Stamps inscribed 'Senegal' or 'République du Senegal'
1887 - 1944 French colonial issues
1944 - 1959 Stamps of French West Africa used
1959 - 1960 Part of the Mali Federation
1960 -> Independence
From 1877: 1 [French] Franc = 100 Centimes
From 1903: 1 French Wst African Franc = 100 Centimes
From 1960: 1 CFA Franc (XOF) = 100 Centimes
Checklists > Countries > Senegal Wild Cats List status: Incomplete / Under Construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Issue Item code Item type Face valueRemarks SC 1966 Postage Dues
These stamps can also be found used for ordinary postage
SN19661201 PD 1 Postage Due Stamp 1 Lion
MI PO37SN19661201 PD 2 Postage Due Stamp 2 Lion
MI PO38SN19661201 PD 5
Used as ordinary stamps
Postage Due Stamp 5 Lion
MI PO39IL2M SN19661201 PD 10 Postage Due Stamp 10 Lion
MI PO40SN19661201 PD 20
Used as ordinary stamps
Postage Due Stamp 20 Lion
MI PO41IL2M SN19661201 PD 30 Postage Due Stamp 30 Lion
MI PO421967 50th Anniversary of Lions International SN19670427 ST 30 Stamp 30 Lions Club Emblem
MI 355M 1972 75th Anniversary of the Death of Alphonse Daudet (author) SN19720624 ST 40 Stamp 40Lion
Wild Cats and Literature
"The Wonderful Adventures of the Noble Tartarin of Tarascon" by Alphinse Daudet
MI 491SN19720624 ST 100 Stamp 100Lion (silouette)
MI 4921972 Belgica '72 International Philatelic Exhibition SN19720701 MS 150 Miniature Sheet 150Lion
Wild Cat Art
Wild Cats and Philately
Sculpture from Grand Place in Brussels
MI B91973 15th District Congress of Lions International SN19730602 ST 150 Stamp 150Lions Club Emblem
MI 520M 1974 175th Anniversary of the Birth of Eugène Delacroix (1798-1863) (French painter) SN19740323 ST 150 Stamp 150Tiger
Wild Cat Art
"Tiger Attacking Wild Horse", painting by E. Delacroix
MI 549SN19740323 ST 200 Stamp 200Tiger
Wild Cat Art
"Tiger Hunt", painting by E. Delacroix
MI 5501974 Dakar International Trade Fair SN19741128 ST 350 Stamp 350Lion
Embossed gold foil
MI 559SN19741128 ST 1000 Stamp 1000Lion
MI 5601975 Riccione '75 International Philatelic Exhibition SN19750823 ST 125 Stamp 125Lion
Wild Cats and Philately
Wild Cat Art
Stamps on stamp
SN19661201 PD 1
ITTO18510000 ST 0_02
from Tuscanny pictured
MI 5721976 Basse Casamance National Park SN19760226 ST 2 Stamp 2Serval
MI 5831977 Paintings SN19771010 ST 25 Stamp 25Lion Painting
Wild Cat Art
"Daniel in the Lion's Den" by Peter Paul Rubens
MI XXX1978 Philexafrique '79 / Essen International Stamp Fair '78 SN19781101 ST 100 1 Stamp 100Lion
Big Cats and Philately
MI XXXSN19781101 IMP 100 1 Imperforate Stamp 100Lion
Big Cats and Philately
MI Not listed1979 Philexafrique 79 II SN19790628 ST 60 Stamp 60 Lion
Big Cats and Philately
MI 6881980 22nd District Congress of Lions International SN19800517 ST 100 Stamp 100 Lions Club Emblem
MI 715ILM 1983 Postage Dues
These stamps can also be found used for ordinary postage
SN19831000 PD 60 Postage Due Stamp 60 Lion
MI PO43SN19831000 PD 90
Used as ordinary stamps
Postage Due Stamp 90 Lion
MI PO44IL2 1986 5th Multi District Congress of Lions International SN19860605 ST 165 Stamp 165
on 85Lions Club Emblem (overprinted)
MI 8741987 Basse Casamance National Park SN19871109 ST 115 Stamp 115 Serval
MI 938SN19871109 ST 250 Stamp 250 Leopard
MI 941SN19871109 IMP 115 Imperforate Stamp 115 Serval
MI UnlistedSN19871109 IMP 250 Imperforate Stamp 250 Leopard
MI UnlistedSN19871109 FDC 650 First Day Cover 650 Serval
FDC with all 4 stamps in set1993 Fauna SN19931026 ST 50 Stamp 50 Lion
MI 1268IL6M SN19931026 ST 70 Stamp 70 Leopard
MI 12691994 13th Lions District 403 Conference SN19940505 ST 30 Stamp 30 Lions Club Emblem
MI 1314SN19940505 ST 60 Stamp 60 Lions Club Emblem
MI 1315ILM SN19940505 ST 175 Stamp 175 Lions Club Emblem
MI 1316SN19940505 ST 215 Stamp 215 Lions Club Emblem
MI 13171997 Fauna SN19970627 ST 240 Stamp 240 Cheetah
MI 14841997 WWF - African Golden Cat SN19971224 ST 45 1 Stamp 45 African Golden Cat
Stamp from sheets - with WWF logo
MI 1515SN19971224 ST 45 2 Stamp 45African Golden Cat
Stamp from MS - without WWF Logo
MI 1519SN19971224 ST 100 1 Stamp 100African Golden Cat
Stamp from sheets - with WWF logo
MI 1516SN19971224 ST 100 2 Stamp 100African Golden Cat
Stamp from MS - without WWF Logo
MI 1520SN19971224 ST 240 1 Stamp 240African Golden Cat
Stamp from sheets - with WWF logo
MI 1517SN19971224 ST 240 2 Stamp 240African Golden Cat
Stamp from MS - without WWF Logo
MI 1521SN19971224 ST 300 1 Stamp 300African Golden Cat
Stamp from sheets - with WWF logo
MI 1518SN19971224 ST 300 2 Stamp 300African Golden Cat
Stamp from MS - without WWF Logo
MI 1522SN19971224 IMP 45 Imperforate stamp 45African Golden Cat
MI Not listedSN19971224 IMP 100 Imperforate stamp 100African Golden Cat
MI Not listedSN19971224 IMP 240 Imperforate stamp 240African Golden Cat
MI Not listedSN19971224 IMP 300 Imperforate stamp 300African Golden Cat
MI Not listedSN19971224 FDC 45 First Day Cover 45African Golden Cat
Single-stamp FDC with
SN19971224 ST 45 1SN19971224 FDC 100 First Day Cover 100African Golden Cat
Single-stamp FDC with
SN19971224 ST 100 1SN19971224 FDC 240 First Day Cover 240African Golden Cat
Single-stamp FDC with
SN19971224 ST 240 1SN19971224 FDC 300 First Day Cover 300African Golden Cat
Single-stamp FDC with
SN19971224 ST 300 1SN19971224 MC 45 Maximum Card 45African Golden Cat
MC with
SN19971224 ST 45 1SN19971224 MC 100 Maximum Card 100 African Golden Cat
MC with
SN19971224 ST 100 1SN19971224 MC 240 Maximum Card 240 African Golden Cat
MC with
SN19971224 ST 240 1SN19971224 MC 300 Maximum Card 300African Golden Cat
MC with
SN19971224 ST 300 1SN19971224 FDP First Day Postmark -African Golden Cat 2001 19th Multi District Congress of Lions International SN20010521 ST 190 Stamp 190 Lions Club Emblem
MI 1938SN20010521 ST 190 Stamp 300 Lion
Lions Club Emblem
MI 19392001 Fauna of the National Parks SN20011212 ST 75 Stamp 78 Lion
MI 19462008 Tourism SN20080227 ST 125 Stamp 125 Leopard
MI 2129SN20080227 ST 200 Stamp 200 Lion
MI 2130Compiled by Geir Arveng with additional information from Greg Balagian and Shaun Stevens.
Latest update: 12 December, 2015