Catstamps by item type

PLEASE NOTE: These pages are still under development and are not in any way complete. If you have checklists to contribute, or corrections or addendae to the existing ones, please send them by e-mail to

Item type Code Comment
Regular stamps ST Definitive and commemmorative stamps issued by recognised postal service providers, valid for universal postage and available to the general public. This category also includes semi-postal stamps.
Service stamps SE Stamps reserved for a specific service, branch of government, or institution. Generally not for sale to the general public.
Precancelled stamps PRE Stamps precancelled for mass mailings
Parcel stamps PAR Parcel Stamps - in some countries issued in cooperation with or by bus, railway or ferry companies
Postage Dues PD Postage Due Stamps
Postal Tax Stamps TX Postal Tax Stamps
Postal Tax Service Stamps SET Postal Tax Stamps reserved for a specific service, branch of government, or institution. Generally not for sale to the general public.
Imperforate stamps IMP Imperforated versions of stamps also issued as regular perforated stamps. Not listed by all catalogues.
Imperforate service stamps ISE Imperforated versions of service stamps also issued as regular perforated stamps. Not listed by all catalogues.
Charity stamps CHA Volontary charity stamps issued by postal operators. Can be seen as separate stamps representing the surcharge of a semi-postal stamp.
Miniature sheets MS Also often referred to as Souvenir Sheet.
Imperforate Miniature Sheets IMS Imperforated versions of MSs also issued as regular perforated MS. Not listed by all catalogues.
Sheet(let)s SH Sheets and sheetlets. Generally listed only if the tabs/gutters add to the design or the topic.
Imperforate Sheet(let)s ISH Imperforate sheets and sheetlets also issued in perforate version. Generally listed only if the tabs/gutters add to the design or the topic.
Se-tenant pairs/strips/blocks TEN Se tenantly issued stamps. Generally only listed when forming a composite design.
Booklets BK Booklets are listed to the extent that the stamps differ from the general issue (e.g. different perforation) OR if booklet design is relevant to the topic.
Imperforate Booklets IBK Imperforated versions of booklets also issued as regular perforated booklets. Not listed by all catalogues.
Coils (incl. packaging) COI Coils are listed to the extent that packaging and/or label-design is relevant to the topic.
Franking Labels FRA Franking labels (FRAMAs, ATMs, LISAs and the like). Labels available to the general public sold from vending- or counter machines with face value printed to order, generally in various denominations. Used and cancelled as ordinary stamps.
Personalised Stamps PST Stamps personalised with the customers' photos or design. Many of them show cats.
Personalised Sheet(let)s PSH Sheet(let)s with personalised stamps and(or margins and/or labels
Computer Postage COM Computer generated postage, bought online and printed on labels or directly on envelopes.
Marginal Labels/Selvedges LB Labels from sheet margins, selvedges, etc.
Imperforate Marginal Labels/Selvedges ILB Labels from imperforate sheet margins, selvedges, etc.
Personilized Labels PLB Personalized labels attached to stamps (Smilers, Duostamps, etc.)
Proofs PRO Proof prints, colour trials, test-prints, etc.  
First Day Covers FDC Official post office FDCs will primarily be listed, with different pictorial postmarks related to the topic when applicable. We do not foresee listing every variety of privately produced FDC or cachet for every issue.
First Day Sheets FDS Some postal administrations issue official First Day Sheets with a stamp (series), official FDP and technical and general informaton about the issue.
Presentation Packs PP Presentation packs are listed to the extent that they add to the topic (i.e. generic PPs used for all issues will not be listed).
Presentation Sheets/Cards PPS Presentation Sheets and Cards, Album Pages etc. issued by post offices/philtelic bureaux.
Maximum Cards MC Official post office MCs will primarily be listed, with different pictorial postmarks related to the topic when applicable. We do not foresee listing every variety of privately produced MC for every issue.
First Day Postmarks FDP Postmarks used for first day cancellations only. Only postmarks that with text or picture adhere to the topic (as opposed to generic FDPs) will be listed.
Pictorial Postmarks PMK Pictorial postmarks used on all types of mail. (Does anyone see the need for a distinction between commemorative postmarks and postmarks/slogan in general use? Let us know!)
Military cachet and markings MIL Pictorial cachets, handstamps and markings used on military mail, field post etc.
Commemorative postcards and covers CC Commemorative postcards and covers issued by postal authorities
Postal stationary AEG

Pre-stamped aerogrammes/airletters
Pre-stamped post cards
Reply post cards
Pre stamped envelopes
Pre-stamped letter cards
Pre-stamped letter sheets
Pre-stamped response/reply envelopes
Pre-stamped newspaper wrappers
Pre-stamped publications, brochures, flyers, etc.
Pre-stamped envelope with personalised stamp indicium
Envelopes with prepaid registration fee (postage must be added)
Money orders
Cash-on-delivery forms/Money orders
Giro cards/Giro payment orders
Parcel Adrress Cards
Reply coupons RC National, regional or international reply coupons
Meter franks MF Imprints from franking machines
Mass Mailers MM PP-marked mass-mailing envelopes and cards
Cinderella items CIN Stamp like labels, local issues, fantasy countries, etc. without any franking value.
Illegal issues / falsifications / counterfeit stamps ILL Stamps classified as illegal issues.
Miscellanous MISC Packaging, flyers, stamp packs and other items

Latest update of this page: 20 December, 2020