Stamps inscribed 'KK Post', 'Kais. Koenigl. Oesterr. Post', 'Kaiserliche Königliche Österreichse Post', 'Deutschösterreich', 'Österreich', 'Republiek Österreich' or 'Austria'
1850 - 1867 Austrian Empire
1867 - 1918 Austro-Hungarian Empire (separate issues for Asutria)
1918 - 1934 Republic / Federal State
1938 - 1945 Part of Germany (German stamps used)
1945 -> Independent Republic
From 1850: 1 Gulden = 60 Kreuzer
From 1858: 1 Gulden = 100 Neu-Kreuzer
From 1899: 1 Krone = 100 Heller (=0.50 Gulden)
From 1925: 1 Schilling = 100 Groschen (=10,000 Kronen)
From 1938: 1 Mark = 100 Pfennig (German stamps used) (=1.50 Schilling)
From 1945: 1 Schilling (ATS) = 100 Groschen (=1 Mark)
From 2002: 1 Euro = 100 Eurocents (=ATS 13.7603)
Checklists > Countries > Austria Domestic Cats List status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Item Code Item type Face value Remarks SC 1978 Birth Centenary of Suitbert Lobisser AT19780323 ST 3_00 Stamp 3.00 Unspecified breed
Cat drawing
Cats in Art
Mountain Farmers, wood-print by Suitbert (aka. Switbert) Lobisser (1878-1943)
MI 15711997 EUROPA: Fairy Tales and Legends AT19970523 ST 7_00 Stamp 7.00 Unspecified breed
Cat drawing
Cats in Literature
The Bremen Town Musicians by the Brothers Grimm
MI 22212001 Pets AT20011005 ST 19_00 Stamp 19.00 Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
Cats in Art
"Cat in King's Wear" by cartoonist Manfred Deix (1949-)AT20011005 MISC FOLD Presentation Folder - Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
Cats in Art
"Cat in King's Wear" by cartoonist Manfred Deix (1949-)
Presentation folder issued by the Philatelic Service
Commonly found with stamp and cancelled om the First Day of Issue2004 Personalised Stamps AT20040408 PST 0_55 1 Personalised stamp 0.55 Unspecified Breed
Red cat in front of Vienna Opera HouseAT20040408 PST 0_55 2 Personalised stamp 0.55 British shorthair
"Cilly"AT20040408 PST 0_55 3 Personalised stamp 0.55 Unspecified Breed
Brown Tabby and ratsAT20040826 PST 0_55 Personalised stamp 0.55 Cartoon Cat
Garfield2008 Personalised Stamps AT20080528 PST 0_55 Personalised stamp 0.55 Unspecified Breed
"Mucki"2008 NIVEA Charity Balloon Flight AT20080823 PMK 8271 Commemorative Postmark - Cartoon Cat
8271 Bad Wattersdorp2009 Personalised Stamps AT20090126 PST 0_55 Personalised Stamp 0.55 Unspecified Breed
Silver Tabby semi-lohghair
"Jahr der Katze 2009" ("Year of the Cat 2009")
Realised by "Tierschutz-verein Höchst Rheindelta" ("Animal Protection Society Höchst Rheindelta")
Yellow frame, portrait, Österreich
200 copies ordered 26 Jan 2009
MI MP6I (personalised)AT20091111 PST 0_55 3 Personalised Stamp 0.55 Chartreux
Realised by Salzburger Katzenhotel - Embacher Werner
Blue frame, portrait, Österreich
500 copies ordered 11 November 2009
MI MP4I (personalised)2009 Tulbria Philatelic Exhibition AT20090601 PST 0_55 Personalised Stamp 0.55 Cartoon Cat
Realised by Briefmarkenclub Tulln
500 copies ordered
1 June 2006
MI MP6I (personalised)AT20090821 PMK 3430 Commemorative Postmark - Cartoon Cat
"Tulbria - Ein-Rahmen Vereins-meisterscaht -. Briefmarkenclub Tulln - Großtauschtag
3430 Tulln an der Donau
21 August 20092010 Personalised Stamps AT20100110 PST 0_55 Personalised Stamp 0.55 Unspecified Breed
Black Cat "Lisa"
10 January 20102012 Personalised stamps
Note: The picture of this stamp is not of an actual stamp, but rather a generated visual from an automatic gallery of designs from The frame of the real stamp will differ in colour tone and fonts. If you have a scan of the actual stamp, please share
AT201212006 PST 0_62 1 Personalised stamp 0.62 Unspecified breed
Brown-tabby shorthair 'Brummi'
Gummed stamp
Print-run: 20
Order no. 8103773
MI ???Note: The picture of this stamp is not of an actual stamp, but rather a generated visual from an automatic gallery of designs from The frame of the real stamp will differ in colour tone and fonts. If you have a scan of the actual stamp, please share AT201212006 PST 0_62 2 Personalised stamp 0.62 Unspecified breed
Black and white shorthair 'Hasi'
Gummed stamp
Print-run: 20
Order no. 8103774
MI ???Note: The picture of this stamp is not of an actual stamp, but rather a generated visual from an automatic gallery of designs from The frame of the real stamp will differ in colour tone and fonts. If you have a scan of the actual stamp, please share AT201212006 PST 0_62 5 Personalised stamp 0.62 Unspecified breed
Brown-tabby shorthair 'Brummi' and Black and white shorthair 'Hasi'
Gummed stamp
Print-run: 20
Order no. 8103777
MI ???2012 Animal Friendship AT20121004 ST 0_62 1 Pre-personalised stamp 0.62 Unspecified Breed (one white, one silver tabby)
Pre-personalised stamp from booklet (issued by
MI MP14II (personalised)AT20121004 ST 0_62 2 Pre-personalised stamp 0.62 Unspecified Breed (black and white with dog)
Pre-personalised stamp from booklet (issued by
MI MP14II (personalised)AT20121004 BK 4_99
Pane 1
Prestige booklet 4.99
(franking value 4.96:
8 x 0.62)Unspecified breed (on
2 x 2 stamps, cover and panes)
MI Unlisted2013 Personalised Stamps
Note: The picture of this stamp is not of an actual stamp, but rather a generated visual from an automatic gallery of designs from The frame of the real stamp will differ in colour tone and fonts. If you have a scan of the actual stamp, please share
AT20130205 PST 0_62 1 Personalised stamp 0.62 Unspecified breed
Red-tabby semi-longhair 'David'
Gummed stamp
Print-run: 20
Order no. 8104532
MI ???Note: The picture of this stamp is not of an actual stamp, but rather a generated visual from an automatic gallery of designs from The frame of the real stamp will differ in colour tone and fonts. If you have a scan of the actual stamp, please share AT20130212 PST 0_62 1 Personalised stamp 0.62 Unspecified breed
Tortie and white shorthair 'Miezekatze'
Gummed stamp
Print-run: 20
Order no. 8104600
MI ???Note: The picture of this stamp is not of an actual stamp, but rather a generated visual from an automatic gallery of designs from The frame of the real stamp will differ in colour tone and fonts. If you have a scan of the actual stamp, please share AT20130215 PST 0_62 1 Personalised stamp 0.62 Unspecified breed
Black shorthair 'Maxi'
Gummed stamp
Print-run: 20
Order no. 8104657
MI ???Note: The picture of this stamp is not of an actual stamp, but rather a generated visual from an automatic gallery of designs from The frame of the real stamp will differ in colour tone and fonts. If you have a scan of the actual stamp, please share AT20130327 PST 0_62 1 Personalised stamp 0.62 Unspecified breed
Brown-tabby and white shorthair 'Morli'
Gummed stamp
Print-run: 100
Order no. 8105213
MI ???Note: The picture of this stamp is not of an actual stamp, but rather a generated visual from an automatic gallery of designs from The frame of the real stamp will differ in colour tone and fonts. If you have a scan of the actual stamp, please share AT20130329 PST 0_62 1 Personalised stamp 0.62 Unspecified breed
Blue semi-longhair
Gummed stamp
Print-run: 20
Order no. 8105231
MI ???Note: The picture of this stamp is not of an actual stamp, but rather a generated visual from an automatic gallery of designs from The frame of the real stamp will differ in colour tone and fonts. If you have a scan of the actual stamp, please share AT20130529 PST 0_62 6 Personalised stamp 0.62 Unspecified breed
Red-tabby shorthair 'Mutzi' (in blanket)
Gummed stamp
Print-run: 20
Order no. 8106051
MI ???Note: The picture of this stamp is not of an actual stamp, but rather a generated visual from an automatic gallery of designs from The frame of the real stamp will differ in colour tone and fonts. If you have a scan of the actual stamp, please share AT20130627 PST 0_62 3 Personalised stamp 0.62 Unspecified breed
Red-tabby shorthair 'Mutzi' (in blanket)
Self-adhesive stamp
Print-run: 20
Order no. 8106496
MI ???Note: The picture of this stamp is not of an actual stamp, but rather a generated visual from an automatic gallery of designs from The frame of the real stamp will differ in colour tone and fonts. If you have a scan of the actual stamp, please share AT20130710 PST 0_62 1 Personalised stamp 0.62 Unspecified breed
Red-tabby shorthair with owner Walter Wohlmacher
Gummed stamp
Print-run: 300
Order no. 8106724
MI ???Note: The picture of this stamp is not of an actual stamp, but rather a generated visual from an automatic gallery of designs from The frame of the real stamp will differ in colour tone and fonts. If you have a scan of the actual stamp, please share AT20130717 PST 0_62 1 Personalised stamp 0.62 Unspecified breed
Black silver shaded shorthair 'Schnurrli'
Gummed stamp
Print-run: 20
Order no. 8106811
MI ???Note: The picture of this stamp is not of an actual stamp, but rather a generated visual from an automatic gallery of designs from The frame of the real stamp will differ in colour tone and fonts. If you have a scan of the actual stamp, please share AT20130820 PST 0_62 2 Personalised stamp 0.62 Unspecified breed
Brown-tabby and white shorthair 'Diva'
Self-adhesive stamp
Print-run: 20
Order no. 8107180
MI ???Note: The picture of this stamp is not of an actual stamp, but rather a generated visual from an automatic gallery of designs from The frame of the real stamp will differ in colour tone and fonts. If you have a scan of the actual stamp, please share AT20131111 PST 0_62 5 Personalised stamp 0.62 Bengal
'Speedy' (with man)
Gummed stamp
Print-run: 20
Order no. 8108256
MI ???Note: The picture of this stamp is not of an actual stamp, but rather a generated visual from an automatic gallery of designs from The frame of the real stamp will differ in colour tone and fonts. If you have a scan of the actual stamp, please share AT20131129 PST 0_62 1 Personalised stamp 0.62 Unspecified breed
Brown-silver-tabby shorthair 'Petzy'
Gummed stamp
Print-run: 20
Order no. 8108560
MI ???Note: The picture of this stamp is not of an actual stamp, but rather a generated visual from an automatic gallery of designs from The frame of the real stamp will differ in colour tone and fonts. If you have a scan of the actual stamp, please share AT20131211 PST 0_62 3 Personalised stamp 0.62 Unspecified breed
Silver-tabby shorthair kitten 'Jimmy'
Self-adhesive stamp
Print-run: 20
Order no. 8108861
MI ???Note: The picture of this stamp is not of an actual stamp, but rather a generated visual from an automatic gallery of designs from The frame of the real stamp will differ in colour tone and fonts. If you have a scan of the actual stamp, please share AT20131216 PST 0_62 2 Personalised stamp 0.62 Unspecified breed
Black and white shorthair 'Kira'
Self-adhesive stamp
Print-run: 20
Order no. 8108925
MI ???Note: The picture of this stamp is not of an actual stamp, but rather a generated visual from an automatic gallery of designs from The frame of the real stamp will differ in colour tone and fonts. If you have a scan of the actual stamp, please share AT20131217 PST 0_62 4 Personalised stamp 0.62 Unspecified breed
Red-tabby kitten
Self-adhesive stamp
Print-run: 20
Order no. 8108981
MI ???2013 Cats Pre-personalised Prestige Booklet AT20131000 ST 0_62 1 Pre-personalised stamp 0.62 Unspecified breed
Red-tabby shorthair Leo on rock
Pre-personalised stamp from
AT20131000 BK 4_99
MI PM6II (personalised)AT20131000 ST 0_62 2 Pre-personalised stamp 0.62 Unspecified breed
Brown-tabby shorthair Mausi looking upwards
Pre-personalised stamp from
AT20131000 BK 4_99
MI PM6II (personalised)AT20131000 ST 0_62 3 Pre-personalised stamp 0.62 Unspecified breed
(might be a Chartreux or British Shorthair)
Blue shorthair Tommy
Pre-personalised stamp from
AT20131000 BK 4_99
MI PM6II (personalised)AT20131000 ST 0_62 4 Pre-personalised stamp 0.62 Unspecified breed
Brown-tabby shorthair Susi in grape-vine
Pre-personalised stamp from
AT20131000 BK 4_99
MI PM6II (personalised)AT20131000 ST 0_62 5 Pre-personalised stamp 0.62 Unspecified breed
Red-tabby and white shorthair Mika
Pre-personalised stamp from
AT20131000 BK 4_99
MI PM6II (personalised)AT20131000 ST 0_62 6 Pre-personalised stamp 0.62 Unspecified breed
Red-tabby semi-longhair Axel
Pre-personalised stamp from
AT20131000 BK 4_99
MI PM6II (personalised)AT20131000 ST 0_62 7 Pre-personalised stamp 0.62 Unspecified breed
Silver-tabby shorthair Kitty (sitting on rump)
Pre-personalised stamp from
AT20131000 BK 4_99
MI PM6II (personalised)AT20131000 ST 0_62 8 Pre-personalised stamp 0.62 Unspecified breed
Brown-tabby and white shorthair Puppy, tilted head
Pre-personalised stamp from
AT20131000 BK 4_99
MI PM6II (personalised)AT20131000 BK 4_99
Pane 1
Pane 2
Back cover
Prestige booklet 4.99
(franking value 4.96:
8 x 0.62)Unspecified breed (on all stamps, cover and pane selvedges)
8-stamp prestige booklet with
AT20131000 ST 0_62 1
AT20131000 ST 0_62 2
AT20131000 ST 0_62 3
AT20131000 ST 0_62 4
AT20131000 ST 0_62 5
AT20131000 ST 0_62 6
AT20131000 ST 0_62 7
AT20131000 ST 0_62 8
MI Unlisted2014 Personalised Stamps
Note: The picture of this stamp is not of an actual stamp, but rather a generated visual from an automatic gallery of designs from The frame of the real stamp will differ in colour tone and fonts. If you have a scan of the actual stamp, please share
AT20140127 PST 0_62 2 Personalised stamp 0.62 Bengal
(on a boy's shoulder)
Gummed stamp
Print-run: 20
Order no. 8109307
MI ???Note: The picture of this stamp is not of an actual stamp, but rather a generated visual from an automatic gallery of designs from The frame of the real stamp will differ in colour tone and fonts. If you have a scan of the actual stamp, please share AT20140306 PST 0_62 2 Personalised stamp 0.62 Unspecified breed
Brown-tabby shorthair kitten (with dog)
Catstamp on stamp
pictured (main motif: Professor Hannes Margreiter)
Gummed stamp
Print-run: 100
Order no. 8109752
MI ???Note: The picture of this stamp is not of an actual stamp, but rather a generated visual from an automatic gallery of designs from The frame of the real stamp will differ in colour tone and fonts. If you have a scan of the actual stamp, please share AT20140411 PST 0_62 1 Personalised stamp 0.62 Unspecified breed
Silver-tabby shorthair 'Munki'
Gummed stamp
Print-run: 20
Order no. 8110194
MI ???Note: The picture of this stamp is not of an actual stamp, but rather a generated visual from an automatic gallery of designs from The frame of the real stamp will differ in colour tone and fonts. If you have a scan of the actual stamp, please share
AT20140514 PST 0_62 2 Personalised stamp 0.62 Unspecified breed
Blue-tabby shorthair (with woman)
Gummed stamp
Print-run: 20
Order no. 8110594
MI ???Note: The picture of this stamp is not of an actual stamp, but rather a generated visual from an automatic gallery of designs from The frame of the real stamp will differ in colour tone and fonts. If you have a scan of the actual stamp, please share
AT20141020 PST 0_62 6 Personalised stamp 0.62 Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
"Junger süßer Krampus"
Gummed stamp
Print-run: 100
Order no. 8112363
MI ???Note: The picture of this stamp is not of an actual stamp, but rather a generated visual from an automatic gallery of designs from The frame of the real stamp will differ in colour tone and fonts. If you have a scan of the actual stamp, please share
AT20141119 PST 0_68 1 Personalised stamp 0.68 Sacred Birman
Gummed stamp
Print-run: 100
Order no. 8112798
MI ???Note: The picture of this stamp is not of an actual stamp, but rather a generated visual from an automatic gallery of designs from The frame of the real stamp will differ in colour tone and fonts. If you have a scan of the actual stamp, please share
AT20141127 PST 0_62 1 Personalised stamp 0.62 Unspecified breed
Red tabby shorthair
Gummed stamp
Print-run: 20
Order no. 8112931
Same design as
AT20141128 PST 0_72 1
MI ???Note: The picture of this stamp is not of an actual stamp, but rather a generated visual from an automatic gallery of designs from The frame of the real stamp will differ in colour tone and fonts. If you have a scan of the actual stamp, please share AT20141128 PST 0_72 1 Personalised stamp 0.72 Unspecified breed
Red tabby shorthair
Gummed stamp
Print-run: 20
Order no. 8112951
Same design as
AT20141127 PST 0_62 1
MI ???2015 Personalised Stamps
Note: The picture of this stamp is not of an actual stamp, but rather a generated visual from an automatic gallery of designs from The frame of the real stamp will differ in colour tone and fonts. If you have a scan of the actual stamp, please share
AT20150308 PST 0_68 1 Personalised stamp 0.68 Unspecified breed
Lilac tabby shorthair 'Cindy'
Self-adhesive stamp
Print-run: 20
Order no. 8114219
MI ???Note: The picture of this stamp is not of an actual stamp, but rather a generated visual from an automatic gallery of designs from The frame of the real stamp will differ in colour tone and fonts. If you have a scan of the actual stamp, please share
AT20150319 PST 0_68 2 Personalised stamp 0.68 Unspecified breed
Dark tortie shorthair 'Christl'
Gummed stamp
Print-run: 20
Order no. 8114392
MI ???Note: The picture of this stamp is not of an actual stamp, but rather a generated visual from an automatic gallery of designs from The frame of the real stamp will differ in colour tone and fonts. If you have a scan of the actual stamp, please share
AT20150401 PST 0_68 1 Personalised stamp 0.68 Unspecified breed
Silver-tabby and white shorthair adult and kitten
Gummed stamp
Print-run: 20
Order no. 8114571
MI ???Note: The picture of this stamp is not of an actual stamp, but rather a generated visual from an automatic gallery of designs from The frame of the real stamp will differ in colour tone and fonts. If you have a scan of the actual stamp, please share
AT20150915 PST 0_68 3 Personalised stamp 0.68 Unspecified breed
Blue and white shorthair (with woman)
Self-adhesive stamp
Print-run: 100
Order no. 8116219
MI ???Note: The picture of this stamp is not of an actual stamp, but rather a generated visual from an automatic gallery of designs from The frame of the real stamp will differ in colour tone and fonts. If you have a scan of the actual stamp, please share
AT20151031 PST 0_68 1 Personalised stamp 0.68 Unspecified breed
Brown ticked shorthair kitten
Gummed stamp
Print-run: 20
Order no. 8116716
MI ???Note: The picture of this stamp is not of an actual stamp, but rather a generated visual from an automatic gallery of designs from The frame of the real stamp will differ in colour tone and fonts. If you have a scan of the actual stamp, please share AT20151031 PST 0_68 2 Personalised stamp 0.68 Unspecified breed
Black & white shorthair
Gummed stamp
Print-run: 20
Order no. 8116720
MI ???Note: The picture of this stamp is not of an actual stamp, but rather a generated visual from an automatic gallery of designs from The frame of the real stamp will differ in colour tone and fonts. If you have a scan of the actual stamp, please share AT20151124 PST 0_68 3 Personalised stamp 0.68 Unspecified breed
4 brown tabby shorthairs
Gummed stamp
Print-run: 20
Order no. 8117146
MI ???Note: The picture of this stamp is not of an actual stamp, but rather a generated visual from an automatic gallery of designs from The frame of the real stamp will differ in colour tone and fonts. If you have a scan of the actual stamp, please share AT20151125 PST 0_68 1 Personalised stamp 0.68 Unspecified breed
Black and white harlquin shorthair 'Archibald'
Gummed stamp
Print-run: 20
Order no. 8117188
MI ???Note: The picture of this stamp is not of an actual stamp, but rather a generated visual from an automatic gallery of designs from The frame of the real stamp will differ in colour tone and fonts. If you have a scan of the actual stamp, please share AT20151125 PST 0_80 1 Personalised stamp 0.80 Unspecified breed
Brown tabby and white shorthair Balu and Brown tabby shorthair 'Findus'
Gummed stamp
Print-run: 20
Order no. 8117185
MI ???Note: The picture of this stamp is not of an actual stamp, but rather a generated visual from an automatic gallery of designs from The frame of the real stamp will differ in colour tone and fonts. If you have a scan of the actual stamp, please share AT20151125 PST 0_94 1 Personalised stamp 0.94 Unspecified breed
Brown tabby shorthair 'Schnurrli'
Gummed stamp
Print-run: 20
Order no. 8117183
MI ???Note: The picture of this stamp is not of an actual stamp, but rather a generated visual from an automatic gallery of designs from The frame of the real stamp will differ in colour tone and fonts. If you have a scan of the actual stamp, please share
AT20151126 PST 0_94 1 Personalised stamp 0.94 Unspecified breed
Brown tabby and white shorthair 'Cindy'
Gummed stamp
Print-run: 20
Order no. 8117212
MI ???Note: The picture of this stamp is not of an actual stamp, but rather a generated visual from an automatic gallery of designs from The frame of the real stamp will differ in colour tone and fonts. If you have a scan of the actual stamp, please share AT20151126 PST 0_94 2 Personalised stamp 0.94 Unspecified breed
Brown tabby shorthair 'Findus'
Gummed stamp
Print-run: 20
Order no. 8117213
MI ???Note: The picture of this stamp is not of an actual stamp, but rather a generated visual from an automatic gallery of designs from The frame of the real stamp will differ in colour tone and fonts. If you have a scan of the actual stamp, please share
AT20151127 PST 0_99 1 Personalised stamp 0.99 Unspecified breed
Brown tabby and white shorthair 'Balu'
Gummed stamp
Print-run: 20
Order no. 8117289
MI ???2015 Övebria - 50. Tulbria
Note: The picture of this stamp is not of an actual stamp, but rather a generated visual from an automatic gallery of designs from The frame of the real stamp will differ in colour tone and fonts. If you have a scan of the actual stamp, please share
AT20150216 PST 0_68 1 Personalised stamp 0.68 Unspecified breed
Gardened cat figure (sculpted bushes) "Praskatz"
Gummed stamp
Print-run: 1000
Order no. 8113957
MI ???2015 Numiphil 2015
AT20151017 PST 0_68 1 Personalised stamp 0.68 Unspecified breed
"Tierheim Brunn - Gast der Numiphil 2015" ["Brunn Animal Shelter - Guest at Numiphil 2015"]
Gummed stamp
Print-run: 400
Order no. 8116614
MI ??? (personalised)2015 Young Farm Animals
Article from's philatelic magazine Album no. 6-2015
AT20150622 ST 0_68 3 Pre-personalised stamp 0.68 Unspecified breed
Blue-tabby (?) and white kitten in grass
Pre-personalised stamp from
AT20150622 BK 4_99
MI ??? (personalised)AT20150622 BK 4_99
Prestige booklet 4.99
(franking value 4.44:
3 x 0.68
3 x 0.80)Unspecified breed (on one stamp and cover)
Prestige booklet with
AT20150622 ST 0_68 3
and 5 other stamps
MI UnlistedItems from this issue are also listed under Wild Cats
Article from's philatelic magazine Album no. 10-2015
AT20151009 ST 0_68 3 Pre-personalised stamp 0.68 Unspecified breed
Black and white shorthair kitten with Tiger toy
Pre-personalised stamp from
AT20151009 BK 4_99
MI ??? (pre-personalised)AT20151009 ST 0_80 1 Pre-personalised stamp 0.80 Unspecified breed
Blue silver-tabby semi-longhair kitten
Pre-personalised stamp from
AT20151009 BK 4_99
MI ??? (pre-personalised)AT20151009 BK 4_99
Prestige booklet 4.99
(franking value 4.44:
3 x 0.68
3 x 0.80)Unspecified breed (on two stamps and cover)
Prestige booklet with
AT20151009 ST 0_68 3
AT20151009 ST 0_80 1
and 4 other stamps
MI Unlisted2016 Personalised Stamps
Note: The picture of this stamp is not of an actual stamp, but rather a generated visual from an automatic gallery of designs from The frame of the real stamp will differ in colour tone and fonts. If you have a scan of the actual stamp, please share
AT20160211 PST 0_68 7 Personalised stamp 0.68 Unspecified breed
Brown tabby shorthair and brown tabby and white semi-longhair
Gummed stamp
Print-run: 20
Order no. 8118447
MI MP5II (personalised)Note: The picture of this stamp is not of an actual stamp, but rather a generated visual from an automatic gallery of designs from The frame of the real stamp will differ in colour tone and fonts. If you have a scan of the actual stamp, please share
AT20160229 PST 0_68 1 Personalised stamp 0.68 Unspecified breed
B&W shorthair 'Pauli'
Gummed stamp
Print-run: 20
Order no. 8118666
MI ??? (personalised)Note: The picture of this stamp is not of an actual stamp, but rather a generated visual from an automatic gallery of designs from The frame of the real stamp will differ in colour tone and fonts. If you have a scan of the actual stamp, please share AT20160305 PST 0_68 3 Personalised stamp 0.68 Scottish Fold
Blue shorthair 'Marmelade'
Gummed stamp
Print-run: 20
Order no. 8118719
MI ??? (personalised)Note: The picture of this stamp is not of an actual stamp, but rather a generated visual from an automatic gallery of designs from The frame of the real stamp will differ in colour tone and fonts. If you have a scan of the actual stamp, please share AT20160321 PST 0_68 1 Personalised stamp 0.68 Sacred Birman
Gummed stamp
Print-run: 20
Order no. 8118972
MI ??? (personalised)Compiled by Geir Arveng with additional information from Marci Jarvis, Nahum Shereshevsky, Ulrike Radl (
Erich Allerndorf and Patrick Roberts.
Latest update: 25 December, 2024