Stamps inscribed 'Repub Franc', 'Empire Français', 'République Française', 'RF' (sometimes superimposed), 'Postes Françaises', 'État Français', or 'France'
1849 ->
From 1849: 1 Franc = 100 Centimes
From 1960: 1 New Franc (FRF) = 100 Centimes (= 100 Old Francs)
From 2002: 1 Euro (EUR) = 100 Eurocents (= FRF 6.55957)
Checklists > Countries > France Domestic Cats Also see France Wild Cats
France Mythic Cats
France Prehistoric Cats
France Heraldic CatsList status: Incomplete / Under Construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to
Shortcuts: 1849-1969 • 1970-79 • 1980-89 • 1990-99 • 2000-09 • 2010-19 • 2020-29
1849 - 1969 Back to top
Item Code Item type Face value Remarks SC 8 December 1956 - Red Cross FR19561208 ST 12_00__3_00 Semi-postal stamp 12.00
+ 3.00Unspecified breed
Red Cross
MI 1117FR19561208 BK 108_00__32_00 Booklet 108.00
+ 32.00Unspecified breed (on 4 stamps)
Red Cross
Booklet with 4 x both stamps in set
MI MH???1960 - Le Chaton Meter frank FR1960 MF LECH 75011 Meter frank - Unspecified breed
"Le Chaton - Les specialistes Parisiens du tricot fantasie - Hommes - Dames - Enfants - 18-20 Faubourg du Temple - Paris 11è"
Machine no. 1829
Paris 125
Earliest use reported:
30 December 1960
Latest use reported:
30 December 1960
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know.April 1964 - Montchat Festival FR19640400 PMK 69003 Slogan postmark - Unspecified breed
Stylized Cat
"Fêtes de Montchat - Ascension et jours suivants"
Lyon - Montchat
Earliest use reported:
10 April 1964
Latest use reported:
10 April 1964
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL 1966 - "Environmental Cat" Slogan Postmarks
Also see other "Environmental Cat" items from 1968, 1970, 1972, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983
FR19660000 PMK 75016 Slogan postmark - Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
"Gardez votre ville propre"
("Keep your city clean")
R Singer (16e)
Paris XVI
Slogan to the left
No date or place below slogan
Earliest use reported:
8 August 1966
Latest use reported:
8 August 1966
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL 15 April 1967 - Art FR19670415 ST 1_00 Stamp 1.00 Unspecified breed
Cat Painting
Cats in Art
"The Carriage of Father Juniet" by Henri Roseau
MI 15751968 - "Environmental Cat" Slogan Postmarks
Also see other "Environmental Cat" items from 1966, 1970, 1972, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983
FR19680000 PMK 75012 Slogan postmark - Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
"Balayer...c'est bien - ramasser...c'est mieux" ("Sweeping is fine - picking up is better")
Rue Crozatier (12e) - Paris 12
Slogan to the left
No date or place below slogan
Earliest use reported:
19 March 1968
Latest use reported:
7 May 1968
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL
1970 - 1979 Back to top
1970 - "Environmental Cat" Slogan Postmarks
Also see other "Environmental Cat" items from 1966, 1968, 1972, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983
FR19700000 PMK 75012 Slogan postmark - Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
"Balayer...c'est bien - ramasser...c'est mieux" ("Sweeping is fine - picking up is better")
rue Crozatier (12e) - Paris 12
Slogan to the right
No date or place below slogan
Earliest use reported:
12 June 1970
Latest use reported:
12 June 1970
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL 1972 - "Environmental Cat" Slogan Postmarks
Also see other "Environmental Cat" items from 1966, 1968, 1970, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983
FR1972_77 PMK 75012 Slogan postmark - Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
"Nettoyer, c'est bien - ne pas salir, c'est mieux" ("Cleaning up is fine - no littering is better")
Slogan to the right - No place and date below slogan
Paris 12 - R. Crozatier (12e)
Earliest use reported:
19 January 1972
Latest use reported:
3 October 1977
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us knowDL FR19720000 PMK 75020 Slogan postmark - Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
"Propreté partout - Santé pour tous!" ("Cleanliness everywhere - Health for everyone!")
Paris 70 - rue Buzenval (20e)
Slogan to the right
No date or place below slogan
Earliest use reported:
18 September 1972
Latest use reported:
18 September 1972
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL 2 June 1973 - Centenary of the Birth of Colette FR19730602 ST 0_50__0_10 Semi-postal stamp 0.50
+ 0.10Unspecified breed
Cat Silhouette
MI 1837FR19730602 FDC 0_50__0_10 1 First day cover 0.50
+ 0.10Unspecified breed
Cat Silhouette (on stamp)
Colette with Cat's Body (in cachet)FR19730602 FDC 0_50__0_10 2 First day cover 0.50
+ 0.10Unspecified breed
Cat Silhouette (on stamp)
Unspecified Breed (one cat) (in cachet)CC FR19730602 FDC 0_50__0_10 3 First day cover 0.50
+ 0.10Unspecified breed
Cat Silhouette (on stamp)
Unspecified Breed (two cats) (in cachet)FR19730602 FDC 0_50__0_10 4 First day cover 0.50
+ 0.10Unspecified breed
Cat Silhouette (on stamp)
Unspecified Breed (one cat) (in cachet)1973-83 - International Film Festival in Épinal
Missing hyphen
between DD and
MMFR1973_83 PMK 88000 Slogan postmark - Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
Puss in Boots
"Festival International de l'Image, mi-juin, ÉPINAL", Épinal R.P.
Place and date below the slogan
Hyphens between the numbers in the date.
Earliest date reported:
26 July 1973
Latest date reported:
19 September 1983
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us
VAR30 November 1974 - Red Cross Issued with overprint for Réunion
FR19741130 ST 0_80__0_15 Semi-postal stamp 0.80
+ 0.15Unspecified Breed
Red Cross
MI 1899M FR19741130 BK 5_60__1_20 Booklet 5.60
+ 1.20Unspecified Breed (on 4 stamps)
Booklet with 4 of each stamp in setFR19741130 MC 0_80__0_15 Maximum card 0.80
+ 0.15Unspecified Breed (on stamp and card) CC 1975-82 - International Film Festival in Épinal FR1975_82 PMK 88000 Slogan postmark - Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
Puss in Boots
"Festival International de l'Image, mi-juin, ÉPINAL", Épinal R.P.
Place and date below the slogan
No hyphens between the numbers in the date.
Earliest date reported:
31 July 1975
Latest date reported:
24 June 1982
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us
know.DL 1976 - TS Accus Piles Meter Frank FR1976 MF TSAP 94700 Meter frank - Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
Company Logo (?)
"TS Accus Piles"
Machine no. SR11474
94 Maisons Alfort Charent., V. de M.
Earliest use reported:
7 May 1976
Latest use reported:
7 May 1976
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1976 - "Environmental Cat" Slogan Postmarks
Also see other "Environmental Cat" items from 1966, 1968, 1970, 1972, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983
FR1976_78 PMK 75001 Slogan postmark - Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
"Jetez vos papiers dans la corbeille" ("Throw your paper in the bin")
Slogan to the right - No place and date below slogan
Paris 01 - R. du Louvre (1er)
Earliest use reported:
8 July 1976
Latest use reported:
13 June 1978
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL FR19760000 PMK 75009 68 PP Slogan postmark PP Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
"Qu'avez vous fait ajourd hui pour la Propreté de votre ville?""
("What have you done today for the cleanliness of your city")
Paris 68 - R. Turgot (9e)
Slogan to the right
Earliest use reported:
1 January 1976
Latest use reported:
1 January 1976
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL 1977 - "Environmental Cat" Slogan Postmarks
Also see other "Environmental Cat" items from 1966, 1968, 1970, 1972, 1976, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983
FR19770000 PMK PP 75014 52 Slogan postmark PP Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
"allô!...Paris propreté - 278.78.78 enlèvement GRATUIT des objets encombrants" ("hello...Paris renovation 278.78.78 - free pick up of cumbersome objects")
Slogan to the right - No place and date below slogan
Postage Paid postmark
P.P. - Paris 52 (blvd. du Montmartre)
Earliest use reported:
22 November 1977
Latest use reported:
22 November 1977
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL 1978 - "Environmental Cat" Slogan Postmarks
Also see other "Environmental Cat" items from 1966, 1968, 1970, 1972, 1976, 1977, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983
FR19780000 PMK 75014 Slogan postmark - Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
"allô!...Paris propreté - 278.78.78 enlèvement GRATUIT des objets encombrants" ("hello...Paris renovation 278.78.78 - free pick up of cumbersome objects")
Slogan to the right - No place and date below slogan
Paris 66 - R. d'Alesia (14e)
Earliest use reported:
19 April 1978
Latest use reported:
3 October 1978
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us
know.DL 1979 - "Environmental Cat" Slogan Postmarks
Also see other "Environmental Cat" items from 1966, 1968, 1970, 1972, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983
FR19790000 PMK 75009 68 Slogan postmark - Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
"Qu'avez vous fait ajourd hui pour la Propreté de votre ville?""
("What have you done today for the cleanliness of your city")
Paris 68 - R. Turgot (9e)
Slogan to the left
Date and place below slogan - no hyphens - wrong date format is known ('dd yy m' in stead of 'dd m yy')
Earliest use reported:
18 April 1979
Latest use reported:
18 April 1979
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL FR1979_810000 PMK 75012 1 Slogan postmark - Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
"Nettoyer, c'est bien - ne pas salir, c'est mieux" ("Cleaning up is fine - no littering is better")
Slogan to the left - Place, but no date below slogan
Paris 12 - R. Crozatier (12e)
Earliest use reported:
4 August 1979
Latest use reported:
27 March 1981
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL FR19790000 PMK 75016 Slogan postmark - Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
"Gardez votre ville propre"
("Keep your city clean")
R Singer (16e)
Paris XVI
Slogan to the left
Date and place below slogan
Earliest use reported:
31 January 1979
Latest use reported:
1 August 1979
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL 1979-88 - Beugency Slogan Postmark FR1979_88 PMK 46190 Slogan postmark - Unspecified breed
Stylized Cat
"Station Verte de Vacances - Beaugency - Monuments - Musée - Camping, plages. piscines, Tennis
Slogan to the left
Place and date below slogan
45 Beaugency, Loiret
Earliest use reported:
29 October 1979
Latest use reported:
26 December 1988
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL
1980 - 1989 Back to top
1980 - "Environmental Cat" Slogan Postmarks
Also see other "Environmental Cat" items from 1966, 1968, 1970, 1972, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1981, 1982, 1983
FR19800000 PMK 75001 Slogan postmark - Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
"Jetez vos papiers dans la corbeille" ("Throw your paper in the bin")
Slogan to the left - Place and date below slogan
Paris 01 - R. du Louvre (1er)
Earliest use reported:
19 February 1980
Latest use reported:
2 October 1980
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL 16 February 1980 - Giants of the North (Regional Carnival) FR19800216 ST 1_60 Stamp 1.60 Unspecified breed
Cat Puppet/ Costume
MI 219413-14 September 1980 - Chazelles-sur-Lyon Cat Show FR19800913_14 PMK 42140 Commemorative postmark - Unspecified breed
"Exposition Féline"
42 Chazelles-sur-Lyon
13-14 September 1980BDC 1981 - Minet Lacing Technology Meter Frank FR1981 MF MINE 42405 Meter frank - Unspecified breed
Stylized Cat
from Company Logo
"MINET - 15, rue Louis Chatin - 42 Saint-Chamond"
Earliest use reported:
22 January 1981
Latest use reported:
22 January 1981
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1981 - "Environmental Cat" Slogan Postmarks
Also see other "Environmental Cat" items from 1966, 1968, 1970, 1972, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1982, 1983
FR19810000 PMK PP 75016 Slogan postmark / Postage Paid PP Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
"Gardez votre ville propre" (Keep your city clean)
Place and date below slogan
P.P. - Paris 16
Earliest use reported:
5 October 1981
Latest use reported:
5 October 1981
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1982 - "Environmental Cat" Slogan Postmarks
Also see other "Environmental Cat" items from 1966, 1968, 1970, 1972, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1983
FR1982_84 PMK 75004 113 Slogan postmark - Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
"allô!...Paris propreté - 278.78.78 enlèvement GRATUIT des objets encombrants" ("hello...Paris renovation 278.78.78 - free pick up of cumbersome objects")
Slogan to the left - Place and date below slogan
Paris 113 - Hôtel de Ville (4e)
Earliest use reported:
4 Nov 1982
Latest use reported:
13 January 1984
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL
With partial date errorFR19820000 PMK 75012 2 Slogan postmark - Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
"Nettoyer, c'est bien - ne pas salir, c'est mieux" ("Cleaning up is fine - no littering is better")
Slogan to the left - Place and date below slogan
Paris 12 - R. Crozatier (12e)
Earliest use reported:
16 April 1982
Latest use reported:
16 April 1982
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL 1983 - "Environmental Cat" Slogan Postmarks
Also see other "Environmental Cat" items from 1966, 1968, 1970, 1972, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982
FR19830000 PMK 75004 113 PP Slogan postmark / Postage Paid PP Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
"allô!...Paris propreté - 278.78.78 enlèvement GRATUIT des objets encombrants" ("hello...Paris renovation 278.78.78 - free pick up of cumbersome objects")
Slogan to the left - Place and date below slogan
Paris 113
Earliest use reported:
25 August 1983
Latest use reported:
25 August 1983
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL 9 April 1983 - The Cat in Philately FR19830409 PMK 06400 Commemorative postmark - Stylized Cat
Cats in Philately
"Exposition 'Le Chat dans la Philatélie' - Féstival Internationale du Chat - Philatemcat"
06 Cannes
9 April 1983DPM 1986 - Fondation Assistance aux Animaux Meter frank FR1986 MF ASAN 75011 Meter frank - Unspecified breed
Stylized cat
"Assistance aus Animaux - 90, rue J.P. Timbaud - 75011 Paris"
Machine no. SR11801
R. des Goncourt (11e), 75 Paris 46
Earliest use reported:
5 March 1986
Latest use reported:
5 March 1986
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1987 - 3rd "Collection - Passion" Fair in Poitiers FR19870000 PMK 86001 Slogan postmark - Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
"Poitiers - 3è Salon 'Collection-Passion' - 4 et 5 Avril 1987 - Parc des expositions"
86 Poitiers Couronneries, Vienne
Earliest use reported:
10 February 1987
Latest use reported:
10 February 1987
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL June-July 1987 - Dog and Cat Festival FR198706_07 PMK 62000 Slogan postmark - Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
"Vis en Artois - Dimanche 10 Juillet - Fête du Chien et du Chat - Braderie"
Slogan to the left - Place and date below slogan
62 Arras R.P., Pas de Calais
Earliest use reported:
10 June 1987
Latest use reported:
10 June 1987
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.CC 1988 - Société Protectrice des Animaux Meter Frank
Also see S.P.A. items from 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2011, 2012, 2017
FR1988 MF SPA 75847 Meter frank - Unspecified breed
Stylized Cat
"Nos amies les bêtes ont besoin de vous - Adhérez à la SPA - Merci" ["Our friends the animals need you - Join the SPA - Thank you"]
Machine no. SR10966
Av. de Wagram (17e)
75 Paris 17
Earliest use reported:
15 December 1988
Latest use reported:
15 December 1988
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.November 1988 - Our Friends the Animals Trade Fair
Also see 1989-version
FR19881100 PMK 84000 Slogan postmark - Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
"Avignon - Animal "notre Ami" - Salon National - 25-26 Novembre 1989 - Parc des Éxpsitions"
Slogan to the left - Place and date below slogan
84 Avignon Gare, Vaucluse
Earliest use reported:
3 November 1988
Latest use reported:
3 November 1988
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.CC 23 July 1989 - 12th Dog and Cat Festival FR19890723 PMK 62000 Commemorative postmark - Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
"XIIe Fête du Chien et du Chat"
62 Arras
23 July 1989DL November 1989 - Our Friends the Animals Trade Fair Also see 1988-version
FR19891100 PMK 84000 Slogan postmark - Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
"Avignon - Animal "notre Ami" - Salon National - 25-26 Novembre 1989 - Parc des Éxpsitions"
Slogan to the left - Place and date below slogan
84 Avignon Gare, Vaucluse
Earliest use reported:
3 November 1989
Latest use reported:
3 November 1989
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL
1990 - 1999 Back to top
21-22 April 1990 - Youth Book Fair FR19900421_22 PMK 45190 Commemorative postmark - Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
"Salon du livre jeunesse - 45 Beaugency - 21-22 Avril 1990"
45 Beaugency
21 - 22 April 1990DL 1991 - SilentGliss Meter Frank FR1991 MF SIGL 94100 Meter frank - Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
SilentGliss logo
Machine no.
SL 7348 (?)
94 ST. Maur des Fosses Ppal.
Earliest use reported:
2 August 1991
Latest use reported:
2 August 1991
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.BDC 13 April 1991 - 350th Anniversary of the National Printing Office FR19910413 ST 4_00 Stamp 4.00 Unspecified breed
Stylized Cat
MI 23801 November 1991 - 10th Anniversary of the Death of Georges Brassens FR19911101 PMK 34200 Commemorative postmark - Siamese (cannot really be discerned, but we know that was what he had)
"Georges Brassens Dix Ans Déjà"
34 Sète
1 November 1991CC 1992 - Youth Book Fair FR19920000 PMK 45190 Slogan postmark - Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
"Salon du livre jeunesse 10 - 11 -12 Avril '92"
45 Beagency
Earliest use reported:
14 March 1992
Latest use reported:
14 March 1992
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us know.24-25 October 1992 - 17th Regional Philatelic Congress of Lorraine
On comm. coverFR19921024_25 PMK 88000 Commemorative postmark - Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
Puss in Boots
Cats in Philately
"17e Congrès Régional de Lorraine"
88 Épinal
24 - 25 October 1992CC 21 October 1993 - Greeting Stamps - The Pleasure of Writing FR19931021 ST 2_80 3 Stamp 2.80 Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
Billy the Cat
Stamp from sheets and booklet 1
perf. 13¼:12¾
MI 2984AILM FR19931021 ST 2_80 9 Stamp 2.80 Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
Stamp from sheets and booklet 1
perf. 13¼:12¾
MI 2990AILS FR19931021 ST 2_80 15 Stamp 2.80 Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
Billy the Cat
Stamp from booklet 2
perf. 12½:12¼
MI 2984CFR19931021 ST 2_80 22 Stamp 2.80 Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
Stamp from booklet 2
perf. 12½:12¼
MI 2990C
PaneFR19931021 BK 33_60 1 Booklet 33.60 Cartoon Cat (on two stamps)
perf. 13¼:12
PaneFR19931021 BK 33_60 2 Booklet 33.60 Cartoon Cat (on two stamps)
perf. 12½:12¼
MI MH32C1994 - Youth Book Fair FR19940000 PMK 45190 Slogan postmark - Cartoon Cat
"Salon du Livre Jeunesse - 9 - 10 Avril 1994"
Slogan to the left
Place and date below slogan
45 Beaugency, Loiret
Earliest use reported:
8 April 1994
Latest use reported:
8 April 1994
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us knowDL 1994-99 - Grand-Charmont Slogan Postmark FR1994_99 PMK 25200 Slogan postmark - Cartoon Cat
"Grand-Charmont - ville fleurie - son carnival"
Slogan to the left
Place and date below slogan
25 Grand-Charmont, Doubs
Earliest use reported:
?? January 1994
Latest use reported:
9 March 1999
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL
(96)July 1994 - Animal and Outdoors Fair FR19940700 PMK 62000 Slogan postmark - Cartoon Cat
"Arras - Salon de l'Animal et du Plein Air - 17 Juillet 1994"
Slogan to the left
Place, but no date below slogan
62 Arras, Pas de Calais
Earliest use reported:
2 July 1994
Latest use reported:
2 July 1994
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know19-20 November 1994 - Regional Philatelic Youth Exhibition
On comm. envelopeFR19941119_20 PMK 83340 Commemorative postmark - Cartoon Cat (in stamp)
Cats in Philately
"Exposition Régionale Jeunesse - Groupement Philatélique Marseille Provence"
83 Le Luc
19-20 November 1994CC 1995 - Jéva-Rondinaud Meter Frank Also see 2005-version
FR1995 MF JEVA 16110 Meter frank - Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
"Jéva - Rondinaud S.A.S - Chaussures et Pantoufles" ("Jéva - Rondinaud S.A.S - Shoes and Slippers")
16 La Rochefocauld, Charente
Machine no.
R 40386
Earliest use reported:
17 July 1995
Latest use reported:
17 July 1995
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL
(LFR)1995 - 4th Festival of French Songs FR19950000 PMK 60140 Slogan postmark - Cartoon Cat
"Liancourt 1995 - 4ème Festival amateur de la chanson française"
60 Liancourt, Oise
Earliest use reported:
8 August 1995
Latest use reported:
8 August 1995
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know24 June 1995 - 300th Anniversary of the Death of Jean de la Fontaine (1621-1695) FR19950624 ST 2_80 5 Stamp 2.80 Cartoon Cat
Cats in Literature
"The Cat, the Weasel and the Rabbit"
Issued se-tenantly with 5 other stamps in set and 2 labels
MI 3105M
CardFR19950624 PSE 2_80 Pre-stamped envelope 2.80 Cartoon Cat (on stamp indicium, cachet and card)
Cats in Literature
"The Cat, the Weasel and the Rabbit"
Long format (220 x 110 mm)
Agreement No. 859
Lot: 313/001
Sold in sets of 6 envelopes with corresponding cards at 36.00
Picture sideFR19950624 PC 2_80 5 Pre-stamped postcard 2.80 Cartoon Cat (on stamp indicium and on picture side)
Cats in Literature
"The Cat, the Weasel and the Rabbit"
Sold in sets of 6 cards at 30.00
MI P176DP FR19950624 FDC 2_80 5 First day cover 2.80 Cartoon Cat (on stamp and in cachet)
Cats in Literature
"The Cat, the Weasel and the Rabbit"
FDC with
FR19950624 ST 2_80 5CC FR19950624 MISC PACK 1 Packaging - Cartoon Cat
Cats in Literature
"The Cat, the Weasel and the Rabbit"
Packaging for the set of PSEsFR19950624 MISC PACK 2 Packaging - Cartoon Cat
Cats in Literature
"The Cat, the Weasel and the Rabbit"
Packaging for the set of postcardsFR19950624 MISC SOUV 2 Black-print souvenir card - Cartoon Cat
Cats in Literature
"The Cat, the Weasel and the Rabbit"
One of two souvenir cards issued by La Poste showing 3 of the stamps in setNovember 1995 - Gien Cat Show FR19951000 PMK 45500 1 Slogan postmark - Unspecified Breed
Cat Fancy
Variety with wrong accent
"25 & 26 Novembre / 2é [wrong accent] EXPO FELINE / SALLE CUIRY, 45500 Gien, Loiret
Earliest use reported:
27 October 1995
Latest use reported:
27 October 1995
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know.FR19951000 PMK 45500 2 Slogan postmark - Unspecified Breed
Cat Fancy
"25 & 26 Novembre / 2è EXPO FELINE / SALLE CUIRY, 45500 Gien, Loiret
Earliest use reported:
15 November 1995
Latest use reported:
15 November 1995
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know.27 November 1995 - Greetings PAP
CardFR19951127 PSE NVI 2 Pre-stamped envelope NVI
(2.80 on issue)Cartoon Cat
(in stamp indicium, cachet and on card)
Girl and cat in window
Stamp Indicium like
FR19931021 ST 2_80 9
but undenominated
1. printing, agreement no. 888 on back
Sold in packets of 6 (3 of each PSE in set) with corresponding cards at 36.00
MI U95(.01)M
CardIf you have a scan of this item, please share.
FR19951127 PSE NVI 4 Pre-stamped envelope NVI
(2.80 on issue)Cartoon Cat
(in stamp indicium, cachet and on card)
Girl and cat in window
Stamp Indicium like
FR19931021 ST 2_80 9
but unde-nominated
2. printing, agreement no. 889 on back
Sold in packets of 5 (same design) with corresponding cards at 30.00
MI U95(.02)1995-1996 (issue date unknown) - Distingo Pre-stamped envelope FR1995_1996XXXX PSE NVI Pre-stamped envelope NVI
(12 pages)Cartoon Cat
Puss in Boots (in cachet)
B5-size envelope for the Distingo service markes "made for 12 pages / Valid in Metropolitan (Continental) France and intradepartmentally in the Overseas Departments
Locally overprinted envelope sold in Épinal
YT 2005-E
MI U44 I A (with overprint)M 1996 - Remat Meter Frank FR1996 MF REMA 38430 Meter frank - Cartoon Cat
"Remat Menuiseries"
38 Moirans, Isère"
Machine no.
NE 86246
Earliest use reported:
26 November 1996
Latest use reported:
26 November 1996
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL
(LFR)1996 - Le Public Système Meter Frank FR1996 MF LPS 92200 Meter frank - Unspecified breed
Stylized Cat (Company logo)
"Le Public Système - Relations Publiques et Evenements....[+ contact and address information]"
92 Neuilly St James, Hauts de Seine"
Machine no.
NJ 509
Earliest use reported:
7 February 1996
Latest use reported:
7 February 1996
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.FR 1996 - 99 - Mulhouse Animal Protection Society FR1996_99 PMK 68200 Slogan postmark - Stylized Cat (and dog)
"Societé Protectrice des Animaux de Mulhouse et environs"
Slogan to the left
Place and date below slogan
68 Mulhouse Bourtzwiller, H. Rhin
Earliest use reported:
29 August 1996
Latest use reported:
29 March 1999
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL 1996-97 - Châtel Slogan Postmark FR1996_97 PMK 74390 Slogan postmark - Cartoon Cat
"Haute-Savoie - Été Hiver - un Village - une Station - 1200 2200"
Slogan to the left
Place and date below slogan
74 Châtel, Haute Savoie
Earliest use reported:
17 October 1996
Latest use reported:
15 July 1997
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL 19 May 1996 - 7th Dog and Cat Day in Pecquencourt FR19960519 PMK 59456 Commemorative Postmak - Unspecified breed
"7ème Journee Canine et Féline"
59 Pecquencourt
19 May 1996CC 1997 - Ligue Antivivisectionniste de France Meter Frank FR1997 MF LAF 75018 Meter frank - Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
"Ligue Anti-vivisectionniste de France - Defense des Animaux Martyres - 39, rue Caulincourt - 75018 Paris"
Paris La Chapelle CTC (18e)
Earliest use reported:
22 May 1997
Latest use reported:
22 May 1997
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL 1997 - Youth Book Fair FR19970000 PMK 45190 Slogan postmark - Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
"Salon du Livre Jeunesse - 5 - 6 Avril 1997"
Slogan to the left
Place and date below slogan
45 Beaugency, Loiret
Earliest use reported:
4 April 1997
Latest use reported:
4 April 1997
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL 1997 - Chatel Slogan Postmark FR19970000_ PMK 74390 Slogan postmark - Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
"Haute-Savoie - Été - Hiver - un Village - une station - 1200-2200"
74 Chatel, Haute-Savoie
Earliest use reported:
15 July 1997
Latest use reported:
15 July 1997
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.26 April 1997 - EUROPA: Legends and Fairy Tales FR19970426 ST 3_00 Stamp 3.00 Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
Puss in Boots
Cats in Literature
MI 3201M
DLSFR19970426 MISC SOUV Souvenir proof print - Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
Souvenir proof of
FR19970426 ST 3_00
issued by Imprimière des Timbres-Poste (French Stamp Printing Plant)M 8 November 1997 - Greeting Stamps FR19971108 ST 3_00 Stamp 3.00 Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
MI 3262M
ILMFR19971108 MISC SOUV Souvenir proof print - Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
Souvenir proof of
FR19971108 ST 3_00
issued by Imprimière des Timbres-Poste (French Stamp Printing Plant)M FR19971108 MISC XMAS Philatelic Service christmas card 3.00 Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
Christmas Card with a first day cancelled
FR19971108 ST 3_00
(The scan shows both sides of the card)CC 10 November 1997 - Red Cross / New Year - National PAPs
BackFR19971110 PSE PP 1 Semi-postal Pre-stamped envelope PP World (3.80 on issue) Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cats (in stamp indicium and on back)
Red Cross
Wolf with a heard of sheep in cachet
Long format (220 x 110 mm)
Sold only in sets of five different envelopes with corresponding cards at FRF 30.00 - wherof FRF 3.00 to the Red Cross
MI U166.01
CardFR19971110 PSE PP 2 Semi-postal Pre-stamped envelope PP World (3.80 on issue) Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cats (in stamp indicium, cachet, on back, and on card)
Red Cross
Cat hands bird a gift in cachet
Long format (220 x 110 mm)
Sold only in sets of five different envelopes with corresponding cards at FRF 30.00 - whereof FRF 3.00 to the Red Cross
MI U166.02M
CardFR19971110 PSE PP 3 Semi-postal Pre-stamped envelope PP World (3.80 on issue) Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cats (in stamp indicium and on back)
Red Cross
Hens giving present to a Fox in cachet
Long format (220 x 110 mm)
Sold only in sets of five different envelopes with corresponding cards at FRF 30.00 - wherof FRF 3.00 to the Red Cross
MI U166.03M
BackFR19971110 PSE PP 4 Semi-postal Pre-stamped envelope PP World (3.80 on issue) Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cats (in stamp indicium and on back)
Red Cross
Kangoroo giving Turtle present in cachet
Long format (220 x 110 mm)
Sold only in sets of five different envelopes with corresponding cards at FRF 30.00 - wherof FRF 3.00 to the Red Cross
MI U166.04
CardFR19971110 PSE PP 5 Semi-postal Pre-stamped envelope PP World (3.80 on issue) Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cats (in stamp indicium, cachet and on back)
Red Cross
Cat and Mouse with gifts in cachet
Long format (220 x 110 mm)
Sold only in sets of five different envelopes with corresponding cards at FRF 30.00 - wherof FRF 3.00 to the Red Cross
MI U166.05M
DLFR19971110 MISC PACK Packaging card - Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cats
Cachet designs of all 5 envelopes are shown29 November 1997 - Gien Cat Show FR19971129 PMK 45500 Commemorative postmark - Unspecified breed
Cat Drawing
Cat Fancy
45500 Gien, Loiret
29 November 19975 December 1997 - Philatelic Service Souvenir Card FR19971205 MISC XMAS Souvenir card - Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
Puss in Boots
Souvenir card with stamp imprint as
FR19970426 ST 3_00
but in red
Offered to Philatelic Service subscribers for ChristmasDP 1998 - Créations Mathou Meter Frank Also see version from 2017
FR1998 MF MATH 12000 Meter frank - Stylized Cat
"Créations Mathou - Jean-Pierre, Z.I. 12000 Rodez"
12 Rodez CT, Aveyron
Machine no. SG 16512
Earliest use reported:
31 March 1998
Latest use reported:
31 March 1998
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL 1998 - Youth Book Fair FR19980000 PMK 45190 Slogan postmark - Cartoon Cat
"Salon du Livre Jeunesse - 4. - 5. Avril 1998"
Slogan to the left
Place and date below slogan
45 Beaugency, Loiret
Earliest use reported:
8 April 1998
Latest use reported:
8 April 1998
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL 1998 - 7th International Wooden Sculpture Competition FR19980000 PMK 88350 Slogan postmark - Cartoon Cat
Puss in Boots
"7ème Concours International de Sculpture sur Bois- 29 Juin 05 Juillet 1998"
Slogan to the left
Place and date below slogan
88 Liffol-le-Grand, Vosges
Earliest use reported:
27 May 1998
Latest use reported:
27 May 1998
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us knowDL 16 November 1998 - Red Cross / New Year - National PAPs
CardFR19981116 PSE PP 3 Semi-postal Pre-stamped envelope PP World (3.80 on issue) Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat (in cachet)
Red Cross
Cat opening door from outside
Long format (220 x 110 mm)
Sold only in sets of five different envelopes with corresponding cards at FRF 30.00 - wherof FRF 3.00 to the Red Cross
MI U232.03M
CardFR19981116 PSE PP 4 Semi-postal Pre-stamped envelope PP World (3.80 on issue) Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cats (in cachet)
Red Cross
Two cats in window
Long format (220 x 110 mm)
Sold only in sets of five different envelopes with corresponding cards at FRF 30.00 - wherof FRF 3.00 to the Red Cross
MI U232.04DL FR19981116 MISC PACK Packaging - Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cats
Packaging for a set of 5 different PAPs1999 - Amberieu en Bugey Local PAP FR19990000 PSE 3_00__0_46 01500
Pre-stamped envelope 3.00
/ 0.46Cartoon Cat
"Amberieu en Bugey - Ville de l'Auto-biographie"
Dual currency FRF/EUR
Local PAP
MI ??? (with localized cachet)25 March 1999 - Philexfrance 99 International Stamp Exhibition FR19990325 MS 20_00 Miniature sheet 20.00 Unspecified breed
Cat Sculpture
Cats in Art
Cats and Philately
(Egyptian Bastet Figure) (On selvedge)
MI B201999 - Youth Book Fair FR19990000 PMK 45190 Slogan postmark - Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
"Salon du Livre Jeunesse - 24. - 25. Avril 1999"
Slogan to the left
Place and date below slogan
45 Beaugency, Loiret
Earliest use reported:
10 March 1999
Latest use reported:
8 April 1999
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL 2 October 1999 - Domestic Animals FR19991002 ST 2_70_0_41 Stamp 2.70
/ 0.41Chartreux
Dual currency FRF/EUR
MI 3424M
ILMFR19991002 ST 3_00_0_46 1 Stamp 2.70
/ 0.41European Shorthair
Dual currency FRF/EUR
MI 3425FR19991002 FDP 13000 First day postmark - Unspecified breed
"Nature de France - Les Chats"
13 Marseille
2 October 1999FR19991002 FDP 57600 First day postmark - Unspecified breed
"Nature de France - Les Chats"
57 Forbach
2 October 1999FR19991002 FDP 64440 First day postmark - Unspecified breed
"Nature de France - Les Chats"
64 Laruns
2 October 1999FR19991002 FDP 92230 First day postmark - Unspecified breed
"Nature de France - Les Chats"
92 Gennevielliers
2 October 1999FR19991002 MISC SOUV Souvenir blueprint - Chartreux
European Shorthair
Souvenir blueprint showing
FR19991002 ST 2_70_0_41 and
FR19991002 ST 3_00_0_46 14-5 October 1999 - En Tête d'Affiche (Poster Exhibition), Paris FR19991004_05 PMK 75001 Commemorative postmark - Unspecified breed
"En tête d'affiche - Les Chats"
4 - 5 October 19996 November 1999 - Philatlantique 1999 FR19991109 PMK 44000 Commemorative postmark - Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
"Salon Philatlantique 1999"
44 Nantes
6 November 1999DL 22 November 1999 - New Year: National PAPs
CardFR19991122 PSE PP 1 Pre-stamped envelope PP World (3.80 on issue) Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat (in cachet and on back)
MI U270.01DL 28 November 1999 - Cartophilex 92 FR19991128 PMK 92340 Commemorative postmark - Unspecified breed
"Cartophilex 92"
92 Bourg-la-Reine
28 November 1999DL
2000 - 2009 Back to top
2000 - Youth Book Fair FR20000000 PMK 45190 Slogan postmark - Cartoon Cat (frankly, we think it looks a little bit like a dog, but our correspondent says the festival allways uses a cat as its trademark, so we list it as such)
"Salon du Livre Jeunesse - 23. - 26. Mars 2000"
Slogan to the left
Place and date below slogan
45 Beaugency, Loiret
Earliest use reported:
18 January 2000
Latest use reported:
21 March 2000
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us
know.DL 2001 - SESA Pet Food Meter Frank FR2001 MF SESA 30400 Meter frank - Unspecified breed
Cat Silhouette
"SESA Pet Food - Les Portes du Grand Angles - 30133 Les Angles - France"
Machine no. SV16578
30 Villeneuves-lès-Avignon Pasteur, Gard
Earliest use reported:
21 May 2001
Latest use reported:
21 May 2001
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.2001 - Toilettage Delphine Personalised PAP
PSE backFR20010000 PSE 3_00 63430 Pre-stamped envelope 3.00 / 0.46 Unspecified breed (in cachet)
"Toilettage Delphine - Spécialiste Esthétique Chiens et Chats toutes races - ..... - 63430 Pont de Chateau ....."
MI U291 (personalised)DL 25 January 2001 - 28th International Festival of Comic Book Art in Angoulême
FR20010125 PSE NVI 16000 Pre-stamped envelope NVI*
(3.00 on issue)Cartoon Cats (in cachet)
"28ème Féstivale International de la Bande Dessinée d'Angoulême - 25-28 Janvier 2001"
MI U207y (w/localized cachet)24 February 2001 - Stamp Day FR20010224 ST 3_00_0_46 1 Stamp 3.00
/ 0.46Cartoon Cat (from Gaston)
Dual Currency FRF/EUR
Stamp from ordinary sheets
Perf. 13¼
MI 3510AM
ILMFR20010224 ST 3_00_0_46 2 Stamp 3.00
/ 0.46Cartoon Cat (from Gaston)
Dual Currency FRF/EUR
Stamp from Booklet
Perf. 13¼:12
MI 3510CM/
TENFR20010224 ST 3_00__0_60 Semi-postal stamp 3.00
+ 0.60
/ 0.46
+ 0.09Cartoon Cat (from Gaston)
Dual Currency FRF/EUR
Stamp from Booklet and MS
MI 3511CM/
TENFR20010224 MS 3_00__0_60 Semi-postal miniature sheet 3.00
+ 0.60
/ 0.46
+ 0.09Cartoon Cat (from Gaston) (on stamp)
Dual Currency FRF/EUR
Single-stamp MS
Variety without textFR20010224 BK 24_00__1_80 Booklet 24.00
+ 1.80
/ 3.68
+ 0.27Cartoon Cat (from Gaston) on stamps and cover
Dual Currency FRF/EUR
Booklet with 5 x
FR20010224 ST 3_00_0_46 2
and 3 x
FR20010224 ST 3_00__0_60
MI MH57M June 2001 - Chatte Local PAP
PSE BackFR20010600 PSE NVI 38160 Pre-stamped envelope NVI
(3.00 on issue)Unspecified breed (in cachet)
"Chatte (Isère)"
Local PAP issued by La Poste in Chatte
MI U207y (w/localized cachet)
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us
know.M 5 August 2001 - Éauze Comic Book Festival FR20010805 PSE NVI 32800 Pre-stamped envelope NVI
(3.00 on issue)Cartoon Cat (in cachet)
"Éauze Gers - Fête de la BD - 1er dimanche d'août"
MI U207y (w/localized cachet)7 October 2001 - 14th Book Festival FR20011007 PMK 06370 Commemorative postmark - Stylised Cat
"14ème Festival du Livre"
06 Mouans-Sartoux
7 October 2001CC 2002 (?) - S.P.A. Response Envelope
Also see S.P.A items from 1988, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2011, 2012, 2017
FR20020000 RES T20 16919 Pre-paid reply envelope T20 Unspecified breed (in logo)
Response paid envelope adresses to the SPA Treatment Centre in Angouleme
Envelope no.
2002 094 A93
Earliest use reported: 2002
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.M 21 September 2002 - 20th Anniversary of the Death of Georges Perec FR20020921 ST 0_46 Stamp 0.46 Chartreux
MI 3655M FR20020921 MISC SOUV Souvenir proof print - Chartreux
Souvenir proof of
FR20020921 ST 0_46
issued by Imprimière des Timbres-Poste (French Stamp Printing Plant)17 November 2002 - Promojeunes VIII FR20021117 PMK 68250 Commemorative postmark - Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
"Promojeunes VIII"
68 Rouffach
17 November 2002CC 2003 - Joué Club Meter frank FR2003 MF JOUC 33042 Meter frank - Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
"Joué Club Express - 26 rue Roger Touton - BP 132 - 33042 Bordeaux Cedex"
Machine no. VL503107
Earliest use reported:
24 November 2003
Latest use reported:
24 November 2003
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.2003 - Cléon Veterinary Office Meter Frank FR2003 MF VETE 78140 Meter frank - Unspecified breed
Stylized cat
"Le vétérinaire est notre spécialiste"
Cléon, Seine Maritime
Earliest use reported:
16 April 2003
Latest use reported:
16 April 2003
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.2003 - Jean de la Fontaine Festival FR20030000 PMK 02400 Slogan postmark - Cartoon Cat
"Fêtes Jean de la Fontaine - 21-22 Juin 2003"
Slogan to the left
Place, but no date below slogan
02 Château-Thierry, Aisne
Earliest use reported:
2 April 2003
Latest use reported:
2 April 2003
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL
(LFR)2003 - Chenil de la Motte Personalised PAP FR20030000 PSE NVI 59390 Pre-stamped envelope 20g
(0.46 on issue)Unspecified breed (in cachet)
Personalised PAP for Chenil de la Motte (Pet Pension),
59390 Sailly-lez-Lannoy
Agreement No. 809
Lot B2J/0300288
(personalised)2003 - Levallois Village Business Association Local PAP FR20030000 PSE NVI 92300 Pre-stamped envelope 20g
(0.46 on issue)Cartoon Cat
"Le commerce c'est la vie de La cité! - Levallois Village - Amical des Cemmerçants, Artisans et PME de Levallois-Perret"
Local PAP
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know.
MI ??? (with localized cachet)15 March 2003 - Stamp Day FR20030315 ST 0_46__0_09 Semi-postal Miniature sheet 0.46
+ 0.09Cartoon Cat
(Ma Dalton's Cat from Lucky Luke) (on selvedge)
MI B3130 August 2003 - French Literary Characters FR20030830 ST 0_50 3 Stamp 0.50 Persian
Cats in Literature
"Claudine" by Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette (1873-1954)
MI 3732M
DLSFR20030830 MS 4_60 Miniature sheet 4.60 (fran- king value 3.00) Persian (on one stamp only)
Cats in Literature
"Claudine" by Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette (1873-1954)
MS with all 6 stamps in set - surcharged for the Red Cross
MI B33FR20030830 FDP 75001 4 First day postmark - Unspecified breed
FDP for the Claudine stamp
30 August 200313 December 2003 - Animal Christmas FR20031213 PMK 75001 Commemorative postmark - Stylised Cat
"Noël des animaux" (trade fair)
13 December 2003DL 2004 - S.P.A. Pre-stamped Response Envelope
Also see S.P.A items from 1988, 2002, 2005, 2006, 2011, 2012, 2017
FR20040000 RES NVI 16919 Pre-stamped reply envelope NVI Unspecified breed (in logo)
Red NVI Marianne de Luquet stamp indicium
Response paid envelope adresses to the SPA Treatment Centre in Angouleme
Envelope no.
Earliest use reported:
18 June 2004
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL 2004 - Publicat Meter Frank FR2004 MF PUBL 75082 Meter frank - Stylised Cat
"Publicat - La régie partenaire - 17, bld Poissionnère - 75082 Paris Cedex 02"
Paris Louvres CTC
Machine no. HD 102785
Earliest use reported:
3 December 2004
Latest use reported:
3 December 2004
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL 2004 - Bordeaux City Meter Frank FR2004 MF CHAT 33000 Meter frank - Cartoon Cat
Le Chat
MF used by the City of Bordeaux for the Le Chat exhibition
"Le Chat s'expose du 29/06 au 26/09"
Bordeaux CTC Gironde
The exhibition took plase from 29 June to 26 September
We have seen this used as late as 4 October.
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know2004 - Mistigriff Meter Frank FR2004 MF MIST 95200 Meter frank - Unspecified breed
Cat paw print
Machine no. VD105537
Sarcelles PAL
Val d'Oise
Earliest use reported:
27 July 2004
Latest use reported:
27 July 2004
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know2004 - International Cat Museum PAPs FR20040000 PSE 37120 1 Pre-stamped envelope NVI
0.50 on issue)Unspecified breed
Miniature Cat Drawing (in cachet)
"Musée International du Chat - Richelieu (37) et les Journées Européennes du Patrimoine 2004 Sciences et Téchniques ........[exhibition programme 2004]....."
Local PSE
MI U332 (with localized cachet)
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us knowDL FR20040000 PSE 37120 2 Pre-stamped envelope NVI
0.50 on issue)Unspecified breed (in cachet)
Cat Painting
"Musée Internationale du Chat (37 Indre et Loire) - - La traversière du Richelieu - Bernard Vercuyse"
Local PSE
MI U332 (with localized cachet)
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us knowFR20040000 PSE 37120 3 Pre-stamped envelope NVI
0.50 on issue)Unspecified breed (in cachet)
Cat Painting
"Musée International du Chat - Richelieu (37) et les Journées Européennes du Patrimoine 2004 Sciences et Techniques - Commémoration du 350° anniversaire de la mort de François Lemercier Premier architecte de Louis XIII Richelieu, utopie de la Cité Idéale"
Local PSE
MI U332 (with localized cachet)
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us knowFR20040000 PSE 37120 4 Pre-stamped envelope NVI
0.50 on issue)Unspecified breed (in cachet)
Cat Painting
"Musée International du Chat - Richelieu (37) et les Journées Européennes du Patrimoine 2004 Sciences et Techniques - Hommage à Pol Ernst, philologue, 1923-2004 Genèse des Pensées de Pascal"
Local PSE
MI U332 (with localized cachet)
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know10-11 April 2004 - 20 Years for a New Image FR20040410_11 PMK 88000 Commemorative postmark - Cartoon Cat
Puss in Boots
"20 Ans pour une nouvelle image"
88 Épinal
10 - 11 April 2004DL 2005 - Jéva-Rondinaud Meter Frank Also see 1995-version
FR2005 MF JEVA 16110 Meter frank - Cartoon Cat
"Jéva - Rondinaud S.A.S - Chaussures et Pantoufles" ("Jéva - Rondinaud S.A.S - Shoes and Slippers")
16 La Rochefocauld, Charente
Machine no.
RC 96137
Earliest use reported:
2 November 2005
Latest use reported:
2 November 2005
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL 2005 - Moglia Meter Frank FR2005 MF MOG 91580 Meter frank - Unspecified breed
"Moglia - Téléphone: +33 (0) - Internet:"
91580 Etrechy
Machine no. 8723
Earliest use reported:
21 June 2005
Latest use reported:
21 June 2005
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.2005 - Vétérinaire pour la vie PAP
PSE backFR20050000 PSE 20g X1 Pre-stamped envelope L20* (0.53 on issue) Unspecified breed (in cachet)
Cartoon cat
Personalised (?) PAP
Barcode on back
Agreement no. 809/I/009
MI U607 (personalised)
If you know more about this item, please share.FDCM
(2006)2005 - S.P.A. Pre-stamped Response Envelope
Also see S.P.A items from 1988, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2011, 2012, 2017
FR20050000 RES NVI 16919 Pre-stamped reply envelope NVI Unspecified breed (in logo)
Red NVI Marianne de Lamouche stamp indicium
Response paid envelope adresses to the SPA Treatment Centre in Angouleme
Envelope no.
Earliest use reported:
14 June 2005
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL 2005 - International Cat Museum PAPs FR20050000 PSE NVI 37120 1 Pre-stamped envelope NVI
(20g - 0.53 on issue)Unspecified breed (in cachet)
"Musée International du Chat - La Porte de Châtellerault à Richelieu"
Local PSE
MI ??? (with localized cachet)
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us knowFR20050000 PSE NVI 37120 2 Pre-stamped envelope NVI
(20g - 0.53 on issue)Unspecified breed (in cachet)
"Musée International du Chat - La Porte du Château Richelieu"
Local PSE
MI ??? (with localized cachet)
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us knowFR20050000 PSE 20g 37120 3 Pre-stamped envelope L20*
(0.53 on issue)Unspedified breed
Cat Painting (in cachet)
"Musée international du Chat - Richelieu (37) (Indre et Loire) - - Année Sylvie Kasli-Marquet"
Local PSE
MI ??? (with localized cachet)
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know.If you have a scan of this issue, please share. FR20050000 PSE NVI 37120 4 Pre-stamped envelope NVI
(20g - 0.53 on issue)Unspecified breed (in cachet)
"Musée international du Chat - La traversière de Richelieu"
Local PSE
MI ??? (with localized cachet)
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know.FR20050100 PSE 20g 37120 Pre-stamped envelope L20*
(0.53 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cat Painting (in cachet)
"Musée international du Chat - Richelieu (37) (Indre et Loire) - - Pour une année de mille milliards de Bonheur - 1° janvier : Journée mondiale de la Paix"
Local PSE
MI ??? (with localized cachet)
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know.
BackFR20050400 PSE 20g 37120 1 Pre-stamped envelope L20*
(0.53 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cat Painting (in cachet)
"Musée international du Chat de Richelieu - Mai 2005 - Année Sylvie Kasli-Marquet - Spéciale Haute Couture"
Local PSE
Agrément: 209
Lot: B2K/0401568
MI ??? (with localized cachet)
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know.
BackFR20050400 PSE 20g 37120 2 Pre-stamped envelope L20*
(0.53 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cat Painting (in cachet)
"Musée international du Chat de Richelieu - Juin 2005 - Année Sylvie Kasli-Marquet - Spéciale Haute Couture"
Local PSE
This PSE exists in 3 versions based on the serial numbers on the back
Agrément: 209
Lot: B2K/0501104
MI ??? (with localized cachet)
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know.DL
BackFR20050400 PSE 20g 37120 3 Pre-stamped envelope L20*
(0.53 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cat Painting (in cachet)
"Musée international du Chat de Richelieu - Juin 2005 - Année Sylvie Kasli-Marquet - Spéciale Haute Couture"
Local PSE
This PSE exists in 3 versions based on the serial numbers on the back
Agrément: 209
Lot: B2K/0501369
MI ??? (with localized cachet)
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know.
BackFR20050400 PSE 20g 37120 4 Pre-stamped envelope L20*
(0.53 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cat Painting (in cachet)
"Musée international du Chat de Richelieu - Juin 2005 - Année Sylvie Kasli-Marquet - Spéciale Haute Couture"
Local PSE
This PSE exists in 3 versions based on the serial numbers on the back
Agrément: 209
Lot: B2K/0500133
MI U606 (with localized cachet)
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know.DL
BackFR20050400 PSE 20g 37120 5 Pre-stamped envelope L20*
(0.53 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cat Painting (in cachet)
"Musée international du Chat de Richelieu - Juillet 2005 - Année Sylvie Kasli-Marquet - Spéciale Haute Couture"
Local PSE
This PSE exists in 3 versions based on the serial numbers on the back
Agrément: 209
Lot: B2K/0501104
MI ??? (with localized cachet)
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know.
BackFR20050400 PSE 20g 37120 6 Pre-stamped envelope L20*
(0.53 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cat Painting (in cachet)
"Musée international du Chat de Richelieu - Juillet 2005 - Année Sylvie Kasli-Marquet - Spéciale Haute Couture"
Local PSE
This PSE exists in 3 versions based on the serial numbers on the back
Agrément: 209
Lot: B2K/0501369
MI ??? (with localized cachet)
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know.
BackFR20050400 PSE 20g 37120 7 Pre-stamped envelope L20*
(0.53 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cat Painting (in cachet)
"Musée international du Chat de Richelieu - Juillet 2005 - Année Sylvie Kasli-Marquet - Spéciale Haute Couture"
Local PSE
This PSE exists in 3 versions based on the serial numbers on the back
Agrément: ???
Lot: Not confirmed
MI ??? (with localized cachet)
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know.
BackFR20050400 PSE 20g 37120 8 Pre-stamped envelope L20*
(0.53 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cat Painting (in cachet)
"Musée international du Chat de Richelieu - Août 2005 - Année Sylvie Kasli-Marquet - Spéciale Haute Couture"
Local PSE
This PSE exists in 3 versions based on the serial numbers on the back
Agrément: 209
Lot: B2K/0501104
MI ??? (with localized cachet)
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know.
BackFR20050400 PSE 20g 37120 9 Pre-stamped envelope L20*
(0.53 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cat Painting (in cachet)
"Musée international du Chat de Richelieu - Août 2005 - Année Sylvie Kasli-Marquet - Spéciale Haute Couture"
Local PSE
This PSE exists in 3 versions based on the serial numbers on the back
Agrément: 209
Lot: B2K/0501369
MI ??? (with localized cachet)
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know.
BackFR20050400 PSE 20g 37120 10 Pre-stamped envelope L20*
(0.53 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cat Painting (in cachet)
"Musée international du Chat de Richelieu - Août 2005 - Année Sylvie Kasli-Marquet - Spéciale Haute Couture"
Local PSE
This PSE exists in 3 versions based on the serial numbers on the back
Agrément: 209
Lot: Not confirmed
MI ??? (with localized cachet)
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know.
BackFR20050400 PSE 20g 37120 11 Pre-stamped envelope L20*
(0.53 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cat Painting (in cachet)
"Musée international du Chat de Richelieu - Septembre 2005 - Année Sylvie Kasli-Marquet - Spéciale Haute Couture"
Local PSE
Agrément: 209
Lot: B2K/0501104
MI ??? (with localized cachet)
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know.
BackFR20050400 PSE 20g 37120 12 Pre-stamped envelope L20*
(0.53 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cat Painting (in cachet)
"Musée international du Chat de Richelieu - Octobre 2005 - Année Sylvie Kasli-Marquet - Spéciale Haute Couture"
Local PSE
Agrément: 209
Lot: B2K/0501104
MI ??? (with localized cachet)
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know.
BackFR20050400 PSE 20g 37120 13 Pre-stamped envelope L20*
(0.53 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cat Painting (in cachet)
"Musée international du Chat de Richelieu - Novembre 2005 - Année Sylvie Kasli-Marquet - Spéciale Haute Couture"
Local PSE
Agrément: 209
Lot: B2K/0501104
MI ??? (with localized cachet)
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know.
BackFR20050400 PSE 20g 37120 14 Pre-stamped envelope L20*
(0.53 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cat Painting (in cachet)
"Musée international du Chat de Richelieu - Décembre 2005 - Année Sylvie Kasli-Marquet - Spéciale Haute Couture"
Local PSE
Agrément: 209
Lot: B2K/0501104
MI ??? (with localized cachet)
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know.2005 - Levallois Village Business Association Local PAP FR20050000 PSE 20g 92300 Pre-stamped envelope L20*
(0.53 on issue)Cartoon Cat
"Le commerce c'est la vie de La cité! - Levallois Village - Amical des Cemmerçants, Artisans et PME de Levallois-Perret"
Local PAP
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know
MI U598A (localized cachet)DL 1 May-12 June 2005 - Salon de l'image et de l'écrit FR20050501_0612 PMK 86500 Slogan postmark - Stylised Cats
"3e Salon de l'image et de lécrit - 11 - 12 Juin 2005 - Montmorillon"
86 Montmorillon
1 May - 12 June 2005IL FR20050611_12 PMK 86500 Commemorative postmark - Stylised Cat
"3e Salon de l'image et de lécrit"
86 Montmorillon
11-12 June 20051 October 2005 - Smiles FR20051001 ST L20 1 Stamp L20*
(0.53 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
Le Chat
"L'envers d'un timbre..."
MI 3984DLS FR20051001 ST L20 2 Stamp L20*
(0.53 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
Le Chat
"Une seule lèttre..."
MI 3985FR20051001 ST L20 3 Stamp L20*
(0.53 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
Le Chat
"Vous avez un joli timbre..."
MI 3986ILM FR20051001 ST L20 4 Stamp L20*
(0.53 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
Le Chat
"Homme de lèttres..."
MI 3987ILM FR20051001 ST L20 5 Stamp L20*
(0.53 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
Le Chat
"Le mot enveloppe..."
MI 3988ILM FR20051001 ST L20 6 Stamp L20*
(0.53 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
Le Chat
"Envoyer une lèttre..."
MI 3989DLS FR20051001 ST L20 7 Stamp L20*
(0.53 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
Le Chat
MI 3990DLS FR20051001 ST L20 8 Stamp L20*
(0.53 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
Le Chat
"Écrire ou ne pas écrire..."
MI 3991ILM FR20051001 ST L20 9 Stamp L20*
(0.53 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
Le Chat
"C'est l'histoire d'un timbre..."
MI 3992ILM FR20051001 ST L20 10 Stamp L20*
(0.53 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
Le Chat
"Entre nous..."
MI 3993ILM
Booklet paneFR20051001 BK 10xL20 Booklet 10 x L20* (5.30 / 10 x 0.53 on issue) Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
Le Chat (on all stamps and cover)
MI MH???FR20051001 FDP 92400 First day postmark - Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
Le Chat
"Carnet Sourires"
92400 Courbevoi
10 October 20052006 - Canidis Meter Frank (Royal Canine) Also see Royal Canine items from 2007
FR2006 MF CAND 82170 Meter frank - Unspecified breed
"Royal Canin Midi-Pryenées - Candis - Tél: 05 63 02 29 00
207 Route de Fabas
BP 2 82170 Canals"
With service indicator
Machine no.
Grisolles, Tarn et Garonne
Earliest use reported:
2 October 2006
Latest use reported:
2 October 2006
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us
know.2006 - S.P.A. Pre-stamped Response Envelope
Also see S.P.A items from 1988, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2011, 2012, 2017
FR20060000 RES NVI 16919 Pre-stamped reply envelope NVI Unspecified breed (in logo)
2001 Greetings stamp indicium
Response paid envelope adresses to the SPA Treatment Centre in Angouleme
Envelope no.
Earliest use reported:
15 June 2006
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL 2006 - International Cat Museum PAPs
BackFR20060000 PSE 20g 37120 1 Pre-stamped envelope L20*
(0.53 or 0.54 on issue)Stylised Cat (in cachet)
"Projet de Décoration de rond-point de Richelieu - Musée international du Chat de Richelieu - 37"
Local PSE
Agrément: 809
Lot: /I/014 * 0601261
MI ??? (with localized cachet)
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know
BackFR20060000 PSE 20g 37120 2 Pre-stamped envelope L20*
(0.53 or 0.54 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cat Painting (in cachet)
"Musée international du Chat de Richelieu - 37 - S. Kasli-Marquet"
Local PSE
Agrément: 809
Lot: /I/014 * 0601654
MI ??? (with localized cachet)
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know26 April 2006 - Young Domestic Animals FR20060426 ST 0_53 2 Stamp 0.53 Unspecified breed (kitten)
MI 4060M
ILMFR20060422 MS 1_43 Miniature sheet 1.43 Unspecified breed (kitten) (on one stamp)
4-stamp MS with all stamps in set
ILSFR20060422 FDP 68460 1 First day postmark - Unspecified breed
"Premier Jour - Le Chaton"
64 Lutterbach
22 April 2006CC FR20060422 FDP 75001 1 First day postmark - Unspecified breed
"Premier Jour - Le Chaton"
22 April 2006
FDP used on single stampsMC FR20060422 FDP 75001 2 First day postmark - Unspecified breed
"Premier Jour - Bloc Feuillet - Jeunes Animaux Domésestiques"
22 April 2006
FDP used on the MSFR20060422 MISC SOUV 1 Souvenir Proof Print - Cartoon Cat
Souvenir proof of
FR20060426 ST 0_53 2
and the dog-stamp of the set. Issued by Imprimière des Timbres-Poste (French Stamp Printing Plant)20 September 2006 - Smiles FR20060920 ST 20g 1 Stamp L20*
(0.53 on issueCartoon Cat
Sénéechal (from Cubitus)
Self-adhesive stamp from booklet
MI 4145DLS FR20060920 ST 20g 4 Stamp L20*
(0.53 on issueCartoon Cat
Sénéechal (from Cubitus)
Self-adhesive stamp from booklet
MI 4148ILM
Booklet paneFR20060920 BK 10x20g Booklet 10 x L20* (5.30 on issue) Cartoon Cat
Sénéechal (from Cubitus) (on 2 stamps and cover)
Self-adhesive booklet with 10 stamps
MI MH???2007 - Canidis Meter Frank (Royal Canine) Also see Royal Canine items from 2006
FR2007 MF CAND 82170 Meter frank - Unspecified breed
"Royal Canin Midi-Pryenées - Candis - Tél: 05 63 02 29 00
207 Route de Fabas
BP 2 82170 Canals"
Without service indicator
Machine no.
Grisolles, Tarn et Garonne
Earliest use reported: 29 May 2007
Latest use reported:
29 May 2007
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.2007 - International Cat Museum PAPs
BackFR20070000 PSE L20 37120 1 Pre-stamped envelope L20*
(0.54 on issue)Unspecified breed (in cachet)
"Musée international du Chat de Richelieu - 37 - Koji IKUTA - Grand Maîter Japonais de la gravure manière noire ou mezzotinte"
Local PSE
Agrément: 809
Lot: /I/014 * 07U074
MI ??? (with localized cachet)
If you know more about the date of issue for this item, please let us know
BackFR20070000 PSE LP20 37120 2 Pre-stamped envelope LP20*
(0.54 on issue)Stylised Cat (in cachet)
"Musée international du Chat de Richelieu - 37 - Les chats de Yolande Salmon Duval"
Local PSE
Agrément: 809
Lot: /I/014 * 07U074
MI ??? (with localized cachet)
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know
BackFR20070000 PSE L20 37120 3 Pre-stamped envelope LP20*
(0.54 on issue)Stylised Cat (in cachet)
"Musée international du Chat de Richelieu - 37 - Dr C. Carrasco"
Local PSE
Agrément: 809
Lot: /I/014 * 07U074
MI ??? (with localized cachet)
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know.2007 - Personailised Stamps FR20070000 PST LP20 X1 Personalised stamp LP20*
(0.54 on issue)Unspecified breed
Black cat with bust
Personalised, self-adhesive stamp
If you have any information about this item, please let us know.UFR 22 June 2007 - 6th International Festival of Mechanical Music
PSE backFR20070622 PSE LP20 68920 Pre-stamped envelope LP20*
(0.54 on issue)Unspecified breed (in cachet)
"6ème Festival International de Musique Mécanique - 22, 23 et 24 juin 2007 - Wintzenheim"
Barcode on back
Agreement no. 809/I/014
Localized PAP
MI U625 (localized)DL 18 October 2007 - Winners of the Painting Competition for the Philatelic Catalogue 2005/2006 If you have a scan of this item, please share. FR20071018 PSE LP 6 Pre-stamped envelope LP*
(0.54 on issue)Unspecified breed (in stamp indicium and cachet)
Stamp indicium design like
FR20060426 ST 0_53 2
MI U908December 2007 - Shrek 3
PSE backFR20071200 PSE LP 1 Pre-stamped envelope LP*
(0.54 on issue - sold at 0.80)Abyssinian (in cachet and on back)
Cartoon Cat
Puss in Boots
(Shrek and Donkey head-butting)
Sold in a set of 5 different envelopes (at 4.00 on issue)
Agreément: 809
Lot: 42J/07F676
MI U???
PSE backFR20071200 PSE LP 2 Pre-stamped envelope LP*
(0.54 on issue - sold at 0.80)Abyssinian (in cachet and on back)
Cartoon Cat
Puss in Boots
(Donkey, Puss. Shrek and Princess Fiona in "family photo")
Sold in a set of 5 different envelopes (at 4.00 on issue)
Agreément: 809
Lot: 42J/07F676
MI U???
PSE backFR20071200 PSE LP 3 Pre-stamped envelope LP*
(0.54 on issue - sold at 0.80)Abyssinian (in cachet and on back)
Cartoon Cat
Puss in Boots
(Puss and Donkey)
Sold in a set of 5 different envelopes (at 4.00 on issue)
Agreément: 809
Lot: 42J/07F676
PSE backFR20071200 PSE LP 4 Pre-stamped envelope LP*
(0.54 on issue - sold at 0.80)Abyssinian (in cachet and on back)
Cartoon Cat
Puss in Boots
(Puss, Donkey, and Shrek in totem pole pose)
Sold in a set of 5 different envelopes (at 4.00 on issue)
Agreément: 809
Lot: 42J/07F676
MI U???15 December 2007 - Animal Christmas (Trade Fair)
Also see S.P.A items from 1988, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2011, 2012, 2017
FR20071215 PSE NVI 75000 Pre-stamped envelope NVI* Unspecified breed (in cachet)
personalised PAP issued by GAPHIL and S.P.A for the fair
Agreement no.: 809
Lot: B2K/03039252008 - Personalised Stamps FR20080000 PST LP20 X1 Personalized Stamp LP20*
(0.54 on issue)Unspecified breed
We do not know when this stamp was issued, but our copy is postmarked in January 2009, so we assume it's 2008. If you know anything about this stamp, please let us know.
MI PB8 (personalized)DLS 6-7 September 2008 - Portraits of the Regions FR20080906 ST 0_55 2 Stamp 0.55 Cartoon Cat
Puss in Boots
Stamp from MS
MI 4488M FR20080906_07 PMK 88000 First day postmark/ Comemmorative Postmark - Cartoon Cat
Puss in Boots
"L'Imagerie d'Épinal a l'honneur" 6 and 7 September 2008 (used both as FDP and as comemmorative postmark)
88 Épinal
6-7 September 200814 September 2008 - 1st Cat Show in Réunion This item is also listed under Wild Cats
FR20080914 PSE LP Pre-stamped envelope LP* (Inland Priority - 0.55 on issue) Chratreux
Sacred Birman (in cachet)
Jaguar in the stamp indicium
MI U832 (localized)CC FR20080914 PMK 97400 Comemmorative Postmark - Unspecified breedStylised Cat
"1ere Éxposition Féline - Réunionnaise
974 Saint-Denis
14 September 2008CC 18 September 2008 - Smiles Article from Timbres Magazine
FR20080918 ST LP20 1 Stamp LP20*
(0.55 at time of issue)Cartoon Cat
Garfield (waiting for mail)
Self-adhesive stamp from booklet
MI 4496FR20080918 ST LP20 2 Stamp LP20*
(0.55 at time of issue)Cartoon Cat
Garfield (with glasses)
Self-adhesive stamp from booklet
MI 4497FR20080918 ST LP20 3 Stamp LP20*
(0.55 at time of issue)Cartoon Cat
Garfield (collecting mail)
Self-adhesive stamp from booklet
MI 4498DLS FR20080918 ST LP20 4 Stamp LP20*
(0.55 at time of issue)Cartoon Cat
Garfield (kicking Odie)
Self-adhesive stamp from booklet
MI 4499DLS FR20080918 ST LP20 5 Stamp LP20*
(0.55 at time of issue)Cartoon Cat
Garfield (eating pizza)
Self-adhesive stamp from booklet
MI 4500FR20080918 ST LP20 6 Stamp LP20*
(0.55 at time of issue)Cartoon Cat
Garfield (finding Odie in the mailbox)
Self-adhesive stamp from booklet
MI 4501DLS FR20080918 ST LP20 7 Stamp LP20*
(0.55 at time of issue)Cartoon Cat
Garfield (handing over letter to female cat)
Self-adhesive stamp from booklet
MI 4502DLS FR20080918 ST LP20 8 Stamp LP20*
(0.55 at time of issue)Cartoon Cat
Garfield (with pencil)
Self-adhesive stamp from booklet
MI 4503FR20080918 ST LP20 9 Stamp LP20*
(0.55 at time of issue)Cartoon Cat
Garfield (eating piece of letter)
Self-adhesive stamp from booklet
MI 4504DLS FR20080918 ST LP20 10 Stamp LP20*
(0.55 at time of issue)Cartoon Cat
Garfield (lying in mailbox)
Self-adhesive stamp from booklet
MI 4505
PaneFR20080918 BK 10xLP20 Booklet 10 x LP20*
(10 x 0.55 / 5.50 on issue)Cartoon Cat
Booklet with 10 self-adhesive stamps
MI MH???If you have a scan of this item, please share. FR20080918 FDC 10x20g First day cover 10 x LP20*
(10 x 0.55 / 5.50 on issue)Cartoon Cat
FDC with all 10 stampsFR20080918 FDP 51370
First day postmark - Cartoon Cat
51 Saint-Brice-Courcelles
20 September 2008FR20080918 FDP 75001 First day postmark - Cartoon Cat
20 September 200830 September 2008 - Vosges Regional PAP FR20080930 PSE LP 21 Pre-stamped envelope LP* (0.55 on issue - sold at 0.90) Cartoon Cat (in stamp indicium)
Puss in Boots
Cats in Literature
Stamp indicium like
FR20080906 ST 0_55 2
White PSE, no cachet, no address boxes, long format (220x110 mm)
Sold in post offices in Vosges and from the philatelic service
Agreement no. 809
Lot G4K708F359
MI U1025DL 30 September 2008 - Épinal Local PAPs FR20080930 PSE LP 22 Pre-stamped envelope LP* (0.55 on issue - sold at 0.90) Cartoon Cat (in stamp indicium)
Puss in Boots
Cats in Literature
Stamp indicium like
FR20080906 ST 0_55 2
"Fontaine rue du Chapitre à Épinal"
White PSE, long format (220x110 mm)
Sold in post offices in Ëpinal and from the philatelic service
Lot 42J/08F361
MI U1026(.01)DL FR20080930 PSE LP 23 Pre-stamped envelope LP* (0.55 on issue - sold at 0.90) Cartoon Cat (in stamp indicium)
Puss in Boots
Cats in Literature
Stamp indicium like
FR20080906 ST 0_55 2
"Le Château d'Épinal"
White PSE, long format (220x110 mm)
Sold in post offices in Vosges and from the philatelic service
Lot 42J/08F361
MI U1026(.02)FR20080930 PSE LP 24 Pre-stamped envelope LP* (0.55 on issue - sold at 0.90) Cartoon Cat (in stamp indicium)
Puss in Boots
Cats in Literature
Stamp indicium like
FR20080906 ST 0_55 2
"La Place Pinau à Épinal"
White PSE, long format (220x110 mm)
Sold in post offices in Vosges and from the philatelic service
Lot 42J/08F361
MI U1026(.03)FR20080930 PSE LP 25 Pre-stamped envelope LP* (0.55 on issue - sold at 0.90) Cartoon Cat (in stamp indicium)
Puss in Boots
Cats in Literature
Stamp indicium like
FR20080906 ST 0_55 2
"Épinal vue du ciel"
White PSE, long format (220x110 mm)
Sold in post offices in Vosges and from the philatelic service
Lot 42J/08F361
MI U1026(.04)FR20080930 PSE LP 26 Pre-stamped envelope LP* (0.55 on issue - sold at 0.90) Cartoon Cat (in stamp indicium)
Puss in Boots
Cats in Literature
Stamp indicium like
FR20080906 ST 0_55 2
"Passerelle sur la Moselle à Épinal"
White PSE, long format (220x110 mm)
Sold in post offices in Vosges and from the philatelic service
Lot 42J/08F361
MI U1026(.05)18 October 2008 - Jean-Jacques Henner Article from Timbres Magazine
FR20081018 ST 0_88 Stamp 0.88 Unspecified breed
Cat Painting
"Jeune fille se chauffant les mains à un grand poêle" ["Young Girl Warming her Hands on a Large Pan"] by Jean-Jacques Henner
Gummed stamp
For self-adhesive version, see
FR20081114 ST 0_88
MI 4525FR20081018 PSE LP 68130 Pre-stamped envelope LP* (0.55 on issue) Unspecified breed
Cat Painting
"Jeune fille se chauffant les mains à un grand poêle" ["Young Girl Warming her Hands on a Large Pan"] by Jean-Jacques Henner (on cachet)
Regional PSE issued in Altkirch, where the painting hangs in the Musée Sundgauvien
(Provisional) Agreement no. 809
Lot G4S/08R342
MI ???FR20081018 MC 0_88 Maximum card 0.88 Unspecified breed
Cat Painting
"Jeune fille se chauffant les mains à un grand poêle" ["Young Girl Warming her Hands on a Large Pan"] by Jean-Jacques Henner (on cachet)
MC issued by Musée Sundgauvien in AltkirchCC 14 November 2008 - Jean-Jacques Henner (self-adhesive) FR20081114 ST 0_88 Stamp 0.88 Unspecified breed
Cat Painting
"Jeune fille se chauffant les mains à un grand poêle" ("Young Girl Warming her Hands on a Large Pan") by Jean-Jacques Henner
Self-adhesive stamp
For gummed version, see
FR20081018 ST 0_88
MI 4566M 2009 - Morel (Glasses) Meter Frank FR2009 MF MORE 39400 Meter frank - Unspecified breed
Stylized Cat
Company logo
"Morel - France"
Machine no.
Morez CCT1, Jura
Earliest use reported:
3 June 2009
Latest use reported:
3 June 2009
If you have further information about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL 5 February 2009 - "Montimbrenligne": Computer Vended Postage FR20090205 CVP 1 X1 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Unspecified breed (cat looking at goldfish)
Downloadable "stamp" imprint
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 1 X1M
(0.85)FR20090205 CVP 1 X2 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Unspecified breed (semi-longhair kitten)
Downloadable "stamp" imprint
This image is in B&W only
CVP type 1 X2M
(0.85)FR20090205 CVP 2 X3 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Unspecified breed (kitten on rocks looking up)
Downloadable "stamp" imprint
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 2 X3M
DLS (0.55)
(1.70)Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates 28 February 2009 - Stamp Festival (Fête du Timbre) FR20090228 ST 0_56 2 Stamp 0.56 Cartoon Cat
Gummed stamp from ordinary sheets
MI 4599DLS FR20090228 ST 0_56 5 Stamp 0.56 Cartoon Cat
Self-adhesive stamp from "personalised" sheetlet/Miniature sheet
MI 4606FR20090228 ST LP20 2 Stamp LP20*
(0.56 at time of issue)Cartoon Cat
Self-adhesive stamp from booklet
MI 4603DLS FR20090228 ST 1_00 Stamp 1.00 Cartoon Cat
Sylvester (and other characters from Looney Tunes)
Stamp from MS
MI 4601
PaneFR20090228 BK 6_72 Booklet 6.72 Cartoon Cat
(on 4 stamps and booklet cover)
Self-adhesive booklet with 4 x
FR20090228 ST 20g 2
and 4 each of the other two booklet stamps
MI MH???M FR20090228 MS 1_00 Miniature sheet 1.00 Cartoon Cat
Sylvester (on stamp and selvedge)
MI B104DLM FR20090228 SH 6_49 1 Sheetlet/Miniature sheet 6.49 (fran- king value 2.80) Cartoon Cat
Sylvester (on selvedge)
MS/Sheetlet with 5 x 0.56 stamps showing Wil E. Coyote and the Road Runner
MI KB4605M FR20090228 SH 6_49 2 Sheetlet/Miniature sheet 6.49 (fran- king value 2.80) Cartoon Cat
Sylvester (on 5 stamps and selvedge)
MS/Sheetlet with 5 x
FR20090228 ST 0_56 5
MI KB4606M FR20090228 SH 6_49 3 Sheetlet/Miniature sheet 6.49 (fran- king value 2.80) Cartoon Cat
Sylvester (on selvedge)
MS/Sheetlet with 5 x 0.56 stamps showing Bugs Bunny
MI KB4607M FR20090228 FDC 0_56 2 First day cover 0.56 Cartoon Cat
FDC with
FR20090228 ST 0_56 2
There are 116 possible postmarks for this FDC, see the specified list.FR20090225 FDC 0_56 5 First day cover 0.56 Cartoon Cat
FDC with
FR20090228 ST 0_56 5
There are 116 possible postmarks for this FDC, see the specified list.FR20090228 FDC LP20 2 First day cover LP20*
(0.56 at time of issue)Cartoon Cat
FDC with
FR20090228 ST 20g 2
There are 116 possible postmarks for this FDC, see the specified list.FR20090228 FDC 1_00 First day cover 1.00 Cartoon Cat
Sylvester (on stamp, selvedge and postmark)
FDC with
FR20090228 ST 1_00
There are 116 possible postmarks for this FDC, see the specified list.FR20090228 FDC MS 1_00 First day cover 1.00 Cartoon Cat
Sylvester (on stamp, selvedge and postmark)
FDC with
FR20090228 MS 1_00
There are 116 possible postmarks for this FDC, see the specified list.FR20090228 MC 0_56 2 Maximum card 0.56 Cartoon Cat
Official postcard with
FR20090228 ST 0_56 2
There are 116 possible postmarks for this MC, see the specified list.CC
(01)FR20090228 MC 0_56 5 Maximum card 0.56 Cartoon Cat
Official postcard with
FR20090228 ST 0_56 5
There are 116 possible postmarks for this MC, see the specified list.FR20090228 MC LP20 2 Maximum card LP20*
(0.56 at time of issue)Cartoon Cat
Official postcard with
FR20090228 ST 20g 2
There are 116 possible postmarks for this MC, see the specified listCC
(73)FR20090228 MC 1_00 Maximum card 1.00 Cartoon Cat
Sylvester (on stamp, selvedge and postmark)
Official postcard with
FR20090228 MS 1_00
There are 116 possible postmarks for this MC, see the specified listFR20090228 FDP First day postmark/ Commemorative postmark - Cartoon Cat
There are 116 varieties for this postmark. They were also used as Commemorative postmarks dated 1 March 2009
We have made a specified list of all venuesFR20090228 LB 1 Label - Cartoon Cat
Bottom Right label from
FR20090228 SH 6_49 1FR20090228 LB 2 Label - Cartoon Cat
Fourth Right label from
FR20090228 SH 6_49 2FR20090228 LB 3 Label - Cartoon Cat
Bottom Right label from
FR20090228 SH 6_49 2FR20090228 LB 4 Label - Cartoon Cat
Bottom Right label from
FR20090228 SH 6_49 3FR20090228 MISC FLY 79000 Flyer - Cartoon Cat
Flyer for the festival celebrations in NiortFR20090228 MISC FLY 84000 Flyer - Cartoon Cat
Flyer for the festival celebrations in Avignon2 March 2009 - "Montimbrenligne": Computer Vended Postage - New designs FR20090302 CVP 1 X4 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Unspecified breed
Kitten in bowl
Downloadable "stamp" imprint
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 1 X4M
(0.85)FR20090302 CVP 1 X5 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Unspecified breed
Cat with goldfish in a mixer
Downloadable "stamp" imprint
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 1 X5M
(0.85)FR20090302 CVP 2 X35 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Unspecified breed
Cat with Pointer (dog)
Downloadable "stamp" imprint
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 2 X35DLS (0.56)
2010 - 2019 Back to top
2010 - Personalised Stamps "Montimbramoi" FR20100000 PST 20g 1 Personalised stamp LP20*
(0.58 on issue)Unspecified breed
Personalised stamp with yellow frame
If you know the exact date of issue or have any other info for this item, please let us know.FR20100000 PST LP20 2 Personalised stamp LP20*
(0.76 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
"Le Chat"
One of the prototype designs of La Poste for the Montimbramoi service
MI ??? (personalised)FR20100000 PSH 10xLP20 2 Personalised shetetlet 10 x LP20*
(10 x 0.76)
on issue)Unspecified breed (on stamps and selvedge)
Cartoon cat
"Le Chat"
One of the prototype designs of La Poste for the Montimbramoi service
Sheetlet with 10 x
FR20100000 PST LP20 2
MI ??? (personalised)2010 - "Montimbrenligne": Computer Vended Postage - New designs FR20100000 CVP 2 X6 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Unspecified breed
Kitten in dustbin
Downloadable "stamp" imprint
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 2 X6
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know.M (0.58)
DLS (0.58)
ILS (1.75)FR20100000 CVP 2 X8 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Unspecified breed
Red-tabby and white kitten laying down
Downloadable "stamp" imprint
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 2 X8
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know.M (0.58)
DLS (0.58)FR20100000 CVP 2 X71 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Unspecified breed
Kitten in Cup
Downloadable "stamp" imprint
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 2 X71
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know.DLS (0.56) FR20100000 CVP 2 X74 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Unspecified breed
Black shorthair
Downloadable "stamp" imprint
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 2 X74
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know.M (0.58)
DLS (0.58)FR20100000 CVP 2 X75 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Unspecified breed
Brown tabby shorthair
Downloadable "stamp" imprint
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 2 X75
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know.DLS (0.56) 2010 - Catalyst Meter Frank FR2010 MF CATA 78410 Meter frank - Stylised Cat
"Catalyst - Lèttre"
Aubergenville CC T1
Machine no. FP005561
Service mark: Lèttre
Earliest use reported:
22 November 2010
Latest use reported:
13 January 2012
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL 2010 - Cheminées Poujoulat Meter Frank FR2010 MF CHPO 79270 Meter frank - Stylised Cat
Company logo
"un conduit pour la vie - cheminées Poujoulat - En - Cheminées Poujoulat - BP 01 - 79270 Saint Symphorien"
Machine no. MD639071
Niort CDC, Deux-Sèvres
Earliest use reported:
12 March 2010
Latest use reported:
12 March 2010
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.2010 - FAAA Response PAP
BackFR20100000 RES LP20 FAAA 75011 Pre-stamped reply envelope LP20*
(0.58 on issue)Unspecified breed (in cachet)
Cat's Paw Print (on back)
"Fondation Assistance aus Animaux - ..... - 75011 PARIS"
Envelope no.
Earliest use reported:
?? November 2010
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL 19 September 2010 - 2nd Réunion Cat Show
PSE backFR20100919 PSE LP20 97494 Pre-stamped envelope LP20*
(0.58 on issue)Somali
Localised/ personalised PAP issued by l'Association Féline Réunionnaise.
Agreement no.: 809
Lot: B2K/10U198DL FR20100919 PMK 97494 Commemorative postmark - Unspecified breed
Stylised cat
"2ème exposition féline Réunionnaise - Spéciale Chatons"
Parc des Espositions, de Saint Denis
19 September 201018 November 2010 - Letter from Santa
Enclosed Flyer
Press release about the service (in French)FR20101118 PSE 20gW Pre-stamped Service Envelope W20* Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat (in cachet and on back flap)
Service envelope used by La Poste's "Letter to Santa"-service
This envelope has never been for sale in mint condition. It was used for sending replies to children who's written letters to Santa.IL 2011 - Personalised Stamps "Montimbramoi" FR20110000 PST 20g 1 Personalised stamp LP20*
(0.58 on issue)Unspecified breed
Blue-white bi-colour
If you have any information about this item, please let us know
MI??? (personalised)FR20110000 PST 20g 2 Personalised stamp LP20*
(0.58 on issue)Unspecified breed
Black and white bi-colour
If you have any information about this item, please let us know
MI ??? (personalised)January 2011 - "Montimbrenligne": Computer Vended Postage - New designs R20110100 CVP 2 X7 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Unspecified breed (fawn kitten looking up)
Downloadable "stamp" imprint
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 2 X7
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know.FR20110100 CVP 2 X8 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Unspecified breed (red kitten looking left)
Downloadable "stamp" imprint
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 2 X8
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know.DLS (0.58) 28 May 2011 - Regional Festivals and Traditions These items are also listed under Heraldic Cats
DetailFR20110528 BK 12xLP20 1 Booklet 12 x LP20*
(6.96 /
12 x 0.58 on issue)Unspecified breed (on booklet text page)
Cartoon cat
12-stamp self-adhesive booklet
MI MH5104-5115BDC
DetailFR20110528 BK 12xLP20 2 Booklet 12 x LP20*
(6.96 /
12 x 0.58 on issue)Unspecified breed (on booklet text page)
Cartoon cat
12-stamp self-adhesive booklet
MI MH5106-5127BDC 29 June 2011 - 90th Anniversary of Birth / 30th Anniversary of the Death of Georges Brassens FR20110629 ST LP20 2 Pre-personalised stamp LP20*
(0.58 on issue)Siamese
Prepersonalised stamp from
FR20110629 SH 10xLP20
MI PB2 (personalised)
PaneFR20110629 SH 10xLP20 Pre-personalised sheetlet 10 x LP20*
(5.80 / 10 x 0.58 on issue)Siamese (on one stamp and on selvedge)
"Collector" (sheetlet/booklet) with
FR20110629 ST LP20 2
and 9 other prepersonalised stamps issued by La Poste
MI FBPB2 (personalised)1 July 2011 - "Montimbrenligne": Computer Vended Postage - New type
Known service
LP (main scan)FR20110701 CVP 3 X7 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Unspecified breed (fawn kitten looking up)
Downloadable "stamp" imprint
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 3 X7
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know.
Known service
LPFR20110701 CVP 3 X8 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Unspecified breed (red kitten looking left)
Downloadable "stamp" imprint
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 3 X8
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know.
Known service
LPFR20110701 CVP 3 X27 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Unspecified breed (red kitten looking left)
Downloadable "stamp" imprint
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 3 X27
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know.DLS (0.60) October 2011 - Brigitte Bardot Foundation: Fighting for 25 Years
FR20111000 PST LP20 1 Personalised stamp LP20*
(0.58 on issue)Unspecified breed
Stylized cat
Foundation logo
Main motif: BB with seal
Personalised stamp issued by the BB Foundation
MI PB1 (personalised)BDC FR20111000 PST LP20 2 Personalised stamp LP20*
(0.58 on issue)Unspecified breed
Stylized cat
Foundation logo (as main motif)
Personalised stamp issued by the BB Foundation
MI PB1 (personalised)BDC FR20111000 PBK 8xLP20 Personalised booklet 8 x LP20*
(4.64 /
8 x 0.58 on issue)Unspecified breed (on all stamps and on inner cover)
Stylized cat
Foundation logo
8 stamp, self-adhesive booklet issued by the BB Foundation with 4 each of
FR20111000 PST LP20 1 and
FR20111000 PST LP20 2
MI FBPB1 (personalised)BDC 26 October 2011 - 40th Anniversary of the S.P.A. Brignais Animal Shelter
Also see S.P.A items from 1988, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2012, 2017
FR20111026 PST LP20 2 Personalised stamp LP20*
(0.58 on issue)Unspecified breed
"Coupable de quoi?....."
Self-adhesive, personalised stamp from
FR20111026 BK 4xLP20
issued by SPA de Lyon
MI PB1 (personalised)BDC FR20111026 PST LP20 3 Personalised stamp LP20*
(0.58 on issue)Unspecified breed
"40 ans Refuge Brignais"
Self-adhesive, personalised stamp from
FR20111026 BK 4xLP20
issued by SPA de Lyon
MI PB1 (personalised)BDC
DLSFR20111026 PST LP20 4 Personalised stamp LP20*
(0.58 on issue)Unspecified breed
(jubilee logo)
Self-adhesive, personalised stamp from
FR20111026 BK 4xLP20
issued by SPA de Lyon
MI PB1 (personalised)BDC
Back coverFR20111026 PBK 4xLP20 Personalised booklet 4 x LP20*
(2.32 /
4 x 0.58 on issue)Unspecified breed (on 3 stamps and cover)
Personalised booklet with
FR20111026 PST LP20 2
FR20111026 PST LP20 3
FR20111026 PST LP20 4
and a fourth stamp issued by SPA de Lyon
MI FBPB1 (personalised)BDC 2012 (?) - S.P.A. Response Envelope
Also see S.P.A items from 1988, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2011, 2017
FR20120000 RES LP 60509 Pre-paid reply envelope LP* Unspecified breed (in logo)
Response paid envelope adresses to the SPA Treatment Centre in Chantilly
Envelope no.
Earliest use reported:
23 July 2012
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.M (BDC)
MUS DL2012 - "Montimbrenligne": Computer Vended Postage - New designs
Known service
LPFR20120000 CVP 3 X32 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Unspecified breed (red kitten looking left)
Downloadable "stamp" imprint
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 3 X32
Earliest use reported:
11 April 2012
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know.DL (0.57, 0.60)
FR20120000 CVP 3 X73 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Unspecified breed (red kitten looking left)
Downloadable "stamp" imprint
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 3 X73
Earliest use reported:
31 August 2012
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know.DLS (0.57, 0.58, 0.66) 2012 - Personalised Stamps "Montimbramoi"
FR20120000 PST LP20 X1
Personalised stamp LP20*
(0.60 on issue)Unspecified breed
(Black-and-white bi-colour)
If you have any information about this item, please let us know
MI PB7 (personalised)FR20120000 PST LP20 X2 Personalised stamp LP20*
(0.60 on issue)Unspecified breed
(Red Tabby Shorthair)
If you have any information about this item, please let us know
MI PB8 (personalised)FR20120000 PST LP20 X3 Personalised stamp LP20*
(0.60 on issue)Unspecified breed (Tortie)
Stylized cat
If you have more information about the date of issue for this item, please let us know
Personalised stamp
FR20120000 PBK 8xLP20 X3
issued by the BB Foundation
MI PB1 (personalised)FR20120000 PBK 8xLP20 X3 Personalised booklet 8 x LP20*
(4.80 / 8 x 0.60 on issue)Unspecified breed (Tortie)
Stylized cat
(on 4 stamps and inner cover)
Foundation logo
8 stamp, self-adhesive booklet issued by the BB Foundation with 4 each of
FR20120000 PST LP20 X3
and another stamp
MI FBPB1 (personalised)20 March 2012 - Behind the Scenes of an Animated Movie FR20120320 ST LP20 2 Pre-personalised stamp LP20*
(0.60 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
“Oggy” from the TV animated series “Oggy and the cockroaches” by Jean-Yves Raimbaud
Pre-personalised stamp from
FR20130320 BK 4xLP20
issued by the Postal Museum in Paris
MI PB1 (personalised)FR20130320 BK 4xLP20 Pre-personalised booklet 4 x LP20*
(2.40 / 4 x 0.60 on issue)Unspecified breed (on one stamp)
Cartoon cat
“Oggy” from the TV animated series “Oggy and the cockroaches” by Jean-Yves Raimbaud
Pre-personalised booklet with
FR20120320 ST LP20 2
and 3 other stamps issued by the Postal Museum in Paris
MI PBFB1 (personalised)9 June 2012 - Castles and Historical Buildings of the Regions
Pane 1 (with cat)FR20120609 BK 12xLP20 2 Booklet 12 x LP20*
(7.20 /
12 x 0.60 on issue)Unspecified breed (on pane 1 selvedge)
Cartoon cat
Cats in Literature
Puss in boots
MI MH5378-538912 November 2012 - The Pleasures of the Beach
Front cover
Back coverFR20121112 BK 12xLP20 Pre-personalised booklet 12 x LP20*
(7.20 /
12 x 0.60 on issue - sold at 9.90)Unspecified breed
(on booklet pane)
Pre-personalised booklet issued by La Poste in the form of a callendar with 12 pre-personalised stamps.
MI FBPB1 (personalised)2013 - Personalised Stamps "Montimbramoi" FR20130000 PST LP20 X1 Personalised stamp LP20*
(0.60 or 0.62 on issue)Unspecified breed (pointed with white)
If you have any information about this item, please let us know
MI PB1 (personalised)FR20130000 PST LP20 X4 Personalised stamp LP20*
(0.60 or 0.62 on issue)Unspecified breed (brown tabby semi-longhair with white)
If you have any information about this item, please let us know
MI PB1 (personalised)2013 - 50th Anniversary of the Death of Jean Cocteau FR20130000 PST LP20 X3 Personalised stamp LP20*
(0.60 or 0.62 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cats in Art
Cat painting
Mural in Saint-Blaise-des-Simples Chapel, Milly-La-Forêt
Stamp from
FR20130000 PBK 4xLP20 X1
issued by the Philatelic Association of Milly-La-Forêt
For the same design in black and white, see
FR20190900 PST LV20 X1
MI PB1 (personalised)
If you know more about the date of issue for this item, please let us know.FR20130000 PBK 4xLP20 X1 Personalised booklet 4 x LP20*
(2.40 or 2.48 /
4 x 0.60 or 4 x 0.62 on issue)Unspecified breed (on two stamps)
Cats in Art
Cat painting
Mural in Saint-Blaise-des-Simples Chapel, Milly-La-Forêt
Personalised booklet with 2 each of
FR20130000 PST LP20 X3
and another stamp
MI FBPB1 (personalised)
If you know more about the date of issue for this item, please let us know.FR20130131 PST LP20 1 Personalised stamp LP20*
(0.60 or 0.62 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat (reading comic book)
Festival mascot "Le Fauve" created by Lewis Trondheim
Personalised stamp from
FR20130131 PBK 4xLP20
issued by the festival
For the same design with yellow background, see
FR20160305 PST LP20
MI PB1FR20130131 PST LP20 2 Personalised stamp LP20*
(0.60 or 0.62 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat (Festival jubillee logo)
Festival mascot "Le Fauve" created by Lewis Trondheim
Personalised stamp from
FR20130131 PBK 4xLP20
issued by the festival
MI PB1FR20130131 PBK 4xLP20 Personalised booklet 4 x LP20*
(2.40 or 2.48 /
4 x 0.60 or 4 x 0.62 on issue)Unspecified breed (on all stamps and on cover)
Cartoon cat
Personalised booklet with 2 each of
FR20130131 PST LP20 1
FR20130131 PST LP20 2
issued by the festival
MI FBPB11 February 2013 - Proverbs FR20130201 ST LV20 7
Stamp LV20*
(0.58 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat (hind part)
MI 5512DLS April 2013 - La Ribambulle Stamp Collection April
Also see La Ribambulle Listings from 2016
FR20130400 PST LP20 X1 Personalised stamp LP20*
(0.60 or 0.62 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Angus by Régis Donsimoni
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know.27 April 2013 - Domestic Cats FR20130427 ST LP20 1 Pre-personalised stamp LP20*
(0.62 on issue)Bengal
Pre-personalised stamp (issued by La Poste) from MS
MI ???FR20130427 ST LP20 2 Pre-personalised stamp LP20*
(0.62 on issue)Sacred Birman
Pre-personalised stamp (issued by La Poste) from MS
MI ??? (personalised)FR20130427 ST LP20 3 Pre-personalised stamp LP20*
(0.62 on issue)Unspecified breed (two tortie kittens)
Pre-personalised stamp (issued by La Poste) from MS
MI ??? (personalised)FR20130427 ST LP20 4 Pre-personalised stamp LP20*
(0.62 on issue)Unspecified breed (two tabby kittens)
Pre-personalised stamp (issued by La Poste) from MS
MI ??? (personalised)
BackFR20130427 MS 4xLP20 Pre-personalised miniature sheet 4 x LP20*
(2.48 on issue)Bengal
Sacred Birman (on one stamp each)
Unspcified Breed (on two stamps)
4-stamp Pre-personalised MS (issued by La Poste)
MI ??? (personalised)2014 - Personalised Stamps "Montimbramoi" FR20140000 PST LV20 X1 Personalised stamp LP20*
(0.66 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cat silhouette
MI PB??? (personalised)
If you have further information about this item, please let us know.FR20140000 PST LP20 X1 Personalised stamp LP20*
(0.66 on issue)Unspecified breed (Brown Tabby looking up, yawning)
MI PB1 (personalised)
If you have further information about this item, please let us know.FR20140000 PST LP20 X2 Personalised stamp LP20*
(0.66 on issue)Persian
MI PB7 (personalised)
If you have further information about this item, please let us know.March 2014 - "Montimbrenligne": Computer Vended Postage - New designs FR20140300 CVP 3 X29 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Unspecified breed (tabby kitten hanging over cloth)
Downloadable "stamp" imprint
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 3 X29
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know.3 May 2014 - Vacation FR20140503 ST LV20 5 Commemorative postmark LV20*
(0.61 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cartoon cats
Self-adhesive stamp from
FR20140503 BK 12xLV20
MI 5830ILM FR20140503 BK 12xLV20 Booklet 12 x LV20*
(7.32 /
12 x 0.61 on issue)Unspecified breed (on one stamp and cover)
Cartoon cats
Self-adhesive booklet with
FR20140503 ST LV20 5
and 11 other stamps
MI MH5827-583814 June 2014 - 150th Birth Anniversary of Benjamin Rabier FR20140614 PP 6_00 Presentation pack 6.00
(fran- king value 1.76)Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat (on cover)
Illustrations by Benjamin Rabier14 June 2014 - The Era of Great Rail Travels
Detail (cat only)FR20140614 BK 12xLP20 Booklet 12 x LP20*
12 x 0.66 on issue)Unspecified breed (on inner cover)
12-stamp, self-adhesive booklet
MI MH5867-587824 October 2014 - Greeting Stamps FR20141024 ST LV20 8 Commemorative postmark LV20*
(0.61 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Self-adhesive stamp from
FR20141024 BK 12xLV20
MI 5830FR20141024 BK 12xLV20 Booklet 12 x LV20*
(7.32 /
12 x 0.61 on issue)Unspecified breed (on one stamp and cover)
Cartoon cat
Self-adhesive booklet with
FR20141024 ST LV20 8
and 11 other stamps
MI MH5827-583818 November 2014 - Father Christmas Digital Booklet FR20141118 ST LV20g Pre-personalised stamp LV20*
(0.61 on issue) (sold at 3.00)Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
Stamp from single-stamp "digital booklet"
MI ??? (personalised)FR20141118 BK 3_00 Pre-personalised booklet LV20*
(0.61 on issue) (sold at 3.00)Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat (on stamp)
Single-stamp, Pre-personalised "digital booklet"2015 - "Montimbrenligne": Computer Vended Postage - New designs
Confirmed service indicators*:
LV (main scan)
LPFR20150000 CVP 3 X9 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Unspecified breed (B&W cat face in profile)
Downloadable "stamp" imprint for general users
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 3 X9
If you know the exact date of issue for this design, please let us know.DLS (LP/1.10) FR20150000 CVP 3 X30 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Unspecified breed
(possibly Siamese)
This design may have been offered from July 2015 and might be found on Montimbrenligne type 3.
If you have further information, please let us know.
Confirmed service indicators*:
LV (main scan)FR20150000 CVP 3 X31 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Unspecified breed
Stylized cat's muzzle
Downloadable "stamp" imprint for general users
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 3 X31DLS (0.66) 2015 - "Montimbrenligne": Computer Vended Postage - Personalised designs
Confirmed service indicators:*
LS (main scan)FR20150000 CVP 5 X72 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Unspecified breed Cartoon cat
Personalised "stamp" imprint used by Petit-Chat Créations in Beauvais
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 3 X9
If you know the exact date of issue for this design, please let us know.DLS 2015 - Truchtersheim Notarial Office Meter Frank FR2015 MF ONTR 67370 Meter frank - Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
"Office Notarial - 1 Place du Marché - BP80012 - FR67370 Truchtersheim"
Machine no. SU169243
With service indicator
SCHTI T. STRG NRD CDIS - Bas Rhin (Strasbourg Nord Sorting Centre)
Earliest use reported:
8 April 2015
Latest use reported:
8 April 2015
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know29 June 2015 - Vacation FR20150629 ST LV20 3 Stamp LV20*
(0.68 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Self-adhesive stamp from
FR20150629 BK 12xLV20
MI 6164FR20150629 BK 12xLV20 Booklet 12 x LV20*
(12 x 0.68)
on issueUnspecified breed (on one stamp)
Cartoon cat
Self-adhesive booklet with
FR20150629 ST LV20 3
and 11 other stamps
MI MH???28 August 2015 - Sayings and Proverbs FR20150828 ST LV20 8 Stamp LV20*
(0.68 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Self-adhesive stamp from
FR20150828 BK 12xLV20
MI 6197FR20150828 BK 12xLV20 Booklet 12 x LV20*
(12 x 0.68)
on issueUnspecified breed (on one stamp and cover)
Cartoon cat
Self-adhesive booklet with
FR20150828 ST LV20 8
MI MH???December 2015 - "Montimbrenligne": Computer Vended Postage - New types
Confirmed service denominations*:
LPI20 (main scan)
LPI100FR20151200 CVP 6 X9 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Unspecified breed (B&W cat face in profile)
Downloadable "stamp" imprint for general users
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 6 X9
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know.DLS
(LV20, LV100, LP20, LP100)
Confirmed service denominations:*
LP20 (main scan)FR20151200 CVP 6 X30 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Unspecified breed
(possibly Siamese)
Cat's eye
Downloadable "stamp" imprint for general users
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 6 X9
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know.DLS
(LP20)2016 - French Association of Domestic Pets' Veterinaries (AFVAC) Meter Frank FR2016 MF AFVAC 75008 Meter frank - Unspecified breed
Cat silhouette
"Association Française des Vétérinaires pour Animaux de Compagnie"
Machine no. HU608674
Paris La Boetie PDC2, Paris Nord
Earliest use reported:
2 December 2016
Latest use reported:
2 December 2016
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL 2016 - Personalised stamps FR20160000 PST LP20 X2 Personalised stamp LP20*
(0.80 on issue)Unspecified breed
Black and white shorthair
Self-adhesive Personalised stamp
MI PB1 (personalised)
If you have further information about this item, please let us know.2016 - "Montimbrenligne": Computer Vended Postage - Personalised designs
Confirmed service indicators*:
LV (main scan)FR20160000 CVP 5 X77 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Unspecified breed Stylised cat
Company logo
Downloadable "stamp" imprint for professional users
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
Personalised design from Croquetteland
CVP type 5 X77
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know.FR
(LV 1.11)January 2016 - "Montimbrenligne": Computer Vended Postage - New designs
Confirmed service indicators*:
LP (main scan)FR20160100 CVP 5 X10 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Unspecified breed (B&W cat drawing)
Downloadable "stamp" imprint for professional users
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 5 X10
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know.DLS
(LV 0.67, LV 0.70)
Confirmed service denominations*:
LPI20 (main scan)
LPI100FR20160100 CVP 6 X10 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Unspecified breed (B&W cat drawing)
Downloadable "stamp" imprint for general users
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 6 X10
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know.DLS (LV20, LV100)
ILS (LPI20, LPI100)29 January 2016 - Year of the Monkey
PP BackFR20160129 PP 3_20 Presentation pack 3.20
value 0.80)Unspecified breed
Packaging for a single-stamp MS sold by the philatelic servide.
Marketed as "Souvenir Philatélique". The cat is on the cover of the packaging.M 5 March 2016 - 71th congress of the Groupement Philatélique de Centre-Ouest / Angoulême Festival of Comic Book
FR20160305 PST LV20 Personalised stamp LV20*
(0.70 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Festival mascot "Le Fauve" created by Lewis Trondheim
Personalised stamp issued by Flamme philatelique d’Angoulême et de la Charente
MI PB??? (personalised)FR20160305 PST LP20 Personalised stamp LP20*
(0.80 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Angoulême festival mascot "Le Fauve" created by Lewis Trondheim
Personalised stamp issued by Flamme philatelique d’Angoulême et de la Charente
For the same design without yellow background, see
FR20130131 PST LP20 1
MI PB1 (personalised)FR20160305 FDC LV20 First day cover LV20*
(0.70 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Angoulême festival mascot "Le Fauve" created by Lewis Trondheim
First day cover/ souvenir cover with
FR20160305 PST LV20
issued by Flamme philatelique d’Angoulême et de la CharenteFR20160305 MC LP20 Maximun card LP20*
(0.80 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Angoulême festival mascot "Le Fauve" created by Lewis Trondheim
Maximum card with
FR20160305 PST LP20
issued by Flamme philatelique d’Angoulême et de la CharenteFR20160305_06 PMK 16000 Commemorative postmark - Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Angoulême festival mascot "Le Fauve" created by Lewis Trondheim
"71è Congres du Groupement Philatélique Centre Ouest - Festival International de la Bande Dessinée"
16 Angoulême
5 - 6 March 20161 October 2016 - Planetary Correspondence FR20161001 ST LV 4 Commemorative postmark LV*
(0.70 on issue)Unspecified breed
Self-adhesive stamp from
FR20161001 BK 12xLV
MI 6583FR20161001 BK 12xLV Booklet 12xLV*
(8.40 /
12 x 0.70 on issue)Unspecified breed (on one stamp)
Booklet with
FR20161001 ST LV 4
and 11 other stamps
MI MH6580-65914 November 2016 - Plumes FR20161104 ST 0_70 5 Commemorative postmark 0.70 Unspecified breed
Cat silhouette
Stamp from
FR20161104 MS 4_20 or
FR20161104 MS 2_10 1
MI 6610FR20161104 MS 4_20 Miniature sheet 4.20
(6 x 0.70)Unspecified breed (on one stamp)
Cat silhouette
MS with
FR20161104 ST 0_70 5
and 5 other stamps
MI B349FR20161104 MS 2_10 1 Miniature sheet 2.10
(3 x 0.70)Unspecified breed (on one stamp)
Cat silhouette
MS with
FR20161104 ST 0_70 5
and 3 other stamps
Sold in a pack from the Philatelic Service alongside a second MS with the three remaining stamps from the issue
MI B350FR20161104 MISC SOUV Souvenir proof print - Unspecified breed
Cat silhouette
Proof print of
FR20161104 ST 0_70 5
and two other stamps17 December 2016 - La Ribambulle Stamp Collection 2017
FR20161217 PST LP20 5 Personalised stamp LP20*
(0.80 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Le Chaton Grognon (The Grumpy Kitten) by Luc Turlan for La Ribambulle
MI PB2 (personalised)FR20161217 PST LP20 7 Personalised stamp LP20*
(0.80 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Scene from Billy Brouillard by Guillaume Bianco for La Ribambulle
MI PB1 (personalised)2017 - "Montimbrenligne": Computer Vended Postage - Personalised designs
Confirmed service indicators*:
LV (main scan)FR20170000 CVP 5 X76 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Unspecified breed Stylised cat
Company logo
Downloadable "stamp" imprint for professional users
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
Personalised design from Le Jorance Vetrinary Clinic in Yssingeaux
CVP type 5 X76
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know.FR
(LV 0.70)2017 - Créations Mathou Meter Frank Also see version from 1998
FR2017 MF MATH 12850 Meter frank - Unspecified breed
Stylized cat
Company logo
"Mathou - Amenageurs d'Espaces pour le bien-être et l'éveil des enfants - ....[address and phone information]"
Machine no: ML101434
With service indicator
Onet le Chateau, Aveyron
Earliest use reported:
29 May 2017
Latest use reported:
29 May 2017
If you have further information about the dates of use for this item, please let us
know.DL FR20170000 PST LP20 X1 Personalised stamp LP20*
(0.80 on issue)Unspecified breed
Stylized cat
Foundation logo
Main motif: BB with seal
Personalised stamp from
FR20170000 PBK 8xLP20 X1
issued by the BB Foundation
Earliest use reported:
7 April 2017
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know.
MI PB1 (personalised)BOL FR20170000 PST LP20 X2 Personalised stamp LP20*
(0.80 on issue)Unspecified breed
Stylized cat
Foundation logo (as main motif)
Personalised stamp from
FR20170000 PBK 8xLP20 X1
issued by the BB Foundation
MI PB1 (personalised)BOL FR20170000 PBK 8xLP20 X1 Personalised booklet 8 x LP20*
(6.40 /
8 x 0.60 on issue - sold at 12.00)Unspecified breed (on all stamps and on inner cover)
Stylized cat
Foundation logo
8 stamp, self-adhesive booklet issued by the BB Foundation with 4 each of
FR20170000 PST LP20 X1
FR20170000 PST LP20 X2
MI FBPB1 (personalised)BOL 27 February 2017 - It's all in the Look FR20170227 ST LV 1 Pre-persionalised stamp LV*
(0.73 on issue)Sacred Birman
Pre-personalised, self-adhesive stamp from
FR20170227 SH 6xLV 1
MI PB??? (personalised)FR20170227 ST LV 2 Pre-persionalised stamp LV*
(0.73 on issue)Bengal (closed mouth)
Pre-personalised, self-adhesive stamp from
FR20170227 SH 6xLV 1
MI PB??? (personalised)FR20170227 ST LV 3 Pre-persionalised stamp LV*
(0.73 on issue)Maine Coon
Pre-personalised, self-adhesive stamp from
FR20170227 SH 6xLV 1
MI PB??? (personalised)FR20170227 ST LV 4 Pre-persionalised stamp LV*
(0.73 on issue)Sphynx
Pre-personalised, self-adhesive stamp from
FR20170227 SH 6xLV 1
MI PB??? (personalised)FR20170227 ST LV 5 Pre-persionalised stamp LV*
(0.73 on issue)Ragdoll
Pre-personalised, self-adhesive stamp from
FR20170227 SH 6xLV 1
MI PB??? (personalised)FR20170227 ST LV 6 Pre-persionalised stamp LV*
(0.73 on issue)Unspecified breed ("Black Cat")
Pre-personalised, self-adhesive stamp from
FR20170227 SH 6xLV 1
MI PB??? (personalised)FR20170227 ST LV 7 Pre-persionalised stamp LV*
(0.73 on issue)Bengal (licking lips)
Pre-personalised, self-adhesive stamp from
FR20170227 SH 6xLV 2
MI PB??? (personalised)DLS FR20170227 ST LV 8 Pre-persionalised stamp LV*
(0.73 on issue)Neva Masquerada
Pre-personalised, self-adhesive stamp from
FR20170227 SH 6xLV 2
MI PB??? (personalised)FR20170227 ST LV 9 Pre-persionalised stamp LV*
(0.73 on issue)European Shorthair (green-eyed)
Pre-personalised, self-adhesive stamp from
FR20170227 SH 6xLV 2
MI PB??? (personalised)FR20170227 ST LV 10 Pre-persionalised stamp LV*
(0.73 on issue)Persian
Pre-personalised, self-adhesive stamp from
FR20170227 SH 6xLV 2
MI PB??? (personalised)DLS FR20170227 ST LV 11 Pre-persionalised stamp LV*
(0.73 on issue)British Shorthair
Pre-personalised, self-adhesive stamp from
FR20170227 SH 6xLV 2
MI PB??? (personalised)FR20170227 ST LV 12 Pre-persionalised stamp LV*
(0.73 on issue)European Shorthair (blue-eyed)
Pre-personalised, self-adhesive stamp from
FR20170227 SH 6xLV 2
MI PB??? (personalised)
BackFR20170227 SH 6xLV 1 Sheetlet 6xLV*
(4.38 / 6 x 0.73 on issue - sold at 6.60)Sacred Birman
Maine Coon
Unspecified breed
(on one stamps each)
Russian blue (on selvedge)
Bombay (on back)
6-stamp sheetlet with
FR20170227 ST LV 1
FR20170227 ST LV 2
FR20170227 ST LV 3
FR20170227 ST LV 4
FR20170227 ST LV 5
FR20170227 ST LV 6
MI FBPB??? (personalised)
BackFR20170227 SH 6xLV 2 Sheetlet 6xLV*
(4.38 / 6 x 0.73 on issue - sold at 6.60)Bengal
Neva Masquerada
British Shorthair
(on one stamp each)
European Shorthair (on two stamps)
American Curl (on selvedge)
Unspecified breed (on back)
6-stamp sheetlet with
FR20170227 ST LV 7
FR20170227 ST LV 8
FR20170227 ST LV 9
FR20170227 ST LV 10
FR20170227 ST LV 11
FR20170227 ST LV 12
MI FBPB??? (personalised)9 March 2017 - 5th Philatelic Biennale in Montmartre FR20170309 PST LP Personalised stamp LP*
(0.80 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cats in Art
Poster for the "Chat Noir" Cabaret by Théophile Alexandre Steinlen
Issued by CNEP (Chambre Syndicale Française des Négociants et Experts en Philatélie / French Professional Chamber of Philatelic Traders and Experts)
Self-adhesive stamp from
FR20170309 PMS LP
MI PB???FR20170309 PMS LP Personalised miniature sheet LP*
(0.80 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cats in Art
Poster for the "Chat Noir" Cabaret by Théophile Alexandre Steinlen
Issued by CNEP (Chambre Syndicale Française des Négociants et Experts en Philatélie / French Professional Chamber of Philatelic Traders and Experts)
Self-adhesive, personalised MS with
FR20170309 PST LP
CNEP sheet no. 74
MI ???1 April 2017 - S.P.A. Personalised Booklet
These stamps were re-issued in a new booklet in 2019
Also see S.P.A items from 1988, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2011, 2012, 2019, 2021
FR20170401 PST LP20 1 Personalised stamp LP20*
(0.85 on issue)Unspecified breed
Blue and white bicolour
Self-adhesive Personalised stamp from
FR20170401 PBK 8x20
FR20190801 PBK 8x20
MI PB2 (personalised)DLS FR20170401 PST LP20 2 Personalised stamp LP20*
(0.85 on issue)Somali
Self-adhesive Personalised stamp from
FR20170401 PBK 8x20
FR20190801 PBK 8x20
MI PB2 (personalised)DLS FR20170401 PST LP20 3 Personalised stamp LP20*
(0.85 on issue)Unspecified breed
Self-adhesive Personalised stamp from
FR20170401 PBK 8x20
FR20190801 PBK 8x20
MI PB2 (personalised)FR20170401 PST LP20 4 Personalised stamp LP20*
(0.85 on issue)Scottish Fold Shorthair
Self-adhesive Personalised stamp from
FR20170401 PBK 8x20
FR20190801 PBK 8x20
MI PB2 (personalised)FR20170401 PBK 8xLP20 Personalised booklet 8 x LP20*
(6.80 /
8 x 0.85 on issue)Unspecified breed (on all stamps, covers, and pane)
Scottish Fold Shorthair (on one stamp each)
Personalised booklet issued by SPA with 2 each of
FR20170401 PST 20g 1
FR20170401 PST 20g 2
FR20170401 PST 20g 3
FR20170401 PST 20g 4
MI PBMH2 (personalised)20 May 2017 - Cats of the World in our Homes I FR20170520 ST LV 1 Pre-personalised stamp LV*
(0.73 on issue)Sacred Birman
Self-adhesive, Pre-personalised stamp from
FR20170520 SH 6xLV 1
MI PB1 (personalised)MC FR20170520 ST LV 2 Pre-personalised stamp LV*
(0.73 on issue)Chartreux
Self-adhesive, Pre-personalised stamp from
FR20170520 SH 6xLV 1
MI PB1 (personalised)MC FR20170520 ST LV 3 Pre-personalised stamp LV*
(0.73 on issue)Norwegian Forest Cat
Self-adhesive, Pre-personalised stamp from
FR20170520 SH 6xLV 1
MI PB1 (personalised)MC
DLSFR20170520 ST LV 4 Pre-personalised stamp LV*
(0.73 on issue)Siberian
Self-adhesive, Pre-personalised stamp from
FR20170520 SH 6xLV 1
MI PB1 (personalised)MC FR20170520 ST LV 5 Pre-personalised stamp LV*
(0.73 on issue)Russian Blue
Self-adhesive, Pre-personalised stamp from
FR20170520 SH 6xLV 1
MI PB1 (personalised)FR20170520 ST LV 6 Pre-personalised stamp LV*
(0.73 on issue)Nebelung
Self-adhesive, Pre-personalised stamp from
FR20170520 SH 6xLV 1
MI PB1 (personalised)MC FR20170520 ST LV 7 Pre-personalised stamp LV*
(0.73 on issue)British Longhair
Self-adhesive, Pre-personalised stamp from
FR20170520 SH 6xLV 2
MI PB1 (personalised)FR20170520 ST LV 8 Pre-personalised stamp LV*
(0.73 on issue)Scottish Fold Shorthair
Self-adhesive, Pre-personalised stamp from
FR20170520 SH 6xLV 2
MI PB1 (personalised)FR20170520 ST LV 9 Pre-personalised stamp LV*
(0.73 on issue)Highland Fold/Scottish Fold Longhair
Self-adhesive, Pre-personalised stamp from
FR20170520 SH 6xLV 2
MI PB1 (personalised)FR20170520 ST LV 10 Pre-personalised stamp LV*
(0.73 on issue)Devon Rex
Self-adhesive, Pre-personalised stamp from
FR20170520 SH 6xLV 2
MI PB1 (personalised)FR20170520 ST LV 11 Pre-personalised stamp LV*
(0.73 on issue)Cornish Rex
Self-adhesive, Pre-personalised stamp from
FR20170520 SH 6xLV 2
MI PB1 (personalised)ILM FR20170520 ST LV 12 Pre-personalised stamp LV*
(0.73 on issue)Persian
Self-adhesive, Pre-personalised stamp from
FR20170520 SH 6xLV 2
MI PB1 (personalised)FR20170520 SH 6xLV 1 Pre-personalised sheetlet 6 x LV*
(4.38 /
6 x 0.73 on issue)Sacred Birman
Norwegian Forest Cat
Russian Blue
Pre-personalised, self-adhesive sheetlet with
FR20170520 ST LV 1
FR20170520 ST LV 2
FR20170520 ST LV 3
FR20170520 ST LV 4
FR20170520 ST LV 5
FR20170520 ST LV 6
MI PBFB1 (personalised)FR20170520 SH 6xLV 2 Pre-personalised sheetlet 6 x LV*
(4.38 /
6 x 0.73 on issue)British Longhair
Scottish Fold Shorthair
Highland Fold
Devon Rex
Cornish Rex
Pre-personalised, self-adhesive sheetlet with
FR20170520 ST LV 7
FR20170520 ST LV 8
FR20170520 ST LV 9
FR20170520 ST LV 10
FR20170520 ST LV 11
FR20170520 ST LV 12
MI PBFB1 (personalised)FR20170520 FDP 75009 First day postmark - Unspecified breed
Stylized cat
"Les chats du monde dans nos maisons"
20 May 201711 December 2017 - La Ribambulle Stamp Collection 2018
Also see La Ribambulle Listings from 2013, and 2017
FR20171211 PST LP20 5 Personalised stamp LP20*
(0.85 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat by Gaëlle Hersent for La Ribambulle
MI PB1 (personalised)18 December 2017 - Cats of the World in our Homes II FR20171218 ST LV 1 Pre-personalised stamp LV*
(0.73 on issue)Maine Coon
Self-adhesive, Pre-personalised stamp from
FR20171218 SH 6xLV 1
MI PB1 (personalised)FR20171218 ST LV 2 Pre-personalised stamp LV*
(0.73 on issue)Bengal
Self-adhesive, Pre-personalised stamp from
FR20171218 SH 6xLV 1
MI PB1 (personalised)FR20171218 ST LV 3 Pre-personalised stamp LV*
(0.73 on issue)Ragdoll
Self-adhesive, Pre-personalised stamp from
FR20171218 SH 6xLV 1
MI PB1 (personalised)FR20171218 ST LV 4 Pre-personalised stamp LV*
(0.73 on issue)Sphynx
Self-adhesive, Pre-personalised stamp from
FR20171218 SH 6xLV 1
MI PB1 (personalised)FR20171218 ST LV 5 Pre-personalised stamp LV*
(0.73 on issue)Exotic Shorthair
Self-adhesive, Pre-personalised stamp from
FR20171218 SH 6xLV 1
MI PB1 (personalised)FR20171218 ST LV 6 Pre-personalised stamp LV*
(0.73 on issue)American Shorthair
Self-adhesive, Pre-personalised stamp from
FR20171218 SH 6xLV 1
MI PB1 (personalised)FR20171218 ST LV 7 Pre-personalised stamp LV*
(0.73 on issue)Abyssinian
Self-adhesive, Pre-personalised stamp from
FR20171218 SH 6xLV 2
MI PB1 (personalised)FR20171218 ST LV 8 Pre-personalised stamp LV*
(0.73 on issue)Turkish Angora
Self-adhesive, Pre-personalised stamp from
FR20171218 SH 6xLV 2
MI PB1 (personalised)FR20171218 ST LV 9 Pre-personalised stamp LV
(0.73 on issue)Siamese
Self-adhesive, Pre-personalised stamp from
FR20171218 SH 6xLV 2
MI PB1 (personalised)FR20171218 ST LV 10 Pre-personalised stamp LV*
(0.73 on issue)Singapura
Self-adhesive, Pre-personalised stamp from
FR20171218 SH 6xLV 2
MI PB1 (personalised)FR20171218 ST LV 11 Pre-personalised stamp LV*
(0.73 on issue)Egyptian Mau
Self-adhesive, Pre-personalised stamp from
FR20171218 SH 6xLV 2
MI PB1 (personalised)FR20171218 ST LV 12 Pre-personalised stamp LV*
(0.73 on issue)Burmese
Self-adhesive, Pre-personalised stamp from
FR20171218 SH 6xLV 2
MI PB1 (personalised)FR20171218 SH 6xLV 1 Pre-personalised sheetlet 6 x LV*
(4.38 /
6 x 0.73 on issue)Maine Coon
Exotic Shorthair
American Shorthair
Pre-personalised, self-adhesive sheetlet with
FR20171218 ST LV 1
FR20171218 ST LV 2
FR20171218 ST LV 3
FR20171218 ST LV 4
FR20171218 ST LV 5
FR20171218 ST LV 6
MI PBFB1 (personalised)M FR20171218 SH 6xLV 2 Pre-personalised sheetlet 6 x LV*
(4.38 /
6 x 0.73 on issue)Abyssinian
Turkish Angora
Egyptian Mau
Pre-personalised, self-adhesive sheetlet with
FR20171218 ST LV 7
FR20171218 ST LV 8
FR20171218 ST LV 9
FR20171218 ST LV 10
FR20171218 ST LV 11
FR20171218 ST LV 12
MI PBFB1 (personalised)M 2018 - "Montimbrenligne": Computer Vended Postage - New designs
Known service
ECO (main scan)FR20180000 CVP 5 X33 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Unspecified breed
Stylized cats
Cat Emojis
Downloadable "stamp" imprint
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 5 X33
Earliest use reported:
13 February 2018
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know.DLS
(ECO)4 May 2018 - Red Cross: Giving These Flowers FR20180504 ST LV 5 Semi-postal stamp LV*
(0.80 on issue - sold at 1.00)Unspecified breed
Maneki-neko doll
MI 6995FR20180504 BK 10xLV Semi-postal booklet 10 x LV*
(8.00 /
10 x 0.80 on issue)
Sold at 10.00Unspecified breed (on one stamp)
Maneki-neko doll
MI MH6991-700018 May 2018 - Emojis FR20180518 ST LV 4 Commemorative postmark LV*
(0.80 on issue)Unspecified breed
Stylized cat
Cat emoji
Self-adhesive stamp from
FR20180518 BK 12xLV
MI 7007
CoverFR20180518 BK 12xLV Booklet 12xLV*
(9.60 /
12 x 0.80 on issue)Unspecified breed (on one stamp)
Stylized cat
Cat emoji
Self-adhesive booklet with
FR20180518 ST LV 4
and 11 other stamps
MI 700714 September 2018 - Fête de l'Humanité: Pif the Dog FR20180914 ST LP20 2 Pre-personalised stamp LP20*
(0.95 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Hercule from the comic series Pif Le Chien (Pif the Dog)
(Boxing on television)
Pre-personalised stamp from
FR20180914 BK 4xLP20
issued by La Poste
MI PB2 (personalised)M FR20180914 ST LP20 3 Pre-personalised stamp LP20*
(0.95 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Hercule from the comic series Pif Le Chien (Pif the Dog)
(Playing football)
Pre-personalised stamp from
FR20180914 BK 4xLP20
issued by La Poste
MI PB2 (personalised)M
ILMFR20180914 ST LP20 4 Pre-personalised stamp LP20*
(0.95 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Hercule from the comic series Pif Le Chien (Pif the Dog)
(Serving as foot-rest)
Pre-personalised stamp from
FR20180914 BK 4xLP20
issued by La Poste
MI PB2 (personalised)M
CoverFR20180914 BK 4xLP20 Pre-personalised booklet 4 x LP20*
(3.80 /
4 x 0.95 on issue)Unspecified breed (on three stamps)
Cartoon cat
Hercule from the comic series Pif Le Chien (Pif the Dog)
Pre-personalised booklet issued by La Poste with
FR20180914 ST LP20 2
FR20180914 ST LP20 3
FR20180914 ST LP20 4
and fourth stamp
MI FBPB2 (personalised)M 2019 - "Montimbrenligne": Computer Vended Postage - New Designs
Confirmed service denominations*:
LV20 (main scan)
R1100FR20190000 CVP 6 X58 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Unspecified breed
(Cat in window)
Downloadable "stamp" imprint for general users
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 6 X58DLS
(LV20, LP20, LS20, R1100)
(LPI20, LPI100)
Confirmed service denominations*:
LV50 (main scan)
LP20FR20190000 CVP 6 X69 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Unspecified breed
(Cat in window)
Downloadable "stamp" imprint for general users
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 6 X69DLS (ECO20, LV20, LV50)
DL3 (LP20)2019 - "Montimbrenligne": Computer Vended Postage - Personalised Designs
Confirmed service denominations*:
LV20 (main scan)FR20190000 CVP 6 X49 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Unspecified breed
Stylized cat
Personalised design by Clinique des NAC (Clinic of the National Veterinarian University in Toulouse)
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 6 X4920 February 2019 - "Montimbrenligne": Computer Vended Postage - The Lego Movie 2
Confirmed service denominations*:
LV20 (main scan)
LPI20FR20190204 CVP 6 X16 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Unspecified breed
Stylised cat (made of Lego)
"Une lettre Unike!"
Downloadable "stamp" imprint for general users
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 6 X16DLS
Confirmed service denominations*:
LV20 (main scan)
LPI20FR20190204 CVP 6 X17 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Unspecified breed
Stylised cat (made of Lego)
"ULTRA timbré!"
Downloadable "stamp" imprint for general users
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 6 X17DLS
ILS (LPI20)1 August 2019 - S.P.A. Personalised Booklet
Also see S.P.A items from 1988, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2011, 2012, 2017, 2021
BackFR20190801 BK 8xLP20 Personalised booklet 8 x LP20*
(8.40 /
8 x 1.05 on issue)Unspecified breed (on stamps, covers, and pane)
Scottish Fold Shorthair (on one stamp each)
Personalised booklet issued by SPA with two each of
FR20170401 PST 20g 1
FR20170401 PST 20g 2
FR20170401 PST 20g 3
FR20170401 PST 20g 4
Re-issue of
FR20170401 PBK 8xLP20
with different text on pane
MI PBMH2 (personalised)September 2019 - Chapelle Saint Blaise des Simples de Milly la Forêt FR20190900 PST LV20 X1 Personalised stamp LV20*
(0.88 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cats in Art
Cat painting
Mural in Saint-Blaise-des-Simples Chapel, Milly-La-Forêt
Stamp from
FR20130000 PBK 4xLP20 X1
issued by L’Association Philatélique et Cartophile de Milly la Forêt et Environs [the Philatelic Association of Milly-La-Forêt and Surroundings]
For the same design in colour, see
FR20130000 PST LP20 X3
MI PB??? (personalised)
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know.October 2019 - "Montimbrenligne": Computer Vended Postage - Halloween
Confirmed service denominations*:
ECO20 (main scan)FR20191000 CVP 6 X ,70 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Unspecified breed
Stylised cat silhouette
Downloadable "stamp" imprint for general users
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 6 X70DLS
(ECO20, LV20)
2020 -> Back to top
2020 - "Montimbrenligne": Computer Vended Postage - New Designs
Confirmed service denominations*:
LV50 (main scan)FR20200000 CVP 6 X79 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Downloadable "stamp" imprint for general users
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 6 X79
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know.17 January 2020 - Year of the Rat
FR20200117 FDS 2_37 First day sheet 2.37
+ 0.97)Unspecified breed (on sheet illustration)
Official first day sheet with two Year of the Rat stamps
MI ETB7525-7528February 2020 - "Montimbrenligne": Computer Vended Postage - New Emoji Designs
Items from this issue are also listed under Wild Cats
FR20200200 CVP 6 X45 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Unspecified breed
Cat emoji
Downloadable "stamp" imprint for general users
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 6 X45FR20200200 CVP 6 X46 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Unspecified breed
Cat emoji
Downloadable "stamp" imprint for general users
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 6 X4619 June 2020 - Summer Vacation FR20200608 ST LV 7 Stamp LV*
(0.97 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cat toy
Self-adhesive stamp from
FR20200608 BK 12xLV
MI 7621FR20200608 BK 12xLV Booklet 12 x LV*
(11.64 /
12 x 0.97 on issue)Unspecified breed (on one stamp
Cat toy
Self-adhesive booklet with
FR20200608 ST LV 7
and 11 other stamps)
MI MH7615-7626October 2020 - "Montimbrenligne": Computer Vended Postage - New designs - Halloween
Confirmed service denominations*:
LPI20 (main scan)FR20201000 CVP 6 X48 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Downloadable "stamp" imprint for general users
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 6 X4830 October 2020 - Timbres Passion Stamp Fair 2020
The 2020 Timbres Passion was cancelled/postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic, and re-slated for 2022. The personalised miniature sheet had allready been printed and was placed on sale by the organising stamp club.
FR20201030 PST LP Personalised stamp LP20*
(1.16 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Personalised stamp from
FR20201030 PMS LP
issued by the fair organisers
Personalised stamp of type 2Va
MI UnlistedFR20201030 PMS LP Personalised miniature sheet LP20*
(1.16 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Personalised single-stamp MS with
FR20201030 PST LP
issued by the fair organisers
MI Unlisted2021 - "Montimbrenligne": Computer Vended Postage - New designs
Confirmed service denominations*:
LPI20 (main scan)FR20210100 CVP 6 X50 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Siamese
Downloadable "stamp" imprint for general users
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 6 X50DLS (LV20)
Confirmed service denominations*:
LPI20 (main scan)FR20210100 CVP 6 X51 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates British shorthair
Downloadable "stamp" imprint for general users
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 6 X51DLS (LV20)
Confirmed service denominations*:
LPI20 (main scan)FR20210100 CVP 6 X52 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates British shorthair
Downloadable "stamp" imprint for general users
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 6 X52DLS (LV20, LP20)
Confirmed service denominations*:
ECO (main scan)FR20210000 CVP 6 X57 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Siamese
Downloadable "stamp" imprint for general users
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 6 X57DLS (LV50) 2021 - "Montimbrenligne": Computer Vended Postage - Personalised designs
Confirmed service denominations*:
LV20 (main scan)FR20210000 CVP 6 X78 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Unspecified breed Stylised cat
Company logo
Downloadable "stamp" imprint for professional users
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
Personalised design from Chat Noir Impressions in Saint Jaques de la Lande
CVP type 5 X78
If you know the exact date of issue for this item, please let us know.DLS
(LV20)1 January 2021 - S.P.A. Personalised Cat Booklet
Also see S.P.A items from 1988, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2011, 2012, 2017, 2019, 2021
FR20210101 PST LP20 1 Personalised stamp LP20*
(1.28 on issue)Unspecified breed (Tortie and white)
Personalised stamp issued by SPA from
FR20210101 PBK 8xLP20 1
MI PB2 (personalised)FR20210101 PST LP20 2 Personalised stamp LP20*
(1.28 on issue)Unspecified breed (Black and white on scratch post)
Personalised stamp issued by SPA from
FR20210101 PBK 8xLP20 1
FR20210901 PBK 8xLP20 1
MI PB2 (personalised)FR20210101 PST LP20 3 Personalised stamp LP20*
(1.28 on issue)Unspecified breed (Brown tabby and white shorthair)
Personalised stamp issued by SPA from
FR20210101 PBK 8xLP20 1
FR20210901 PBK 8xLP20 1
MI PB2 (personalised)FR20210101 PST LP20 4 Personalised stamp LP20*
(1.28 on issue)Unspecified breed (Brown tabby and white longhair)
Personalised stamp issued by SPA from
FR20210101 PBK 8xLP20 1
MI PB2 (personalised)FR20210101 PST LP20 5 Personalised stamp LP20*
(1.28 on issue)Unspecified breed (Black and white on grass)
Personalised stamp issued by SPA from
FR20210101 PBK 8xLP20 1
MI PB2 (personalised)FR20210101 PST LP20 6 Personalised stamp LP20*
(1.28 on issue)Unspecified breed (Blue tabby)
Personalised stamp issued by SPA from
FR20210101 PBK 8xLP20 1
MI PB2 (personalised)FR20210101 PST LP20 7 Personalised stamp LP20*
(1.28 on issue)Unspecified breed (Red tabby)
Personalised stamp issued by SPA from
FR20210101 PBK 8xLP20 1
MI PB2 (personalised)FR20210101 PST LP20 8 Personalised stamp LP20*
(1.28 on issue)Unspecified breed (Black tortie)
Personalised stamp issued by SPA from
FR20210101 PBK 8xLP20 1
MI PB2 (personalised)
BackFR20210101 PBK 8xLP20 1 Personalised booklet 8 x P20*
(10.24 /
8 x 1.28 on issue)Unspecified breed (on stamps, covers, and pane)
Personalised booklet issued by SPA with
FR20210101 PST LP20 1
FR20210101 PST LP20 2
FR20210101 PST LP20 3
FR20210101 PST LP20 4
FR20210101 PST LP20 5
FR20210101 PST LP20 6
FR20210101 PST LP20 7
FR20210101 PST LP20 8
MI PBMH2 (personalised)1 January 2021 - S.P.A. Personalised Mixed Booklet
Also see S.P.A items from 1988, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2011, 2012, 2017, 2019, 2021
BackFR20210901 PBK 8xLP20 1 Personalised booklet 8 x P20*
(10.24 /
8 x 1.28 on issue)Unspecified breed (on stamps, covers ,and pane)
Personalised booklet issued by SPA with
FR20210101 PST LP20 2
FR20210101 PST LP20 3
and 6 other stamps
MI PBMH2 (personalised)July 2021 - "Montimbrenligne": Computer Vended Postage - New designs
Confirmed service denominations*:
LPI20 (main scan)FR20210700 CVP 6 X60 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Unspecified breed
Cartoon cats
Downloadable "stamp" imprint for general users
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 6 X60ILS (LPI20) 3 September 2021 - Fairy Tales FR20210903 ST LV 2 Stamp LV*
(1.08 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Puss in Boots
Cats in literature
Self-adhesive stamp from
FR20210903 BK 12xLV
MI 7966FR20210903 ST LV 3 Stamp LV*
(1.08 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
The Bremen Town Musicians
Cats in literature
Self-adhesive stamp from
FR20210903 BK 12xLV
MI 7968
PaneFR20210903 BK 12xLV Booklet 12 x LV*
(12.96 /
12 x 1.08 on issue)Unspecified breed (on two stamps and cover)
Puss in Boots
The Bremen Town Musicians
Cats in Literature
Booklet with
FR20210903 ST LV 2
FR20210903 ST LV 3
and 10 other self-adhesive stamps
MI MH7965-79764 November 2021 - "Montimbrenligne": Computer Vended Postage - Christmas and New Year designs
Confirmed service denominations*:
ECO100 (main scan)FR20211104 CVP 6 X63 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Downloadable "stamp" imprint for general users
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 6 X632022 - "Montimbrenligne": Computer Vended Postage - New designs
Confirmed service denominations*:
LV20 (main scan)FR20220000 CVP 6 X61 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Unspecified breed
Tortie Shorthair
Downloadable "stamp" imprint for general users
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 6 X61May (?) 2022 - "Montimbrenligne": Computer Vended Postage - New type
Confirmed service denominations*:
LV20 (main scan)FR20220000 CVP 7 X9 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Unspecified breed
Downloadable "stamp" imprint for general users
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 7 X9
Confirmed service denominations*:
LV20 (main scan)FR20220000 CVP 7 X10 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Stylised cat
Downloadable "stamp" imprint for general users
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 7 X10FR20220000 CVP 7 X50 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Siamese
Downloadable "stamp" imprint for general users
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 7 X50FR20220000 CVP 7 X51 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates British shorthair
Downloadable "stamp" imprint for general users
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 7 X51FR20220000 CVP 7 X52 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates British shorthair
Downloadable "stamp" imprint for general users
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 7 X52
Confirmed service denominations*:
LV20 (main scan)FR20220000 CVP 7 X57 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Stylised cat
Downloadable "stamp" imprint for general users
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 7 X57
Confirmed service denominations*:
LV20 (main scan)FR20220000 CVP 7 X58 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Stylised cat
Downloadable "stamp" imprint for general users
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 7 X58DLS
Confirmed service denominations*:
LS250 (main scan)FR20220000 CVP 7a X58 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Stylised cat
Downloadable "stamp" imprint for general users
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 7a X58September (?) 2022 - "Montimbrenligne": Computer Vended Postage - New type
Confirmed service denominations*:
LV100 (main scan)FR20220000 CVP 8 X30 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Stylized cat
Downloadable "stamp" imprint for general users
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 8 X30
Confirmed service denominations*:
LV20 (main scan)FR20220000 CVP 8 X50 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Siamese
Downloadable "stamp" imprint for general users
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 8 X50DLS
Confirmed service denominations*:
LV20 (main scan)FR20220000 CVP 8 X51 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Bristish Shorthair
Downloadable "stamp" imprint for general users
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 8 X51(FR - BW)
Confirmed service denominations*:
LV20 (main scan)FR20220000 CVP 8 X52 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Maine Coon
Downloadable "stamp" imprint for general users
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 8 X52
Confirmed service denominations*:
LS100 (main scan)FR20220000 CVP 8a X52 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Maine Coon
Downloadable "stamp" imprint for general users
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 8a X52
Confirmed service denominations*:
LV20 (main scan)FR20220000 CVP 8 X55 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Stylised cat
Downloadable "stamp" imprint for general users
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 8 X55
Personalised design
If you have more information on this item, please share.
Confirmed service denominations*:
LV100 (main scan)
R1 AR100FR20220000 CVP 8 X58 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Stylised cat
Downloadable "stamp" imprint for general users
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 8 X58DLS
Confirmed service denominations*:
LS20 (main scan)FR20220000 CVP 8a X58 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Stylised cat
Downloadable "stamp" imprint for general users
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 8 X58FR20220000 CVP 8 X60 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Stylised cat
Downloadable "stamp" imprint for general users
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 8 X6028 October 2022 - Timbres Passion Stamp Fair 2022 FR20221028 PST LP Stamp LP*
(1.43 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Personalised stamp from
FR20221028 PMS LP
issued by the fair organisers
Personalised stamp of type 2Ha
MI UnlistedFR20221028 PMS LP Miniature sheet LP*
(1.43 on issue -
sold at 8.00)Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Personalised single-stamp MS with
FR20221028 PST LP
issued by the fair organisers
MI Unlisted2023 - Personalised Stamps / MonTimbraMoi FR20230000 PST LV20 X1 Personalised stamp LV20*
(1.16 on issue)Unspecified breed
Brown tabby shorthair
Personalised stamp of type 1Va
If you have more information about this item, please let us know.2023 - "Montimbrenligne": Computer Vended Postage - New designs
Confirmed service denominations*:
LV20 (main scan)FR20230000 CVP 8 X56 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Stylized cat
Downloadable "stamp" imprint for general users
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 8 X563 February 2023 - Tender Animals This issue also includes Wild Cats
FR20230302 ST LV 10 Stamp LV*
(1.16 on issue)Unspecified breed
Self-adhesive stamp from
FR20230203 BK 12xLV
MI 8429![]()
This item also shows Lions
FR20230203 BK 12xLV Booklet 12 x LV*
(13.92 /
12 x 1.16 on issue)Unspecified breed (on one stamp and on cover)
Self-adhesive booklet with
FR20230302 ST LV 10
and 11 other stamps
MI MH8420-843123 March 2023 - 75 Years with Pif the Dog La Poste's Press Release
FR20230323 ST 1_16 Stamp 1.16 Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
Hercules the Cat, cartoon character by José Cabrero Arna
MI 84521 September 2023 - Disney 100 I: 100 Years of Shared Stories
La Poste's Press Release
This issue also includes Wild Cats
FR20230901 ST LV 10 Stamp LV*
(1.16 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cartoon cats
Duchess and O'Malley from The Aristocats
MI 8559![]()
This item also shows a Lion
FR20230901 BK 12xLV Booklet 12 x LV*
(13.92 /
12 x 1.16 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cartoon cats
Duchess and O'Malley from The Aristocats
MI 8550-85616 October 2023 - Disney 100 II La Poste's Press Release
FR20231006 SH 11_60 Sheetlet 11. 60
(10 x 1.16)Unspecified breed (on one marginal label)
Cartoon cats
Berlioz, Marie, and Toulouse from The Aristocats
MI KB???FR20231006 LB 10 Marginal label - Unspecified breed
Cartoon cats
Berlioz, Marie, and Toulouse from The Aristocats
Third row, right marginal label from
FR20231006 SH 11_603 November 2023 - Christmas: Stamps Approaching Us La Poste's Press Release
FR20231103 ST LV 8 Stamp LV*
(1.16 on issue)Unspecified breed
Stylized cat
Self-adhesive stamp from
FR20231103 BK 12xLV
MI ???FR20231103 BK 12xLV Booklet 12 x LV*
(13.92 / 1.16 on issue)Unspecified breed
Stylized cat
Self-adhesive booklet with
FR20231103 ST LV 8
and 11 other stamps
MI ???FR20231103 FDP 75009 First day postmark - Unspecified breed
Stylized cat
"Des Timbres Qui Nous Rapprochent - La Poste"
3 November 20239 November 2023 - "Montimbrenligne": Computer Vended Postage - Christmas/New Year designs FR20231109 CVP 8 X59 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Stylized cat
Downloadable "stamp" imprint for general users
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 8 X592024 - "Montimbrenligne": Computer Vended Postage - New type FR20240000 CVP 9 X58 Computer vended postage Avail-able in all rates Unspecified breed
Cat drawing
Downloadable "stamp" imprint for general users
Can be found in both colour an B&W depending on printer
CVP type 9 X58M (LI20)
ILS (LI20)List compiled by Geir Arveng. Information received from Jean-François Carde, Frédéric Calucci, Nahum Shereshevsky,
Marci Jarvis, T.S. Tan, Patrick Roberts, Greg Balagian, Marco Carelli, Hélène Seginger, Pascal Saint-Laurent,
Mary Ann Brown, Bernd Nickels, Heather Symes, Marie-Joséphine Barrault, Robert Jarvis, Timbres Magazine,
PAP Infos Newsletter, WikiTimbres, Philapostel, and the Phil-Ouest Website.
Latest update: 29 September, 2024