Stamps inscribed '[State of] Singapore' or 'Singapore Malaya'
<- 1948 See Straits Settlements
1948 - 1963 Singapore Issues
1963 - 1965 Part of Malaysia
1965 ->
From 1948: 1 (Malayan) Dollar = 100 cents
From 1953: 1 Ringgit (Malaya and British Borneo dollar) = 100 Sen
From 1967: 1 Dollar (SGD) = 100 Cents
Checklists > Countries > Singapore Wild Cats List status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Note: Since 1 July 1987 almost all Singaporean stamps shows the national symbol of a stylized Lion head. Except when
the national symbol is the main motif of the stamp or postmark, we only list the first occurence of the stylized Lion head
in this list, and refer to general stamp catalogues for later issues. If you would like to make a list of all stamps
with the stylized Lion head, however, we will happily publish or link to it.
Item Code Item type Face value Remarks SC 16 December 1973 - Animals from Singapore Zoo SG19731216 ST 0_05 Stamp 0.05 Tiger
MI 205SG19731216 ST 0_10 Stamp 0.10 Leopard
MI 206SG19731216 ST 0_35 Stamp 0.35 Black Leopard / Panther
MI 207SG19731216 ST 0_75 Stamp 0.75 Lion
MI 2081977 - Bank of Singapore Meter Frank SG1977 MF BOS 048942 Meter frank - Lion
Old Bank of Singapore Logo
"Bank of Singapore Limited - For Security and Service"
Machine no. PB930
Earliest use reported:
7 June 1977
Latest use reported:
7 June 1977
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us
know.1 July 1987 - 20 Years of National Service * SG19870701 ST 0_10 1 Stamp 0.10 Lion
Stylized Lion
National Emblem of Singapore
Main motif: Soldier with anti-tank weaponry
MI 527SG19870701 ST 0_10 2 Stamp 0.10 Lion
Stylized Lion
National Emblem of Singapore
Main motif: Naval soldier at radar screen
MI 528SG19870701 ST 0_10 3 Stamp 0.10 Lion
Stylized Lion
National Emblem of Singapore
Main motif: Fighter pilot
MI 529SG19870701 ST 0_10 4 Stamp 0.10 Lion
Stylized Lion
National Emblem of Singapore
Main motif: Soldiers on attention
MI 53022 January 1992 - Singapore '95 World Stamp Exhibition SG19920109 MS 4_00 Miniature sheet 4.00
(2 x 2.00)Lion (on selvedge)
Stylized Lion
National Emblem of Singapore
Exhibition logo
MI B27SG19920109 LB 1 Gutter label - Lion (on selvedge)
Stylized Lion
National Emblem of Singapore
Exhibition logo
MI ZF646-6479 January 1998 - Year of the Tiger SG19980109 ST L Stamp Local
(0.22 on issue)Stylized Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Same design as
SG19980513 ST 0_22
SG20070119 ST NVI 3
MI 872SG19980109 ST 2_00 Stamp 2.00 Stylized Tigers
Year of the Tiger
Same design as
SG20070119 ST 2_00 3
but country name in white
MI 873SG19980109 TEN 2_22 Se-tenant pair 2.22 Stylized Tigers
SG19980109 ST L
SG19980109 ST 2_00
were issued se-tenantly in a checkerboard pattern
Both horizontal and vertical pairs are possible
FDC BackSG19980109 FDC 2_22 First Day Cover 2.22 Tiger (on cachet and postmark)
Stylized Tiger (on stamps)
Official FDC with
SG19980109 ST L
SG19980109 ST 2_00SG19980109 FDP 408600 First Day Postmark - Tiger
"Year of the Tiger"
9 January 1998SG19980109 LB 2_00 Label - Tiger Silhouettes
Traffic light markings in sheet margin for
SG19980109 ST 2_0013 May 1998 - Israel '98 International Philatelic Exhibition SG19980513 ST 0_22 Stamp 0.22 Stylized Tiger
Stamp from MS
MI 881This item is also listed under Heraldic Cats
SG19980513 MS 2_22 Miniature Sheet 2.22 Stylized Tigers (on stamps)
Heraldic Lion (on Torah scrolls in selvedge)
2-stamp MS with
SG19980513 ST 0_22
SG19980109 ST 2_00
MI B6023 October 1998 - Italia '98 International Philatelic Exhibition SG19981023 MS 2_22 Miniature Sheet 2.22 Stylized Tigers
2-stamp MS with
SG19980513 ST 0_22
SG19980109 ST 2_00
MI B6312 October 2006 - 25th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations with The Vatican City
Joint issue with The Vatican City
This item is also listed under Mythic CatsVA_SG20061012 FDC MIX First Day Cover 2.85 Lion (on Vatican postmark)
Stylized Lion
National Symbol of Singapore
Merlion (on 2 stamps)
Wild Cat Art
Merlion Statue
Designer Kwan Sai Kheong, Sculptor Lim Nang Seng (1972), Merlion Park, Singapore
Joint FDC with stamps from both countriesBDC 1 June 2009 - Asian Youth Games SG20090601 SH 7_50 Sheetlet 7.50 (franking value 2.60 / 10 x 0.26 on issue) Lion (on pre-personalised labels)
Cartoon Lion
AYG Mascot Frasia
MyStamp-sheetlet with 10 different pre-peronalised stamp labels (issued by Singapore Post)SG20090601 LB 1 Peronalised stamp label - Cartoon Lion
AYG Mascot Frasia
Label from
SG20090601 SH 7_50SG20090601 LB 2 Peronalised stamp label - Cartoon Lion
AYG Mascot Frasia
Label from
SG20090601 SH 7_50SG20090601 LB 3 Peronalised stamp label - Cartoon Lion
AYG Mascot Frasia
Label from
SG20090601 SH 7_50SG20090601 LB 4 Peronalised stamp label - Cartoon Lion
AYG Mascot Frasia
Label from
SG20090601 SH 7_50SG20090601 LB 5 Peronalised stamp label - Cartoon Lion
AYG Mascot Frasia
Label from
SG20090601 SH 7_50SG20090601 LB 6 Peronalised stamp label - Cartoon Lion
AYG Mascot Frasia
Label from
SG20090601 SH 7_50SG20090601 LB 7 Peronalised stamp label - Cartoon Lion
AYG Mascot Frasia
Label from
SG20090601 SH 7_50SG20090601 LB 8 Peronalised stamp label - Cartoon Lion
AYG Mascot Frasia
Label from
SG20090601 SH 7_50SG20090601 LB 9 Peronalised stamp label - Cartoon Lion
AYG Mascot Frasia
Label from
SG20090601 SH 7_50SG20090601 LB 10 Peronalised stamp label - Cartoon Lion
AYG Mascot Frasia
Label from
SG20090601 SH 7_508 January 2010 - Year of the Tiger SG20100108 ST 1st 1 Stamp 1st local (0.26 on issue) Tiger
Cartoon Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Gummed stamp
MI 1906SG20100108 ST 1st 2 Stamp 1st local (0.26 on issue) Tiger
Cartoon Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Self-adhesive stamp
MI 1911SG20100108 ST 0_65 Stamp 0.65 Tiger
Cartoon Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Gummed stamp
MI 1907SG20100108 ST 1_10 Stamp 1.10 Tiger
Cartoon Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Gummed stamp
Perf. 13½:13¼
Same design as
SG20130208 ST 1_10 3
MI 1908ASG20100108 ST 5_00 Stamp 5.00 Tiger
Cartoon Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Stamp from
SG20100108 MS 15_00
MI 1909SG20100108 ST 10_00 Stamp 10.00 Tiger
Cartoon Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Stamp from
SG20100108 MS 15_00
MI 1910SG20100108 MS 15_00 Miniature Sheet 16.80 (franking value 15.00) Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Cartoon Tiger (on stamps, Chinese text reference on selvedge)
2 stamp MS with
SG20100108 ST 5_00
SG20100108 ST 10_00
MI B132SG20100108 SH 10x1st Sheetlet 10 x 1st local (3.60 on issue) Tiger
Cartoon Tiger (on stamps)
Year of the Tiger
Self-adhesive sheetlet with 10x
SG20100108 ST 1st 2SG20100108 FDC 2_75 First Day Cover 2.75 Tiger
Cartoon Tiger (on stamps, cachet and postmark)
Year of the Tiger
Official FDC with the 3 gummed samps
Back CoverSG20100108 PP 3_75 Presentation Pack 3.75 Tiger
Cartoon Tiger (on stamps, cover and inside)
Year of the Tiger
PP with the three gummed stampsSG20100108 FDP 01 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Stylized Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Singapore 01
8 January 2010SG20100108 MISC FOLDER Information Folder - Tiger
Cartoon Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Information Folder from Singapore Post31 August 2012 - Singapore 2015: International Philatelic Exhibition SG20130831 MS 10_00 Miniature sheet 10.00
( 2 x 5.00)Lion (on selvedge)
Stylized Lion
National Emblem of Singapore
Exhibition logo
2-stamp MS
MI B171AIf you have a scan of this item, please share. SG20130831 IMS 10_00 Imperforate miniature sheet 10.00
( 2 x 5.00)Lion (on selvedge)
Stylized Lion
National Emblem of Singapore
Exhibition logo
2-stamp MS
MI B171BSG20120831 LB 1 Gutter label Lion (on selvedge)
Stylized Lion
National Emblem of Singapore
Exhibition logo
MI ZF2107-21088 February 2013 - The Lunar Zodiac SG20130208 ST 1_10 3 Stamp 1.10 Tiger
Cartoon Tiger
Year of the Tiger
Perf. 13:12¾
Same design as
SG20100108 ST 1_10
Stamp from
SG20130208 MS 6_60SG20130208 MS 6_60 Miniature sheet 6.60
(6 x 1.10)Tiger (on one stamp and selvedge)
Cartoon Tiger
Year of the Tiger
This item was only sold in a presentation pack priced SGD 16.80
MI B18823 August 2013 - Singapore 2015: International Philatelic Exhibition II SG20130823 MS 10_00 1 Miniature sheet 10.00
(2 x 5.00)Lion (on selvedge)
Stylized Lion
National Emblem of Singapore
Exhibition logo
Two-stamp MS
MI B195AIf you have a scan of this item, please share. SG20130823 IMS 10_00 1 Imperforate miniature sheet 10.00
(2 x 5.00)Lion (on selvedge)
Stylized Lion
National Emblem of Singapore
Exhibition logo
Two-stamp MS, only sold as part of
SG20130823 PP 10_00 2
MI B195BThis item also shows a Merlion
SG20130823 PP 10_00 1 Presentation pack 10.00
(sold at 12.80)Lion (on selvedge and cover)
Stylized Lion
National Emblem of Singapore
Exhibition logo
PP containing
SG20130823 MS 10_00 1If you have a scan of this item, please share.
SG20130823 PP 10_00 2 Presentation pack 10.00
(sold at 50.00)Lion (on selvedge and cover)
Stylized Lion
National Emblem of Singapore
Exhibition logo
PP containing
SG20130823 IMS 10_00 1SG20130823 LB 1 Gutter label - Lion
Stylized Lion
National Emblem of Singapore
Exhibition logo
Gutter label from stamp sheets.23 August 2013 - Tri-National Philatelic Exhibition in Kuala Lumpur SG20130823 MS 10_00 2 Miniature sheet 10.00
(2 x 5.00)Lion (on selvedge)
Stylized Lion
National Emblem of Singapore
Exhibition logo
Two-stamp MS
SG20130823 MS 10_00 1
with additional exhibition logo
MI B195I13 October 2013 - Vanishing Trades
PaneSG20131013 BK 10x1st Booklet 10 x
1 stLion (on cover)
Stylized Lion
National Emblem of Singapore
Exhibition logo
Booklet with 10 x self-adhsive stamps
MI MH71 (reprint?)BDC 4 August 2014 - 49 Years of Independence
This item is also listed under Mythic Cats
SG20140804 MS 2_00 Miniature sheet 2.00 Lion
Merlion (on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS
MI B19928 August 2014 - Singapore 2015 International Philatelic Exhibition (III) SG20140828 MS 4_00 1 Miniature sheet 4.00
(2 x 2.00)Lion (on selvedge)
Stylized Lion
National Emblem of Singapore
Exhibition logo only (no SG50 logo)
MI B201ASG20140828 MS 4_00 2 Miniature sheet 4.00
(2 x 2.00)Lion (on selvedge)
Stylized Lion
National Emblem of Singapore
Exhibition logo and SG50 logo
MI B201BIf you have a scan of this item, please share. SG20140828 IMS 4_00 Imperforate miniature sheet 4.00
(2 x 2.00)Lion (on selvedge)
Stylized Lion
National Emblem of Singapore
Exhibition logo
MI B201AISG20140828 FDC 4_00 First day cover 4.00
(2 x 2.00)Lion (on MS selvedge and in cachet)
Stylized Lion
National Emblem of Singapore
Exhibition logo
Official FDC with
SG20140828 MS 4_00 1
MI XXXSG20140828 LB 1 Gutter label - Lion
Stylized Lion
National Emblem of Singapore
Exhibition logo
Gutter label from stamp sheets.
MI XXX3 October 2014 - Myths and Legends (II) SG20141003 ST 0_50 Stamp 0.50 Lion
Wild Cats in Literature
Sang Nila Utama - The Foundation of Singapore Sanskrit legend
MI 22882015 - Singapore 2015 Slogan Postmark SG20150000_ PMK 498805 Slogan postmark - Lion
Stylized Lion
National Emblem of Singapore
Exhibition logo
"Singapore 2015 - Visit us at World Stamp Exhibition - 15-19 Aug 2015"
Singapore C2
Earliest use reported:
17 August 2015
Latest use reported:
17 August 2015
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.5 June 2015 - 28th South East Asian Games SG20150605 ST 1st 1 Stamp 1st local
(0.30 on issue)Lion
Cartoon Lion
Games Mascot Nila
Perf. 13½:13¾
Stamp from ordinary sheets
MI 2328AILM SG20150605 ST 1st 2 Stamp 1st local
(0.30 on issue)Lion
Cartoon Lion
Games Mascot Nila
Perf. 12¾
Stamp from
SG20150605 SH 1st_2_90
MI 2328CSG20150605 ST 0_70 1 Stamp 0.70 Lion
Cartoon Lion
Games Mascot Nila
Perf. 13½:13¾
Stamp from ordinary sheets
MI 2329ASG20150605 ST 0_70 2 Stamp 0.70 Lion
Cartoon Lion
Games Mascot Nila
Perf. 12¾
Stamp from
SG20150605 SH 1st_2_90
MI 2329CILM SG20150605 ST 0_90 1 Stamp 0.90 Lion
Cartoon Lion
Games Mascot Nila
Perf. 13½:13¾
Stamp from ordinary sheets
MI 2330ASG20150605 ST 0_90 2 Stamp 0.90 Lion
Cartoon Lion
Games Mascot Nila
Perf. 12¾
Stamp from
SG20150605 SH 1st_2_90
MI 2330CILM SG20150605 ST 1_30 1 Stamp 1.30 Lion
Cartoon Lion
Games Mascot Nila
Perf. 13½:13¾
Stamp from ordinary sheets
MI 2331ASG20150605 ST 1_30 2 Stamp 1.30 Lion
Cartoon Lion
Games Mascot Nila
Perf. 12¾
Stamp from
SG20150605 SH 1st_2_90
MI 2331CILM SG20150605 SH 1st_2_90 Sheetlet 1st
+ 2.90
+ 0.70
+ 0.90
+ 1.30)
(3.20 on issue)Lion
Cartoon Lion
Games Mascot Nila
Sheetlet with all 4 stamps in set and 42 undenominated labels
MI 2328C-2331CSG20150605 LB 1 Undenominated label - Lion
Cartoon Lion
Games Mascot Nila
Undenominated label from
SG20150605 SH 1st_2_90SG20150605 LB 2 Undenominated label - Lion
Cartoon Lion
Games Mascot Nila
Undenominated label from
SG20150605 SH 1st_2_90SG20150605 LB 3 Undenominated label - Lion
Cartoon Lion
Games Mascot Nila
Billiards and Snooker
Undenominated label from
SG20150605 SH 1st_2_90SG20150605 LB 4 Undenominated label - Lion
Cartoon Lion
Games Mascot Nila
Undenominated label from
SG20150605 SH 1st_2_90SG20150605 LB 5 Undenominated label - Lion
Cartoon Lion
Games Mascot Nila
Undenominated label from
SG20150605 SH 1st_2_90SG20150605 LB 6 Undenominated label - Lion
Cartoon Lion
Games Mascot Nila
Undenominated label from
SG20150605 SH 1st_2_90SG20150605 LB 7 Undenominated label - Lion
Cartoon Lion
Games Mascot Nila
Undenominated label from
SG20150605 SH 1st_2_90SG20150605 LB 8 Undenominated label - Lion
Cartoon Lion
Games Mascot Nila
Undenominated label from
SG20150605 SH 1st_2_90SG20150605 LB 9 Undenominated label - Lion
Cartoon Lion
Games Mascot Nila
Undenominated label from
SG20150605 SH 1st_2_90SG20150605 LB 10 Undenominated label - Lion
Cartoon Lion
Games Mascot Nila
Undenominated label from
SG20150605 SH 1st_2_90SG20150605 LB 11 Undenominated label - Lion
Cartoon Lion
Games Mascot Nila
Undenominated label from
SG20150605 SH 1st_2_90SG20150605 LB 12 Undenominated label - Lion
Cartoon Lion
Games Mascot Nila
Undenominated label from
SG20150605 SH 1st_2_90SG20150605 LB 15 Undenominated label - Lion
Cartoon Lion
Games Mascot Nila
Undenominated label from
SG20150605 SH 1st_2_90SG20150605 LB 16 Undenominated label - Lion
Cartoon Lion
Games Mascot Nila
Undenominated label from
SG20150605 SH 1st_2_90SG20150605 LB 17 Undenominated label - Lion
Cartoon Lion
Games Mascot Nila
Undenominated label from
SG20150605 SH 1st_2_90SG20150605 LB 18 Undenominated label - Lion
Cartoon Lion
Games Mascot Nila
Undenominated label from
SG20150605 SH 1st_2_90SG20150605 LB 19 Undenominated label - Lion
Cartoon Lion
Games Mascot Nila
Undenominated label from
SG20150605 SH 1st_2_90SG20150605 LB 20 Undenominated label - Lion
Cartoon Lion
Games Mascot Nila
Table Tennis
Undenominated label from
SG20150605 SH 1st_2_90SG20150605 LB 21 Undenominated label - Lion
Cartoon Lion
Games Mascot Nila
Undenominated label from
SG20150605 SH 1st_2_90SG20150605 LB 22 Undenominated label - Lion
Cartoon Lion
Games Mascot Nila
Undenominated label from
SG20150605 SH 1st_2_90SG20150605 LB 23 Undenominated label - Lion
Cartoon Lion
Games Mascot Nila
Undenominated label from
SG20150605 SH 1st_2_90SG20150605 LB 24 Undenominated label - Lion
Cartoon Lion
Games Mascot Nila
Undenominated label from
SG20150605 SH 1st_2_90SG20150605 LB 25 Undenominated label - Lion
Cartoon Lion
Games Mascot Nila
Undenominated label from
SG20150605 SH 1st_2_90SG20150605 LB 26 Undenominated label - Lion
Cartoon Lion
Games Mascot Nila
Pencak Silat
Undenominated label from
SG20150605 SH 1st_2_90SG20150605 LB 27 Undenominated label - Lion
Cartoon Lion
Games Mascot Nila
Undenominated label from
SG20150605 SH 1st_2_90SG20150605 LB 28 Undenominated label - Lion
Cartoon Lion
Games Mascot Nila
Undenominated label from
SG20150605 SH 1st_2_90SG20150605 LB 29 Undenominated label - Lion
Cartoon Lion
Games Mascot Nila
Undenominated label from
SG20150605 SH 1st_2_90SG20150605 LB 30 Undenominated label - Lion
Cartoon Lion
Games Mascot Nila
Undenominated label from
SG20150605 SH 1st_2_90SG20150605 LB 31 Undenominated label - Lion
Cartoon Lion
Games Mascot Nila
Undenominated label from
SG20150605 SH 1st_2_90SG20150605 LB 32 Undenominated label - Lion
Cartoon Lion
Games Mascot Nila
Undenominated label from
SG20150605 SH 1st_2_90SG20150605 LB 33 Undenominated label - Lion
Cartoon Lion
Games Mascot Nila
Undenominated label from
SG20150605 SH 1st_2_90SG20150605 LB 34 Undenominated label - Lion
Cartoon Lion
Games Mascot Nila
Traditional Boat Race
Undenominated label from
SG20150605 SH 1st_2_90SG20150605 LB 35 Undenominated label - Lion
Cartoon Lion
Games Mascot Nila
Undenominated label from
SG20150605 SH 1st_2_90SG20150605 LB 36 Undenominated label - Lion
Cartoon Lion
Games Mascot Nila
Undenominated label from
SG20150605 SH 1st_2_90SG20150605 LB 37 Undenominated label - Lion
Cartoon Lion
Games Mascot Nila
Synchronised Swimming
Undenominated label from
SG20150605 SH 1st_2_90SG20150605 LB 38 Undenominated label - Lion
Cartoon Lion
Games Mascot Nila
Water Polo
Undenominated label from
SG20150605 SH 1st_2_90SG20150605 LB 39 Undenominated label - Lion
Cartoon Lion
Games Mascot Nila
Undenominated label from
SG20150605 SH 1st_2_90SG20150605 LB 40 Undenominated label - Lion
Cartoon Lion
Games Mascot Nila
Undenominated label from
SG20150605 SH 1st_2_90SG20150605 LB 41 Undenominated label - Lion
Cartoon Lion
Games Mascot Nila
Waterski and Wakeboard
Undenominated label from
SG20150605 SH 1st_2_901 July 2015 - Singapore 2015: International Philatelic Exhibition SG20180701 MS 4_00 1 Miniature sheet 4.00
(2 x 2.00)Lion (on selvedge)
Stylized Lion
National Emblem of Singapore
Exhibition logo
2-stamp MS without exhibition mascots on selvedge
MI B209ASG20180701 MS 4_00 2 Miniature sheet 4.00
(2 x 2.00)Lion (on selvedge)
Stylized Lion
National Emblem of Singapore
Exhibition logo
2-stamp MS with exhibition mascots on selvedge
MI B209AISG20180701 IMS 4_00 Imperforate miniature sheet 4.00
(2 x 2.00)Lion (on selvedge)
Stylized Lion
National Emblem of Singapore
Exhibition logo
2-stamp MS without exhibition mascots on selvedge
MI B209BSG20180701 FDC 4_00 First day cover 4.00
(2 x 2.00)Lion (on gutter label and in cachet)
Stylized Lion
National Emblem of Singapore
Exhibition logo
Official FDC with a gutter pairSG20180701 LB 1 Gutter label - Lion
Stylized Lion
National Emblem of Singapore
Exhibition logo
Gutter label from stamp sheets.
MI ZF2332-2333IA5 August 2015 - 50th Anniversary of Independence SG20150805 ST 0_90 Stamp 0.90 Lion
Lion dance costume
MI 23383 December 2015 - 8th ASEAN Para Games SG20151203 ST 1st Stamp 1st local
(0.30 on issue)Lion
Cartoon Lion
Games Mascot Nila
MI 2368Compiled by Geir Arveng with additional information from Nahum Shereshevsky, Marci Jarvis, Greg Balagian, Sean
Michaels, TS Tan, Choh San Ye, and Adeline Wong.
Latest update: 4 August, 2019