Stamps inscribed 'Brasil'
1843 ->
From 1843: 1 Real (pl. Réis)
From 1942: 1 Cruzeiro (BRZ) = 100 Centavos (=1000 Réis)
From 1967: 1 New Cruzeiro (BRB) = 100 Centavos (=1000 BRZ)
From 1986: 1 Cruzado (BRC) = 100 Centavos (=1000 BRB)
From 1989: 1 New Cruzado (BRN) = 100 Centavos (=1000 BRC)
From 1990: 1 Cruzeiro (BRE) = 100 Centavos (=1 BRN)
From 1993: 1 Cruzeiro Real (BRR) = 100 Centavos (=1000 BRE)
From 1994: 1 Real (BRL) = 100 Centavos (=2750 BRR)
Checklists > Countries > Brazil Domestic Cats List status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Issue Item code Item type Face valueRemarks SC 1993 150th Anniversary of Brazilian Stamps BR19930801 NVI 4 Stamp NVI (9600 at time of issue) Cartoon Cat
Monica and Her Friends
MI 25371994 Centenary of the Publication of the First Brazilian Children's Book BR19941005 ST 0_12 1 Stamp 0.12 Cartoon Cat
Cats in Literature
"Ms Cockroach" from "Contos da Carochinha" by Alberto Figueiredo Pimentel (1869-1914)
Four stamps in set issued se-tenantly
MI 2618BR19941005 ST 0_12 2 Stamp 0.12 Cartoon Cat
Cats in Literature
"Hansel and Gretel" from
"Contos da Carochinha" by Alberto Figueiredo Pimentel (1869-1914)
Four stamps in set issued se-tenantly
MI 2619BR19941005 ST 0_84 2 Stamp 0.84Cartoon Cat
"Puss in Boots"
Cats in Literature
"Contos da Carochinha" by Alberto Figueiredo Pimentel (1869-1914)
Four stamps in set issued se-tenantly
MI 26211994 Christmas BR19941201 ST 0_12 2 Stamp 0.12Cartoon Cat
MI 26301998 Brazilian Domestic Animal Breeds BR19981120 ST 0_22 5 Stamp 0.22Brazilian Shorthair
Imperforate, self-adhesive stamp
Stamp from booklet
MI 2921BR19981120 BK 2_20
Booklet / Self-adhesive sheetlet 2.20Brazilian Shorthair
Booklet with 10 self-adhesive, imperforate stamps - 2 x
BR19981120 ST 0_22 5
and 2 of each of the other 4 stamps in series
MI FB2917-29212000 Inland Greetings Aerogramme BR20000000 AEG PP 1
Aerogramme Inland PPCartoon Cat (inside)
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know2000 "The Future on Stamps" - Painting Competition for Children BR20000101 ST 0_22__0_08 4 Semi-postal stamp 0.22
+ 0.08Cat Drawing
"Beloved Earth" by Jonas Sampaio de Freitas
MI 29932000 Olympic Sports BR20000923 ST 0_40 32 Stamp 0.40Cartoon Cat
MI 30702004 Greeting Stamps BR20040125 ST NVI 3 Stamp Inland Private Mail (0.50 at time of issue)Cartoon Cats (mother and kittens)
Greeting stamp with peronalizable label issued in sheets of 20 stamps sold at 21.00
MI 33512005 100th Birth Anniversary Nise de Silveira BR20050215 ST 0_55 Stamp 0.55Unspecified Breed
MI 3398List compiled by Geir Arveng with valuable information from Patrick Roberts and Marci Jarvis
Latest update: 6 November, 2015