Stamps inscribed 'España' or 'Republica Española' (no country name before 1862 and also on some later issues)
1850 ->
From 1850: 1 Real = 8 Cuartos = 32 Marvedis
From 1866: 1 Escudo = 80 cuartos = 100 Centimos
From 1867: 1 Escudo = 80 cuartos = 100 Centimos = 1000 Milesimas
From 1872: 1 Peseta (ESP) = 100 Centimos [= 4 Reales, 1 Real = 100 Milesimas]
From 2002: 1 Euro = 100 Eurocents [= ESP 166.386]
Checklists > Countries > Spain Wild Cats List status: Incomplete / under construction.
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Item Code Item type Face value Remarks SC 1 May 1905 - 300th Anniversary of the Publication of Don Quixote ES19050501 ST 1_00 Stamp 1.00 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Wild Cats in Literature
'Don Quixote and the Lions' Illustration from 'The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha' by Miguel de Cervantes
This stamp and the entire set also shows Heraldic lions
MI 22722 April 1916 - Service Stamps ES19160422 SE NVI 3 Service Stamp NVI Lions
Wild Cat Art
Statues outside the Chamber of Deputies
Violet & black non-denominated stamp for use by deputies
MI D14ES19160422 SE NVI 6 Service Stamp NVI Lions
Wild Cat Art
Statues outside the Chamber of Deputies
Green & black non-denominated stamp for use by senators
MI D18If you have a scan of this isuue, please share. ES19160422 SE NVI 9 Service Stamp NVI Lions
Wild Cat Art
Statues outside the Chamber of Deputies
Violet & black non-denominated stamp for use by deputies
ES19160422 SE NVE 3
with inverted centre
MI D14KIf you have a scan of this isuue, please share. ES19160422 SE NVI 12 Service Stamp NVI Lions
Wild Cat Art
Statues outside the Chamber of Deputies
Green & black non-denominated stamp for use by senators
ES19160422 SE NVE 6
with inverted centre
MI D18KIf you have a scan of this isuue, please share. ES19160422 ISE NVI 3 Imperforate Service Stamp NVI Lions
Wild Cat Art
Statues outside the Chamber of Deputies
Violet & black non-denominated stamp for use by deputies
MI D14UIf you have a scan of this isuue, please share. ES19160422 ISE NVI 6 Imperforate Service Stamp NVI Lions
Wild Cat Art
Statues outside the Chamber of Deputies
Green & black non-denominated stamp for use by senators
MI D18U10 October 1930 - Closing of the Ibero-American Exhibition in Sevilla ES19301010 ST 10_00 Stamp 10.00 Lion
Red-brown, Perf 13
This set also includes Heraldic Lions
MI 551ES19301012 ST 10_00 1 Stamp 10.00 Lion
Yellow-brown, Perf 11
This set also includes Heraldic Lions
MI 552AES19301012 ST 10_00 2 Stamp 10.00 Lion
Yellow-brown, Perf 13
This set also includes Heraldic Lions
MI 552CES19301012 IMP 10_00 Imperforate stamp 10.00 Lion
This set also includes Heraldic Lions
MI 552B1931 Pan-American Postal Congress ES19311010 ST 0_05 1
Stamp 0.05 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sculptures
Lion Fountain at the Alhambra in Granada
Violet brown
MI 582ES19311010 ST 0_05 2 Stamp 0.05 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sculptures
Lion Fountain at the Alhambra in Granada
MI 582FES19311010 ST 0_05 3 Stamp 0.05 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sculptures
Lion Fountain at the Alhambra in Granada
ES19311010 ST 0_05 1
overprinted "C.U.P.P."
Stems from a souvenir book with overprinted stamps handed out to congress delegates (hinged)
MI No number (footnote to 582)ES19311010 ST 0_40 1
Stamp 0.40 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sculptures
Lion Fountain at the Alhambra in Granada
Dark Blue
MI 587ES19311010 ST 0_40 2 Stamp 0.40 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sculptures
Lion Fountain at the Alhambra in Granada
MI 587FaES19311010 ST 0_40 3 Stamp 0.40 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sculptures
Lion Fountain at the Alhambra in Granada
Clear Blue
MI 587FbES19311010 ST 0_40 4 Stamp 0.40 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sculptures
Lion Fountain at the Alhambra in Granada
ES19311010 ST 0_40 1
overprinted "C.U.P.P."
Stems from a souvenir book with overprinted stamps handed out to congress delegates (hinged)
MI No number (footnote to 587)ES19311010 ST 0_50 1 Stamp 0.50 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
Deep Blue
MI 595ES19311010 ST 0_50 2 Stamp 0.50 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
Light Blue
MI 595FES19311010 ST 0_50 3 Stamp 0.50 Lion Sculptures
Wild Cat Art
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
ES19311010 ST 0_50 1
overprinted "C.U.P.P."
Stems from a souvenir book with overprinted stamps handed out to congress delegates (hinged)
MI No number (footnote to 595)ES19311010 ST 1_00 1 Stamp 1.00 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
MI 596ES19311010 ST 1_00 2 Stamp 1.00 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles, Madrid
MI 596FES19311010 ST 1_00 3 Stamp 1.00 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sculptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
ES19311010 ST 1_00 1
overprinted "C.U.P.P."
Stems from a souvenir book with overprinted stamps handed out to congress delegates (hinged)
MI No number (footnote to 596)ES19311010 SER 0_05 1 Service stamp 0.05 Lion Sculptures
Wild Cat Art
Lion Fountain at the Alhambra in Granada
Dark brown, overprinted "Oficial." in red
MI D20aES19311010 SER 0_05 2 Service stamp 0.05Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sculptures
Lion Fountain at the Alhambra in Granada
Dark brown, overprinted "Oficial." in blue
MI D20bES19311010 SER 0_40 1 Service stamp 0.40 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sculptures
Lion Fountain at the Alhambra in Granada
Ultramarine, overprinted "Oficial." in red
MI D25aES19311010 SER 0_40 2 Service stamp 0.40 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sculptures
Lion Fountain at the Alhambra in Granada
Ultramarine, overprinted "Oficial." in blue
MI D25bES19311010 SER 0_50 1 Service stamp 0.50Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles, Madrid
ES19311010 ST 0_50 2
with red overprint: "OFICIAL"
MI D33aES19311010 SER 0_50 2 Service stamp 0.50Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles, Madrid
ES19311010 ST 0_50 1
with red overprint: "OFICIAL"
MI D33bES19311010 SER 0_50 3 Service stamp 0.50Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sculptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
ES19311010 SER 0_50 1
overprinted "C.U.P.P."
Stems from a souvenir book with overprinted stamps handed out to congress delegates (hinged)
MI No number (footnote to D33)ES19311010 SER 1_00 1 Service stamp 1.00 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles, Madrid
ES19311010 ST 1_00 2
with red overprint: "OFICIAL"
MI D34aES19311010 SER 1_00 2 Service stamp 1.00 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles, Madrid
ES19311010 ST 1_00 2
with blue overprint: "OFICIAL"
MI D34bES19311010 SER 1_00 3 Service stamp 1.00 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sculptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
ES19311010 SER 1_00 1
overprinted "C.U.P.P."
Stems from a souvenir book with overprinted stamps handed out to congress delegates (hinged)
MI No number (footnote to D34)ES19311010 IMP 0_05 Imperforate stamp 0.05Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sculptures
Lion Fountain at the Alhambra in Granada
Violet brown
MI 582UES19311010 IMP 0_40 Imperforate stamp 0.40Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion SculpturesLion Fountain at the Alhambra in Granada
Dark Blue
MI 587UES19311010 IMP 0_50 Imperforate stamp 0.50Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
MI 595UES19311010 IMP 1_00 Imperforate stamp 1.00 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
MI 596UES19311010 ISE 0_50 Imperforate service stamp 0.50 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles, Madrid
ES19311010 IMP 0_50
with red overprint: "OFICIAL"
MI D33UES19311010 ISE 1_00 Imperforate service stamp 1.00 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles, Madrid
ES19311010 IMP 1_00
with red overprint: "OFICIAL"
MI D34U1936 Definitives ES19361200 ST 0_50 Stamp 0.50 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sculptures
Lion Fountain at the Alhambra in Granada
This stamp also exists overprinted for Ifni
MI 760ES19361200 IMP 0_50 Stamp 0.50 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sculptures
Lion Fountain at the Alhambra in Granada
MI 760U1944 Holy Year of St. Jacob of Compostella ES19440200 ST 0_20 Stamp 0.20 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sculptures
Lion Capital from the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela
MI 90613 November 1961 - 400th Anniversary of Madrid's Status as Capital of Spain ES19611113 ST 0_25 Stamp 0.25 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sculptures
King Alphonso XII monument in Retiro Park, Madrid
MI 1283ES19611113 ST 2_50 Stamp 2.50 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sculptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles, Madrid
MI 128625 February 1963 - Abbeys and Monastries (IV) ES19630225 ST 1_00 Stamp 1.00 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sculpture
Tomb of King Martin I of Aragon, Monastery of Santa Maria de Poblet, Conca de Barbera
MI 138010 February 1964 - Tourism (II) ES19640210 ST 1_00 Stamp 1.00 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sculptures
Lion Fountain at the Alhambra in Granada
MI 143915 May 1968 - Congress of Iberian Zoos ES19680515 PMK 14001 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Stylized Lion
"Congresso Iberico de Zoos"
15 May 196822 November 1969 - Churches and Monasteries (X) This item is also listed under Heraldic Cats
ES19691122 ST 3_50 Stamp 3.50 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Sculpted Lion Feet
Heraldic Lions: Two Lions Passant Guardant
Tomb of King Alfonso VIII of Castile and Queen Eleonora, Las Huelgas Monastery, Burgos
MI 18411971 - Laboratorias Leo Meter Frank ES1971 MF LEO 28001 Meter frank - Lion
Leo Farma company logo
"Compañia Ibero Danesa S/A - Laboratorios Leo - Madrid - Apartado 439"
Machine no. 1192
Earliest use reported:
11 June 1971
Latest use reported:
11 June 1971
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.24 May 1971 - Iberian Fauna ES19710524 ST 2 Stamp 2 Iberian Lynx
MI 193224 February 1972 - International Year of the Book ES19720224 ST 2 Stamp 2 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Wild Cats in Literature
Title page of Don Quixote by Miguel de Servantes (first edition, 1605)
MI 197116 June 1974 - National Fauna and Flora Exhibition ES19740616 PMK 50001 Commemorative postmark - Leopard
"Exp. Nac. Animales y Plantas"
16 June 19746 May 1975 - World Stamp Day ES19750506 ST 3 Stamp 3 Stylized Lion
Pre-philatelic handstamp of Leon
MI 2153ES19750506 FDC 3 First day cover 3 Stylized Lion (on stamp and cachet)
Pre-philatelic handstamp of Leon28 September - 6 October 1975 - Exfilna-75 ES19750928_1005 PMK 24070 Commemorative postmark - Stylized Lion
Pre-philatelic handstamp of Leon
"Jornadas Nacionales de Filatelia - Exfilna-75"
28 Sept - 5 Oct 197529 September 1975 - Paintings (XIX) ES19750929 ST 6_00 Stamp 6 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Daniel in the Lion's Den
Miniature from a medieval manuscript
MI 218113 May 1976 - EXFILMA-76 ES19760513 PMK 28080 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sculptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles, Madrid
Exposicion filatelica EXFILMA-76"
13 May 197626 May 1976 - Bi-millenium of Zaragoza ES19760526 ST 25 Stamp 25 Leopard
Wild Cat Art
Orpheus Singing for the Animals
Detail of Roman mosaic in Edessa (2. c.)
MI 221423 September 1976 - 63rd Conference of the Interparla-mentarian Union ES19760923 ST 12 Stamp 12 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sculptures outside the Parliament Building in Madrid
MI 225211-12 May 1977 - 10th National Convention of Spanish Lions Clubs ES19770512 PMK 33790 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
"X Convención Nacional Clubs Leones España D-116"
11-12 May 197725-29 April 1979 - 12th National Convention of Spanish Lions Clubs ES19790425_29 PMK 33813 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
"XII Convención Nacional Clubs de los Leones"
25-29 April 197920 March 1980 - Espamer '80: Philatelic Service Postmark ES19800320_ PMK 28080 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
"Espamer '80 - Expo. filatélica America y Europa - Sº Fº"
First day of use:
20 March 1980
Latest day reported:
20 August 1980
If you know more about the last date of use for this item, please let us know.April 1980 - Espamer '80 Slogan Postmark ES19800400_ PMK 28080 Slogan postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
"Servicio Filatelico - Exposición Filatelica 'Espamer 80' - Madrid - Octubre 1980"
Madrid (1)
Earliest day reported:
24 April 1980
Latest day reported:
26 July 1980
If you know more about the last date of use for this item, please let us know.6-10 May 1980 - 13th National Convention of Spanish Lions Clubs ES19800506_10 PMK 03500 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
"XXIII Convención Nacional de Clubes de Leones"
6-10 May 198021 May 1980 - Espamer '80: Cartographers The cards also shows the Spanish CoA **
ES19800521 PC 5_00 Pre-stamped postcard 5.00 Lion (in address field)
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
Exhibition logo
MI P125ES19800521 PC 13_00 Pre-stamped postcard 13.00 Lion (in address field)
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
Exhibition logo
MI P1269 June 1980 - The Bourbon Financial Reform This issue is also listed under Heraldic Cats
ES19800609 ST 8 Stamp 8 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Heraldic Lion
Lion Head
Crowned Lion Rampant
Bas relief CoA on the Ministry of Finance in Madrid
MI 24653 October 1980 - ESPAMER '80: Iberoamerican Philatelic Exhibition ES19801003 MS 200 Miniature sheet 200
(2 x 25
+100)Lion (on two undenominated labels)
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
This MS was only sold alongside tickets to the stamp show in Madrid for a combined price of ESP 250
MI B21BDC ES19801003_12 PMK 01001 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
"Espamer '80 - Expo. filatélica provincial"
Vitoria (Vitoria-Gasteiz)
3-12 October 1980BDC ES19801003_12 PMK 02001 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
"Espamer '80 - Expo. filatélica provincial"
3-12 October 1980BDC ES19801003_12 PMK 03001 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
"Espamer '80 - Expo. filatélica provincial"
3-12 October 1980ES19801003_12 PMK 04001 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
"Espamer '80 - Expo. filatélica provincial"
3-12 October 1980ES19801003_12 PMK 05001 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
"Espamer '80 - Expo. filatélica provincial"
3-12 October 1980ES19801003_12 PMK 06001 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
"Espamer '80 - Expo. filatélica provincial"
3-12 October 1980ES19801003_12 PMK 07001 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
"Espamer '80 - Expo. filatélica provincial"
Palma de Mallorca
3-12 October 1980ES19801003_12 PMK 08080 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
"Espamer '80 - Expo. filatélica provincial"
3-12 October 1980BDC ES19801003_12 PMK 09001 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
"Espamer '80 - Expo. filatélica provincial"
3-12 October 1980ES19801003_12 PMK 10001 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
"Espamer '80 - Expo. filatélica provincial"
3-12 October 1980BDC ES19801003_12 PMK 11001 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
"Espamer '80 - Expo. filatélica provincial"
3-12 October 1980BDC ES19801003_12 PMK 13001 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
"Espamer '80 - Expo. filatélica provincial"
Ciudad Real
3-12 October 1980ES19801003_12 PMK 14001 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
"Espamer '80 - Expo. filatélica provincial"
3-12 October 1980ES19801003_12 PMK 15001 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
"Espamer '80 - Expo. filatélica provincial"
La Coruña (A Coruña / Corunna)
3-12 October 1980ES19801003_12 PMK 16001 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
"Espamer '80 - Expo. filatélica provincial"
3-12 October 1980ES19801003_12 PMK 17001 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
"Espamer '80 - Expo. filatélica provincial"
Gerona (Girona)
3-12 October 1980BDC ES19801003_12 PMK 18001 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
"Espamer '80 - Expo. filatélica provincial"
3-12 October 1980ES19801003_12 PMK 19001 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
"Espamer '80 - Expo. filatélica provincial"
3-12 October 1980ES19801003_12 PMK 20001 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
"Espamer '80 - Expo. filatélica provincial"
San Sebastián (Donostia/San Sebastián)
3-12 October 1980BDC ES19801003_12 PMK 21001 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
"Espamer '80 - Expo. filatélica provincial"
3-12 October 1980ES19801003_12 PMK 22001 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
"Espamer '80 - Expo. filatélica provincial"
3-12 October 1980ES19801003_12 PMK 23001 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
"Espamer '80 - Expo. filatélica provincial"
3-12 October 1980ES19801003_12 PMK 24001 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
"Espamer '80 - Expo. filatélica provincial"
3-12 October 1980ES19801003_12 PMK 25001 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
"Espamer '80 - Expo. filatélica provincial"
Lerida (Lleida)
3-12 October 1980ES19801003_12 PMK 26001 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
"Espamer '80 - Expo. filatélica provincial"
3-12 October 1980ES19801003_12 PMK 27001 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
"Espamer '80 - Expo. filatélica provincial"
3-12 October 1980ES19801003_12 PMK 28080 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
"Espamer '80 - Expo. filatélica America y Europa"
3-12 October 1980BEB ES19801003_12 PMK 29001 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
"Espamer '80 - Expo. filatélica provincial"
3-12 October 1980BDC ES19801003_12 PMK 32001 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
"Espamer '80 - Expo. filatélica provincial"
Orense (Ourense)
3-12 October 1980ES19801003_12 PMK 33001 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
"Espamer '80 - Expo. filatélica provincial"
3-12 October 1980ES19801003_12 PMK 34001 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
"Espamer '80 - Expo. filatélica provincial"
3-12 October 1980ES19801003_12 PMK 35001 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
"Espamer '80 - Expo. filatélica provincial"
Las Palmas de G.C.
3-12 October 1980BEB ES19801003_12 PMK 36001 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
"Espamer '80 - Expo. filatélica provincial"
3-12 October 1980BEB ES19801003_12 PMK 37001 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
"Espamer '80 - Expo. filatélica provincial"
3-12 October 1980ES19801003_12 PMK 38001 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
"Espamer '80 - Expo. filatélica provincial"
S.C. de Tenerife (Santa Cruz)
3-12 October 1980ES19801003_12 PMK 39001 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
"Espamer '80 - Expo. filatélica provincial"
3-12 October 1980ES19801003_12 PMK 40001 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
"Espamer '80 - Expo. filatélica provincial"
3-12 October 1980BDC ES19801003_12 PMK 41001 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
"Espamer '80 - Expo. filatélica provincial"
Sevilla (Seville)
3-12 October 1980BDC ES19801003_12 PMK 42001 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
"Espamer '80 - Expo. filatélica provincial"
3-12 October 1980BDC ES19801003_12 PMK 43001 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
"Espamer '80 - Expo. filatélica provincial"
3-12 October 1980ES19801003_12 PMK 44001 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
"Espamer '80 - Expo. filatélica provincial"
3-12 October 1980ES19801003_12 PMK 45001 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
"Espamer '80 - Expo. filatélica provincial"
3-12 October 1980ES19801003_12 PMK 47001 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
"Espamer '80 - Expo. filatélica provincial"
3-12 October 1980BDC ES19801003_12 PMK 49001 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
"Espamer '80 - Expo. filatélica provincial"
3-12 October 1980BDC ES19801003_12 PMK 50001 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
"Espamer '80 - Expo. filatélica provincial"
3-12 October 1980ES19801003_12 PMK 51001 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
"Espamer '80 - Expo. filatélica provincial"
3-12 October 1980ES19801003 MISC BLP Souvenir blackprint Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
Imperforate B&W Souvenir Sheet without franking value1981 - Leo Laboratories Meter Frank ES1981 MF LEO 28028 Meter frank - Lion
Leo Logo
"LEO - Laboratorias Leo, S.A. - Madrid - Apartado 439"
Earliest use reported:
23 October 1981
Latest use reported:
23 October 1981
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know6-8 May 1982 - 15th National Convention of Spanish Lions Clubs ES19820506_08 PMK 35500 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
"XV Convención Nacional Clubs Leones España – D116"
Arrecife de Lanzarote
6-8 May 1982April 1983 - 16th National Convention of Lions Clubs ES19830400 PMK 36001 Slogan postmark - Lion
Lion Clubs Emblem
"XVI Convención nac. de clubs de España - La Toja 4-8 Mayo 83"
(36) Pontevedra
Earliest use reported:
22 April 1983
Latest use reported:
22 April 1983
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us knowDL 28 February 1983 - Autonomous Status for Andalucia These items are also listed under Heraldic Cats
ES19830228 FDP 04001 First day postmark - Lion
Heraldic Lions
Lion Rampant Guardant
Lion Semi-couchant guardant
Andalucia CoA
"Estatuto de autonomia de Andalucía - Primer dia circulación"
28 February 1983ES19830228 FDP 11001 First day postmark - Lion
Heraldic Lions
Lion Rampant Guardant
Lion Semi-couchant guardant
Andalucia CoA
"Estatuto de autonomia de Andalucía - Primer dia circulación"
28 February 1983ES19830228 FDP 14001 First day postmark - Lion
Heraldic Lions
Lion Rampant Guardant
Lion Semi-couchant guardant
Andalucia CoA
"Estatuto de autonomia de Andalucía - Primer dia circulación"
28 February 1983ES19830228 FDP 18001 First day postmark - Lion
Heraldic Lions
Lion Rampant Guardant
Lion Semi-couchant guardant
Andalucia CoA
"Estatuto de autonomia de Andalucía - Primer dia circulación"
28 February 1983ES19830228 FDP 21001 First day postmark - Lion
Heraldic Lions
Lion Rampant Guardant
Lion Semi-couchant guardant
Andalucia CoA
"Estatuto de autonomia de Andalucía - Primer dia circulación"
28 February 1983ES19830228 FDP 23001 First day postmark - Lion
Heraldic Lions
Lion Rampant Guardant
Lion Semi-couchant guardant
Andalucia CoA
"Estatuto de autonomia de Andalucía - Primer dia circulación"
28 February 1983ES19830228 FDP 29001 First day postmark - Lion
Heraldic Lions
Lion Rampant Guardant
Lion Semi-couchant guardant
Andalucia CoA
"Estatuto de autonomia de Andalucía - Primer dia circulación"
28 February 1983ES19830228 FDP 41001 First day postmark - Lion
Heraldic Lions
Lion Rampant Guardant
Lion Semi-couchant guardant
Andalucia CoA
"Estatuto de autonomia de Andalucía - Primer dia circulación"
Sevilla (Seville)
28 February 19835 May 1983 - 10th Aviles Philatelic Exhibition ES19830505 PMK 33400 Commemorative postmark - Lion
"X Exposicion Filatelica Avilesina"
5 May 198313 May 1983 - 16th National Convention of Spanish Lions Clubs ES19830513 PMK 36000 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Cartoon Lion
"XVI Convención Nacional de Clubs de Leones de España"
13 May 198314-16 November 1984 - 10th National Congress for Medicine, Hygiene, and Labour Safety ES19841114_16 PMK 18001 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Stylized Lion Sculptures
Lion Fountain at the Alhambra in Granada
"X Congreso Nacional de Medicina, Higiene y Seguridad del Trabajo"
14-16 November 19843 May 1985 - 18th National Convention of Spanish Lions Clubs ES19850503 PMK 29620 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
"XVIII Convención Nacional de Clubes de Leones de España"
3 May 198528 December 1985 - Bi-centenary of the Spanish Flag
This issue is also listed under Heraldic Cats
ES19851228 ST 18 2 Stamp 18 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Statue from outside the Parliament Building in Madrid
MI 2674ES19851228 FDC 36 First day cover 36 Lion (on stamp and cachet)
Wild Cat Art
Lion statue from outside the Parliament Building in Madrid
MI 267530 April - 3 May 1987 - 20th National Convention of Lions Clubs ES19870430_0503 PMK 38400 Commemorative postmark - Lion (Cartoonish)
"XX Convencion Nacional Clubs de Leones"
Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife
30 April - 3 May 1987DL 31 October - 4 November 1987 - 4th European Conference of Oncology ES19871031-1104 PMK 28080 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
"4ª Conferencia Europea de Oncología Clínica y Enfermería Oncológica"
31 October -
4 November 19871988 - Herakles Meter Frank ES1988 MF HERA 08001 Meter Frank - Lion
"Herakles - Deportes. Salud. Juegos y animales"
Machine no. 18944
Earliest use reported:
3 May 1988
Latest use reported:
3 May 1988
If you know the dates of use of this item, please let us know14-16 June 1988 - 20th Anniversary of the First Philatelic Exhibition in Cordoba ES19880614_16 PMK 14001 Commemorative postmark - Lion
"XX Anniv° de la Primera Exposición Filatelica"
14-16 June 198829 June - 1 July 1988 - Unisport - Andalucia This item are also listed under Heraldic Cats
ES19880629_0701 PMK 29001 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant Guardant
Lion Semi-couchant guardant
Andalucia CoA
"UNISPORT - Andalucia"
29 June - 1 July 198819-21 September 1988 - EXCLEFIL 88, 11th Castille and Léon Philatelic Exhibition
This item is also listed under Heraldic Cats
ES19880919_21 PMK 24001 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Lion Passant
on Seal of King Alfonso IX of León
Heraldic Lion
Two Crowned Lions Rampant
FECLESOFI (Federation of Philatelic Sociteies of Castille and León) Logo
"XI Expo. Filatélica Castellano Leonesa - EXCLEFIL 88"
19-21 September 198827 September - 2 October 1988 - 25th Anniversary of the National Philatelic Exhibition This item is also listed under Heraldic Cats
ES19880927_1002 PMK 29001 Commemorative postmark - Lion
From Andalucian CoA
"25 Aniv. - 1963-1988 - Exposición - Filatélica - FESOFI"
27 September 1988 -
2 October 198812-23 May 1989 - II International Antiquarians Biennale Also see 1992-version
ES19890512_23 PMK 28080 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
"II Bienal Internac. del Anticuario"
12-23 May 1989DL 27 April - 1 May 1990 - 23rd National Convention of Spanish Lions Clubs ES19900427_0501 PMK 15001 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Cartoon Lion
Lions Club Emblem
"25 Aniversario - XXIII Convención Nacional de Clubs de Leones"
La Coruña
27 April - 1 May 199025-27 May 1990 - XII Stamp Week ES19900525_27 PMK 28080 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
"XII Semana popular del sello - Pre-EXFILNA•91 de Madrid"
25-27 May 1990DL 28-30 April 1991 - 24th National Convention of Spanish Lion Clubs ES19910428_30 PMK 35001 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
"XXIV Convención Nacional de Clubes de Leones de España"
Las Palmas
28-30 April 19911-3 May 1992 - World Stamp Exhibition Items from this event are also listed under Heraldic Cats
ES19920501 PMK 18001 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
From Andalucian CoA
"Exposición Mundial de Filatélia - Día de Andalucía"
1 May 1992ES19920503 PMK 18001 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sculptures
Lion Fountain at the Alhambra in Granada
"Exposición Mundial de Filatélia - Día de Granada"
3 May 199222-31 May 1992 - III International Antiquarians Biennale Also see 1989-version
ES19920522_31 PMK 28080 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
"III Bienal Internacional del Anticuario"
22-31 May 1992DL 25 May 1993 - EXCLEFIL 93 This item is also listed under Heraldic Cats
ES19930525 PMK 09200 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sculpture at the Carlos III Bridge in Miranda de Ebro
Heraldic Lion
Lion Guardant Supporter
Miranda de Ebro
25 May 19934 March 1994 - Sierra Nevada '95: World Alpine Ski Championships ES19940304 PC 55 Pre-stamped postcard 55 Lion (in cachet)
Cartoon lion
Championship mascot Cecilio
MI P158BDC ES19940304 FDP 18001 First day postmark - Lion
Cartoon lion
Championship mascot Cecilio
"Tarjeta enteropostal - Primer día de circulación"
4 March 199416 December 1994 - Filatem/Sierra Nevada '95 Meter Frank
On comm. coverES19941216 MF FILA 18080 Meter frank - Lion
Cartoon Lion
Cecilio - Mascot of the Sierra Nevada Ski Championship
"FILATEM - 'Sierrea Nevada '95' - 30 Enero - 5 Febrero 1995 - Granada"
Machine no. 24620
First day of use:
16 December 1994
Latest day reported:
4 January 1995
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.BDC 30 January 1995 - FILATEM '95: National Thematic Stamp Exhibition ES19950130 MS 130 Miniature sheet 130 Lion (on selvedge)
Cartoon Lion
Cecilio - Mascot of the Sierra Nevada Ski Championship
Single-stamp MS
MI B56ES19950130 FDC 130 First day cover 130 Lion (on MS, postmark, and cachet)
Cartoon Lion
Cecilio - Mascot of the Sierra Nevada Ski Championship
Official FDC with
ES19950130 MS 130ES19950130 PC 15 1 Pre-stamped postcard 15 Lion (in cachet)
Cartoon Lion
Cecilio - Mascot of the Sierra Nevada Ski Championship
Numbered postcard sold at the exhibition
MI P???ES19950130 FDP 18001 First day postmark - Lion
Cartoon Lion
Cecilio - Mascot of the Sierra Nevada Ski Championship
"FILATEM '95 - Primer día de circulación - Cecilio"
Hand canceller used at the Exhibition
30 January 1995If you have a scan of this item, please share. ES19950130 FDP 28080 First day postmark - Lion
Cartoon Lion
Cecilio - Mascot of the Sierra Nevada Ski Championship
"FILATEM '95 - Primer día de circulación"
Machine canceller used at the Philatelic Bureau
30 January 1995ES19950130_0205 PMK 18001 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Cartoon Lion
Cecilio - Mascot of the Sierra Nevada Ski Championship
"Filatem - Sierra Nevada '95"
30 January - 5 February 19959 March 1995 - Stamp Day ES19950309 ST 30 Stamp 30 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Mail Box Front from a Madrid Post Office
MI 3204ES19950309 FDC 30 First day cover 30 Lion (on stamp, cachet and postmark)
Wild Cat Art
Mail Box Front from a Madrid Post OfficeES19950309 FDP 28080 First day postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Mail Box Front from a Madrid Post Office
"Día del Sello - Primer día de Circulación"
9 March 1995If you have a scan of this item, please share. ES11950309 MISC BLP Souvenir blackprint - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Mail Box Front from a Madrid Post Office
Imperforate B&W Souvenir Sheet without franking value27 April - 1 May 1995 - 28th National Convention of Spanish Lions Clubs ES19950427_0501 PMK 38660 Commemorative postmark - Lion
"XXVIII Convención Nac. de Clubes de Leones - Distrito 116 - España"
Playa de las Américas, Tenerife
27 April - 1 May 19955 May 1995 - 725th Anniversary of the Jurisdiction of Valdés This item is also listed under Heraldic Cats
ES19950505 PMK 33700 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Heraldic Lion
Demi-lion Rampant
Valdés CoA
"Expo F. - 725 Aniversario del Fuero de Valdés"
5 May 199512-13 February 1996 - IFAGRA: Granada Trade Fair ES19960212_13 PMK 18001 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Cartoon Lion
Cecilio - Mascot of the Sierra Nevada Ski Championship
"Andalucia - Historia, vida y tradiciones - IFAGRA - Feria de Muestras de Granada"
12-13 February 19968 July 1997 - NATO Summit in Madrid ES19970708 ST 65 Stamp 65 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
MI 333826 September 1997 - UNESCO World Heritage Sites (IX) ES1990926 ST 32 Stamp 32 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Relief on a Medallion in Santa Cristina Church, Pola de Lena
MI 3351ES1990926 FDP 33630 First day postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Relief on a Medallion in Santa Cristina Church, Pola de Lena
"Sta. Cristina - Patrimonio Mundial de la Humanidad - Primer día de circulación"
Pola de Lena
26 September 19975 February 1998 - Endangered Species ES19980205 ST 35 Stamp 35 Iberian Lynx
MI 3368ES19980205 FDC 35 First day cover 35 Iberian Lynx (pn stamp, postmark, and cachet)
Official FDC with
ES19980205 ST 35ES19980205 FDP 28080 First Day Postmark - Iberian Lynx
"Fauna española en peligro de extinción - Primer día de circulación"
5 February 1998ES19980205 MISC LEAF Information Leaflet - Iberian Lynx
Información no. 2/98 from the Philatelic Service11 December 1998 - Centenary of the First Patriotic Stamps for Menorca
This item is also listed under Heraldic Cats
ES19981211 PMK 07760 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Heraldic Lion
Two Lions Rampant
Spanish CoA
"Cent. Primer Sello Patriotico de Menorca - Grup Filatelic i Numismatic Ciutadella 1898-1998 - Pro Cuba"
Ciutadella (Ciudadela)
11 December 1998BDC 26 April - 2 May 1999 - 32nd National Convention of Lions International ES19990426_0502 PMK 35100 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Cartoon Lion
"XXXII Convención Nacional de Clubes de Leones - Distrito Multiple 116, España"
Maspalomas, Gran Canaria
28 April - 2 May 19995 May 1999 - EUROPA: Nature and National Parks ES19990505 ST 70 Stamp 70 European Wildcat
MI 3462ES19990505 FDP 10600 First Day Postmark - European Wildcat
"Parque Natural de Monfragüe - Extremadura - Primer Día de Circilación"
5 May 1999ES19990505 MISC SOUC Souvenir Card - European Wildcat
Souvenir card with artist's proofs4-5 November 2000 - The Ceramic Route / La Ruta de la Ceramica ES20001104_05 PMK 50450 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Stylized Ceramic Tiles Lion
"Dias de Circulación - La Ruta de la Cerámica"
Taller-Escuela de Cerámica de Muel
4-5 November 200019 January 2002 - World Heritage Sites in Tarragona ES20020119 PMK 43120 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Sculpture at the Roman Villa and Mausoleum in Centcelles
"Patrimoni de la Humanitat - Tarragona - Centcelles"
19 January 20022 May 2002 - 35th Lions Clubs' National Convention ES20020502 PMK 36200 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
"XXXV Concención nacional de Clubes de Leones - Distrito multiple 116. España"
2 May 2002CC 8 May 2002 - Birth Centenary of Luis Cernuda ES20020508 ST 0_50 Stamp 0.50 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Mosaic over the Lion Gate in Seville
MI 3739ILM 8-10 May 2002 - XIII Conference of Spanish Nurses ES20020508_10 PMK 28080 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Lion Sclulptures
Stylized image of Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
"Supervisión de enfermería XIII Jornadas nacionales
8-10 May 2002CC 17 November 2002 - EXFILCOR 2002 ES20021117 PMK 14001 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Stylized Lion
"Ex fil cor - Homenaje a los plateros cordobeses siglos XVI – XX"
17 November 200218 May 2006 - 40th Anniversary of Seville Lions Club ES20060518 PMK 44001
Commemorative postmark - Lion
(Stylized) Lions Club Emblem
"Club Leones de Sevilla - Conmemoración XL años fundación - Club decano de España"
Sevilla (Seville)
18 May 200610 November 2008 - 13th San Martiño Exhibition ES20081110 PMK 32701 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Bas relief at the San Martiño de Betán Church in Baños de Molgas
"XIII Exposición San 'Martiño' Betán"
Baños de Molgas, Ourense
10 November 20082 January 2009 - Autonomous Regions of Spain I
Items from this issue are also listed under Heraldic Cats
ES20090102 ST A 8 Stamp A
(0.32 on issue)Lion
Heraldic Lions
Lion Rampant Guardant
Lion Semi-couchant guardant
Andalucian Flag
MI 43812 January 2010 - Autonomous Communities of Spain II
Items from this issue are also listed under Heraldic Cats
ES20100102 ST A 1 Stamp A
(0.34 on issue)Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion statue outside the Parliament in Madrid
Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant
Spanish CoA
MI 446721 April 2010 - World EXPO 2010 in Shanghai ES20100421 ST 2_41 Stamp 2.49 Lion (part of sculpture ony)
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
Stamp from
ES20100421 MS 2_41
MI 4502ES20100421 MS 2_41 Miniature sheet 2.49 Lion (on stamp and selvedge)
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
Single-stamp MS with
ES20100421 ST 2_41
MI B1926 May 2010 - 11th Centenary of the Kingdom of León This issue is also listed under Heraldic Cats
ES20100506 ST 2_49 Stamp 2.49 Lion
The Banner of the Crown of León
Banner shaped stamp from
ES20100506 MS 2_49
MI 4505ES20100506 MS 2_49 Miniature sheet 2.49 Lion
The Banner of the Crown of León
Single-stamp MS with
ES20100506 ST 2_49
MI B193ES20100506 FDP 24001 First day postmark - Lion
from the Banner of the Crown of León
"Efemérides - Primer día de crculación - 1100 Aniversario de la Fundación del Reino de León"
6 May 2010ES20100506 FDP 28080 Lion
from the Banner of the Crown of León
"Efemérides - 1100 Aniversario de la Fundación del Reino de León (910-2010) - Primer día de crculación"
6 May 20102 June 2010 - EXFILANDALUS 2010 This item is also listed under Heraldic Cats
ES20100602 PMK 29001 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Heraldic Lion
Lion Semi-couchant Guardant from
Andalucia CoA
"115 Aniversario Circulo de Málaga - 49ª Exposición Filatélica - EXFILANDALUS 2010 - Encuentro Hispano-Británico"
2 June 20104 June 2010 - FIFA World Cup in South Africa ES20100604 FDP 28080 First day postmark - Leopard
Cartoon leopard
Zakumi (FIFA 2010 World Cup Mascot)
"Deportes - Copa Mundial de la FIFA - Sudáfrica 2010 - Primer día de circulación"
4 June 20101 October 2010 - Roots (Exhibition) / 11th Centenary of the Kingdom of León
This item is also listed under Heraldic Cats
ES20101001 PMK 24001 Commemorative postmark - Lion
from the Banner of the Crown of León
"Raíces – Reino de León - 910-2010 - 1100 Aniversario"
1 October 201017-24 October 2010 - EXFILNA 2010 ES20101017_24 PMK 28080 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
"Exfilna 2010 - 50 años de SOFIMA"
17-24 October 2010CC ES20101018 MS 2_49 Miniature sheet 2.49 Lion (on selvedge)
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
MI B2013 April 2011 - Tercentenary of the General Captainry of Aragón
This item is also listed under Heraldic Cats
ES20110403 PMK 50001 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sculpture
from the roof of the Captainry in Zaragoza
Heraldic Lion
Two Lion Sejant Supporters
Crowned Lion Rampant
Captainry CoA
"1711-2011 - III Centenario Capitanía General de Aragón"
3 April 201112 May 2011 - UNESCO World Heritage: The Alhambra ES20110512 ST 2_00 Stamp 2.00 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sculptures
Lion Fountain at the Alhambra in Granada
Round stamp from
ES20110512 MS 2_00
MI 4607ES20110512 MS 2_00 Miniature sheet 2.00 Lion (on stamp)
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sculptures
Lion Fountain at the Alhambra in Granada
Single-stamp MS with
ES20110512 ST 2_00
MI B208ES20110512 FDC 2_00 First day cover 2.00 Lion (on stamp and in cachet)
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sculptures
Lion Fountain at the Alhambra in Granada
Official FDC with
ES20110512 MS 2_00ES20110512 MISC PROOF Souvenir proof print - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sculptures
Lion Fountain at the Alhambra in Granada
Imperforate, monochrome proof print of
ES20110512 MS 2_00
without franking value11 October 2011 - UPAEP: Mailboxes ES20111011 ST 0_80 Stamp 0.80 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Marble mailbox in the form of a Lion
MI 464323 November 2013 - Expofil XIX ES20131123 PMK 38400 Commemorative postmark - Lion
"Expofil XIX - - 10 años en internet - @ - Correos"
Puerto de la Cruz
23 November 2013CC 5 May 2014 - Brand Spain (IV) ES20140505 ST 1_00 Stamp 1.00 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sculptures
Lion Fountain at the Alhambra in Granada
MI 4884BDC ES20140505 FDC 1_00 First day cover 1.00 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sculptures
Lion Fountain at the Alhambra in Granada
Official FDC with
ES20140505 ST 1_00BDC ES20140505 FDP 18001 1 First day postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sculptures
Lion Fountain at the Alhambra in Granada
Machine postmark used at the CPO
"Marca España - Patrimonio - Patio de los Leones (La Alhambra, Granada) - Primer día de circualción"
5 May 2014BDC ES20140505 FDP 18001 2 First day postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sculptures
Lion Fountain at the Alhambra in Granada
Hand canceller used at the presentation ceremony
"P - Patrimonio - ñ - Marca España - Presentación de la emisión - Patio de los Leones (La Alhambra, Granada)"
5 May 20145 May 2014 - 45th Anniversary of Atlético Astorga F.C. ES20140505 PMK 24700 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Club Logo
"Atlético Astorga F.C. - 45 Aniversario - Exp. Fil. A.A.F.Y.C - 009 - Correos"
5 May 2014CC 2 November 2015 - Cástulo Archaeological Site Pictorial Postmark Articles from Diario Jaén and Diario Ideal, both dated 4 February 2016
ES20151102_ PMK 23700 Permanent pictorial postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion statue from Cástulo Archaeological Site
"Conjunto Arqueológico de Cástulo"
Oficina Postal de Linares (Linares PO)
Earliest use reported:
2 November 2015
Latest use reported:
10 February 2016BDC 21 April 2016 - 300 Years of Postal Services in Spain ES20160421 MS 3_00 Miniature sheet 3.00 Lion (on two labels / selvedge)
Wild Cat Art
Mail Box Front from a Madrid Post OfficeES20160421 PMK 28080 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Mail Box Front from a Madrid Post Office
"300 Años de Correos en España - Segunda Centuria 1816-1916 - Presentación de la Emisión"
21 April 2016CC ES20160421 LB 3 Undenominated label - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Mail Box Front from a Madrid Post Office
Upper right hand selvedge label from
ES20160421 MS 3_00ES20160421 LB 5 Undenominated label - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Mail Box Front from a Madrid Post Office
Middle row, right hand selvedge label from
ES20160421 MS 3_0021 April 2016 - 48th Stamp Day ES20160421 FRA A Franking label A
(0.45 on issue)Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
MI AM174ES20160421 FRA A2 Franking label A2
(0.57 on issue)Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
MI AM174ES20160421 FRA B Franking label B
(1.15 on issue)Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
MI AM174ES20160421 FRA C Franking label C
(1.30 on issue)Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
MI AM17428 June 2016 - 300 Years of Postal Services in Spain
Address sideES20160628 PC 3_00 Pre-stamped postcard 3.00 Lion (on picture side)
Wild Cat Art
Mail Box Front from a Madrid Post Office
MI ???26 January 2017 - 12 Months, 12 Stamps Postcard
Picture sideES20170126 PC A Pre-stamped postcard A
(0.50 on issue)European Wildcat (in stamp indicium and (partly) on picture side)
Stamp indicium like
ES20170301 ST A
MI ???1 March 2017 - 12 Months, 12 Stamps: Cáceres ES20170301 ST A Stamp A
(0.50 on issue)European Wildcat
Self-adhesive stamp
MI 5137This item is also listed under Heraldic Cats.
ES20170301 FDC A First day cover A
(0.50 on issue)European Wildcat (on stamp)
Heraldic Lion (in cachet)
Official FDC with
ES20170301 ST A8 March 2017 - Baena Touristic Postmark ES20170308_ PMK 14850 Pictorial postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
The Baena Lioness (VI c. B.C.)
Officina Postal de Baena (Baena PO)
First date of use:
8 March 20172 October 2017 - Andújar Touristic Postmark ES20171002_ PMK 23740 Pictorial postmark - Iberian Lynx
"Parque Natural Sierra de Andújar"
Officina Postal de Andújar (Andújar PO)
First date of use:
2 October 201731 January 2018 - 12 Months, 12 Stamps Postcard This item also shows a Domestic cat
Address sideES20180131 PC A Pre-stamped postcard A
(0.55 on issue)Lion (on picture side)
Wild Cat Art
Lion statue outside Toledo Cathedral
MI ???BPB 19 April 2018 - 50th Stamp Day The postmark for this event shows Heraldic Lions
ES20180419 FRA A Franking label A
(0.55 on issue)Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
MI AM190ES20180419 FRA A2 Franking label A2
(0.65 on issue)Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
MI AM190ES20180419 FRA B Franking label B
(1.35 on issue)Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
MI AM190ES20180419 FRA C Franking label C
(1.45 on issue)Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
MI AM1903 May 2018 - 12 Months, 12 Stamps: Toledo The FDC of this issue is listed under Heraldic Cats
ES20180503 ST A Stamp A
(0.55 on issue)Lion (on picture side)
Wild Cat Art
Lion statue outside Toledo Cathedral
MI ???BPB 5 July 2018 - Rural Architecture: Mallorca ES20180705 SH 12xA2 Sheetlet 12 x A2
(7.80 / 12 x 0.65 on issue)Lion (on sevedge)
Wild Cat Art
Lion statues at Raixa Estate in Serra de Tramuntana
MI KB???ES20180705 FDC A2 First day cover A2 Lion (in cachet)
Wild Cat Art
Lion statues at Raixa Estate in Serra de Tramuntana
Official FDCBPB 10 September 2018 - The Generation of the 80s ES20180910 ST 0_55 Stamp 0.55 Ocelot
Oddly-shaped stamp from
ES20180910 MS 4_00
MI ???BPB ES20180910 MS 4_00 Miniature sheet 4.00
+ 0.65
+ 1.35
+ 1.45)Ocelot (on one stamp)
4-stamp MS with
ES20180910 ST 0_55
and 3 other stamps
Picture sideES20180910 PC A Pre-stamped postcard A
(0.55 on issue)Ocelot (in stamp-indicium)
stamp indicium with design like
ES20180910 ST 0_55
MI ???BPB ES20180910 FDP 28080 First day postmark - Ocelot
"Félix Rodriguez de la Fuente - Tecnología de la vida cotidiana - Viva la democracia - España Membro CEE - La generación de los 80 - Primer día de circulación - Viva!"
10 September 2018DL 9 November 2018 - 40th Anniversary of the Constitution ES20181109 ST A Stamp A
(0.55 on issue)Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulpture outside the Parliament
MI 5312This item is also listed under Heraldic Cats
ES20181109 FDC A First day cover A
(0.55 on issue)Lion (on stamp)
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulpture outside the Parliament
Heraldic Lion
Spanish CoA
Official FDC with
ES20181109 ST A15 March 2019 - 50th Anniversary of Atlético Astorga Football Club ES20190315 PMK 24700 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Jubillee Logo with Lion from club logo
"50 - 008 - Correos - Atlético Astorga FC - 1969-2019 - 50 anniversario - exfile - LIV"
15 March 201914 June 2019 - Centenary of the Palace of Communications
This issue also includes Heraldic Cats
ES20190614 MS 5_20 Miniature sheet 5.20 Lion (on sevedge)
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
Single-stamp MS
MI B326ES20190614 MISC PROOF Souvenir proof print -
(Sale price 18.00)Lion (on sevedge)
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sclulptures
Cybele Fountain, Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid
Artist's proof print sold by the Philatelic Service2 January 2020 - Tourism: Sightseeing Routes on Two or Four Wheels ES20200102 ST 1_55 Stamp 1.55 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Statue from Madrid
Lion Fountain at the Alhambra in Granada
MI 541024 July 2020 - 30th Anniversary of Tragsatec ES20200724 FDC 1_55 First day cover 1.55 Cheetah (in cachet)
Official FDC21 September 2020 - The 2010s' Generation An item in this issue also shows a Heraldic Lion
ES20200921 FDP 28080 First day postmark - Leopard
Cartoon leopard
Zakumi (FIFA 2010 World Cup Mascot)
"La generación de la década del 2010 - Tarjeta prefranqueada - Primer día de circulación - JMJ 2011 Madrid - Star Wars"
21 September 202021 March 2021 - Museums ES20210321 ST 1_50 Stamp 1.50 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Marble mailbox in the form of a Lion
MI ???ES20210321 FDC 1_50 First day cover Lion (on satmp and postmark)
Wild Cat Art
Marble mailbox in the form of a Lion
Official FDC with
ES20210321 ST 1_50ES20210326 FDP 28080 1 First day postmark Lion
Wild Cat Art
Marble mailbox in the form of a Lion
"Museos - Museo Postal y Telegráfico - Primer día de circulación"
26 March 202114 May 2021 - EUROPA: Endangered Species ES20210514 ST B Stamp B
(1.50 on issue)Iberian Lynx
Stylized Iberian Lynx
MI ???ES20210514 FDC B First day cover B
(1.50 on issue)Iberian Lynx (on stamp, postmark, and in cachet)
Stylized Iberian Lynx
Official FDC with
ES20210514 ST BES20210514 PC B Pre-stamped postcard B
(1.50 on issue)Iberian Lynx (on stamp indicium, and on picture side)
Stylized Iberian Lynx
MI P???ES20210514 FDP 28080 1 First day postmark - Iberian Lynx
Stylized Iberian Lynx
"Fauna nacional en peligro de extinción - Lince - Europa - Primer día de circulación"
Machine postmark used on
ES20210514 FDC B
14 May 2021ES20210514 FDP 28080 2 First day postmark - Iberian Lynx
Stylized Iberian Lynx
"Tarjeta prefranqueada Europa - Fauna nacional en peligro de extinción - Lince - Primer día de circulación - Europa"
Hand canceller used to postmark
ES20210514 PC B
14 May 2021List compiled by Geir Arveng with additional information from Jordi Claret, Greg Balagian, Shaun Stevens, Marci Jarvis,
Felix Perez, Patrick Roberts, Jørgen Kristiansen, Bjørn Arveng, TS Tan, Isabella d'Onfrio, Angel Nieto, and the Catálago
de matsellos Espñoles.
Latest update: 15 September, 2024