Stamps inscribed 'KK Post', 'Kais. Koenigl. Oesterr. Post', 'Kaiserliche Königliche Österreichse Post', 'Deutschösterreich', 'Österreich', 'Republiek Österreich' or 'Austria'
1850 - 1867 Austrian Empire
1867 - 1918 Austro-Hungarian Empire (separate issues for Asutria)
1918 - 1934 Republic / Federal State
1938 - 1945 Part of Germany (German stamps used)
1945 -> Independent Republic
From 1850: 1 Gulden = 60 Kreuzer
From 1858: 1 Gulden = 100 Neu-Kreuzer
From 1899: 1 Krone = 100 Heller (=0.50 Gulden)
From 1925: 1 Schilling = 100 Groschen (=10,000 Kronen)
From 1938: 1 Mark = 100 Pfennig (German stamps used) (=1.50 Schilling)
From 1945: 1 Schilling (ATS) = 100 Groschen (=1 Mark)
From 2002: 1 Euro = 100 Eurocents (=ATS 13.7603)
Checklists > Countries > Austria Wild Cats List status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Item Code Item type Face value Remarks SC 13 June 1945 - Overprinted German Stamps AT19450613 ST 0_05 Stamp 0.05 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Sliver Lion from the Lüneburg Silver Treasure
DE19420808 ST 0_06__0_04
Overprinted "Österreich" and new face value
MI 66412 December 1946 - Reconstruction of St. Stephens Cathedral in Vienna AT19461212 ST 0_05__0_20 Semi-postal stamp 0.05
+ 0.20Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion sculptures at the tomb of King Frederic III, St. Stephens Cathedral, Vienna
MI 79220 June 1947 - First National Art Exhibition in Vienna Künstlerhaus AT19470620 ST 0_20__0_10 Semi-postal stamp 0.20
+ 0.10Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion sculptures at the gates of the Upper Belvedere Palace in Vienna
MI 8179 November 1962 - Definitives: Buldings
Photo detailAT19621109 ST 3_00 Stamp 3.00 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion sculpture by Pietro Ferrabasco at Swiss Gate, Hofburg Imperial Palace in Vienna
MI 1119If you have a scan of this item, please share.
AT19621109 IMP 3_00 Imperforate stamp 3.00 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion sculpture by Pietro Ferrabasco at Swiss Gate, Hofburg Imperial Palace in Vienna
MI 1119U28 September 1966 - Austrian National Library AT19660928 ST 1_80 1 Stamp 1.80 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Hercules and Lion of Nemea from Geographia Blavania by Joan Blaeu (1596-1673)
MI 1219If you have a scan of this item, please share. AT19660928 ST 1_80 2 Stamp 1.80 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Hercules and Lion of Nemea from Geographia Blavania by Joan Blaeu (1596-1673)
AT19660928 ST 1_80 1
missing red colour
MI 1219F15 May 1970 - Definitives - Buildings
Photo detailAT19700515 ST 1_00 Stamp 1.00 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion relief on column in Millstatt Cathedral
MI 13241971 Art Treasures AT19710322 ST 1_50 Stamp 1.50 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Florentine Covered Vessel with Lion Handles (ca. 1580)
MI 13551973 20th Anniversary of Lions Club in Graz AT19730526 PMK 8010 Commemorative Postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
"20 Jahre Lions-Club Graz"
8010 Graz
26 May 1973SC 1973 39th Congress of International Statistical Institutes AT19730820 ST 2_00 Stamp 2.00 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sculptures above the entrance of Hofburg Congress Centre in Vienna
MI 14201974 Hutter & Schrantz Meter Frank AT1974 MF HUSC 1061 Meter Frank - Lion
Company Logo
"Unser Erfolg ist die Qualität - Hutter & Schrantz - Aktiengesellschaft - A-1081 Wien - Postfach 155"
Wien (Vienna)
Earliest use reported:
22 February 1974
Latest use reported:
22 February 1974
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1976 Centenary of the Administrative Court AT19761025 ST 6_00 Stamp 6.00 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sculpture at the Royal Bohemian Court House in Vienna
Engraving by Salomon Kleiner (1700-1761)
MI 1521Also see Esso-items from 1991
AT1983 MF ESSO 1041 Meter frank - Tiger
Esso logo
"Tu den Tiger in den Tank! - Esso Extra - Wien IV"
Earliest use reported:
21 February 1983
Latest use reported:
21 February 1983
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1986 - ÖAF - Gräf & Stift Meter Frank Also see ÖAF item from 1994
AT1986 MF OAF 1211 Meter frank - Lion
"ÖAF - Graf & Stift - Österreichischer Automobilfabrik - Brünner Str. 72, 1211 Wien, Postf. 93"
Wien (Vienna)
Earliest use reported:
16 December 1986
Latest use reported:
16 December 1986
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know.FR 19 September 1986 - International Conference of Oriental Tapestries, Vienna - Budapest AT19860919 ST 5_00 Stamp 5.00 Leopard
Wild Cat Art
16th c. silk tapestry
MI 1862If you have a scan of this item, please share. AT19860919 IMP 5_00 Imperforate stamp 5.00 Leopard
Wild Cat Art
16th c. silk tapestry
Imperforate variety of
AT19860919 ST 5_00
MI 1862U2 October 1989 - 14th Conference of the International Association of Penal Law AT19891002 ST 6_00 Stamp 6.00 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion sculpture outside the Justice Palace in Vienna
MI 197117 August 1990 - 800th Anniversary of Spital am Pyhrn This item is also listed under Heradlic Cats
AT19900817 PSE 5_00 Pre-stamped envelope 5.00 Lion (in stamp indicium and cachet)
Wild Cat Art
Lion fountain ("Blumenschmuck Brunnen")
Heraldic Lion in cachet
ILMAlso see Esso-items from 1983
AT1991 MF ESSO 1041 Meter frank - Tiger
Esso logo
"Der Tiger packt's. - Esso - Postfach 201 - A-1041 Wien"
Earliest use reported:
28 January 1991
Latest use reported:
28 January 1991
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.14 May 1991 - Musseums AT19910524 ST 7_00 Stamp 7.00 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion sculpture inside the Museum of Art History in Vienna
MI 20291994 ÖAF - Gräf & Stift Meter Frank
Also see ÖAF item from 1986
AT1994 MF OAF 1231 Meter Frank - Lion
"Die 1. Adresse für Nutzfahrzeuge - O•A•F - Gräf & Stift - A-1231 Wien, Brunner Str. 44, Pf 95"
Wien (Vienna)
Earliest use reported:
2 November 1994
Latest use reported:
2 November 1994
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1994 Definitives - Art in Churches and Monasteries AT19941118 ST 7_00 Stamp 7.00 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Marble Lion in the Franciscan Monastery of Salzburg
MI 2143DLS 1996 25th Anniversary of Aktion 'Helpende Hand' ('Helping Hand' Campaign) AT19961123 PMK 5730 Commemorative Postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"25 Jahre - Aktion 'Helfende Hand' - LC Mittersill"
5730 Mittersill
23 Nov 1996CC 1998 Opening of the Lynx Pen in Schönbrunner Zoo AT19980522 PMK 1150 Commemorative Postmark - Eurasian Lynx
"Eroffnung de Luchsgeheges im Schönbrunner Tiergarten"
1150 Wien
22 May 19982002 Europa - The Circus AT20020503 ST 0_87 Stamp 0.87 Tiger
MI 2376AT20020503 FDC 0_87 First Day Cover 0.87 Tiger (on stamp and cachet) 2003 50th Anniversary of Lions Club in Austria AT20030829 PSE 0_55 Pre-stamped Envelope 0.55 Lions Club Emblem (in stamp indicium)
MI U1122006 Personalised Stamps AT20060327 PST 0_55 Personalised Stamp 0.55 Lions Club Emblem
Yellow frame, landscape, Österreich
200 copies ordered
27 March 2006
MI MP1 (personalised)AT20060408 PST 0_55 Personalised Stamp 0.55 Cheetah
Realised by Natur & Kultur Philatelie
Yellow frame, portrait, Österreich
100 Copies ordered
8 April 2006
MI MP2 (personalised)AT20060408 PST 0_75 Personalised Stamp 0.75Lion
Realised by Natur & Kultur Philatelie
Yellow frame, portrait, Österreich
100 Copies ordered
8 April 2006
MI MP2 (personalised)AT20060408 PST 1_00 Personalised Stamp 1.00 Leopard
Realised by Natur & Kultur Philatelie
Yellow frame, portrait, Österreich
100 Copies ordered 8 April 2006
MI MP2 (personalised)2007 Kunst zieht Kreise AT20070130 SH 25_00 Sheetlet 25.00
(franking value 11.00)Lions Club Emblem (in margin)
Sheetlet with pre-personalized stamps (issued by the post office)AT20070130 LB 12 Marginal Label - Lions Club Emblem
Lower left marginal label from sheetAT20070130 LB 13 Marginal Label - Lions Club Emblem
Lower right marginal label from sheetIL 2009 Personalised Stamps AT20090203 PST 0_55 Personalised Stamp 0.55 Cheetah (with newlyweds)
Realised by Pollak & Olberg
100 copies ordered
3 Feb 2009AT20090210 PST 0_55 Personalised Stamp 0.55 Lion Statue
"Lion of Aspern"
Realised by the "Museumsverein Aspern Essling" ("Museum Society of Aspern Essling") Yellow frame, landscape, Österreich
1000 copies ordered 10 Feb 2009
MI MP5IAT20090515 PST 0_55 Personalised Stamp 0.55 Jaguar
100 Copies ordered 15 May 2009AT20091228 PST 0_55 Personalised Stamp 0.55 Leopard
South African "Leopard Train"
500 Copies ordered 28 Dec 2009
MI MP9I2010 Austrian Wildlife AT20100113 ST 0_65 Stamp 0.65 European Wildcat
Self-adhesive stamp
MI 2849AT20100113 FDC 0_65 First Day Cover 0.65 European Wildcat (on stamp and postmark) AT20100113 FDP First Day Postmark - European Wildcat
1010 WIEN
13 January 2010AT20100113 MISC ROLL Stamp Roll Packaging 65.00 European Wildcat
Packaging for rolls of 100 stamps2010 Austrian Wild Animals
Article from's philatelic magazine Album no. 2-2010
AT20100129 ST 0_55 7 Pre-personalised Stamp 0.55 Eurasian Lynx
Pre-personalised stamp from booklet (issued by the Post Office)
MI PM6IAT20100129 BK 8_44 Prestige Booklet 8.44
(franking value 4.95)Eurasian Lynx (on one stamp and cover)
European Wildcat (on
AT20100113 ST 0_65)
Prestige booklet issued by the Post Office in cooperation with Alpenzoo Insbruck2010 Zoo Salzburg
Article from's philatelic magazine Album no. 5-2010
AT20100501 ST 0_55 3 Stamp 0.55 Jaguar
Pre-personalised stamp (issued by the Post Office)
MI PM6I (personalised)AT20100501 ST 0_55 15 Stamp 0.55 Cheetah (cub)
Pre-personalised stamp (issued by the Post Office)
MI PM6I (personalised)AT20100501 ST 0_65 3 Stamp 0.65 Snow Leopard (cub)
Pre-personalised stamp (issued by the Post Office)
MI PM6I (personalised)AT20100501 SH 19_90 Sheetlet 19.90
(franking value 11.50:
20 x 0.55
5 x 0.65)Jaguar
Snow Leopard
Cheetah (on one stamp each)
Sheetlet with 25 stamps showing different animals2010 Castle of Schloss Hof
Article from's philatelic magazine Album no. 5-2010
AT20100513 ST 0_55 Stamp 0.55 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Statues at Castle of Schloss Hof
MI 2866AT20100513 MISC BLP Souvenir blackprint - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Statues at Castle of Schloss Hof
Souvenir blackprint of
AT20100513 ST 0_552010 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Alfons Mucha AT20100723 ST 1_15 Stamp 1.15 Lion
Zodiac Leo
Wild Cat Art
MI 28842011 Philately Day Molln AT20110923 PST 0_62 Pre-personalised stamp 0.62 Eurasian Lynx
Pre-personalised stamp issued by Postpartner Molln (local PO) for Philately Day
The stamp was a giveaway for all customers shopping for more than EUR 20 from the postal stand2011 Herberstein Animal World
Article from's philatelic magazine Album no. 6-2011
AT20110615 ST 0_62 1 Pre-personalized Stamp 0.62 Cheetah
Pre-personalised stamp (issued by the Post Office)
MI PM6IIAT20110615 ST 0_62 7 Pre-personalized Stamp 0.62 Eurasian Lynx
Pre-personalised stamp (issued by the Post Office)
MI PM6IIAT20110615 ST 0_70 4 Pre-personalized Stamp 0.70 Puma
Pre-personalised stamp (issued by the Post Office)
MI PM6IIAT20110615 ST 0_70 5 Pre-personalized Stamp 0.70 Lion
Pre-personalised stamp (issued by the Post Office)
MI PM6IIAT20110615 SH 19_90 Sheetlet 19.90
(franking value 12.80)Cheetah
Eurasian Lynx
Lion (on one stamp each)
Stylized Lion (in margin)2012 Madagascar 3 - Europe's Most Wanted AT20121005 ST 0_62 1 Stamp 0.62 Lion (parts of)
Cartoon Lion
Alex from Madagascar (lower left part)
Irregualrly shaped, self-adhesive stamp from
AT20121005 MS 2_84
MI 3023AT20121005 ST 0_62 2 Stamp 0.62 Lion (parts of)
Cartoon Lion
Alex from Madagascar (lower right part)
Irregualrly shaped, self-adhesive stamp from
AT20121005 MS 2_84
MI 3024AT20121005 ST 0_70 Stamp 0.70 Lion (parts of)
Cartoon Lion
Alex from Madagascar (upper left part)
Irregualrly shaped, self-adhesive stamp from
AT20121005 MS 2_84
MI 3025AT20121005 ST 0_90 Stamp 0.90 Lion (parts of)
Cartoon Lion
Alex from Madagascar (upper right part)
Irregualrly shaped, self-adhesive stamp from
AT20121005 MS 2_84
MI 3025AT20121005 MS 2_84 Miniature sheet 2.84 Lion (on all stamps)
Cartoon Lion
Alex from Madagascar
4-stamp, self-adhesive MS with
AT20121005 ST 0_62 1
AT20121005 ST 0_62 2
AT20121005 ST 0_70
AT20121005 ST 0_90
MI B70AT20121005 FDC 2_84 First Day Cover 2.84 Lion (on all stamps)
Cartoon Lion
Alex from Madagascar
Lion paw print (on postmark)
Official FDC with
AT20121005 MS 2_84AT20121005 FDP 1010 First Day Postmark - Lion
Lion Paw Print
"Madagascar - Flucht durch Europa"
1010 Wien (Vienna)
5 October 20122013 Endangered Species AT20130826 ST 0_62 6 Pre-personalized Stamp 0.62 Cheetah
pre-personalised stamp from
AT20130826 BK 4_99
MI ??? (personalised)AT20130826 ST 0_62 7 Pre-personalized Stamp 0.62 Tiger
pre-personalised stamp from
AT20130826 BK 4_99
MI ??? (personalised)AT20130826 BK 4_99
Pane 1 (no cats)
Pane 2
Prestige booklet 4.99
(Franking value 4.96:
8 x 0.62)Cheetah
Tiger (on one stamp each)
Prestige booklet with
AT20130826 ST 0_62 6
AT20130826 ST 0_62 7
and 6 other stamps
MI Unlisted2013 Personalised stamps
Note: The picture of this stamp is not of an actual stamp, but rather a generated visual from an automatic gallery of designs from The frame of the real stamp will differ in colour tone and fonts. If you have a scan of the actual stamp, please share
AT20130430 PST 0_90 1 Personalised stamp 0.90 Tiger
Gummed stamp
Print-run: 20
Order no. 8105626
MI ??? (personalised)Note: The picture of this stamp is not of an actual stamp, but rather a generated visual from an automatic gallery of designs from The frame of the real stamp will differ in colour tone and fonts. If you have a scan of the actual stamp, please share AT20130430 PST 0_90 2 Personalised stamp 0.90 Lion
Gummed stamp
Print-run: 20
Order no. 8105627
MI ??? (personalised)Note: The picture of this stamp is not of an actual stamp, but rather a generated visual from an automatic gallery of designs from The frame of the real stamp will differ in colour tone and fonts. If you have a scan of the actual stamp, please share AT20130430 PST 0_90 3 Personalised stamp 0.90 Leopard
Gummed stamp
Print-run: 20
Order no. 8105628
MI ??? (personalised)Note: The picture of this stamp is not of an actual stamp, but rather a generated visual from an automatic gallery of designs from The frame of the real stamp will differ in colour tone and fonts. If you have a scan of the actual stamp, please share AT20130430 PST 0_90 4 Personalised stamp 0.90 Jaguar
Gummed stamp
Print-run: 20
Order no. 8105629
MI ??? (personalised)Note: The picture of this stamp is not of an actual stamp, but rather a generated visual from an automatic gallery of designs from The frame of the real stamp will differ in colour tone and fonts. If you have a scan of the actual stamp, please share
AT20131108 PST 0_90 2 Personalised stamp 0.90 Lion
Gerhard Amtmann Company logo
Gummed stamp
Print-run: 100
Order no. 8108231
MI ??? (personalised)2014 Personalised stamps
Note: The picture of this stamp is not of an actual stamp, but rather a generated visual from an automatic gallery of designs from The frame of the real stamp will differ in colour tone and fonts. If you have a scan of the actual stamp, please share
AT20140621 PST 0_90 1 Personalised stamp 0.90 Tiger
Gummed stamp
Print-run: 20
Order no. 8111080
MI ??? (personalised)Note: The picture of this stamp is not of an actual stamp, but rather a generated visual from an automatic gallery of designs from The frame of the real stamp will differ in colour tone and fonts. If you have a scan of the actual stamp, please share AT20140621 PST 0_90 2 Personalised stamp 0.90 Tiger
(head and back - lookin at camera)
Gummed stamp
Print-run: 20
Order no. 8111081
MI ??? (personalised)Note: The picture of this stamp is not of an actual stamp, but rather a generated visual from an automatic gallery of designs from The frame of the real stamp will differ in colour tone and fonts. If you have a scan of the actual stamp, please share
AT20140701 PST 0_62 2 Personalised stamp 0.62 Lion
Woman in Lion costume
Gummed stamp
Print-run: 20
Order no. 8111164
MI ??? (personalised)2014 40th Anniversary of Kirchdorf Lions Club
Note: The picture of this stamp is not of an actual stamp, but rather a generated visual from an automatic gallery of designs from The frame of the real stamp will differ in colour tone and fonts. If you have a scan of the actual stamp, please share
AT20140217 PST 0_72 1 Personalised stamp 0.72 Lion
Cartoon Lion
Lions Club Emblem
Self-adhesive stamp
Print-run: 100
Order no. 8109578
MI ??? (personalised)2014 Survivors in Ice and Snow
Article from's philatelic magazine Album no. 1-2014
AT20140100 ST 0_90 1 Pre-personalised stamp Snow Leopard
Pre-personalised stamp from
AT20140100 BK 5_99
MI PM6II (personalised)AT20140100 BK 5_99
Pane 1 (no cats)
Pane 2
Prestige booklet 5.99
(franking value 5.68:
4 x 0.62
2 x 0.70
2 x 0.90)Snow Leopard (on one stamp)
Prestige booklet with
AT20140100 ST 0_90 1
and 7 other pre-personalised stamps
MI Unlisted2015 Personalised stamps
Note: The picture of this stamp is not of an actual stamp, but rather a generated visual from an automatic gallery of designs from The frame of the real stamp will differ in colour tone and fonts. If you have a scan of the actual stamp, please share
AT20150726 PST 0_68 1 Personalised stamp 0.68 Tiger
Tiger toy
Self-adhesive stamp
Print-run: 100
Order no. 8115741
MI ??? (personalised)Note: The picture of this stamp is not of an actual stamp, but rather a generated visual from an automatic gallery of designs from The frame of the real stamp will differ in colour tone and fonts. If you have a scan of the actual stamp, please share
AT20150906 PST 0_68 1 Personalised stamp 0.68 Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Illustration by Norbertine von Bresslern-Roth
Gummed stamp
Print-run: 600
Order no. 8116147
MI ??? (personalised)2015 Animals of the Savannah AT20150100 ST 0_62 1 Pre-personalised stamp 0.62 Cheetah
Pre-personalised stamp from
AT20150100 SH 19_90
MI PM6II (personalised)AT20150100 ST 0_70 4 Pre-personalised stamp 0.70 Lion
Pre-personalised stamp from
AT20150100 SH 19_90
MI PM6II (personalised)AT20150100 SH 19_90 Sheetlet 19.90
(franking value 12_80:
15 x 0.62
5 x 0.70)Cheetah
Lion (on one stamp each)
Pre-personalised sheetlet with
AT20150100 ST 0_62 1
AT20150100 ST 0_70 4
and 18 other pre-personalised stampsItems from this issue are also listed under Domestic Cats
AT20151009 ST 0_68 3 Pre-personalised stamp 0.68 Tiger
Toy Tiger
Black and white shorthair kitten with Tiger toy
Pre-personalised stamp from
AT20151009 BK 4_99
MI ??? (pre-personalised)AT20151009 BK 4_99
Prestige booklet 4.99
(franking value 4.44:
3 x 0.68
3 x 0.80)Tiger (on one stamp)
Toy tiger
Prestige booklet with
AT20151009 ST 0_68 3
and 5 other stamps
MI ??? (pre-personalised)2015 Styria '15 Stamp Fair AT20151022 PMK 8010 Commemorative postmark - Leopard
"B. Roth - Styria '15"
8010 Graz
22 October 2015CC 2016 Wild Cats AT20160301 ST 0_68 1 Pre-personalised stamp 0.68 European Wildcat
Pre-personalised stamp from
AT20160301 BK 10_90
MI ??? (pre-personalised)AT20160301 ST 0_68 2 Pre-personalised stamp 0.68 Tiger
Pre-personalised stamp from
AT20160301 BK 10_90
MI ??? (pre-personalised)AT20160301 ST 0_68 3 Pre-personalised stamp 0.68 Cheetah
Pre-personalised stamp from
AT20160301 BK 10_90
MI ??? (pre-personalised)AT20160301 ST 0_68 4 Pre-personalised stamp 0.68 Ocelot
Pre-personalised stamp from
AT20160301 BK 10_90
MI ??? (pre-personalised)AT20160301 ST 0_80 1 Pre-personalised stamp 0.80 Jaguar
Pre-personalised stamp from
AT20160301 BK 10_90
MI ??? (pre-personalised)AT20160301 ST 0_80 2 Pre-personalised stamp 0.80 Eurasian Lynx
Pre-personalised stamp from
AT20160301 BK 10_90
MI ??? (pre-personalised)AT20160301 ST 0_80 3 Pre-personalised stamp 0.80 Puma
Pre-personalised stamp from
AT20160301 BK 10_90
MI ??? (pre-personalised)AT20160301 ST 0_80 4 Pre-personalised stamp 0.80 Lion
Pre-personalised stamp from
AT20160301 BK 10_90
MI ??? (pre-personalised)AT20160301 BK 10_90 Prestige booklet 10.90
(franking value 5.92 -
4 x 0.68
4 x 0.80)European Wildcat
Eurasian Lynx
Lion (on stamps and cover)
Prestige booklet with
AT20160301 ST 0_68 1
AT20160301 ST 0_68 2
AT20160301 ST 0_68 3
AT20160301 ST 0_68 4
AT20160301 ST 0_80 1
AT20160301 ST 0_80 2
AT20160301 ST 0_80 3
AT20160301 ST 0_80 4
MI ???19 May 2017 - Centenary of Lions International AT20170519 ST 0_80 Stamp 0.80 Lion
Lions Club Emblem
MI 3343AT20170519 FDC _80 First Day Cover 0.80 Lion (on stamp, postmark, and cachet)
Lions Club Emblem
Official FDC with
AT20170519 ST 0_80AT20170519 FDP 8010 First Day Postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
"100 Jahre - Lions Clubs International"
8010 Graz
19 May 2017Compiled by Geir Arveng with additional information from Greg Balagian, Gertrude Hainzl, Shaun Stevens, Elisabeth
Hallsjö, Nahum Shereshevsky, TS Tan, Hans Kemmermann, Manfred Kirchberger, Renato Morandi, and Marci Jarvis.
Latest update: 21 October, 2018