Stamps inscribed 'Yemen Arab Republic' and '
', 'Yemen Republic', 'Republic of Yemen' or 'Yemen' and '
<- 1990 See Yemen Arab Republic (North) and Yemen - People's Democratic
Republic (South) respectively
1990 ->
From 1990: 1 Rial (YER) = 100 Fils (= 26 YDD - South Yemeni Dinars)
Checklists > Countries > Yemen Domestic Cats List status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Issue Item code Item type Face value Remarks SC 1990 Cats YE19901226 ST 0_05 Stamp 0.05Abyssinian
MI 30This set also includes a Wild Cat YE19901226 ST 0_15 Stamp 0.15Persian
MI 31YE19901226 ST 0_35 Stamp 0.35Siamese / Oriental Colourpoint
MI 32YE19901226 ST 0_55 Stamp 0.55Russian Blue (listed by Domfil as Chartreux, but looks more like Russian Blue)
MI 33YE19901226 ST 0_60 Stamp 0.60Persian / Himalayan
MI 34YE19901226 ST 1_50 Stamp 1.50Unspecified Breed
MI 35YE19901226 ST 4_60 Stamp 4.60Unspecified Breed (listed by Domfil as a British Shorthair, but this is a semi-longhaired cat)
Large (70 x 90 mm), imperforate stamp - listed by most catalogues as a miniature sheet
MI B5Compiled by Geir Arveng
Latest update: 20 October 2013