Stamps inscribed 'Algérie' and 'RF', 'République Française', '
' or
'', 'E.A.', 'Etat Algérienne' or 'République Algérienne'.
1925 - 1958 French Colonial / Overseas Territories issues
1958 - 1962 French stamps used
1962 -> Independent Algeria
From 1925: 1 Franc = 100 Centimes
From 1960: 1 New Franc = 100 Centimes (= 100 Old Francs)
From 1964: 1 Dinar (DZD) = 100 Santeem (=1 New Franc)
Checklists > Countries > Algeria Wild Cats Also see Algeria Mythic Cats
Algeria Heraldic CatsList status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Issue Item code Item type Face valueRemarks SC1968 Roman Mosaics DZ19681123 ST 0_40 Stamp 0.40 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Hunting Scene, Roman Mosaic, Djemila (1.-2. c.)
MI 5121972 UNESCO - 'Save Venice' See Algeria Mythic Cats 1980 Dionysian Mosaics DZ19800214 ST 1_20 Stamp 1.20 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Dionysian Procession
Roman Mosaic
Setif, Algeria (1.-2. c.)
part of a se-tenant strip of three stamps forming a composite design
MI 748M DZ19800214 ST 1_35 Stamp 1.35 Tiger (front parts)
Wild Cat Art
Dionysian Procession
Roman Mosaic
Setif, Algeria. 1.-2. c.
part of a se-tenant strip of three stamps forming a composite design
MI 749DZ19800214 ST 1_40 Stamp 1.40 Tiger (hind parts)
Wild Cat Art
Dionysian Procession
Roman Mosaic
Setif, Algeria. 1.-2. c.
part of a se-tenant strip of three stamps forming a composite design
MI 750DZ19800214 TEN 3_95 Se-tenant strip 3.95 Lion (on one stamp)
Tiger (on two stamps)
Wild Cat Art
Dionysian Procession
Roman Mosaic
Setif, Algeria. 1.-2. c.
Se-tenant strip of three stamps forming a composite design
MI 748-7501986 Wild Felines DZ19860123 ST 0_80 Stamp 0.80 Sand Cat
MI 900DZ19860123 ST 1_00 Stamp 1.00 Caracal
MI 901DZ19860123 ST 2_00 Stamp 2.00 African Wild Cat
MI 902DZ19860123 ST 2_40 Stamp 2.40 Serval
MI 903DZ19860123 FDC 6_20 First Day Cover 6.20 Sand Cat
African Wild Cat
ServalDZ19860123 FDP 31000 First Day Postmark - Sand Cat
Oran / وهران
23 January 19862003 Roman Mosaics DZ20030917 ST 24_00 Stamp 24.00 Leopard
Wild Cat Art
Hunting Scene, Roman Mosaic, Djemila (1.-2. c.)
MI 14022005 Cheetahs DZ20050720 ST 15 Stamp 15.00 Cheetah
Tassili Cheetah
MI 1465DZ20050720 ST 30 Stamp 30.00 Cheetah
Tassili Cheetah
MI 1466DZ20050720 FDC First Day Cover 45.00 Cheetah
Tassili CheetahDZ20050720 FDP 16000 First Day Postmark - Tassili Cheetah
"1èr jour - Guepard du Tassili" and same text in Arabic
Alger / الجزائر
20 July 20052012 Roman Mosaics DZ20121218 ST 20_00 Stamp 20.00 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Hunting Scene, Roman Mosaic, Mosaic Museum, Algiers
MI 1711Stamp DZ20161214 ST 50_00 Stamp 50.00 Lion
Atlas Lion
MI ???ILM Compiled by Geir Arveng with valuable information from Greg Balagian, Robert Stambouli and Ahmed Benzine.
Latest update: 13 March, 2017