Stamps inscribed 'Australia'
< - 1913 See individual Australian states
1913 ->
From 1913: 1 Australian Pound = 20 Shillings, 1 Shilling = 12 Pence
From 1966: 1 Dollar (AUD) = 100 Cents (= 10 Shillings)
Checklists > Countries > Australia Domestic Cats List status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Item Code Item type Face value Remarks SC 1958 - Total Oil Meter Frank AU1958 MF TOTA 2000 Meter frank - Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
"Makes your Car Really Purr - Super Total"
Machine no. N-Y85
Sydney GPO
Earliest use reported:
14 January 1958
Latest use reported:
14 January 1958
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.5 July 1971 - Centenary of RSPCA AU19710705 ST 0_06 Stamp 0.06 Unspecified breed
MI 4681972 - Scolaban Meter Frank AU1972 MF SCOL 2137 Meter Frank - Unspecified breed
"SCOLABAN - gently removes Tapeworms"
Concord, NSW
Earliest use reported:
12 January 1972
Latest use reported:
12 January 1972
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know22 August 1983 - World Veterinary Day AU19830822 PMK 6000 Commemorative postmark - Unspecified breed
"World Veterinary Day"
Perth, WA
22 August 198317 July 1985 - Children's Books AU19850717 ST 0_33 1 Stamp 0.33 Cartoon Cat
Cats in Literature
"Elves and Fairies" by Ida Rentoul Outhwaite
MI 9403 November 1986 - Christmas AU19861103 ST 0_30 7 Stamp 0.30 Unspecified breed (kitten)
Stamp from MS
MI 1012AU19861103 MS 1_50 Miniature sheet 1.50 Unspecified breed (kitten) (on one stamp only) AU19861103 PP 2_76 Presentation Pack 2.76 Unspecified breed (kitten) (on cover and one stamp on the MS) 13 May 1987 - Bicentennial of the First Fleet AU19870513 ST 0_36 3 Stamp 0.36 Unspecified breed
MI B9AU19870513 MC 0_36 3 Maximum card 0.36 Unspecified breed (on stamp and card)
Official MC with
AU19870513 ST 0_36 31990 - Monier PGH Meter Frank AU1990 MF MONI 2067 Meter frank - Unspecified breed
Monier PGH logo
Machine no. PB80540
Chatswood NSW 2067
Earliest use reported:
16 May 1990
Latest use reported:
16 May 1990
If you have further informations on the dates of use of this item, please let us know.25 July 1991 - Pets AU19910725 ST 0_43 2 Stamp 0.43 Unspecified breed
MI 1258AU19910725 PC 0_43 2 Prepaid Postcard / Maximum card WW PP Unspecified breed (on stamp and postcard picture side) 1996 - Geelong Cats Pictorial Postmark AU19960000_ PMK 3220 Pictorial postmark - Cartoon Cat
Home of the Cats - Geelong Football Club
Geelong, Vic 3220
Earliest use reported:
23 April 1996
Latest use reported:
21 September 2004
If you have more informatiom of the dates of use for this item, please let us know.4 July 1996 - Children's Book Council Awards The card also pictures a Wild Cats
AU19960704 PPC 0_45 1 Pre-paid postcard / Maximum card WW PP Unspecified breed (picture side)
Cats in Literature
"Animalia" by Graeme Base1 October 1996 - Pets AU19961001 ST 0_45 2 Stamp 0.45 Unspecified breed (kittens)
Perf. 14½:14
Gummed stamp from ordinary sheets
MI 1597AAU19961001 ST 0_45 6 Stamp 0.45 Unspecified breed (kitten and puppy)
Perf. 14½:14
Gummed stamp from ordinary sheets
MI 1602AAU19961001 ST 0_45 11 Stamp 0.45 Unspecified breed (kitten and puppy)
Perf. 14¼
Gummed stamp from MS
MI 1957CAU19961001 ST 0_45 12 Stamp 0.45 Unspecified breed (kittens)
Perf. 14¼
Gummed stamp from MS
MI 1602CAU19961001 ST 0_45 14 Stamp 0.45 Unspecified breed (kittens)
Self-adhesive stamp from rolls or bookets
MI 1604AU1961001 MS 2_70 Miniature sheet 2.70 Unspecified breed
6-stamp MS with
AU19961001 ST 0_45 11
AU19961001 ST 0_45 12
and 4 other stamps in set
MI B23AU19961001 BK 4_50 Booklet 4.50 Unspecified breed (on stamps and on cover)
Self-adhesive booklet with 4x
AU19961001 ST 0_45 14
and 6 dog-stampsAU19961001 FDC 0_90 First day cover 0.90 Unspecified breed (on stamp only)
Cat Paw Prints (on envelope)
FDC with
AU19961001 ST 0_45 14
and the self-adhesive dog-stamp
AU19961001 FDC 2_70 1 First day cover 2.70 Unspecified breed (on stamp only)
Cat Paw Prints (on envelope)
FDC with the 6 gummed stamps in the setAU19961001 FDC 2_70 2 First day cover 2.70 Unspecified breed (on stamp only)
Cat Paw Prints (on envelope)
FDC with the MS
Address side
AU19961001 PPC 0_45 2 Pre-paid postcard / Maximum card WW PP Unspecified breed (on stamp and card picture)
MC with
AU19961001 ST 0_45 2AU19961001 PPC 0_45 6 Pre-paid postcard / Maximum card WW PP Unspecified breed (on stamp and card picture)
MC with
AU19961001 ST 0_45 6AU19961001 FDP 5000 First day postmark - Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
"Pets - First Day of Issue - RSPCA"
GPO Adelaide SA 5000
1 October 1996AU19961001 PP 5_40 Presentation pack 5.40
(sold at ???)Unspecified breed (on one single stamp, stamp in MS, and cover)
Presentation pack with
AU19961001 ST 0_45 2
AU19961001 ST 0_45 6
AU1961001 MS 2_70
and the other gummed stamps in set5 October 1996 - ASDA Centrepoint ’96 Stamp and Coin Show AU19961005 MS 2_70 Miniature sheet 2.70 Unspecified breed
6-stamp MS with
AU19961001 ST 0_45 11
AU19961001 ST 0_45 12
and 4 other stamps in set
AU1961001 MS 2_70
MI B23IAU19961005 BK 4_50 Booklet 4.50 Unspecified breed (on stamps and on cover)
Self-adhesive booklet with 4x
AU19961001 ST 0_45 14
and 6 dog-stamps
AU19961001 BK 4_50
with ASDA overprint on cover12 October 1996 - St Peters Stamp & Coin Fair AU19961012 MS 2_70 Miniature sheet 2.70 Unspecified breed
6-stamp MS with
AU19961001 ST 0_45 11
AU19961001 ST 0_45 12
and 4 other stamps in set
AU1961001 MS 2_70
MI B23IIAU19961012 PMK 5069 Commemorative postmark - Stylized Cat (and Dog), "PETS"
Stepney, SA17 October 1996 - MELBOURNE ’96 National Philatelic Exhibition AU19961017 MS 2_70 Miniature sheet 2.70 Unspecified breed
6-stamp MS with
AU19961001 ST 0_45 11
AU19961001 ST 0_45 12
and 4 other stamps in set
AU1961001 MS 2_70
MI B23III21 October 1996 - 10th Asian International Philatelic Exhibition AU19961021 MS 2_70 Miniature sheet 2.70 Unspecified breed
6-stamp MS with
AU19961001 ST 0_45 11
AU19961001 ST 0_45 12
and 4 other stamps in set
AU1961001 MS 2_70
MI B23IV25 October 1996 - Queensland Spring Stamp and Coin Expo 1996: Pets ’96, Brisbane AU19961025 MS 2_70 Miniature sheet 2.70 Unspecified breed
6-stamp MS with
AU19961001 ST 0_45 11
AU19961001 ST 0_45 12
and 4 other stamps in set
AU1961001 MS 2_70
MI B23VAU19961025 FRA Frama Franking Label 0.01 ; 0.05 - 9.95 (in 5 c incr.) ; 9.99 Stylized Cat (and Dog), "PETS"
Unevenly printed on patterned paperAU19961025 PMK 4000 Commemorative postmark - Cartoon Cat
"QLD Stamp & Coin Expo"
Part of a series of postmarks showing pets
Brisbane, Qld. 4000
25 October 1996AU19961026 PMK 4000 Commemorative postmark - Cartoon Cat
"QLD Stamp & Coin Expo"
Part of a series of postmarks showing pets
Brisbane, Qld. 4000
26 October 1996AU19961027 PMK 4000 Commemorative postmark - Cartoon Cat
"QLD Stamp & Coin Expo"
Part of a series of postmarks showing pets
Brisbane, Qld. 4000
27 October 199626 October 1996 - SWANPEX '96 AU19961026 MS 2_70 Miniature sheet 2.70 Unspecified breed
6-stamp MS with
AU19961001 ST 0_45 11
AU19961001 ST 0_45 12
and 4 other stamps in set
AU1961001 MS 2_70
overprinted "SWANPEX '96"
MI B23VI26 October 1996 - Salisbury Stamp Fair AU19961026 PMK SAL SA Commemorative postmark - Stylized Cat (and Dog), "PETS"
Salisbury, SA12 February 1997 - Hong Kong '97 AU19970212 MS 2_70 Miniature sheet 2.70 Unspecified breed
6-stamp MS with
AU19961001 ST 0_45 11
AU19961001 ST 0_45 12
and 4 other stamps in set
AU1961001 MS 2_70
overprinted "HONG KONG '97"
MI B23VII30 March 2001 - Footy Stamps (Philatelic Bureau date - available i post offices from 19 April 2001)
Items from this issue are also listed under Wild Cats
AU20010330 SH 9_00 7 Pre-personalised sheetlet 9.00
(20 x 0.45
sold atGeelong Cats
Pre-personalised sheetlet with labels showing different playersAU20010330 SH 9_00 21 Pre-personalised sheetlet 9.00
(20 x 0.45
sold atGeelong Cats
Pre-personalised sheetlet with all labels showing Sam NewmanItems from this issue are also listed under Wild Cats
AU20020515 SH 9_00 7 Pre-personalised sheetlet 9.00
(20 x 0.45
sold atGeelong Cats
Pre-personalised sheetlet with labels showing different playersItems from this issue are also listed under Wild Cats
AU20030422 SH 10_00 7 Pre-personalised sheetlet 10.00
(20 x 0.50
sold atGeelong Cats
Pre-personalised sheetlet with labels showing different playersItems from this issue are also listed under Wild Cats
AU20040414 BK 10_95 7 Prestige booklet 10.95
(franking value 10.00 / 20 x 0.50)Geelong Cats 21 September 2004 - Dogs and Cats AU20040921 ST 0_50 3 Stamp 0.50 Unspecified breed
B&W cat "Ezzie"
Gummed stamp
Issued in sheets, MS and booklets
Se-tenant pairs possible
MI 2370AU20040921 ST 0_50 4 Stamp 0.50 Unspecified breed
Brown and White cat "Tinkerbell"
Gummed stamp
Issued in sheets, MS and booklets
Se-tenant pairs possible
MI 2371AU20040921 ST 0_50 7 Stamp 0.50 Unspecified breed
B&W cat "Ezzie"
Self-adhesive stam
MI 2375AU20040921 ST 0_50 8 Stamp 0.50 Unspecified breed
Brown and White cat "Tinkerbell"
Self-adhesive stamp
MI 2376AU20040921 MS 3_00 Miniature sheet 3.00 Unspecified breed (on two stamps)
5-stamp MS with the two gummed stamps and 3 dog-stamps from same set
MI B54AU20040921 BK 2_50 Booklet 2.50 Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
Self-adhesive booklet with 3 x
AU20040921 ST 0_50 7
and 2x
AU20040921 ST 0_50 8
MI MH192AU20040921 BK 5_00 Booklet 5.00
(10 x 0.50)Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
Self-adhesive booklet with 3 x
AU20040921 ST 0_50 7
and 2 x
AU20040921 ST 0_50 8
+ 5 dog stamps
MI MH194AU20040921 BK 10_95 Prestige Booklet 10.95
(franking value 10.00 / 20 x 0.50)Sacred Birman (on cover and booklet page)
Unspecified breed (on stamps, cover and booklet page)
Prestige booklet with 10 each of
AU20040921 ST 0_50 3
AU20040921 ST 0_50 4
If you have scans of individual pages and/or panes, we would be very interested
MI MH190AU20040921 BK 100_00 Booklet 100.00
(200 x 0.50)Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
"Checkbook" booklet of 20 x
AU20040921 BK 5_00AU20040921 FDC 3_00 1 First day cover 3.00 Unspecified breed (on 2 stamps and cachet)
Cartoon Cat (in postmark)
FDC with all 5 gummed stamps in series
AU20040921 FDC 3_00 2 First day cover 3.00 Unspecified breed (on 2 stamps and cachet)
Cartoon Cat (in postmark)
FDC with all 5 self-adhesive stamps in seriesAU20040921 FDC 3_00 3 First day cover 3.00 Unspecified breed (on 2 stamps and cachet)
Cartoon Cat (in postmark)
FDC with MSAU20040921 PPC 0_50 3 Pre-paid postcard / Maximum card WW PP Unspecified breed
B&W cat "Ezzie" (on stamp and picture side)
Cartoon cat (in postmark)
MC with
AU20040921 ST 0_50 3AU20040921 PPC 0_50 4 Pre-paid postcard / Maximum card WW PP Unspecified breed
Brown and White cat "Tinkerbell" (on stamp and picture side)
Cartoon cat (in postmark)
MC with
AU20040921 ST 0_50 4AU20040921 FDP 2064 First day postmark - Cartoon Cat
"First Day of Issue"
Artarmon, NSW 2064
21 September 2004Items from this issue are also listed under Wild Cats
AU20050401 BK 10_95 7 Prestige booklet 10.95
(franking value 10.00 / 20 x 0.50)Geelong Cats 1 June 2006 - Postie Kate AU20060601 ST 0_50 3 Stamp 0.50 Cartoon Cat
Gummed stamp
MI 2669AU20060601 ST 0_50 8 Stamp 0.50 Cartoon Cat
Self-adhesive stamp from booklet
MI 2674AU20060601 BK 5_00 Booklet 5.00 Cartoon Cat
Booklet with 2 x
AU20060601 ST 0_50 8
and 2 x other 4 self-adhesive stamps in set
MI MH237AU20060601 BK 9_95 Prestige Booklet ("Stamp Fun Book") 9.95
(frenking value 5.00 /
10 x 0.50)Cartoon Cat
Booklet with 1 x
AU20060601 ST 0_50 3
and the other 4 gummed stamps, each in their separate 1-stamp panes
as well as one self-adhesive pane with one each of
AU20060601 ST 0_50 8
and the other 4 self-adhesive stamps in set
NOTE: Single panes from the Prestige Booklets are known to have been offered separately as "Souvenir Sheets"
MI MH238AU20060601 BK 10_00 Booklet 10.00 Cartoon Cat
Booklet with 4 x
AU20060601 ST 0_50 8
and 4 x other 4 self-adhesive stamps in set
MI MH238AU20060601 LB 3 Gutter Label - Cartoon Cat
Central gutter label17 September 2008 - Geelong Cats Pictorial Postmark AU20080917_ PMK 3220 Pictorial postmark - Cartoon Cat
Home of the Cats - Geelong Football Club
Geelong, Vic 3220
First day of use:
17 September 2008
Latest use reported:
12 January 2009
If you have more informatiom of the dates of use for this item, please let us know.27 January 2011 - Queensland Flood Relief Appeal I AU20110127 ST 0_60__0_20 3 Semi-postal stamp 0.60
+ 0.20Unspecified breed
Self-adhesive stamp
Sold in a pane of 10 stamps, 2 x each design with a surcharge of 2.00
MI 3520AU20110127 SH 6_00__2_00 Sheetlet 6.00
+ 2.00Unspecified breed (on two stamps)
Self-adhesive sheetlet with two of each of the five stamps in set
MI FB3518 - 3522November 2011 - Queensland Flood Relief Appeal II AU20111100 ST 0_60 2 Stamp 0.60 Unspecified breed
Same design as
AU20110127 ST 0_60__0_20 3
Gummed stamp from MS
Only sold in Australia Post's Annual Stamp Pack of 2011
MI 3653AU20111100 MS 3_00 Miniature sheet 3.00 Unspecified breed (on one stamp)
5-stamp MS only sold in Australia Post's Annual Stamp Pack of 2011
MI B13812 April 2011 - Footy Stamps AU20110412 ST 0_60 13 Pre-personalised Stamp 0.60 Stylized Cat
Geelong Cats Logo
Pre-personalised, self-adhesive stamp with logo to the Right
MI ???AU20110412 ST 0_60 14 Pre-personalised Stamp 0.60 Stylized Cat
Geelong Cats Logo
Pre-personalised, self-adhesive stamp with logo to the Left
MI ???AU20110412 BK 6_95 7 Booklet / Folder 6.95
(franking value 6.00)Stylized Cat (on stamps, cover and inside margin)
Booklet with 10 Pre-personalised self-adhesive stamps
This issue also includes Wild Cats
MI Not listed1 June 2012 - Hello Kitty Stamp Pack
Inner cover
BackAU20120601 BK 10_95 Booklet / Folder 10.95
(franking value 6.00)Cartoon Cat
Hello Kitty /on cover and on 10 pre-personalised labels
Samp pack with a sheetlet of 10 baloon greeting stamps/10 labelsAU20120601 SH 6_00 Sheetlet 6.00
(sold in a stamp pack at 10.95)Cartoon Cat
Hello Kitty
Sheetlet of 10 baloon greeting stamps/10 labels from a stamp packAU20120601 LB 1 Pre-personalised label - Cartoon Cat
Hello Kitty (with name sign)
Pre-personalised label attached to balloon greeting stamp
From a stamp pack of 10 stamps/10 labels sold at 10.95 (franking value 6.00)AU20120601 LB 2 Pre-personalised label - Cartoon Cat
Hello Kitty (with name sign)
Pre-personalised label attached to balloon greeting stamp
From a stamp pack of 10 stamps/10 labels sold at 10.95 (franking value 6.00)AU20120601 LB 3 Pre-personalised label - Cartoon Cat
Hello Kitty (with name sign)
Pre-personalised label attached to balloon greeting stamp
From a stamp pack of 10 stamps/10 labels sold at 10.95 (franking value 6.00)AU20120601 LB 4 Pre-personalised label - Cartoon Cat
Hello Kitty (with name sign)
Pre-personalised label attached to balloon greeting stamp
From a stamp pack of 10 stamps/10 labels sold at 10.95 (franking value 6.00)AU20120601 LB 5 Pre-personalised label - Cartoon Cat
Hello Kitty (with name sign)
Pre-personalised label attached to balloon greeting stamp
From a stamp pack of 10 stamps/10 labels sold at 10.95 (franking value 6.00)AU20120601 LB 6 Pre-personalised label - Cartoon Cat
Hello Kitty (with name sign)
Pre-personalised label attached to balloon greeting stamp
From a stamp pack of 10 stamps/10 labels sold at 10.95 (franking value 6.00)AU20120601 LB 7 Pre-personalised label - Cartoon Cat
Hello Kitty (with name sign)
Pre-personalised label attached to balloon greeting stamp
From a stamp pack of 10 stamps/10 labels sold at 10.95 (franking value 6.00)AU20120601 LB 8 Pre-personalised label - Cartoon Cat
Hello Kitty (with name sign)
Pre-personalised label attached to balloon greeting stamp
From a stamp pack of 10 stamps/10 labels sold at 10.95 (franking value 6.00)AU20120601 LB 9 Pre-personalised label - Cartoon Cat
Hello Kitty (with name sign)
Pre-personalised label attached to balloon greeting stamp
From a stamp pack of 10 stamps/10 labels sold at 10.95 (franking value 6.00)AU20120601 LB 10 Pre-personalised label - Cartoon Cat
Hello Kitty (with name sign)
Pre-personalised label attached to balloon greeting stamp
From a stamp pack of 10 stamps/10 labels sold at 10.95 (franking value 6.00)2012 Peter Rabbit Stamp Pack 31 May 2013 - Footy Stamps This issue also comprises Wild Cats
AU20130531 SH 12_95 8 Pre-personalised sheetlet 12.95 Stylized Cat (on labels and cover)
Geelong Cats Emblem
Pre-personalised sheetlet with 20 labels5 June 2019 - The Secret Lives of Pets 2 Stamp Pack
Pane 1
Pane 2
Back coverAU20190605 BK 23_00 Booklet / folder 20.00
(20 x 1.00
- sold at 23.00)Unspecified breed (on two pre-personalised labels and pane selvedges)
Cartoon cats
MI FB??? (pre-personalised panes)AU20190605 LB 10 Pre-personalised label - Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Chloe from The Secret Life of Pets
Pre-personalised label from pane 1 of
AU20190605 BK 23_00AU20190605 LB 15 Pre-personalised label - Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Chloe from The Secret Life of Pets
Pre-personalised label from pane 2 of
AU20190605 BK 23_0026 June 2019 - 115th Birthday of Dr. Seuss Stamp Pack
Pane 1
Pane 2
Back coverAU20190626 BK 23_00 Booklet / folder 20.00
(20 x 1.00
- sold at 23.00)Unspecified breed (on two pre-personalised labels and cover)
Cartoon cat
Cat in the Hat by Dr. Seuss
MI FB??? (pre-personalised panes)AU20190626 LB 6 Pre-personalised label - Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Cat in the Hat by Dr. Seuss
Pre-personalised label from Pane 1 of
AU20190626 BK 23_00AU20190626 LB 16 Pre-personalised label - Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Cat in the Hat by Dr. Seuss
Pre-personalised label from Pane 2 of
AU20190626 BK 23_009 March 2020 - Footy Stamps This issue also comprises Wild Cats
AU20200309 ST 1_10 7 Stamp 1.10 Unspecified breed
Stylized Cat
Geelong Cats Logo
Pre-personalised, self-adhesive stamp from
AU20200309 BK 25_50 7
MI ???
StickersAU20200309 BK 25_50 7 Booklet / folder 25.50
(franking value 22.00 / 20 x 1.10)Unspecified breed (on stamps, cover, and stickers)
Stylized Cat
Geelong Cats Logo
Stamp pack containing 20 x
AU20200309 ST 1_10 7
and a pane of stickers
MI ???AU20200309 LB 103 Label / sticker - Unspecified breed
Stylized Cat
Geelong Cats Logo
Sticker from
AU20200309 BK 25_50 7AU20200309 LB 104 Label / sticker - Unspecified breed
Stylized Cat
Geelong Cats Logo
Sticker from
AU20200309 BK 25_50 7AU20200309 LB 105 Label / sticker - Unspecified breed
Stylized Cat
Geelong Cats Logo
Sticker from
AU20200309 BK 25_50 7AU20200309 LB 112 Label / sticker - Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
Sticker from
AU20200309 BK 25_50 7AU20200309 LB 114 Label / sticker - Unspecified breed
Stylized Cat
Geelong Cats Logo
Sticker from
AU20200309 BK 25_50 7AU20200309 LB 115 Label / sticker - Unspecified breed
Stylized Cat
Geelong Cats Logo
Sticker from
AU20200309 BK 25_50 7AU20200309 LB 116 Label / sticker - Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
Sticker from
AU20200309 BK 25_50 7AU20200309 LB 118 Label / sticker - Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
Sticker from
AU20200309 BK 25_50 7AU20200309 LB 119
Label / sticker - Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
Sticker from
AU20200309 BK 25_50 7AU20211019 ST 1_10 2 Stamp 1.10 Unspecified breed
Gummed stamp from ordinary sheets and
AU20211019 MS 5_50
MI ???AU20211019 ST 1_10 7 Stamp 1.10 Unspecified breed
Self-adhesive stamp
MI ???AU20211019 MS 5_50 Miniature sheet 5.50
(5 x 1.10)Unspecified breed (on one stamp)
MS with
AU20211019 ST 1_10 2
and 4 other stamps
MI ???Compiled by Geir Arveng with additional information from Ronny Liu, TS Tan, Marci Jarvis, Heather Symes, Patrick
Roberts, Helen Titchener (of Australia Post), Marilyn Clark (of Australia Post), and the website.
Latest update: 6 March, 2022