Stamps inscribed 'Algérie' and 'RF', 'République Française', '
' or '
', 'E.A.', 'Etat Algérienne' or 'République Algérienne'.
1925 - 1958 French Colonial / Overseas Territories issues
1958 - 1962 French stamps used
1962 -> Independent Algeria
From 1925: 1 Franc = 100 Centimes
From 1960: 1 New Franc = 100 Centimes (= 100 Old Francs)
From 1964: 1 Dinar (DZD) = 100 Santeem (=1 New Franc)
Checklists > Countries > Algeria Heraldic Cats List status: Incomplete / Under Construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Issue Item code Item type Face value Remarks SC 1942 - 45 Definitives - Coats of Arms DZ19420000 ST 0_10 Stamp 0.10Heraldic Lion
Colonial CoA of Algiers
YT 184DZ19420000 ST 0_30 Stamp 0.30Heraldic Lion
Colonial CoA of Oran
YT 185DZ19420000 ST 0_60 1 Stamp 0.60Heraldic Lion
Colonial CoA of Oran
Perf. 12, with engraver's mark
MI 183IA
YT 176DZ19420000 ST 0_60 2 Stamp 0.60Heraldic Lion
Colonial CoA of Oran
Perf. 14:13.5, no engraver's mark
YT 187DZ19420000 ST 0_80 Stamp 0.80Heraldic Lion
Colonial CoA of Algiers
YT 189DZ19420000 ST 1_50 1
* Proof on Bristol board
* Proof on Bristol board
Stamp 1.50Heraldic Lion
Colonial CoA of Algiers
Perf. 12, with engraver's mark
MI 187IA
YT 178DL DZ19420000 ST 1_50 2 Stamp 1.50Heraldic Lion
Colonial CoA of Algiers
Perf. 14:13.5, no engraver's mark
YT 191DZ19420000 ST 2_00 1 Stamp 2.00Heraldic Lion
Colonial CoA of Oran
Perf. 12, with engraver's mark
MI 183IA
YT 179DZ19420000 ST 2_00 2 Stamp 2.00Heraldic Lion
Colonial CoA of Oran
Perf. 12, with engraver's mark
MI Unlisted
YT 179ADZ19420000 ST 2_00 2 Stamp 2.00Heraldic Lion
Colonial CoA of Oran
Perf. 12, with engraver's mark
MI Unlisted
YT 179BDZ19420000 ST 2_00 4 Stamp 2.00Heraldic Lion
Colonial CoA of Oran
Perf. 14:13.5, no engraver's mark
YT 192DZ19420000 ST 3_00 1 Stamp 3.00Heraldic Lion
Colonial CoA of Algiers
Perf. 12, with engraver's mark
MI 190IA
YT 181DZ19420000 ST 3_00 2 Stamp 3.00Heraldic Lion
Colonial CoA of Algiers
Perf. 14:13.5, no engraver's mark
YT 194DZ19420000 ST 4_50 Stamp 4.50Heraldic Lion
Colonial CoA of Oran
YT 195DZ19420000 ST 5_00
* Double impression
* Parchment paper
* Printing on verso, imp.
* Proof on Bristol board
Stamp 5.00Heraldic Lion
Colonial CoA of Oran
MI 193IA
YT 1831943 Definitives - Coats of Arms (overprint) DZ19430000 ST 2_00 1 Stamp 2.00 on 5.00Heraldic Lion
Colonial CoA of Oran
Un-issued stamp, overprinted
MI 195
YT 197DZ19430000 ST 2_00 2 Stamp 2.00 on 5.00Heraldic Lion
Colonial CoA of Oran
Un-issued stamp, double overprint
MI unlisted
YT 197bDZ19430000 ST 5_00 Stamp 5.00Heraldic Lion
Colonial CoA of Oran
Un-issued stamp, missing overprint
MI 195F
YT 197dDZ19430000 IMP 2_00 1 Imperforate stamp 2.00 on 5.00Heraldic Lion
Colonial CoA of Oran
Imperforate version of
DZ19430000 ST 2_00 1
MI unlisted
YT 197aDZ19430000 IMP 2_00 2 Imperforate stamp 2.00 on 5.00Heraldic Lion
Colonial CoA of Oran
Imperforate version of
DZ19430000 ST 2_00 2
MI unlisted
YT 197cDZ19430000 IMP 5_00 1 Stamp 5.00Heraldic Lion
Colonial CoA of Oran
Imperforate version of
DZ19430000 ST 5_00
MI Unlisted
YT 197eDZ19430000 IMP 5_00 2 Stamp 5.00Heraldic Lion
Colonial CoA of Oran
Imperforate version of
DZ19430000 ST 5_00
printed on both sides (recto-verso)
MI Unlisted
YT 197f1946 Definitives - Coats of Arms (overprint) DZ19460000 ST 0_50 1 Stamp 0.50 on 1.50Heraldic Lion
Colonial CoA of Algiers
DZ19420000 ST 1_50 2 overprinted
MI 246
YT 247DZ19460000 ST 0_50 2 Stamp 0.50 on 1.50Heraldic Lion
Colonial CoA of Algiers
DZ19420000 ST 1_50 2 with upside-down overprint
MI Unlisted
YT 247aDZ19460000 ST 0_50 3 Stamp 0.50 on 1.50Heraldic Lion
Colonial CoA of Algiers
DZ19420000 ST 1_50 2 with double overprint
MI Unlisted
YT 247b1947 Definitives - Coats of Arms DZ19470000 ST 0_50 Stamp 0.50Heraldic Lion
Colonial CoA of Algiers
MI 262
YT 255M DZ19470000 ST 1_00 Stamp 1.00Heraldic Lion
Colonial CoA of Oran
MI 263
YT 256M DZ19470000 ST 1_50 Stamp 1.50Heraldic Lion
Colonial CoA of Algiers
MI 265
YT 258M DZ19470000 ST 2_00 Stamp 2.00Heraldic Lion
Colonial CoA of Oran
MI 266
YT 259M DZ19470000 ST 3_00 Stamp 1.50Heraldic Lion
Colonial CoA of Algiers
MI 268
YT 261M DZ19470000 ST 3_50 Stamp 3.50Heraldic Lion
Colonial CoA of Oran
MI 269
YT 262M
ILMDZ19470000 ST 4_50 Stamp 4.50Heraldic Lion
Colonial CoA of Algiers
MI 271
YT 264M DZ19470000 ST 6_00 Stamp 6.00Heraldic Lion
Colonial CoA of Oran
MI 273
YT 265M
ILS1948 Definitives - Coats of Arms DZ19480000 ST 5_00 Stamp 5.00Heraldic Lion
Colonial CoA of Algiers
MI 272
YT 184DZ19481103 ST 8_00 Stamp 8.00Heraldic Lion
Colonial CoA of Oran
MI 274
YT 1841949 Definitives - Coats of Arms DZ19490300 ST 15_00 Stamp 15.00Heraldic Lion
Colonial CoA of Algiers
MI 276
YT 184ILS 1956 Definitives - Coats of Arms DZ19560000 ST 1_00 Stamp 1.00Heraldic Lion
Colonial CoA of Bône (presently Annaba)
MI 355
YT 1841956 Precancels DZ19560000 PRE 1_00 Precancelled stamp 1.00Heraldic Lion
Colonial CoA of Bône (presently Annaba)
DZ19560000 ST 1_00
overprinted "AFFRANCHts POSTES" in a half-circle
MI 355V
YT 1841957 Definitives - Coats of Arms DZ19571209 ST 6_00 Stamp 6.00Heraldic Lion
Colonial CoA of Algiers
Inscribed 'RF'
MI 358
YT 1841958 Definitives - Coats of Arms I DZ19580301 ST 12_00 Stamp 12.00Heraldic Lion
Colonial CoA of Orléansville (presently Chief)
MI 359
YT 184DZ19580301 MC 12_00 Maximum Card 12.00Heraldic Lion (on stamp and postcard)
Colonial CoA of Orléansville (presently Chief)1958 Definitives - Coats of Arms II DZ19580700 ST 6_00 Stamp 6.00Heraldic Lion
Colonial CoA of Algiers
Inscribed 'République Française'
MI 358
YT 184
1958 - 1962 French stamps used - postmarks listed under France Heraldic Cats
1973 Millenium of Algiers DZ19731222 ST 2_00 Stamp 2.00Heraldic Lions
CoA of Algiers
MI 618
YT 1842013 22nd African Regional Interpol Conference DZ20130910 ST 38_00 Stamp 38.00Heraldic Lions
Stylized Lions Sejant
MI ???
YT ???M
ILMDZ20130910 FDC 38_00 First Day Cover 38.00Heraldic Lions (on stamp and cachet)
Stylized Lions SejantCC Compiled by Geir Arveng with additional information from Elisabeth Hallsjö and Marci Jarvis.
Latest update: 27 December, 2015