One of 5 designs for Haut-Rhin
Sold in packs with all 5 designs in Haut-Rhin and from the Philatelic Service
Agreement: 809
Lot: 42J707F283
MI U858-1M
DLFR20070609 PSE LP 32 Pre-stamped envelope LP*
(0.54 on issue -
sold at 0.80 )Tiger (on back)
Cachet: Colmar - Ville natale d'Auguste Bartoldi
One of 5 designs for Haut-Rhin
Sold in packs with all 5 designs in Haut-Rhin and from the Philatelic Service
Agreement: 809
Lot: 42J707F283
MI U858-2M
DLFR20070609 PSE LP 33
Pre-stamped envelope LP*
(0.54 on issue -
sold at 0.80 )Tiger (on back)
Cachet: Mulhouse, Cité de l'automobile - Collection Schlumpf
One of 5 designs for Haut-Rhin
Sold in packs with all 5 designs in Haut-Rhin and from the Philatelic Service
Agreement: 809
Lot: 42J707F283
MI U858-3M
DLFR20070609 PSE LP 34 Pre-stamped envelope LP*
(0.54 on issue -
sold at 0.80 )Tiger (on back)
Cachet: Place de la Réunion, le coeur de Mulhouse
One of 5 designs for Haut-Rhin
Sold in packs with all 5 designs in Haut-Rhin and from the Philatelic Service
Agreement: 809
Lot: 42J707F283
MI U858-4M
DLFR20070609 PSE LP 35 Pre-stamped envelope LP*
(0.54 on issue -
sold at 0.80 )Tiger (in cachet and on back)
Cachet: Zoo de Mulhouse
One of 5 designs for Haut-Rhin
Sold in packs with all 5 designs in Haut-Rhin and from the Philatelic Service
Agreement: 809
Lot: 42J707F283
MI U858-5M
FDC9 June 2007 - 4th Salon de l'image et de l'écrit FR20070609_10 PMK 86500 Commemorative postmark - Lion
"4e Salon de l'image et de l'écrit"
86500 Montmorrillon
9 -10 June 200716 August 2007 - St Maixent l’École Local PSE II FR20070816 PSE LP20 79403 Pre-stamped envelope LP20*
(0.54 on issue)Lion Statue (in cachet)
Wild Cat Art
Same cachet as on
FR20070000 PSE NVI 79403
FR20090000 PSE NVI 79403
Stamp indicum: NF-Environnement19 October 2007 - Mulhouse Zoo If you have a scan of this item, please share. FR20071019 PSE NVI 68100 1 Pre-stamped envelope NVI*
(0.54 on issue)Tiger (in cachet)
1 of 5 envelopes dedicated to the Mulhouse Zoo2008 - PAP Nord-Pas-de-Calais FR20080000 PSE LP 59221 Pre-stamped envelope LP*
(0.54 or 0.55 on issue)Lion Statue of Bauvin (on back and front)
If you know the date of issue for this PAP, please let us know.2008 - Festicart 2008 FR20080000 PSE LP20 95880 Pre-stamped envelope LP20*
or 0.55 on issue)Lion (in cachet)
"20ème féstival de la carte postale et du graphisme" ("20th festival of the postcard and graphic art")
Local PAP from 95880 ENGHIEN-LES-BAINS
If you know the date of issue for this PAP, please let us know.26 January 2008 - Year of the Rat FR20080126 MS 5xLP20 Miniature sheet 5 x LP20*
(5 x 0.54/
on issue)Tiger (on selvedge)
Year of the Tiger
MI KB4355April 2008 - 9th International Circus Festival in Domont FR20080400 LP20 95330 1 Pre-stamped envelope LP20*
on issue)Tigers (in cachet)
MI U???1 May 2008 - 18th Sculpture Festival FR20080501 PMK 88250 Commemorative postmark - Lion
18e Festival de Sculpture, 88 La Bresse
1 May 200815 June 2008 - Red Cross: The Circus FR20080615 ST 0_55 Stamp 0.55 Lion
MI 4446FR20080615 MS 5_10 Miniature sheet 3.30
(6 x 0.55
sold at 5.10)Lion (on one of 6 stamps)
MS sold at a premium for the benefit of the Red Cross
MI B94FR20080630 BK 19_80 Prestige booklet (or book) 3.30
(6 x 0.55
sold at 19.80)Lion (on stamp and booklet pane selvedge)
Tiger (on booklet pane selvedge)
Book titled "Le timbre voyage avec ... Le Cirque" ("The Stamps travels with... the Circus"), 275 x 213 mm, 88 pages including one single stamp pane for each of the 6 stamps in the series16 June 2008 - Beijing Olympics FR20080616 MS 5_50 Miniature sheet 5.50 Stone Lions (on selvedge)
MI KB4449-4452July 2008 - Phil@poste Service Envelope 3 FR20080700 PSE SE PP Prepaid service envelope PP Lion
Service Envelope for Phil@aposte Service Centre showing
FR20080615 MS 5_10
in the cachet
299 x 162 mm14 September 2008 - 1st Cat Show in Réunion FR20080914 PSE LP Pre-stamped envelope LP*
(0.55 at time of issue)Jaguar (in stamp indicium)
Domestic cats in cachet
FR20070428 PSE LP 3
with localized cachet
MI U832 (localized)20 September 2008 - Belfort Regional Exhibition FR20080920 PMK 90300 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Belfort Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion statue outside the Citadelle of Belfort by Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi
"Où sont passés nos papillons?"
90300 Sermamagny
20 September 200826 September 2008 - 9th International Circus Festival of Val d'Oise FR20080926 PSE LP20 95330 Pre-stamped envelope LP20*
on issue)Tiger (in cachet)
Local PAP
Agreement: 809, Lot: B2K/07U744
MI U932 (localized)CC 10 November 2008 - Red Cross: Children Draw the Planet FR20081110 ST LP20 2 Stamp LP20*
(0.55 at time of issue)Lion
(Children's Drawing)
Self-adhesive stamp from bookletFR20081110 BK 10xLP20 Booklet 10 x LP20*
+ 1.80
(7.30 at time of issue)Lion (on stamp, cover and inside art)
Tiger (on cover)
Self-adhesive booklet with 5 x
FR20081110 ST 20g 2
and 5 x the other stamp in series2009 - UMHS Meter Frank
FR2009 MF UMHS 77002 Meter frank - Panther
"UMHS - Tél: 01 60 56 77 77 - Fax: 01 64 09 17 67 - 49 RN 6 - Vert Saint Denis - BP 6 - 77002 Melun Cedex"
Machine no. SM739950
Melun CDIS, Seine et Marne
Earliest use reported:
23 June 2009
Latest use reported:
23 June 2009
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.Also see Esso items from 1966, 1967, 1988, 1985, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2005, 2007, 2011
FR2009 MF ESSO 92400 1 Meter frank - Tiger
Esso logo
"Esso Ultron - Esso - Huile de Synthèse"
Machine no. HD102685
La Défense CTC, Hauts de Seine
Earliest use reported:
1 September 2009
Latest use reported:
11 September 2009
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL FR2009 MF ESSO 92400 2 Meter frank - Tiger
Esso logo
"Esso Ultron - Esso - Huile de Synthèse"
Machine no. HD100327
La Défense CTC, Hauts de Seine
Earliest use reported:
27 April 2009
Latest use reported:
27 April 2009
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.FR2009 MF ESSO 92400 3 Meter frank - Tiger
Esso logo
"Esso Ultron - Esso - Huile de Synthèse"
Machine no. HP129902
La Défense CTC, Hauts de Seine
Earliest use reported:
13 November 2009
Latest use reported:
13 November 2009
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL 2009 - "Montimbrenligne": Computer Vended Postage - New designs I FR20090000 CVP 2 X21 Computer vended postage Available in all postage rates Tiger (face)
Downloadable "stamp" imprint
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
Earliest use reported:
15 October 2009
If you know more about the date of issue for this item, please let us know.DL FR20090000 CVP 2 X25 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all postage rates Lion
Downloadable "stamp" imprint
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 2 X25DLSF (0.58) 2009 - ZooParc de Beuval Local PAP
PSE backFR20090000 PSE LP20 41110 Pre-stamped envelope LP20*
(0.55 on issue)Tiger (in cachet)
Local PAP
Agreement: 809/1/014
Earliest use reported:
2 June 2009
If you know the date of issue for this PAP, please let us know.
MI U924I (localised)DL 2009 (?) - WWF: Together for a Vital Guyana FR20090000 PSE LP 97300 Pre-stamped envelope LP* Jaguar (in stamp indicium)
Local PAP sold in French Guyana
FR20070428 PSE LP 3
with localized cachet
We are uncertain about the date of issue for this item, but have seen it used in 2009
If you know more about the date of issue for this PAP, please let us know.
MI U832 (localized)M 2009 - Last Voyage of the Hangar Ship 'Clemenceau'
Also see other Clemenceau items from 1974, 1982, 1987, 1989, 1991, 1993, 1994, 1997, 2003
FR20090000 PST M20 X1 Personalised stamp M20* Tiger
"Le dernier voyage du Tigre"
Personalised stamp of type 2Ha
MI UnlistedM 2009 St Maixent l’École Local PSE FR20090000 PSE NVI 79403 Pre-stamped envelope NVI*
(Inland Priority - 0.55 on issue)Lion Statue (in cachet)
Wild Cat Art
Same cachet as on
FR20070816 PSE NVI 79403
FR20070000 PSE NVI 79403
Stamp indicum: Red Marianne de Beaujard
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know2009 - Personalised Stamps FR20090000 PST LP20 X1 Personalised stamp LP20* Jaguar (on car)
"50 ans de la Jaguar MK2"
Personalised stamp of type 1Ve
MI Unlisted10 January 2009 - Year of the Ox FR20090110 MS 5xLP20 Miniature sheet 5 x LP20*
(2.75 /
5 x 0.55 on issue)Tiger (on selvedge)
Year of the Tiger
MI KB457026 March 2009 - Phil@poste Philatelic Programme Postcard FR20090326 PC W20 Pre-persoalised postcard/mass mailer W20*
(0.85 on issue)Tiger
Snow Leopard (on picture side)
FR20090110 MS 5x20g
FR20090620 MS 2_72
picturedDP 27 April 2009 - Regional Pre-personalised Stamps (Collectors Timbrés) FR20090427 ST LP20 133 Stamp LP20*
(0.56 on issue)Lion
Wild Cat Art
Faience Figurine from Angoulême
Self Adhesive Stamp from booklet
Pre-personalised stamp of type 1Ha issued by La Poste and sold in post offices in Poitou-Charentes and from the Philatelic ServiceFR20090427 BK 10x20g 14 Booklet 10 x LP20*
(sold at 7.49 on issue (franking value 5.60))Lion
Wild Cat Art
Faience Figurine from Angoulême (on one stamp)
Self Adhesive Booklet of 10 Regional Pre-personalised stamps issued by La Poste and sold in post offices in Poitou-Charentes and from the Philatelic ServiceMay 2009 -"Montimbrenligne": Computer Vended Postage - New designs II FR20090500 CVP 2 X22 Computer vended postage Available in all postage rates Cheetahs
Downloadable "stamp" imprint
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 2 X2220 June 2009 - Extinct and Endangered Species FR20090620 MS 2_72 Miniature sheet 2.72 Snow Leopard (on selvedge)
MI B10722 June 2009 - Bordeaux Quarters PAPs FR20090622 PSE 0_56 31 33000 Pre-stamped envelope NVI*
(0.56 on issue)Lion (in cachet)
Wild Cat Art
Lion statue from La Bastide in Bordeaux7 November 2009 - Best Wishes FR20091107 ST LP20 5 Stamp LP20*
(0.56 on issue)Lion
Self-adhesive stamp from
FR20091107 BK 7_84
MI 4778FR20091107 BK 7_84 Booklet 14 x LP20*
(7.84 on issue)Lion (on one stamp and on cover)
Booklet with all 14 stamps in set
MI MH4774-4787
2010 - 2019 Back to top
2010 - Personalised Stamps FR20100120 PST 20g 1 Personalised Stamp 20g
(0.56 on issue)Lion
Emblem of 23rd Colonial Infantry Regiment
We believe this stamp was made for the celebrations of the 65th Anniversary of the Liberation of Pfastatt and Lutterbach in Alsace. We have only seen this stamp on a scan of a commemorative envelope for that event.
If you have any further information on this item, please let us know.2010 - The Museum of Rouen FR2010XXXX PSE NVI 76000 Pre-stamped envelope NVI *
(0.56 or 0.58 on issue)Leopard
"Muséum de Rouen - 198, rue Beauvoisine - Rouen
Local PAP
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know.2010 - Year of the Tiger at Martinique FR2010XXXX PSE NVI 97200 Pre-stamped envelope NVI *
(0.56 on issue)Tiger (in cachet)
"Nouvel An Chinois à la Martinique - Année du Tugre"
Local PAP
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know.January 2010 - Phil@poste Service Envelope I FR20100100 PSE SE PP Pre-stamped Service Envelope PP Stylized Tiger
Service Envelope for Phil@aposte Service Centre showing details from the 2010 YoT issue8 January 2010 - WWF PAPs FR20100108 PSE 20g 2 Pre-stamped envelope NVI *
(0.56 on issue)Tiger (in cachet)
WWF Logo in stamp indicum)ILM 15 January 2010 - Year of the Tiger FR20100115 ST 0_56 Stamp 0.56 Tiger
Year of the Tiger
MI 4802FR20100115 MS 0_56 Miniature sheet 3.00
(franking value 0.56)Tiger (on stamp and selvedge)
Year of the Tiger
Single-stamp MS from Souvenir Pack
MI B124M
DLFR20100115 MS 2_80 Miniature sheet 2.80
(5 x 0.56)Tiger (on stamps and selvedge)
MS with 5 x
FR20100115 ST 0_56
MI KB4802M FR20100115 FDC 0_56 First day cover 0.56 Tiger (on stamp and postmark)
FDC with
FR20100115 ST 0_56
postmarked with
FR20100115 FDP 75000CC FR20100115 FDP 75000 First day postmark - Tiger
"Nouvel an chinois - Année du tigre"
15 January 2010CC 11 April 2010 - Congress of Lions Clubs in Eastern France
On Comm. CoverFR20100411 PMK 51100 Commemorative postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"Congrés Lions Clubs District Est"
51100 Reims
11 April 2010CC 21-22 May 2010 - National Convention of Lions International FR20100521_22 PMK 21000 1 Commemorative postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"59e Convention Nationale - District Multiple 103 France"
21000 Dijon
21-22 May 2010
11 April 2010FR20100521_22 PMK 21000 2 Commemorative postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"Action National 2010 - District Multiple 103 France - Lions Alzheimer"
21000 Dijon
21-22 May 2010
11 April 201012 June 2010 - Regional "Collectors" FR20100612 ST 20g 97 Stamp 20g
(0.56 on issue)Lion
"pre-personalised" self-adhesive stamp from booklet/folder of 10 stamps issued for all French regions and sold in the respective region. This stamp is from the "Collector" for Languedoc-RoussillonDLS FR20100612 BK 10x20g 10 Booklet 10 x 20g
(sold at 8.90 / franking value 5.60 on issue)Lion
Booklet/folder of 10 "pre-personalised" self-adhesive stamps issued for all French regions and sold in the respective region. This is the "Collector" for Languedoc-Roussillon20 November 2010 - Saint-Etienne Sports Association FR20101120 ST 20g 4 Stamp 20g
(0.58 on issue)Panther (upper body and footbal)
Pre-personalized self-adhesive stamp (issued by the post office)
MIFR20101120 ST 20g 5 Stamp 20g
(0.58 on issue)Panther (full figure silhouette and footbal)
Pre-personalized self-adhesive stamp (issued by the post office)FR20101120 ST 20g 6 Stamp 20g
(0.58 on issue)Panther (in club uniform)
Pre-personalized self-adhesive stamp (issued by the post office)FR20101120 ST 20g 9 Stamp 20g
(0.58 on issue)Panther (head in shield)
Pre-personalized self-adhesive stamp (issued by the post office)FR20101120 SH 9_90 Sheetlet 10 x 20g (sold at 9.90 - franking value 5.80 on issue) Panther (in four stamps)
Self-adhesive sheetlet with all 10 pre-Personalised stamps in setAlso see Esso items from 1966, 1967, 1985, 1988, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2005, 2007, 2009
FR2011 MF ESSO 13270 Meter frank - Tiger
Esso logo
"Esso Super Oil - Esso"
Machine no.
NS 011652
13 Fos sur Mer Principal, B. du R
Earliest use reported:
22 September 2011
Latest use reported:
22 September 2011
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.2011 - Paris 14e Local PAPs FR20110000 PSE NVI 75014 5 Pre-stamped envelope NVI
(0.58 on issue)Lion (in cachet)
Wild Cat Art
Lion Statue
"Le Lion de Renfert Rochereau - Paris 14e"
Part of a set of 10 PAPs
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us knowJanuary 2011 - "Montimbrenligne": Computer Vended Postage - New designs FR20110100 CVP 2 X19 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all postage rates Tiger (lying down towards right)
Downloadable "stamp" imprint
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 2 X19DLS (0.58) FR20110100 CVP 2 X23 Computer vended postage Available in all postage rates Snow Leopard
Downloadable "stamp" imprint
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 2 X23DLS (0.95) FR20110100 CVP 2 X24 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all postage rates Eurasian Lynx
Downloadable "stamp" imprint
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 2 X24DLS (0.58) FR20110100 CVP 2 X82 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all postage rates Panther
Downloadable "stamp" imprint
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 2 X82DLS (0.58) 14 January 2011 - Year of the Rabbit FR20110114 MS 2_90 Miniature sheet 2.90 Tiger (on selvedge)
Year of the Tiger
5-stamp MS with all Lunar Zodiac animals in selvedge
MI KB502618 January 2011 - Fabrics of the World FR20110118 ST 20g 5 Stamp 20g
(0.58 on issue)Lion
Wild Cat Art
16th century Persian carpet 'Tapis de Mantes'
Self-adhesive stamp from booklet
MI 5031 IFR20110118 BK 12x20g Booklet 12 x 20g
(6.96 /
12 x 0.58
on issue)Lion (on one stamp and cover)
Wild Cat Art
Self-adhesive booklet
MI MH???25 May 2011 - Regional "Collectors" FR20110525 ST 20g 154 Stamp 20g
(0.58 on issue)Eurasian Lynx
"pre-personalised" self-adhesive stamp from booklet/folder of 10 stamps issued for all French regions and sold in the respective region. This stamp is from the "Collector" for LorraineFR20110525 BK 8_90 16 Booklet 10 x 20g
(sold at 8.90 / franking value 5.80 on issue)Eurasion Lynx (on one stamp)
Booklet/folder of 10 "pre-personalised" self-adhesive stamps issued for all French regions and sold in the respective region. This is the "Collector" for Lorraine26 May 2011 - 60th National Lions Convention FR20110526 PST LP20 86130 Personalised Stamp LP20*
(0.58 on issue)Lions Club Emblem
Issued for the 60th National Lions Convention, 26 - 28 May 2011
If you have any further information on this item, please let us know.1 July 2011 - Computer Postage "Montimbrenligne" - new type
Known service indicators: *
LPFR20110701 CVP 3 X23 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all postage rates Snow Leopard (cub)
Downloadable "stamp" imprint
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 3 X23DLS (0.60)
Known service
indicators: *
LVFR20110701 CVP 3 X26 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all postage rates Tiger (lying down facing camera)
Siberian Tiger
Downloadable "stamp" imprint
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 3 X26DL
17 September 2011 - The Big Lion Festival Web article (in French)
FR20110917 PMK 90000 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Belfort Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion statue outside the Citadelle of Belfort by Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi
"La Grande Fête du Lion"
90 Belfort
17 September 20112012 - Personaised Stamps FR20120000 PST D35 X1 Personalised stamp Destineo 35g Tiger
Earliest use reported:
26 May 2012
If you have any information on this item, please let us know.31 December 2011 - Best Wishes for 2012 from Belfort FR20111231 PST 20g 2 90000 Personalised stamp 20g
(0.60 on issue)Lion
Belfort Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion statue outside the Citadelle of Belfort by Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi
Personalised, self-adhesive stamp from
FR20111231 PBK 4x20g 90000
Realised by APHIEST Belfort
PaneFR20111231 PBK 4x20g 90000 Personalised booklet 4x20g
(2.40 /
4 x 0.60 on issue)Lion (on two stamps and pane selvedge)
Belfort Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion statue outside the Citadelle of Belfort by Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi
Personalised, self-adhesive booklet with 2 x
FR20111231 PST 20g 2 90000
and two other stamps
Realised by APHIEST Belfort2012 - "Montimbrenligne": Computer Vended Postage - New designs
Confirmed service indicators*:
LV (main scan)
LPFR20120000 CVP 3 X20 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Lion
(Lion cub)
Downloadable "stamp" imprint for general users
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 3 X20
If you know the exact date of issue for this design, please let us know.DLS (0.57, 0.58, 0.60) 6 January 2012 - Year of the Dragon FR20120106 MS 3_00 Miniature sheet 3.00
(5 x 0.60)Tiger (on selvedge)
MI B214M 21 May 2012 - 2nd Circus Biennale in Vierzon FR20120521 PST 20g 18100 Personalised stamp 20g
(0.60 on issue)Tiger
MI PB1 (personalised)M
DLFR20120521 PBK 4x20g 18100 1 Personalised booklet 4 x 20g
(2.40 /
4 x 0.60 on issue)Tiger (on stamps, outer and inner cover)
Booklet with 4 x
FR20120521 PST 20g 18100
MI MHPB1 (personalised)M
Pane/inner cover
FR20120521 PBK 4x20g 18100 2 Personalised booklet 4 x 20g
(2.40 /
4 x 0.60 on issue)Tiger (on stamps and inner cover)
Booklet with 2 x
FR20120521 PST 20g 18100
and 2 x another personalised stamp
MI MHPB1 (personalised)M
Inner cover
FR20120521 PBK 10x20g 18100 Personalised booklet/sheetlet 10 x 20g
(6.00 /
10 x 0.60 on issue)Tiger (on stamps and inner cover)
Booklet with 10 x
FR20120521 PST 20g 18100
MI KBPB1 (personalised)M 2012 - 'Timbres Passion 2012' - National Stamp Congress FR20121102 ST 0_60 Stamp 0.60 Lion
Belfort Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion statue outside the Citadelle of Belfort by Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi
For this stamp in a MS, see
FR20131106 MS 0_60
MI 5432FR20121102 PST 20g 1 Personalised Stamp 20g
(0.60 on issue)Lion
Cartoon Lion
Belfort Lion
Personalised self-adhesive stamp from
FR20121102 PBK 4x20g 1
Realised by APHIEST Belfort
MI ??? (personalised)FR20121102 PBK 4x20g 1 Personalised booklet 4 x 20g
(2.40 on issue)Lion (on stamps, pane selvedge, and cover)
Cartoon Lion (on stamps and cover)
Wild Cat Art
Lion statue outside the Citadelle of Belfort by Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi (on pane selvedge)
Self-adhesive personalised booklet with 4 x
FR20121102 PST 20g 1
Realised by APHIEST BelfortFR20121102 MC 0_60 Maximun Card 0.60
(sold at 3.00)Lion (on stamp, card, and postmark)
Belfort Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion statue outside the Citadelle of Belfort by Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi
Souvenir MC with
FR20121102 ST 0_60
realised by APHIEST BelfortFR20121102 MC 20g Maximun Card 20g
(0.60 on issue)
(sold at 3.00)Lion (on stamp, card, and postmark)
Cartoon Lion
Belfort Lion
Souvenir MC with
FR20121102 PST 20g 1
realised by APHIEST BelfortFR20121102 FDP 75001 First day postmark - Lion
Belfort Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion statue outside the Citadelle of Belfort by Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi
"Belfort - Territoire de Belfort - Premier Jour"
2 November 2012
FR20121102 FDP 90000 First day postmark - Lion
Belfort Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion statue outside the Citadelle of Belfort by Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi
"Belfort - Territoire de Belfort - Premier Jour"
90 Belfort
2 November 2012
FR20121102_04 PMK 90000 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Cartoon Lion
Belfort Lion
"Timbres Passion 2012"
This postmark was also widely used for FDCs
90 Belfort
2-4 November 20122013 - School Ship "Jaguar"
Also see B.E. Jaguar item from 1988
FR2013 MIL JAGUAR Military ship cachet - Jaguar
Stylized Jaguar
"Batiment École Jaguar - Formation École Naval"
General cachet
The ship is based in l'Île-de-Batz, but mail can be found postmarked at any port of call, also frequently abroad
Earliest use reported:
11 May 2013
Latest use reported:
11 May 2013
If you know more about the dates of use for this cachet, please let us know.BDC 2013 - School Ship "Lion"
Also see B.E. Lion item from 1988
FR2013 MIL LION Military ship cachet - Lion
General cachet
"Batiment École Lion - Ile de Groix ville Marraine"
The ship is based in l'Île-de-Groix, but mail can be found postmarked at any port of call, also frequently abroad
Earliest use reported:
4 April 2013
Latest use reported:
4 April 2013
If you know more about the dates of use for this cachet, please let us know.BDC January 2013 - "Montimbrenligne": Computer Vended Postage - New designs FR20130100 CVP 3 X28 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all postage rates Tiger (head, facing right)
Downloadable "stamp" imprint
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 3 X28DL
(LV)2013 - Phil@poste Service PSE FR20130000 PSE NVI 24051 Pre-stamped envelope NVI
(0.63 on issue)Lion (in stamp indicium)
Belfort Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion statue outside the Citadelle of Belfort by Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi
Stamp indicium like
FR20121102 ST 0_60
but without face value
MI ???4 January 2013 - Year of the Snake Article from Timbres Magazine
If you have a scan of this item, please share. FR20130104 MS 3_00 1 Miniature sheet 3.00 Tiger (on selvedge)
Year of the Tiger
5-stamp MS with stamps denominated 0.60. Not officially issued - withdrawn to be replaced with stamp in new denomination (0.63) because of a rate change.
A number of sheets were nevertheless sold over the counter in several post offices by error
MI KBVIIIFR20130104 MS 3_15 Miniature sheet 3.15 Tiger (on selvedge)
Year of the Tiger
5-stamp MS with stamps denominated 0.60
MI KB54804 January 2013 - The Lunar Zodiac in Art FR20130104 ST LV20 5 Stamp LV20g
(0.58 on issue)Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Bronze Tiger Statue
"Standing Tiger" by Antoine Louis Bary, The Louvre, Paris
Self-adhesive stamp from booklet
MI 5485M
ILMFR20130104 BK 12xLV20 Booklet 12 x LV20g
(6.96 on issue)Tiger (on one stamp and cover)
Wild Cat Art
Bronze Tiger Statue
"Standing Tiger" by Antoine Louis Bary, The Louvre, Paris
Self-adhesive booklet with
FR20130104 ST LV20 5
and 11 other stamps in set
MI MH???M FR20130104 FDC LV20 5 First day cover LV20g
(0.58 on issue)Tiger (on stamp and in cachet)
Wild Cat Art
Bronze Tiger Statue
"Standing Tiger" by Antoine Louis Bary, The Louvre, Paris
FDC with
FR20130104 ST LV20 5CC FR20130104 MC LV20 5 Maximum Card LV20g
(0.58 on issue)Tiger (on stamp and card)
Wild Cat Art
Bronze Tiger Statue
"Standing Tiger" by Antoine Louis Bary, The Louvre, Paris
MC with
FR20130104 ST LV20 5CC 6 April 2013 - Medico Lions Club Personalised Stamps
(we have also seen the issue date 1 January 2014 for this issue)
FR20130406 PST LP20 1 Personalised stamp LP20*
(0.63 on issue)Lion
Lions Club Emblem
"30.000 bénévoles....."
Personalised stamp of type 2Ha
MI UnlistedDLS FR20130406 PST LP20 2 Personalised stamp LP20*
(0.63 on issue)Lion
Lions Club Emblem
"Centre Opthalmologique à Dakar...."
Personalised stamp of type 2Ha
MI UnlistedFR20130406 PST LP20 3 Personalised stamp LP20*
(0.63 on issue)Lion
Lions Club Emblem
"Soigne - Forme - Equipe"
Personalised stamp of type 2Ha
MI UnlistedDLS FR20130406 PST LP20 4 Personalised stamp LP20*
(0.63 on issue)Lion
Lions Club Emblem
World Map
Personalised stamp of type 2Ha
MI UnlistedFR20130406 PBK 4xLP20 Personalised booklet 4 x LP20*
(2.52 /
4 x 0.63 on issue)Lion (on stamps and cover)
Lions Club Emblem
Personalised booklet with
FR20130406 PST LP20 1
FR20130406 PST LP20 2
FR20130406 PST LP20 3
FR20130406 PST LP20 425 May 2013 - 62nd National Convention of Lions FR20130525 PMK 57000 Commemorative postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"62ème Convention Nationale - District Multiple 103 France - Medico Lions Club de France"
57 Metz
25 May 2013DL 6 November 2013 - Most Beautiful Stamp 2012 FR20131106 MS 0_60 Miniature sheet 0.60
(sold at 3.00)Lion (in stamp)
Belfort Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion statue outside the Citadelle of Belfort by Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi
FR20121102 ST 0_60
In a special MS/Presentation Pack sold exclusively by the Philatelic Bureau at a premium2014-17 - Sigéan African Reserve Meter Frank FR2014_ MF REAF 11130 Meter Frank - Lion
"Reserve Africaine de Sigéan - 11130 Sigéan - Lèttre Verte"
Machine no. ML088157
Narbonne CDIS, Aude
Earliest use reported:
9 January 2014
Latest use reported:
2 June 2017
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us knowDL 2014 - UMHS Meter Frank
FR2014 MF UMHS 77002 Meter frank - Panther
"UMHS - Tél: 01 60 56 77 77 - Fax: 01 64 09 17 67 - 49 RD 306 - Vert Saint Denis - BP 6 - 77002 Melun Cedex"
Machine no. HU216774
77 Melun PPDC, Seine et Marne
Earliest use reported:
2 January 2014
Latest use reported:
2 January 2014
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.2014 - Sigéan African Reserve Mass Mailer FR20140000 MM 011_11_001 Mass Mailer PP Lion (in cachet)
Park logo and Lion Silhouette
N° 011/11/001-AN
NARBONNE PPDCDL 17 January 2014 - The Magic of Astrology FR20140117 ST LV20 9 Stamp LV20g
(0.61 on issue)Lion
Zodiac Leo
Self-adhesive stamp
MI 5769FR20140117 BK 12xLV20 Booklet 12
x LV20g
(7.32 on issue)Lion (on one stamp and cover)
Zodiac Leo
Self-adhesive booklet with
FR20140117 ST LV20 9
and 11 other stamps
MI 57692014 - Year of the Horse FR20140131 MS 3_30 Miniature sheet 3.30 Tiger (on selvedge)
5-stamp MS
MI KB577714 March 2014 - The Path of St. James of Compostella FR20140314 MS 3_32 Miniature sheet 3.32 Lion (on selvedge)
Wild Cat Art
Decorative Lion Bas-reliefs from the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostella, Spain
MI B243M 22 May 2014 - 63rd National Convention of Lions International FR20140522 PST 20g 62520 Persoanlised stamp 20g
(0.66 on issue)Lion
Lions Club Emblem
"Action Nationale 2013-2015 - Un Bon Souufle d'Air Pour - Enfants - Cancers - Santé"
Personalised stamp issued by Club Philatélique des Lions de France
On comm. coverFR20140522_25 PMK 62520 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
"63ème Convention Nationale - District Multiple 103 France - Enfants & Santé"
65250 Le Touquet - Paris Plage
22 - 25 May 201430 May 2014 - 3rd Circus Biennale in Vierzon FR20140530_31 PMK 18100 Commemorative postmark - Tiger
"3ème Biennale du Cirque de Vierzon"
18 Vierzon
30-31 May 201415 June 2014 - 80th Anniversary of Paris Zoo FR20140615 ST 0_98 Stamp 0.98 Jaguar
Black Panther
MI 592922 November 2014 - 70th Anniversary of the Liberation of Belfort FR20141122 PMK 90000 Commemorative postmark - Lion (in cachet)
Belfort Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion statue outside the Citadelle of Belfort by Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi
"70è Anniversaire de la liberation"
90 Belfort
22 November 19142015 Groupe Leader Meter Frank
Also see Groupe Leader items from 2016
FR2015 MF GRLE 95604 Meter frank - Lion
Stylized Lion
Company Logo
"Groupe Leader - Travail Temporaire - CDI & Formation - 19 rue des Alouettes - BP 80110 - 95604 Eaubonne Cedex"
Machine no. ML077263
Riorges PPDC, Loire
Earliest use reported:
9 October 2015
Latest use reported:
9 October 2015
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know7-8 March 2015 - 70th Congress of the Central Western France Philatelic Clubs FR20150307_08 PMK 17300 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Cartoonish Lion
"70e Congres Groupement Philatelique Centre Ouest"
17 - Rochefort
7-8 March 201519 May 2015 - 50th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations with Singapore
Joint issue with Singapore
Items from this issue are also listed under Mythic Cats
La Poste's presentation of this issue in PhilInfoFR20150519 BK 4x20gW Booklet 4xM20
(4.80 on issue - sold at 6.90)Lion (on cover and pane)
Stylized Lion
National Emblem of Singapore
4-stamp self-adhesive booklet with two of each stamp in issueThis item is also listed under Singapore
FR_SG20150519 BK 8_40 Booklet / special folder 8.40 Lion (on cover and pane)
Stylized Lion
National Emblem of Singapore
Joint "collector" with the stamps from both countries - the SG stamps in self-adhesive version.
To our knowledge this item has only been sold in cancelled condition
If you have seen mint versions of this product, please let us know.BDC FR20150519 FDP 75001 First day postmark - Lion
Stylized Lion
National Emblem of Singapore
"Singapour in France"
19 May 201519-20 September 2015 - 80th Anniversary of the Poitiers Philatelic Club FR20150919_20 PMK 86000 Commemorative postmark -
Wild Cat Art
Decorative detail from Poitiers City Hall
"Amicale Philatélique Poitevine - 80 Ans"
86 Poitiers
19-20 September 2015BDC December 2015 - "Montimbrenligne": Computer Vended Postage - New types 2016 Groupe Leader Meter Frank
Also see Groupe Leader items from 2015
FR2016 MF GRLE 77185 Meter frank - Lion
Stylized Lion
Company Logo
"Groupe Leader - Travail Temporaire - CDI & Formation"
Machine no. ML087752
Lognes PIC, Seine et Marne
Earliest use reported:
17 March 2016
Latest use reported:
17 March 2016
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.2016 - Personalised Stamps FR20160000 PST 20g 07340 Personalised stamp 20g
(0.80 on issue)Cheetah
Cheetah cub
Personalised stamp of type 1Ha for Safari de Peaugres
If you know more about this item, please let us know.FR20160000 PST X4 Personalised stamp 20g
(0.80 on issue)Lion
Lion silhouette
Lyon Tourism Logo
Personalised stamp of type 2Va issued by the Lyon Tourist Office.
Earliest use reported:
September 2016
If you know more about this item, please let us know.1 April 2016 - Spring Stamp Fair in Belfort FR20160401 ST 0_70 Stamp 0.70 Lion
Belfort Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion statue outside the Citadelle of Belfort by Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi
MI 6413BDC 3 September 2016 - Proverbs FR20160903 ST LV 6 Stamp LV
(0.70 on issue)Lion
Cartoon Lion
Self adhesive stamp from
FR20160903 BK 12xLV
MI 6418FR20160903 BK 12xLV Booklet 12 x LV
(8.40 -
12 x 0.70 on issue)Lion
Cartoon Lion
Self adhesive booklet with
FR20160903 ST LV 6
and 11 other stamps
MI MH???9 September 2016 - UNESCO Service stamps FR20160909 SE 1_00 Service stamp 1.00 Puma
Florida Panther
Service stamp only valid if mailed from the UNESCO headquarters in Paris
MI DMUN7716 September 2016 - Les Legendaires FR20160916 MS 4_20 Miniature sheet 4.20
(6 x 0.70)Lion (on three labels)
Cartoon Lion
Leonid Jaguari Prince Gryf from Les Legendaires by Patrick Sobral
MI KB6527-6528FR20160916 LB 3 Undenominated label - Lion
Cartoon Lion
Leonid Jaguari Prince Gryf from Les Legendaires by Patrick Sobral
2017 - Securipro Meter Frank FR2017 MF SEPR 43000 Meter frank - Unspecified wild cat
Company logo
"Securipro - votre securité - notre passion - Tél: 0 800 820 241 -"
Machine no. HU528654
Le-Puy-en-Velay PPDC, Hte Loire
Earliest use reported:
27 April 2017
Latest use reported:
27 April 2017
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.2017 - IFAW Mass Mailer FR2017 MM IFAW 59895 Mass mailer PP Tiger (in cachet)
Destineo Mass Mailer used by IFAW (International Fund for ANimal Protection
DGM No. 01/35
Earliest use reported:
19 April 2017
Latest use reported:
19 April 2017
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.
2017-18 - UMHS Meter Frank
FR2017_ MF UMHS 77002 Meter frank - Panther
"UMHS - Tél: 01 60 56 77 77 - Fax: 01 64 09 17 67 - 49 RD 306 - CS10102 - Vert Saint Denis - 77002 Melun Cedex"
Machine no. HU216774
Melun PPDC, Seine et Marne
Earliest use reported:
5 May 2017
Latest use reported:
9 March 2018
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.2018 - Personalised Stamps FR20180000 PST LP20 X1 Personalised stamp LP20*
(0.95 on issue)Lion
ING-Bank Logo (we believe....)
Peronalised stamp of type 2Ha issued by ING Bank (?)
If you have any information on this item, please let us know.FR20180000 PST LP50 X1 Personalised stamp LP50*
(1.90 on issue)Tiger
Cartoon Tiger
Tigger (doll)
Personalised stamp of type 1Hi
If you have any information on this item, please let us know.BDC 2018 - Computer Vended Postage "Montimbrenligne" - new designs
Confirmed service denominations*:
LV50 (main scan)FR20180000 CVP 6 X12 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Cheetah (standing)
Image from National Geographic
Downloadable "stamp" imprint
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 6 X12
Confirmed service denominations*:
LV50 (main scan)
R1-AR50FR20180000 CVP 6 X13 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Cheetah (mother and cub)
Image from National Geographic
Downloadable "stamp" imprint
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 6 X13DLS
(LV250, R1AR50)
DL2 (LV20)
2018 - Computer Vended Postage "Montimbrenligne" - personalised designs
Confirmed service denominations*:
LV20 (main scan)FR20180000 CVP 6 X80 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Cheetah
Stulised Cheetah
Company logo
Downloadable "stamp" imprint personalised for Of Course Transports in Southern France
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 6 X80DLS (LV20) 2019 - Computer Vended Postage "Montimbrenligne" - new designs
Confirmed service denominations*:
LV20 (main scan)
LS20FR20190000 CVP 6 X14 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Lion
Astrological Leo
Downloadable "stamp" imprint
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 6 X14
Earliest use reported:
13 February 2019
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know.DLS (LV20, LP20, LS20)
Confirmed service denominations*:
LV20 (main scan)
R1100FR20190000 CVP 6 X15 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Downloadable "stamp" imprint
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 6 X15
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know.DLS (LV20 a/b, LP20, R1100)
Confirmed service denominations*:
LP20 (main scan)FR20190000 CVP 6 X18 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Tiger
Image from National Geographic
Downloadable "stamp" imprint
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 6 X18DLS (L20, LP20a/b)
Confirmed service denominations*:
LV20 (main scan)FR20190000 CVP 6 X34 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Lion
Downloadable "stamp" imprint
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 6 X34
Earliest use reported:
13 February 2019
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know.DLS (LV20)
Confirmed service denominations*:
LV20 (main scan)FR20190000 CVP 6 X53 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Snow Leopard
Downloadable "stamp" imprint for general users
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 6 X53
We are unsure about when this National Geographic design was actually released. If you have any information on this, please share.DLS
Confirmed service denominations*:
LV20 (main scan)FR20190000 CVP 6 X64 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Leopard (washing)
Image from National Geographic
Downloadable "stamp" imprint
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 6 X64
Confirmed service denominations*:
LV20 (main scan)FR20190000 CVP 6 X65 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Lion
Image from National Geographic
Downloadable "stamp" imprint
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 6 X65
Confirmed service denominations*:
LV20 (main scan)FR20190000 CVP 6 X66 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Lion
Image from National Geographic
Downloadable "stamp" imprint
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 6 X66DLS (LV20)
Confirmed service denominations*:
LV20 (main scan)FR20190000 CVP 6 X67 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Lion
(Male roaring)
Image from National Geographic
Downloadable "stamp" imprint
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 6 X67DLS (LV20)
Confirmed service denominations*:
LV20 (main scan)FR20190000 CVP 6 X68 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Tiger
Image from National Geographic
Downloadable "stamp" imprint
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 6 X684 November 2019 - "Montimbrenligne": Computer Vended Postage - Happy Hollidays!
Confirmed service denominations*:
LPI20 (main scan)FR20191100 CVP 6 X30 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Lion
Stylised Lion (full figure)
Downloadable "stamp" imprint for general users
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 6 X30
Confirmed service denominations*:
LPI20 (main scan)FR20191100 CVP 6 X31 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Lion
Stylised Lion (upper body)
Downloadable "stamp" imprint for general users
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 6 X31
Confirmed service denominations*:
LPI20 (main scan)FR20191100 CVP 6 X32 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Eurasian Lynx
Stylised Lynx (full figure)
Downloadable "stamp" imprint for general users
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 6 X32DLS (ECO20, LV20, LP50)
Confirmed service denominations*:
LPI20 (main scan)FR20191100 CVP 6 X33 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Lion
Stylised Lion (upper body)
Downloadable "stamp" imprint for general users
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 6 X33DLS (LV20 a/b)
2020 -> Back to top
2020 - Computer Vended Postage "Montimbrenligne" - new designs
Confirmed service denominations*:
LV20 (main scan)FR20200200 CVP 6 X47 Computer vended postage Available in all rates Tiger
Cartoonish tiger
Downloadable "stamp" imprint
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 6 X34
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know.
Confirmed service denominations*:
LV20 (main scan)FR20200000 CVP 6 X83 Computer vended postage Available in all rates Tiger
"Sauver les animaux"
Design from National Geographic
Downloadable "stamp" imprint
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 6 X83
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know.DLS (LV20 a/b) 2020 - Personalised Stamps FR20200000 PST LV X1 Personalised stamp LV* Tiger
Bengal Tiger
Personalised stamp
If you know more about this stamp, please let us know.
Same design as
FR20201002 ST LV20 6
MI PB?? (personalized)2020 - 40th Anniversary of Beauval Zoo FR20200000 PST LV20 41110 Personalised stamp LV20* Lion
Lion silhouette in jubillee logo
Personalised stamp of type 2Ha issued by the Zoo
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know.
MI PB?? (personalised)1 January 2020 - Beauval Zoo Personalised Booklet FR20200101 PST LP20 1 Personalised stamp LP20*
(1.16 on issue)Tiger
Self-adhesive, personalised stamp of type 2Ha from
FR20200101 PBK 4xLP20
issued by the Zoo
MI PB?? (personalised)
InsideFR20200101 PBK 4xLP20 Personalised booklet 4 x LP20*
(4.64 /
4 x 1.16 on issue)Tiger (on one stamp, cover, and pane)
Self-adhesive, personalised booklet with
FR20200101 PST LP20 1
and three other stamps
MI MHPB?? (personalised)7 February 2020 - Animals of the World: Reflections
Press release from La Poste
FR20200207 ST LV 2 Stamp LV*
(0.97 on issue)Tiger
Siberian Tiger
Self-adhesive stamp from
FR20200207 BK 12xLV
MI 7530FR20200207 ST LV 3 Stamp LV*
(0.97 on issue)Lion
Self-adhesive stamp from
FR20200207 BK 12xLV
MI 7531
CoverFR20200207 BK 12xLV Booklet 12 x LV*
(11.64 /
12 x 0.97 on issue)Tiger
Lion (on one stamp each)
Self-adhesive booklet with
FR20200207 ST LV 2
FR20200207 ST LV 3
and 10 other stamps
MI MH7529-75402 October 2020 - National Geographic: Fragile FR20201002 ST LV20 3 Pre-personalised stamp LV20*
(0.97 on issued)Leopard
Self-adhesive, personalised stamp of type 2Ha from
FR20201002 BK 13_00
MI PB???FR20201002 ST LV20 6 Pre-personalised stamp LV20*
(0.97 on issued)Tiger
Bengal Tiger
Same design as
FR20200000 PST LV X1
Self-adhesive, personalised stamp of type 2Ha from
FR20201002 BK 13_00
MI PB??? (personalised)
Back coverFR20201002 BK 13_00 Pre-personalised booklet / Collector 13.00
(franking value 7.76 /
8 x 0.97on issue)Leopard (on one stamp and cover)
Tiger (on one stamp and back cover)
Prepersonalised booklet / Collector with
FR20201002 ST LV20 3
FR20201002 ST LV20 6
and 6 other stamps
MI PBMH??? (personalised)7 November 2020 - Great Historical Moments (IX): William the Conqueror and Mathilde of Flanders
This issue was originally planned for the Spring Stamp Fair 2020, which was cancelled due to the Covid pandemic. Some sources state the issue date at 4 November 2020, but the first day postmark says 7 November 2020.
FR20201107 ST 2_80 1 Stamp 2.80 Lion
Ornamental Lion head and feet on Mathilde of Flanders' throne
Stamp from
FR20201107 MS 5_60 1
FR20201107 MS 5_60 2
MI 7805FR20201107 ST 2_80 2 Stamp 2.80 Lion
Ornamental Lion head and feet on William the Conqueror's throne
Stamp from
FR20201107 MS 5_60 1
FR20201107 MS 5_60 2
MI 7806FR20201107 MS 5_60 1 Miniature sheet 5.60
(2 x 2.80)Lion (on stamps and selvedge)
Wild Cat Art
Several stylized lions (from a tapestry)
MS with
FR20201107 ST 2_80 1
FR20201107 ST 2_80 2
in ordinary distribution, with the two stamps placed diagonally
MI B498FR20201107 MS 5_60 2 Miniature sheet 5.60
(2 x 2.80)Lion (on stamps)
Wild Cat Art
Several stylized lions (from a tapestry)
MS with
FR20201107 ST 2_80 1
FR20201107 ST 2_80 2,
with the two stamps alligned, issued as 'Souvenir philatélique' and sold in
FR20201107 PP 8_50
at a premium
MI B498FR20201107 PP 8_50 Presentation pack 8.50
(franking value 5.60)Lion (on stamps and cover)
Presentation pack / 'souvenir philatélique' with
FR20201107 MS 5_60 22021 - "Montimbrenligne": Computer Vended Postage - New designs
Confirmed service denominations*:
LPI 20 (main scan)FR20210000 CVP 6 X81 Computer vended postage Available in all rates Lion
"Coloring book" Lion drawing
Downloadable "stamp" imprint
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 6 X81
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know.ILS (LPI20) 12 February 2021 - Animal Footprints FR20210212 ST LV 2 Stamp LV
(1.08 on issue)Lion
Lion paw print
Self-adhesive stamp from
FR20210212 BK 12xLV
MI 7837FR20210212 ST LV 5 Stamp LV
(1.08 on issue)Jaguar
Jaguar paw print
Self-adhesive stamp from
FR20210212 BK 12xLV
MI 7840FR20210212 BK 12xLV Booklet 12 x LV
(12.96 /
12 x 1.08 on issue)Lion (on cover)
Lion paw print (on one stamp)
Jaguar paw print (on one stamp)
MI MH???FR20210212 FDP 75001 2 First day postmark - Unspecified wild cat
Paw print
"Empreints d'animaux - La Poste"
12 February 20217 May 2021 - EUROPA: Endangered Species FR20210507 ST 1_50 Stamp 1.50 Eurasian Lynx
MI 7899FR20210507 SH 22_50 Sheet 22.50
(15 x 1.50)Eurasian Lynx (on stamps and in margin)
Sheet with 15 x
FR20210507 ST 1_50
MI KB7899FR20210507 FDP 67000 First day postmark - Eurasian Lynx
Lynx paw print
"Faune en danger - EUROPA - Premier jour - La Poste"
7 May 20218 July 2021 - 400th Anniversary of the Birth of Jean de la Fontaine FR20210708 MS 4_32 1 Miniature sheet 4.32
(2 x 2.16)Lion (on selvedge)
Wild Cats in Literature
2-stamp MS
MI B513FR20210708 PP 6_50 Presentation pack 6.50
(franking value 4.32)Lion (on cover)
Presentation pack/ Souvenir philatélique with a second miniature sheet
MI B5142022 - "Montimbrenligne": Computer Vended Postage - New designs
Confirmed service denominations*:
LPI20 (main scan)FR20220000 CVP 6 X56 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Lion
Lion drawing
Downloadable "stamp" imprint for general users
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 6 X56
If you have any information on the date of issue for this design, please share.ILM (LPI20) May (?) 2022 - "Montimbrenligne": Computer Vended Postage - New type
Confirmed service denominations*:
LP20 (main scan)FR20220000 CVP 7 X14 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Lion
Downloadable "stamp" imprint for general users
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 7 X14
Confirmed service denominations*:
LV20 (main scan)FR20220000 CVP 7 X56 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Lion
Downloadable "stamp" imprint for general users
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 7 X57September (?) 2022 - "Montimbrenligne": Computer Vended Postage - New type
Confirmed service denominations*:
LV20 (main scan)FR20220000 CVP 8 X15 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Downloadable "stamp" imprint for general users
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 8 X15
Confirmed service denominations*:
LV100 (main scan)FR20220000 CVP 8 X56 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Lion
Downloadable "stamp" imprint for general users
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 8 X56DLS (LV20) 22 January 2022 - Year of the Tiger FR20220122 ST 1_16 1 Stamp 1.16 Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Size 33x40 mm
Stamp from
FR20220122 MS 5_80
MI 8112FR20220122 ST 1_16 2 Stamp 1.16 Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Size 29x35 mm
Stamp from
FR20220122 MS 5_80
MI 8113FR20220122 ST 1_65 1 Stamp 1.65 Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Size 33x40 mm
Stamp from
FR20220122 MS 8_25
MI 8114FR20220122 ST 1_65 2 Stamp 1.65 Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Size 29x35 mm
Stamp from
FR20220122 MS 8_25
MI 8115FR20220122 MS 5_80 Miniature sheet 5.80
(5 x 1.16)Tiger
Year of the Tiger
5 stamp MS with 1 x
FR20220122 ST 1_16 1
and 4 x
FR20220122 ST 1_16 2
MI KB8112-8113FR20220122 MS 8_25 Miniature sheet 8.25
(5 x 1.65)Tiger
Year of the Tiger
5 stamp MS with 1 x
FR20220122 ST 1_65 1
and 4 x
FR20220122 ST 1_65 2
MI KB8114-8115FR20220122 FDP 75009 First day postmark - Tiger
Year of the Tiger
"Nouvel An Chinois - Année du Tigre - 1er jour - La Poste"
22 January 202211 March 2022 - Centenary of the Territory of Belfort FR20220311 ST 1_16 Stamp 1.16 Lion
Lion of Belfort
Wild Cat Art
MI 8140FR20220311 FDP 75009 First day postmark - Lion
Lion of Belfort
Wild Cat Art
"1er Jour - 100 - La Poste - 100 Ans du Territoire de Belfort"
11 March 2022FR20220311 FDP 90000 First day postmark - Lion
Lion of Belfort
Wild Cat Art
"1er Jour - 100 - La Poste - 100 Ans du Territoire de Belfort"
11 March 20223 February 2023 - Tender Animals This issue also includes Domestic Cats
FR20230203 ST LV 4 Stamp LV*
(1.16 on issue)Lion
Self-adhesive stamp from
FR20230203 BK 12xLV
MI 8429FR20230203 BK 12xLV Booklet 12 x LV*
(13.92 /
12 x 1.16 on issue)Unspecified breed (on one stamp and on cover)
Self-adhesive booklet with
FR20230302 ST LV 10
and 11 other stamps
MI MH8420-843122 July 2023 - 20th Leg of the Tour de France FR20230722 PMK 90000 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Belfort Lion (stylized)
"Ville Départ - 20è Étape du Tour de France - La Poste"
90 Belfort
22 July 20231 September 2023 - Disney 100: 100 Years of Shared Stories
La Poste's Press Release
This issue also includes Domestic Cats
FR20230901 ST LV 7 Stamp LV*
(1.16 on issue)Lion
Cartoon Lion
Simba from The Lion King
MI 8559![]()
This item also shows Domestic Cats
FR20230901 BK 12xLV Booklet 12 x LV*
(13.92 /
12 x 1.16 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cartoon cats
Duchess and O'Malley from Aristocats
MI 8550-8561Compiled by Geir Arveng with valuable help from Nahum Shereshevsky, Marci Jarvis, Shaun Stevens, TS Tan, Greg
Balagian, Jørgen Kristiansen, Eric Philippof, Frédéric Duchein, Marco Carelli, Renato Morandi, Richard Lemarc,
Jean-François Schoenhof, Ricahrd Parisien, Félipe Gonzales, Marc Laval, the Cercle philatélique Peugeot-Sochaux,
the Phil-Ouest Website, PAP Infos Newsletter, Philapostel, and Timbres Magazine.
Latest update: 6 September, 2024