Stamps inscribed 'Slovenija'
<- 1918 Part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire
1918 - 1991 Part of Yugoslavia
1991 ->
From 1991: 1 Tolar (SIT) = 100 Stotinov (= 1 YUD)
From 2007: 1 Euro (EUR) = 100 Eurocents (= SIT 239.640)
Checklists > Countries > Slovenia Wild Cats List status: Contains all items known to the webmaster
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Issue Item code Item type Face value Remarks SC 28 April 1998 - Wildlife SI19980428 PC NVI 1 Pre-stamped Postcard NVI (inland) European Wildcat (on stamp indicum and cachet)
MI P56SI19980428 PC NVI 2 Pre-stamped Postcard NVI (inland) Eurasian Lynx (on stamp indicum and cachet)
MI P5529 December 2001 - Ecological Forum SI20011229 PMK 8331 Commemorative Postmark - European Wildcat
"Mednarodni dan biotske raznovrestnosti - Divja maka - Ekološki Forum LDS"
8331 Suhor
29 December 20015 June 2002 - World Environment Day SI20020605 PMK 1337 Commemorative Postmark - Eurasian Lynx
"Svetovni dan varstva okolja - World Environment Day - Ekološki Forum LDS"
1337 Oslinica
5 June 200229 January 2010 Year of the Tiger
Article from Slovenian Philatelic Bulletin
SI20100129 ST 0_92 Stamp 0.92 Tiger
Stylized Tiger
MI 836SI20100129 FDC 0_92 First Day Cover 0.92 Tiger
Stylized Tiger (on stamp and cachet - Chinese text reference in postmark)
Official FDC with
SI20100129 ST 0_92SI20100129 FDP 2101 First day postmark - Tiger
Text reference in Chinese only
"Prvi Dan - 虎 - Kitajski Horoskop"
2101 Maribor
29 January 201028 September 2018 - Definitives: Fauna SI20180928 ST A Stamp A
(0.43 on issue)Eurasian Lynx
Self-adhesive stamp
MI 131628 May 2021 - EUROPA: Endangered Species
Presentation from the Slovenian Philatelic Bulletin: Cover -- Article
SI20210528 ST 1_22 Stamp 1.22 European Wildacat
MI ???SI20210528 SH 9_76 Sheetlet 9.76
(8 x 1.22)European Wildcat (on stamps, central label, and in margin)
Sheetlet with 8 x
SI20210528 ST 1_22
MI KB???SI20210528 FDC 2_59 First day cover 2.59
+ 1.37)European Wildcat (on one stamp and in cachet)
Official FDC with
SI20210528 ST 1_22
and the other stamp in setSI20210528 MC 1_22 Maximum card 1.22 European Wildcat (on stamp and postcard)
Official MC with
SI20210528 ST 1_22SI20210528 LB 9 Undenominated label - European wildcat
Central label from
SI20210528 SH 9_76
MI ZF???SI20210528 LB 14 Marginal label - European wildcat
First position, bottom marginal label from
SI20210528 SH 9_76SI20210528 LB 15 Marginal label - European wildcat
Second position, bottom marginal label from
SI20210528 SH 9_76SI20210528 LB 16 Marginal label - European wildcat
Third position, bottom marginal label from
SI20210528 SH 9_76Compiled by Geir Arveng with valuable information from Nahum Shereshevsky, Greg Balagian, and Marci Jarvis.
Latest update: 7 August, 2021