Stamps inscribed 'Emp. Otoman', 'Postes Ottomanes', 'Türk Postalari', 'Türkiye Cümhuriyeti' or 'Türkiye Cumhuriyeti' and/or name form in Arabic script.
If anyone would like to interpret and send pictogrammes of the Arabic name forms, please do!1863 ->
From 1863: 1 Piaster = 40 Paras
From 1926: 1 Lira (TRL) = 100 Kurush, 1 Kurush = 40 Paras
From 2005: 1 New Lira (TRY) = 100 New Kurush [= 1 Million Old Lira]
From 2009: 1 Lira (TRY) = 100 Kurush (renaming only)
Checklists > Countries > Turkey Heraldic Cats List status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to checklists@catstamps.org.HERALDIC CATS
Item Code
Item type Face value Remarks SC 18 October 2010 - Alliance of Civilizations Joint issue with Spain
TR20101018 MS 1_90 Miniature sheet 1.90
+ 1.10)Heraldic Lion (on selvedge)
Crowned Lion Rampant
Spanish Flag
Two-stamp MS
MI B73TR20101018 FDC 1_90 First day cover 1.90
+ 1.10)Heraldic Lion (on selvedge)
Crowned Lion Rampant
Spanish Flag
Official FDC with
TR20101018 MS 1_90List compiled by Geir Arveng with additional information from Elisabeth Hallsjö.
Latest update: 24 October, 2020