Issued by Item code Hong Kong
HK19980104 ST 5D Issue No. of stamps in issue Catstamps in issue 1998 Year of the Tiger 6 (4 designs) 6 Item type Issue date Face value Stamp 4 Jan 1998 5.00 Sheet size Colours Perforation Design/motive 50 - 2 panes of 25
MS with full set (4 stamps)Multicolored 13.5 Tiger embroidery
Designed by KAN Tai-keungCatalogue numbers Item size Scott SG Michel YT 27.94 x 44.45 mm 810 918 837A Print run Paper Printing Unwatermarked Litho by Ashton-Potter (Canada) Ltd. Other catstamps in issue Related items Categories HK19980104 ST 1_30 1
HK19980104 ST 1_30 2
HK19980104 ST 2_50
HK19980104 ST 3_10 1
HK19980104 ST 3_10 2HK19980104 MS
HK19980104 BK
HK19980104 FDC Set
HK19980104 FDC MS
HK19980104 FDC BK
HK19980104 PSE
HK19980211 FRAWild Cats
Year of the Tiger (Lunar Zodiac)
Stylized and Cartoon TigersComments There is to our knowledge no way of distinguishing stamps from sheets and the MS (except if you have pairs). If you have further information on this item, please let us know. Update history 22 Oct 2006 Geir Arveng