Stamps inscribed 'К. Српска Пошта', 'К.С. Пошта', 'Srbija', or 'Србија' [and 'Serbia']
1866 - 1918 Kingdom with Serbian stamps
1918 - 2003 Part of Yugoslavia, Serbian stamps issued until 1920 alongside Yogoslavian
2003 - 2006 Part of Serbia and Montenegro
2006 ->Independent republic - Stamps of Serbia and Montenegro valid in Serbia until
1 March 2007
From 1866: 1 Dinar (YUD) = 100 Para
From 2006: 1 Dinar (RSD) (= 1 YUM)
Checklists > Countries > Serbia Wild Cats List status: Incomplete / Under Construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Item Code Item type Face value Remarks SC 2008 RS20080406 ST 46 1 Stamp 46 European Wildcat
MI 2482010 Year of the Tiger RS20100127 ST 22 Stamp 22 Tiger
MI 333RS20100127 ST 50 Stamp 50 Tiger
MI 3342011 Year of the Rabbit RS20110207 ST 22 Stamp 22 Tiger
MI 387RS20110207 ST 55 Stamp 55 Tiger
MI 388RS20110207 FDC 77 First Day Cover 77 Tiger (on stamps and in cachet) 2011 75th Anniversary of Belgrade Zoo RS20110712 ST 22 Stamp 22 Lion
MI 425RS20110712 ST 33 Stamp 33 Tiger
MI 426RS20110712 ST 50 Stamp 50 Lion
MI 429RS20110712 BK 173
Booklet 173 Lion
Tiger (on stamps and cover)
There are claims that the booklet pane has also been sold without the cover, in the form of a Miniature Sheet
MI MH32013 Year of the Snake RS20130208 ST 22 Stamp 22 Tiger
Year of the Tiger
MI 489RS20130208 ST 46 Stamp 46 Tiger
Year of the Tiger
MI 4902014 Year of the Horse RS20140131 ST 22 Stamp 22 Tiger
Year of the Tiger
MI 539RS20140131 FDC 68 First Day Cover 68 Tiger (on one stamp and in cachet)
Year of the Tiger
Official FDC with both stamps in set2014 Fauna RS20140630 ST 23 Stamp 23 European Wildcat
MI 558RS20140630 ST 70 Stamp 70 Eurasian Lynx
MI 5612015 Year of the Ram RS20150219 ST 23 Stamp 23 Tiger
Year of the Tiger
MI 589RS20150219 ST 74 Stamp 74 Tiger
Year of the Tiger
MI 590RS20150219 FDC 97 First Day Cover 97
+74)Tiger (on both stamps and in cachet)
Year of the Tiger
Official FDC with both stamps in set2016 Year of the Monkey RS20160208 ST 23 Stamp 23 Tiger
Year of the Tiger
MI 652RS20160208 FDC 97 First Day Cover 97
+74)Tiger (on one stamp and in cachet)
Year of the Tiger
Official FDC with both stamps in set2016 23rd International Congress of Byzantine Studies RS20160822 ST 70 3 Stamp 70 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Relic Shrine of King Stefan of De愁渀椀 ⠀匀琀攀昀愀渀 唀爀漀☀猀挀愀爀漀渀㬀 䤀䤀䤀 䐀攀Āanski) (13th or 14th c.)
MI 6842017 Year of the Rooster RS20170127 ST 23 Stamp 23 Tiger
Year of the Tiger
MI ???RS20170127 ST 74 Stamp 74 Tiger
Year of the Tiger
MI ???ILS RS20170127 FDC 97 First Day Cover 97
+74)Tiger (on stamps and in cachet)
Year of the Tiger
Official FDC with both stamps in setCompiled by Geir Arveng with helpful information from Marci Jarvis, Patrick Roberts, Greg Balagian, Dragica
Radovanović, and Uglješa Stefanović.
Latest update: 26 July, 2017