Stamps inscribed 'Australia'
< - 1913 See individual Australian states
1913 - Independent issues
From 1913: 1 Australian Pound = 20 Shillings, 1 Shilling = 12 Pence
From 1967: 1 Dollar (AUD) = 100 Cents (= 10 Shillings)
Checklists > Countries > Australia Wild Cats List status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Item Code Item type Face value Remarks SC 1963 - Esso Meter Frank AU1963 MF ESSO 3000 Meter Frank - Tiger
"EssoVitane - Puts a Tiger in your Tank - Esso"
Melbourne, VIC
Machine no. W87
Earliest use reported:
1 February 1963
Latest use reported:
1 February 1963
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know1963 - McFarlane and Burns Meter Frank AU1963 MF MCFA 6530 Meter Frank - Tiger
"Tiger Products - Waxed Lunch Wraps - McFarlane and Burns (W.A.) Pty. Ltd."
Ceraldton, WA
Machine no. N-XL2
Earliest use reported:
15 April 1963
Latest use reported:
15 April 1963
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know1963 Esso Meter Frank AU1965 MF ESSO 2000 Meter Frank - Tiger
"Put a Tiger in your Tank - Esso"
Sydney, NSW
Machine no. D.Z.1
Earliest use reported:
2 September 1965
Latest use reported:
21 October 1965
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know1967 50th Anniversary of Lions International AU19670607 ST 0_04 Stamp 0.04 Lions Club Emblem M 1972 20th National Convention of Lions International AU19720508 PMK 6000 Commemorative postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"Lions International Multiple Districts 201 - 20th Convention"
Perth, WA 6000
8 May 1972DL 1985 Colonialization III - Shipwreck Findings AU19851002 ST 0_50 Stamp 0.50 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Jug decorated with Lions
From German ship Vergulde Draeck
MI 9521990 Penrith Panters Meter Frank AU1990 MF PEPA 2750 Meter frank - Panther
"Panthers - Your World of Entertainment - Home of Penrith Rugby League Club Limited - Mulgoa Road Penrith - (047 31 5555"
Machine no. PS1466
Earliest use reported:
11 April 1990
Latest use reported:
11 April 1990
If you have further informations on the dates of use of this item, please let us know.1991 74th Lions International Convention in Brisbane AU19910617 PSE 0_43
PSE Back
Pre-stamped envelope 0.43 Lions Club Emblem (on cachet) AU19910617 FDC 0_43 First Day Cover 0.43 Lions Club Emblem (on cachet) CC 1994 ZOOs - Endangered Species AU19940928 ST 0_45 3 Stamp 0.45 Cheetah
Gummed stamp from sheetsAU19940928 ST 0_45 6 Stamp 0.45 Cheetah
Self-adhesive stamp from coil or bookletAU19940928 BK 4_50 Booklet 4.50 Cheetah (stamp)
Tiger (on cover)
Booklet with 10 self-adhesive stamps, whereof 4 x CheetahAU19940928 MS 2_80 Miniature Sheet 2.80 Cheetah
MS comprising full set (5 stamps) (also see ovpt. MSs further downAU19940928 PSE 0_45 1 Pre-stamped Envelope 0.45 Leopard
Melbourne ZooAU19940928 FDC PSE 0_45 1 First Day Cover/Pre-stamped Envelope 0.45 Leopard
Melbourne Zoo
Parkville VICCC AU19940930 MS 2_80 Miniature Sheet 2.80 Cheetah
AU19940928 MS 2_80
overprinted "SYDNEY STAMP AND COIN SHOW 30/9/94 TO 2/10/94“AU19941021 MS 2_80 Miniature Sheet 2.80 Cheetah
AU19940928 MS 2_80 overprinted "Brisbane Stamp Show Zoos October 21-23 1994“AU19941027 MS 2_80 Miniature Sheet 2.80 Cheetah
AU19940928 MS 2_80 overprinted "Stampshow ’94 Melbourne October 27-30 National/State Centennial Exhibition 1894-1994“AU19941105 MS 2_80 Miniature Sheet 2.80 Cheetah
AU19940928 MS 2_80 overprinted "STAMP SHOW ’94 Fremantle Convention Centre 5-6 November 1994“1994 Fishers Ghost Festival AU19941100 BK 4_50 Booklet 4.50 Cheetah (stamp)
Tiger (on cover)
Booklet with 10 self-adhesive stamps, whereof 4 x Cheetah1994 S.C.D.A.A. Christmas Dinner AU19941200 BK 4_50 Booklet 4.50 Cheetah (stamp)
Tiger (on cover)
Booklet with 10 self-adhesive stamps, whereof 4 x Cheetah23 April 1996 - 16 September 2008 - Richmond Tigers Permanent Pictorial Postmark AU19960423_ PMK 3121 Permanent pictorial postmark - Tiger
Richmond Tigers Logo
"Home of the Tigers - Richmond Footbal Club"
Richmond, VIC 3121
First day of use:
23 April 1996
Last day of use:
16 September 20084 July 1996 - Children's Book Council Awards The postcard also pictures a Domestic Cat
AU19960704 ST 0_45 1 Stamp 0.45 Lion
Wild Cats in Literature
"Animalia" by Graeme Base
Gummed stampCC AU19960704 ST 0_45 5 Stamp 0.45 Lion
Wild Cats in Literature
"Animalia" by Graeme Base
Self-adhesive stampCC AU19960704 PPC 0_45 1 Pre-paid Postcard / Maximum Card WW postage paid Lion (on stamp and picture side)
Tiger (on picture side)
Wild Cats in Literature
"Animalia" by Graeme Base
The card also pictures a domestic catM 1997 50th Anniversary of Lions International in Australia AU19970417 ST 0_45 Stamp 0.45 Lions Club Emblem AU19970417 FDC 0_45
FDC Back
First Day Cover 0.45Lions Club Emblem (on stamp and postmark) CC AU19970417 FDP 2480 First Day Postmark - Lions Club Emblem
Lismore, NSV 2480
17 April 1997CC 1998 Year of the Tiger AU19980100_19990113 PMK 2166 Commemorative Postmark - Tiger
"Year of the Tiger"
Cabramatta, NSW 2166
Earliest use reported:
5 January 1998
Last day of use:
13 January 1999
If you know the first date of use for this postmark, please let us knowAU19980200 PMK 3000 Commemorative Postmark - Tiger
"China Town - Year of the Tiger"
Lt. Bourke St., Melbourne, VIC 3000
Earliest use reported:
5 February 1998
Latest use reported:
5 February 1998
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us know200? Australian Unadopted Essays AU200X MISC SS 6 Souvenir Sheet (no franking value) - Lions Club Emblem
Australian Unadopted Essays Souvenir Sheet no. 6 [of 12], showing 4 essays for the 1967 50th Anniversary of Lions International
If you know the issue date for this itme, please let us knowM 2004 Lion King AU20040401 SH 5_00 Pre-personalised Stamp Sheet (issued by Australia Post) 5.00 Cartoon Lions
Characters from Disney's The Lion King
Lion on 5 of 10 labels and on selvedgeAU20040401 LB 1 Pre-personalised Stamp Label - Cartoon Lion
MustafaCC AU20040401 LB 2 Pre-personalised Stamp Label - Cartoon Lion
Nala, looking sharply leftCC AU20040401 LB 7 Pre-personalised Stamp Label -Cartoon Lion
ScarAU20040401 LB 9 Pre-personalised Stamp Label -Cartoon Lion
Nala (full face, slightly turned)AU20040401 LB 10 Pre-personalised Stamp Label -Cartoon Lion
SimbaAU20040401 FDC 0_50 1 First Day Cover 0.50Cartoon Lion
MustafaCC AU20040401 FDC 0_50 2 First Day Cover 0.50Cartoon Lion
Nala, looking sharply leftCC AU20040401 FDC 0_50 7 First Day Cover 0.50Cartoon Lion
ScarAU20040401 FDC 0_50 9 First Day Cover 0.50Cartoon Lion
Nala (full face, slightly turned)AU20040401 FDC 0_50 10 First Day Cover 0.50Cartoon Lion
SimbaAU20040401 FDP 2480 First Day Postmark -Lions Club Emblem CC 2004 52nd Convention of Lions International AU20040503 PMK 4870
On comm. cover
Commemorative postmark -Lions Club Emblem
"Multiple District 201 - 52nd Convention"
Cairns QLD 4870CC 2005 54th Convention of Lions International AU20050513_16 PMK 4210
On comm. cover
Commemorative postmark -Lions Club Emblem
"Lions Club International Mutiple District 201 - 54th Convention"
Broadbeach, Gold Coast, QLD. 4210
13-16 May 20662005 Zodiac Booklets AU20050620 BK 10_95 5
Pane 1
Pane 2
Pane 3
Pane 4
Pane 5
Prestige Booklet 10.95Lion
Zodiac Leo
MI MH???AU20050620 LB 5 LEO Prepersonalised label -Lion
Zodiac Leo2006 AFL Prestige Booklets AU20060320 BK 12_95 2 Booklet 12.95 (franking value 6.00) Brisbane Lions
SG SP842007 55th Australian Lions' National Convention AU20070517_18 PMK 2000 Commemmorative Postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"55th National Convention of the Lions Multiple Districts 201"
Sydney, NSW 2000
17-18 May 20072008 56th Australian Lions' National Convention AU20080516_19 PMK 0800 Commemmorative Postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"Australian Lions 56th National Convention"
Darwin, NT 0800
16-19 May 200817 September 2008 - Richmond Tigers Permanent Pictorial Postmark AU20080917_ PMK 3121 Permanent pictorial postmark - Tiger
"Home of the Tigers - Richmond Footbal Club"
Richmond, VIC 3121
First day of use:
17 September 2008
Last day of use:
Still in use1 May 2009 - 57th National Lions Club Convention AU20090501 PMK 3000 Commemmorative Postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"57th National Convention - Lions Multiple Districts 201"
Melbourne, VIC 3000
1 May 20092010 Year of the Tiger Postmarks (for the stamp issue, see Christmas Island) AU20120112_ PMK 2000 Permanent pictorial postmark - Tiger
Year of the Tiger
"China Town - Year of the Tiger"
Haymarket NSW 2000
Used from 12 January until [date unknown]
If you know the last day of use for this postmark, please let us know.AU20120112_ PMK 2166 Permanent Pictorial Postmark - Tiger
Year of the Tiger
"China Town - Year of the Tiger"
Cabramatta NSW 2166
Used from 12 January until [date unknown]
If you know the last day of use for this postmark, please let us know.AU20100112 PMK 3000 Permanent Pictorial Postmark - Tiger
Year of the Tiger
"China Town - Year of the Tiger"
Burke St., Melbourne, Vic. 3000
Used from 12 January until [date unknown]
If you know the last day of use for this postmark, please let us know.2010 Lions Clubs International Convention, Sydney AU20100628 PSE NVI 1
PSE Back
Pre-stamped envelope PP
(0.60 on issue - sold at 0.70)Lions Club Emblem (on stamp indicium and in cachet)
Small emblemM AU20100628 PSE NVI 2 Pre-stamped envelope PP
(0.60 on issue - sold at 9.95)Lions Club Emblem (on stamp indicium and in cachet)
Large, embroidered emblem
Marketed as a Prestige PPEAU20100628 FDP 2000 First Day Postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"Lions Club International Convention 2010"
Prestige FDP in gold - only used for
AU20100628 PSE NVI 2
Sydney, NSW 2000AU20100628_0702 PMK 2000 Commemorative postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"Lions Club International Convention 2010"
Commemorative postmark in black.
Also used as FDP for
AU20100628 PSE NVI 12011 Footy Stamps AU20110412 ST 0_60 3 Pre-personalised Stamp 0.60 Lion
Pre-personalised self-adhesive stamp with Brisbane Lions Logo to the Right
This issue also includes a Domestic Cat
MI ???AU20110412 ST 0_60 4 Pre-personalised Stamp 0.60 Lion
Pre-personalised self-adhesive stamp with Brisbane Lions Logo to the Left
This issue also includes a Domestic Cat
MI ???AU20110412 BK 6_95 2 Booklet / Folder 6.95 Lion (on stamps, cover and inside margin)
Booklet with 10 Pre-personalised self-adhesive stamps
This issue also includes a Domestic Cat
MI Not listedAU20110412 ST 0_60 25 Pre-personalised Stamp 0.60 Tiger
Pre-personalised self-adhesive stamp with Richmond Tigers Logo to the Right
This issue also includes a Domestic Cat
MI ???AU20110412 ST 0_60 26 Pre-personalised Stamp 0.60 Tiger
Pre-personalised self-adhesive stamp with Richmond Tigers Logo to the Left
This issue also includes a Domestic Cat
MI ???AU20110412 BK 6_95 13 Booklet / Folder 6.95 Tiger (on stamps, cover and inside margin)
Booklet with 10 Pre-personalised self-adhesive stamps
This issue also includes a Domestic Cat
MI Not listedAU20110412 ST 0_60 47 Pre-personalised Stamp 0.60 Panther
Pre-personalised self-adhesive stamp with Penrith Panters Logo to the Right
This issue also includes a Domestic Cat
MI ???AU20110412 ST 0_60 48 Pre-personalised Stamp 0.60 Panther
Pre-personalised self-adhesive stamp with Penrith Panters Logo to the Left
This issue also includes a Domestic Cat
MI ???AU20110412 BK 6_95 24 Booklet / Folder 6.95 Panther (on stamps, cover and inside margin)
Booklet with 10 Pre-personalised self-adhesive stamps
This issue also includes a Domestic Cat
MI Not listedAU20110412 ST 0_60 65 Pre-personalised Stamp 0.60 Tiger
Pre-personalised self-adhesive stamp with Wests Tigers Logo to the Right
This issue also includes a Domestic Cat
MI ???AU20110412 ST 0_60 66 Pre-personalised Stamp 0.60Tiger
Pre-personalised self-adhesive stamp with Wests Tigers Logo to the Left
This issue also includes a Domestic Cat
MI ???AU20110412 BK 6_95 33 Booklet / Folder 6.95 Tiger (on stamps, cover and inside margin)
Booklet with 10 Pre-personalised self-adhesive stamps
This issue also includes a Domestic Cat
MI Not listed15 April 2011 - 59th Australian Lions International Convention AU20110415 PMK 7250 Commemorative postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"Australian Lions International - 59th Annual Convention"
Launceston, TAS 7250
15 April 201131 May 2013 - Footy Stamps This issue also includes a Domestic Cat
AU20130531 SH 12_95 2 Pre-personalised sheetlet 12.95 Lion (on labels, selvedge and cover)
Brisbane Lions Emblem
Prepersonalised sheetlet with 20 labelsAU20130531 SH 12_95 15 Pre-personalised sheetlet 12.95 Tiger (on labels and cover)
Richmond FC Emblem
Prepersonalised sheetlet with 20 labels4-7 May 2018 - 66th Australian Lions International Convention AU201080504_07 PMK 4810 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
"Lions Clubs International - 66th Multiple District 201 Convention - 4-7 May 2018"
Townsville. QLD 4810
4-7 May 2018Compiled by Geir Arveng with additional information from Nahum Shereshevsky, Jen Peterson-Muskie, Heather Symes,
T.S. Tan, Bridget Robinson, Marci Jarvis, Jim Tassler and Greg Balagian.
Latest update: 13 October, 2021