Stamps inscribed 'Armenia' and '
<- 1919 Russian stamps used
1919 - 1922 Independent Armenian Issues
1923 - 1923 See Transcaucasian Federation
1923 - 1992 See Soviet Union
1992 -> Independent nation
From 1919: 1 Armenian Ruble (no subdivision)
From 1923: 1 Transcaucasian Ruble (no subdivision) [= 1 Armenian ruble]
From 1992: 1 Ruble (SUR) = 100 Kopek
From 1994: 1 Dram (AMD) = 100 Luma [= 200 SUR]
Checklists > Countries > Armenia Mythic Cats List status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Issue Item code Item type Face value Remarks SC 1921 Scenery II (unissued) AM19210000 ST 100 Stamp 100 Mythological Winged Lion
Wild Cat Art
MI IIgAAM19210000 IMP 100 Imperforate stamp 100 Mythological Winged Lion
Wild Cat Art
MI IIgB1922 Scenery (overprints) AM19220400 ST 10000 1 Stamp 10000 Mythological Winged Lion
Wild Cat Art
AM19210000 ST 100
overprinted/hand-stamped with new value in black, narrow numbers
MI 150aAIAM19220400 ST 10000 2 Stamp 10000 Mythological Winged Lion
Wild Cat Art
AM19210000 ST 100
overprinted/hand-stamped with new value in black, wide numbers
MI 150aAIIAM19220400 ST 10000 3 Stamp 10000 Mythological Winged Lion
Wild Cat Art
AM19210000 ST 100
overprinted/hand-stamped with new value in black, wide and large numbers
MI 150aAIIIAM19220400 ST 10000 4 Stamp 10000 Mythological Winged Lion
Wild Cat Art
AM19210000 ST 100
overprinted/hand-stamped with new value in red
MI 150bBAM19220400 IMP 10000 1 Imperforate stamp 10000 Mythological Winged Lion
Wild Cat Art
AM19210000 ST 100
overprinted/hand-stamped with new value in black, narrow numbers
MI 150aBIAM19220400 IMP 10000 2 Imperforate stamp 10000 Mythological Winged Lion
Wild Cat Art
AM19210000 ST 100
overprinted/hand-stamped with new value in black, wide numbers
MI 150aBIIAM19220400 IMP 10000 3 Imperforate stamp 10000 Mythological Winged Lion
Wild Cat Art
AM19210000 ST 100
overprinted/hand-stamped with new value in black, wide and large numbers
MI 150aBIII1922 National Images (unissued) AM19221000 ST 4000 Stamp 4000 Winged Leopard
MI IVh1923 National Images (overprints)
There are many forgeries of these stamps, particularly the red ink overprints
AM19230500 ST 20000 1 Stamp 20000
(on 4000)Winged Leopard
AM19221000 ST 4000
overprinted (handstamped) with new value in black ink
MI 178SAM19230500 ST 20000 2 Stamp 20000
(on 4000)Winged Leopard
AM19221000 ST 4000
overprinted (handstamped) with new value in violet ink
MI 178VAM19230500 ST 20000 3 Stamp 20000
(on 4000)Winged Leopard
AM19221000 ST 4000
overprinted (handstamped) with new value in red ink
MI 178RList compiled by Geir Arveng with valuable information from Greg Balagian.
Latest update: 11 December, 2014