Stamps inscribed 'Suomi' and 'Finland' (1891 - 1917 stamps of Russian type without country name, but with face values in Finnish currency)
1856 - 1917 Grand Duchy within the Russian Empire
1917 -> Independence
From 1856: 1 Russian Ruble = 100 Kopeks
From 1860: 1 Markka/Mark = 100 Penniä/Penni (= 0.25 Ruble)
From 1963: 1 (New) Markka/Mark (FIM) = 100 Penniä/Penni (= 100 Old Markka/Mark)
From 2002: 1 Euro (EUR) = 100 Eurocents (= 5.94573 FIM)
Checklists > Countries > Finland Wild Cats List status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Item Code Item type Face value Remarks SC 5 September 1957 - Fighting Tubercolosis FI19570905 ST 20_00__3_00 Semi-postal stamp 20.00
+ 3.00Eurasian Lynx
MI 4791980 - Kultakeskus Meter Frank FI1980 MF KULT 13101 Meter Frank - Lion
From Company Logo
"Lahjaksi Hopeaa"
Earliest use reported:
2 January 1980
Latest use reported:
2 January 1980
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1 June 1985 - 32. Assembly of Lions Finland FI19850601 PMK 50100 Commemorative postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"32. Valtakunnankokus - Riksmötet"
1 June 1985IL 1987 - Clark Bobcat Meter Frank FI1987 MF CLBC 02340 Meter frank - Bobcat
Stylized Bobcat
Bobcat logo
"Clark - Bobcat"
Machine no. 106182
Espoo / Esbo
Earliest use reported:
9 February 1987
Latest use reported:
9 February 1987
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us
know.12 June 1989 - Centenary of Helsinki Zoo FI9890612 ST 1_90 Stamp 1.90 Snow Leopard
MI 1087FI9890612 FDC 1_90 2 First day cover 1.90 Snow Leopard (on stamp and cachet)
Official WWF FDC with
FI9890612 ST 1_90
Address sideFI9890612 MC 1_90 Maximum card 1.90 Snow Leopard (on stamp, postmark and card)
Official MC with
FI9890612 ST 1_90FI9890612 FDP 00811 First day postmark - Snow Leopard
"1889-1989 - Korkeasaari - Högholmen - Helsinki Zoo"
Helsinki / Helsingfors
12 June 19891 March 1995 - Nature Protection Join issue with Russia
FI19950301 ST 2_90 1 Stamp 2.90 Eurasian Lynx
MI 129127 January 1999 - Valentine's Day Items from this issue are also listed under Domestic Cats
FI19990127 ST 3_00 1 Stamp 3.00 Lion's tail and a Zebra's tail crossing each other
Self-adhesive stamp from booklet
MI 1463
PaneFI19990127 BK 18_00 Booklet 18.00 Lion's tail and a Zebra's tail crossing each other
Booklet with 3 of each stamp in the set.4 January 2005 - Valentine's Day FI20050104 ST 1 LK Stamp 1 LK Lion
Toy Lion
Toy Tiger
Self-adhesive stamp from booklet
Imperforate top
MI 172711 September 2015 - Miniature City of the Animals
Packaging backFI20150911 MS 6x1 LK Miniature sheet 6 x 1 LK
(6.60 / 6 x 1.10 on issue)Tiger (on selvedge)
6-stamp, self-adhesive MS
MI B8920 January 2017 - Centenary of Lions International FI20170120 ST FI 1 Stamp FI *
(1.20 on issue)Lion
Lions Club Emblem
Self-adhesive stamp from
FI20170120 MS 2xFI
MI 2482FI20170120 ST FI 2 Stamp FI *
(1.20 on issue)Self-adhesive stamp from
FI20170120 MS 2xFI
MI 2483FI20170120 MS 2xFI Miniature sheet 2 x FI
(2.40 /
2 x 1.20 on issue)2-stamp self-adhesive MS with
FI20170120 ST FI 1
FI20170120 ST FI 2
MI B92FI20170120 FDC 2xFI First day cover 2 x FI
(2.40 /
2 x 1.20 on issue)Lion (on stamps, selvedge, postmark, and cachet)
Lions Club Emblem
Official FDC with
FI20170120 MS 2xFIFI20170120 FDP 30000 First day postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
"Esipäivä - Lions International"
20 January 2017Compiled by Geir Arveng with valuable information from Elisabeth Hallsjö, Gertie Dijkstra and Marci Jarvis.
Latest update: 19 January, 2019