Stamps inscribed 'Brasil'
1843 ->
From 1843: 1 Real (pl. Réis)
From 1942: 1 Cruzeiro (BRZ) = 100 Centavos (=1000 Réis)
From 1967: 1 New Cruzeiro (BRB) = 100 Centavos (=1000 BRZ)
From 1986: 1 Cruzado (BRC) = 100 Centavos (=1000 BRB)
From 1989: 1 New Cruzado (BRN) = 100 Centavos (=1000 BRC)
From 1990: 1 Cruzeiro (BRE) = 100 Centavos (=1 BRN)
From 1993: 1 Cruzeiro Real (BRR) = 100 Centavos (=1000 BRE)
From 1994: 1 Real (BRL) = 100 Centavos (=2750 BRR)
Checklists > Countries > Brazil Wild Cats Also see Brazil Domestic CatsList status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Issue Item code Item type Face valueRemarks SC 1965 12th Convention of Brazilian Lions Clubs BR19650514 ST 35_00 Stamp 35.00Lions Club Emblem
MI 1077M 1967 50th Anniversary of Lions International BR19670509 ST 0_06 Stamp 0.06Lions Club Emblem
MI 11341973 Fauna and Flora BR19731228 ST 0_70 Stamp 0.70Jaguar
MI 14161977 25th Anniversary of Lions in Brazil BR19770416 ST 1_10 Stamp 1.10Lions Club Emblem
MI 15861979 BRASILIANA 79 International Philatelic Exhibition BR19790915 ST 12_00 Stamp 12.00Lions
Wild Cat Art
Lion Statues
Boa Vista Fountain in Recife
MI 17331981 Death Centenary of the Painter Félix Émile Taunay (1795-1881) BR19810410 ST 30_00 Stamp 30.00Jaguar
Wild Cat Art
Piece from "The Hunter and the Jaguar"
Stamp from MS
MI 1816BR19810410 MS 30_00 Miniature Sheet 30.00Jaguar (on stamp and selvedge - consecutive design)
Wild Cat Art
"The Hunter and the Jaguar"
Single-stamp MS
MI B461984 Lubrapex '84 - Portugese-Brazilian Philatelic Exhibition, Lisbon BR19840509 ST 585_00
Stamp 585.00Lion
Wild Cat Art
Chinoiserie - Embellishment of the pipe organ of the Cathedral of Mariana, MG (18th c.)
MI 2037BR19840509 ST 620_00
Stamp 620.00Lion
Wild Cat Art
Chinoiserie - Embellishment of the pipe organ of the Cathedral of Mariana, MG (18th c.)
MI 20371984 Nature Preservation BR19840605 ST 65_00 2 Stamp 65.00Jaguar
MI 2042BR19840605 MC 65_00 2 Maximum Card 65.00Jaguar 1992 UNESCO World Heritage Site: Serra da Capivara National Park BR19920717 ST 550 1 Stamp 550Jaguar
MI 24892000 500th Anniversary of the Finding of Brazil BR20000422 ST 0_45 6 Stamp 0.45Jaguar
MI 30122000 Environmental Protection BR20000605 ST 0_40 2 Stamp 0.40Tiger Cat
MI 3042BR20000605 ST 0_40 3 Stamp 0.40Tiger Cat
MI 3043BR20000605 ST 0_40 4 Stamp 0.40Tiger Cat
MI 3044BR20000605 TEN 1_60 Se-tenant block of 4 1.60Tiger Cat
MI 3041-30442001 Lunar New Year: Year of the Snake BR20010124 ST 1_45 Stamp 1.45Tiger
Year of the Tiger
MI 31312002 Lunar New Year - Year of the Horse BR20020125 ST 1_45 Stamp 1.45Tiger
Year of the Tiger
MI 32172002 Childrens' Festival "Cavalhadinha in Pirenópolis, Goiás" BR20020519 ST 0_40 3 Stamp 0.40Jaguar Mask (cartoonish)
MI 32392002 Ecological Surveilance System for the Amazon (SIVAM) BR20020725 ST 1_10 Stamp 1.10Jaguar
MI 32622004 (?) Regional Postal Stationary BR20040000 AEG NVI 3 Aerogramme (internal) NVI (inland postage)Jaguar 2007 Brazilian Zoos BR20071005 ST 0_60 2 Stamp 0.60Tiger
MI 3515BR20071005 ST 0_60 4 Stamp 0.60Lion
MI 3517M BR20071005 FDP 88100 First Day Postmark -Unidentified Spotted Wild Cat 2009 Year of the Ox BR20090115 ST 2_35 Stamp 2.35Tiger
Year of the Tiger
MI 35752010 Flora and Fauna of Pantanal BR20100629 ST 1CC Stamp 1 CC
(1.05 on issue)Jaguar
MI 38092010 Diplomatic Relations with Zambia BR20101024 ST 1_05 1 Stamp 1.05Leopard
MI 3857BR20101024 ST 1_05 3 Stamp 1.05Lion
MI 3859MC BR20101024 FDP 70300000 First Day Postmark -Lion
"Série Relações Diplomaticas - Brasil - Zambia - 1° Dia de Circulação - Correios"
Brasilia DF
24 October 2010MC 2012 Fauna BR20120605 ST 1CC 1 Stamp 1 CC
(1.10 on issue)Jaguarundi
MI 4025BR20120605 ST 1CC 2 Stamp 1 CC
(1.10 on issue)Ocelot
MI 4026BR20120605 FDC 2x1CC First Day Cover 2 x 1CC
(2.20 on issue)Jaguarundi
Ocelot (on one stamp each, cachet and postmark)
Official FDC with both stampsBR20120605 FDP 79000000 First Day Postmark -Jaguarundi
"Animais da Fauna Brasileira - 1° dia de Circulação - Correios"
Campo Grande - MS
5 June 2012Compiled by Geir Arveng with additional information from Marci Jarvis, Nahum Shereshevsky, T.S.Tan, Greg Balagian and
Valerie Kramer.
Latest update: 11 February 2014