Stamps inscribed 'Suomi' and 'Finland' (1891 - 1917 stamps of Russian type without country name, but with face values in Finnish currency)
1856 - 1917 Grand Duchy within the Russian Empire
1917 -> Independence
From 1856: 1 Russian Ruble = 100 Kopeks
From 1860: 1 Markka/Mark = 100 Penniä/Penni (= 0.25 Ruble)
From 1963: 1 (New) Markka/Mark (FIM) = 100 Penniä/Penni (= 100 Old Markka/Mark)
From 2002: 1 Euro (EUR) = 100 Eurocents (= 5.94573 FIM)
Checklists > Countries > Finland Domestic Cats List status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Issue Item code Item type Face value Remarks SC 1991 Lahti Ski Games FI19910301 PMK 15800 Commemorative Postmark - Cartoon Cat
(Ski Jumper)
Salpausselkä, 15800 Lahti1991 Centenary of the Confectionary Industry FI19910917 ST 2_10 Stamp 2.10 Unspecified Breed
Kittens playing with candy barFI19910917 FDC 2_10 First Day Cover 2.10 Unspecified Breed
Kittens playing with candy bar1991 Postal Museum Slogan FI19910917_19911227 PMK Slogan Postmark - Cartoon Cat
"Stamps and the Best from Fazer" Exhibitiona at the Helsinki Postal Museum
Slogan used in Helsinki1995 Valentine's Day FI19950130 ST 2_80 3 Stamp 2.80 Cartoon Cat
from comic series "The Hundeberg Kids" by Mauri Kunnas
Stamp from booklet - imperforated topFI19950130 BK 22_40 Booklet 22.40 Cartoon Cat
from comic series "The Hundeberg Kids" by Mauri KunnasFI19950130 FDC 22_40 First Day Cover 22.40 Cartoon Cat
from comic series "The Hundeberg Kids" by Mauri Kunnas1995 Stamp Day - Cats FI19951009 ST 2_80 1 Stamp 2.80 Somali
Stamp from Booklet - imperforated topFI19951009 ST 2_80 2 Stamp 2.80 Siamese
Stamp from Booklet - imperforated topFI19951009 ST 2_80 3 Stamp 2.80 Unspecified Breed (adult)
Stamp from Booklet - imperforated top and rightFI19951009 ST 2_80 4 Stamp 2.80 Norwegian Forest Cat
Stamp from Booklet - imperforated bottomFI19951009 ST 2_80 5 Stamp 2.80 Persian (Colourpoint)
Stamp from Booklet - imperforated bottomFI19951009 ST 2_80 6 Stamp 2.80 Unspecified Breed (kittens)
Stamp from Booklet - imperforated bottomFI19951009 BK 16_80
Booklet 16.80 Somali
Unspecified Breed
Norwegian Forest Cat
Booklet with all six stamps printed se-tenantly. The two housecats stamps form a composite designFI19951009 AEG NVI
Pre-stamped Letter Form PP World Unspecified Brred
Cat design on front, back and insideFI19951009 FDC 16_80 First Day Cover 16.80 Somali
Unspecified Breed
Norwegian Forest Cat
FDC with booklet paneFI19951009 FDC AEG First Day Cover Letter Form PP World Unspecified Breed
Cat design on front, back and inside
FDC Letter FormFI19951009 FDP 1 First Day Postmark - Unspecified Breed
9 October 1995FI19951009 PMK 00170 Commemorative Postmark - Stylized Cat
"Postimerkin Päivä - Frimerkets Dag"
Helsinki 70
9 October 19951995 35th Anniversary of SUROK (cat club) FI19951021 PMK 02100 Commemorative Postmark - Stylized Cat
"SUROK 35"
21 October 19951996 Christmas FI19961101 MISC Christmas Card - Cartoon Cat
Christmas Card from the Finnish Philatelic Service showing a stamp collecting Santa and his cat and dog1998 Valentine's Day FI19980203 ST NVI 4 Stamp 1 KL (FIM 2.80 at issue) Cartoon Cats
Stamp was issued with heart-shaped rubbing fieldFI19980203 MS 16_80 Miniature Sheet 16.80 Cartoon Cats (on stamp and label) FI19980203 FDC 16_80 First Day Cover 16.80 Cartoon Cats (on stamp and label) FI19980203 LB 7 Label - Cartoon Cat (blue shirt - holding letter) FI19980203 LB 8 Label - Cartoon Cat (red shirt - holding flag) 1999 Valentine's Day FI19990127 ST 3_00 2 Stamp 3.00 Cat's Tail
and Dog's tail crossing each other
Self-adhesive stamp from booklet
(The other stamp in this set features a Lion's tail and a Zebra's tail) See Finland Wild CatsFI19990127 BK 18_00 Booklet 18.00 Cat's Tail
and Dog's tail crossing each other
Booklet with 3 of each stamp in the set.FI19900127 FDC 6_00 First Day Cover 6.00 Cat's Tail
and Dog's tail crossing each other
FDC with both stamps in set2002 Easter FI20020306 ST 0_60 Stamp 0.60 Cat Drawing
(Witch riding broom with cat)
Self-adhesive stampFI20020306 FDC 0_60 First Day Cover 0.60 Cat Drawing
(Witch riding broom with cat)2006 Cats FI20060504 ST NVI 1 Stamp 1 KL
0.65 at time of issueUnspecified Breed
Self-adhesive stamp from booklet
MI: 1801FI20060504 ST NVI 2 Stamp 1 KL
0.65 at time of issueBritish Shorthair
Self-adhesive stamp from booklet
MI: 1802FI20060504 ST NVI 3 Stamp 1 KL
0.65 at time of issueRagdoll
Self-adhesive stamp from booklet
MI: 1803FI20060504 ST NVI 4 Stamp 1 KL
0.65 at time of issuePersian
Self-adhesive stamp from booklet
MI: 1804FI20060504 BK NVI
Booklet 4 x 1 KL
2.60 at time of issueUnspecified Breed
British Shorthair
Self-adhesive booklet with 1 of each stamp + 2 labelsFI20060504 FDC NVI
First Day Cover 4 x 1 KL Unspecified Breed (on stamp and cachet)
British Shorthair
FDC with booklet pane
Paw-print on postmarkFI20060504 MC NVI 1 Prepaid Maximum Card 1 KL Unspecified Breed
MC with corresponding cat design on picture side, and a cat's tail as stamp imprintFI20060504 MC NVI 2 Prepaid Maximum Card 1 KL Bristish Shorthair
MC with corresponding cat design on picture side, and a cat's tail as stamp imprintFI20060504 MC NVI 3 Prepaid Maximum Card 1 KL Ragdoll
MC with corresponding cat design on picture side, and a cat's tail as stamp imprintFI20060504 MC NVI 4 Prepaid Maximum Card 1 KL Persian
MC with corresponding cat design on picture side, and a cat's tail as stamp imprintFI20060504 FDP First Day Postmark - Unspecified Breed
Paw Print, HelsinkiFI20060504 LB Label - Unspecified Breed
Self-adhesive label from booklet2006 Family Life FI20060824 ST NVI 1 Stamp 1 KL
0.70 at time of issueCartoon Cat
Cartoons by Matti Remes2008 Birth Centenary of Mika Waltari FI20080905 ST 0_80 2 Stamp 0.80 Cat Drawing
Cats in Literature
Cover of mystery novel "Komisario Palmun erhedy" ("Inspector Palmu's Error")
Stamp from MSFI20080905 MS 1_60 Miniature Sheet 1.60 Cat Drawing
(on stamp only)
Cats in Literature
Cover of mystery novel "Komisario Palmun erhedy" ("Inspector Palmu's Error")
MS with
FI20080905 ST 0_80 2
and one other stampFI20080905 FDC 1_60 First Day Cover 1.60 Cat Drawing
(on stamp only)
Cats in Literature
Cover of mystery novel "Komisario Palmun erhedy" ("Inspector Palmu's Error")
FDC with
FI20080905 MS 1_60Compiled by Geir Arveng with additional information from Marci Jarvis, Nahum Shereshevsky, TS Tan, and Bridget
Latest update: 19 January, 2019