Stamps inscribed 'Portugal', 'Portugal-Continente' or 'Republica Portuguesa' (first few years without country name)
1853 ->
From 1853: 1 Réal (pl. Réis)
From 1911: 1 Escudo (PTE) = 100 Centavos (= 1000 Réis)
From 2002: 1 Euro (EUR) = 100 Eurocents (= PTE 200.482)
Checklists > Countries > Portugal Wild Cats List status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to checklists@catstamps.org.WILD CATS
Item Code Item type Face value Remarks SC 11 November 1924 - 400th Birth Anniversary of Luis de Camoes PT19241111 ST 2_40 Stamp 2.40 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion sculptures on the sarcophagus in the Hieronymites Monastery, Lisbon
MI 341PT19241111 ST 3_00 1 Stamp 3.00 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion sculptures on the sarcophagus in the Hieronymites Monastery, Lisbon
MI 342PT19241111 ST 3_00 2 Stamp 3.00 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion sculptures on the sarcophagus in the Hieronymites Monastery, Lisbon
PT19241111 ST 3_00 1
with double denomination
MI 342DDPT19241111 ST 3_20 Stamp 3.20 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion sculptures on the sarcophagus in the Hieronymites Monastery, Lisbon
MI 343PT19241111 ST 4_50 Stamp 4.50 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion sculptures on the sarcophagus in the Hieronymites Monastery, Lisbon
MI 344PT19241111 ST 10_00 Stamp 10.00 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion sculptures on the sarcophagus in the Hieronymites Monastery, Lisbon
MI 3451925 Inauguration of the Pombal Monument PT19250508 ST 0_15 3 Tax-stamp / Stamp 0.15 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Statue at the Pombal Monument in Lisbon
Originally issued as a Tax Stamp, but later sold for ordinary postage as well
Joint issue with Angola, Azores, Cape Verde, Macao, Madeira, Mozambique, Nyassa, Portugese Guinea, Portugese India, St. Thomas & Prince and Timor
MI 384PT19250508 PD 0_30 Tax-stamp / Postage Due 0.30 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Statue at the Pombal Monument in Lisbon
Originally issued as a Tax Stamp, but later used as postage due as well
Joint issue with Angola, Azores, Cape Verde, Macao, Madeira, Mozambique, Nyassa, Portugese Guinea, Portugese India, St. Thomas & Prince and Timor
MI P481968 Lions Jubilee Year PT19680114 PMK 1000
On comm. cover
Commemorative Postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"Ano Junilar"
Lisboa (Lisbon)
14 Jan 1968SC PT19680114 PMK 2765
On comm. cover
Commemorative Postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"Ano Junilar"
14 Jan 1968PT19680114 PMK 2800
On comm. cover
Commemorative Postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"Ano Junilar"
14 Jan 1968SC PT19680114 PMK 3000
On comm. cover
Commemorative Postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"Ano Junilar"
14 Jan 1968SC PT19680114 PMK 3060
On comm. cover
Commemorative Postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"Ano Junilar"
14 Jan 1968SC PT19680114 PMK 3080
On comm. cover
Commemorative Postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"Ano Junilar"
Figueira da Foz
14 Jan 1968PT19680114 PMK 4450
On comm. cover
Commemorative Postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"Ano Junilar"
14 Jan 1968SC PT19680114 PMK 9000
On comm. cover
Commemorative Postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"Ano Junilar"
14 Jan 1968SC 1971 1st National Convention of Lions Clubs PT19700516 PMK 3080
On comm. cover
Commemorative Postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"Primeira Convenção Nacional - Lions Clube"
Figueira da Foz
22 May 19711971 2nd National Convention of Lions Clubs PT19710522 PMK 3000
On comm. cover
Commemorative Postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"II Convenção Nacional - Lions Clube"
22 May 19711971 Lions Charter PT19710626 PMK 6200 Commemorative Postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"Carta Constitutiva"
26 June 1971CC 1973 4th National Convention of Lions Clubs PT19730526 PMK 1000
On comm. cover
Commemorative Postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"IV Convenção Nacional dos Lions Clubes - Nos Servimos"
Lisboa (Lisbon)
26 May 1973DL 1975 6th National Convention of Lions Clubs PT19750530_0601 PMK 4450
On comm. cover
Commemorative Postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"VI Convenção Nacional Lions Clubes"
30 May - 1 June 1973SC 1976 7th National Convention of Lions Clubs PT19760529 PMK 3800 Commemorative Postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"VII Convenção Lions Clube"
29 May 19761976 PORTUCALE '77 Thematic Stamp Exhibition PT19760930 ST 5_00 Stamp 5.00 Iberian Lynx
Wild Cats and Philately
MI 1327PT19760930 FDC 25_50 First Day Cover 25.50 Iberian Lynx (on stamp only)
Wild Cats and PhilatelyCC 1977 8th National Convention of Lions Clubs PT19770528 PMK 4000 Commemorative Postmark - Cartoon Lion
"VIII Convenção Nacional do Clubes Lions "
28 May 19771978 9th National Convention of Lions Clubs PT19780527 PMK 3780 Commemorative Postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"IX Convenção Nacional"
27 May 19781980 11th National Convention of Lions Clubs PT19800524 PMK 4700 Commemorative Postmark - Lions
"XI Convenção - Dist 115 - Lions Internacional - A o Auguste par Augusta"
24 May 1980CC 1981 Portimão Lions Club Philatelic Exhibition PT19810130 PMK 8500 Commemorative Postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"Lions Clube de Portimão - Mostra Filatelica"
Praia da Rocha
30 Jan 1981IL 1983 103rd Anniversary of Melvin Jones PT19830115 PMK 8500 Commemorative Postmark - Lion
"Caçando Leões No Ar - 103° Aniversario - Melvin Jones - Lions Clube Portimão"
Praia da Rocha
15 Jan 1983CC 1984 Centenary of Lisbon Zoo PT19840118 ST 16_00 1 Stamp 16.00 Tiger
Siberian Tiger
Valid until
31 Aug 1989
MI 1617PT19840118 ST 16_00 2 Stamp 16.00 Cheetah
Valid until
31 Aug 1989
MI 1618ILM PT19840118 FDC 64_00 First Day Cover 64.00 Tiger (on one stamp)
Siberian Tiger
Cheetah (on one stamp and in cachet)
Official FDC with all 4 stamps in setPT19480118 MC 16_00 1 Maximun Card 16.00 Tiger (on stamp and card)
Siberian Tiger
Official MC with
PT19840118 ST 16_00 1PT19480118 MC 16_00 2 Maximun Card 16.00 Cheetah (on stamp and card)
Official MC with
PT19840118 ST 16_00 21984 ??? Philatelic Exhibition in Lisbon PT19840426 PMK 1000 Commemorative Postmark - Tiger
We have only seen a very bad scan of this postmark and are not able to decipher the text ("Mostra de colec???? do ??gleo filatélico"
Lisboa (Lisbon)
26 Apr 19841984 15th National Convention of Lions Clubs PT19840504 PMK 2765 Commemorative Postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"XV Convenção Lions Clubes - Costa do Estoril - Distritto 115"
4 May 19841985 Onça Meter Frank PT1985 MF ONCA 4701 Meter Frank - Jaguar
MF from João Arújo "Onça" & Flilhos, Lda, Braga
Machine no.
Earliest use we have seen:
16 June 1985
Latest use we have seen:
16 June 1985
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know1985 Filiria '85 PT19851026 PMK 2695 Commemorative Postmark - Iberian Lynx
"Filiria/85 - Dia do Selo - 4° Mostra Filatélica - O Marvilhoso Mundo Animal"
Santa Iria de Azoia
26 Oct 19851987 18th National Convention of Lions International PT19870425 PMK 2400 Commemorative Postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"18° Convenção Nacional Lion Clubes - Distrito-115 - CTT"
25 April 19871988 WWF PT19880203 ST 27 1 Stamp 27.00 Iberian Lynx (on rock)
MI 1741M issued se-tenantly in sheetlets of 16 stamps PT19880203 ST 27 2 Stamp 27.00 Iberian Lynx (walking)
MI 1742M valid until 31 August 1995 PT19880203 ST 27 3 Stamp 27.00 Iberian Lynx (couple)
MI 1743M PT19880203 ST 27 4 Stamp 27.00 Iberian Lynx (with cubs)
MI 1744M PT19980203 SH 432 Sheetlet 432.00 Iberian Lynx
Sheetlet of 16 stamps issued se-tenantlyPT19880203 FDC 27 1 First Day Cover 27.00 Iberian Lynx (on stamp, postmark and in cachet) (on rock) CC PT19880203 FDC 27 2 First Day Cover 27.00 Iberian Lynx (on stamp, postmark and in cachet) (walking) CC PT19880203 FDC 27 3 First Day Cover 27.00 Iberian Lynx (on stamp, postmark and in cachet) (couple) CC PT19880203 FDC 27 4 First Day Cover 27.00 Iberian Lynx (on stamp, postmark and in cachet) (with cubs) CC PT19880203 MC 27 1 Maximum Card 27.00 Iberian Lynx (on stamp, postmark and card) (on rock) PT19880203 MC 27 2 Maximum Card 27.00 Iberian Lynx (on stamp, postmark and card) (walking) PT19880203 MC 27 3 Maximum Card 27.00 Iberian Lynx (on stamp, postmark and card) (couple) PT19880203 MC 27 4 Maximum Card 27.00 Iberian Lynx (on stamp, postmark and card) (with cubs) PT19880203 FDP 1000 First Day Postmark Iberian Lynx
"Protecção da Natureza"
Liosboa (Lisbon)
3 Feb 1988CC 1988 IV Philatelic Meet of NFN-UCP PT19880911 PMK 3510 Commemorative Postmark - Iberian Lynx
Wild Cats and Philately
"IV Mostra Filatélica do NFN-UCP - Protecção da Natureza Escutismo"
CTT Viseu
11 Sept 1988CC 1988 Olymphilex '88 PT19880919_28 PMK KR100 Commemorative Postmark - Tiger
Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympic Mascot
"Olymphilex '88 - CTT Portugal"
19 - 28 Sep 1988MC PT19880919_28 MC KR100 Maximum Card Tiger (on card and postmark)
Cartoon Tiger
Seoul Olympic Mascot
Official Souvenir MC from the Portugese Post OfficeCC 1990 21st National Convention of Lions International PT19900428 PMK 4750
On comm. cover
Commemorative Postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"Lions Clubes - XXI Convenção Nacional - Distrito Multiplo 115"
28 Apr 199015 August 1990 - Antiqua '90 - Philatelic Exhibotion PT19900815 PMK 8500 Commemorative Postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"Antiqua '90 - Mostra Filatélica da 4° Feira de Velharias - Lions Clube de Portimão"
Praia da Rocha
15 Aug 1990FR 1994 Esso Meter Frank PT1994 MF ESSO 1002 Meter frank - Tiger
Esso logo
"??? petrocultura do mundo"
Machine no.
XIV 192
Picoas, Lisboa (Lisbon)
Earliest use reported:
29 March 1994
Latest use reported:
29 March 1994
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know.BDC 1999 Meeting of Cultures: Macau Festivals PT19990624 ST 95 Stamp 95 / 0.47 Lion Dance Costume
Wild Cat Art
Dual denomi-nation PTE / EUR
MI 23442001 Animals of Lisbon Zoo PT20010611 ST 225 3 Stamp 225 / 1.12 Lion
Stamp from MS
Dual denomi-nation PTE / EUR
MI 2528PT20010611 MS 620 Miniature Sheet 620 / 3.08 Lion (on one stamp)
4-stamp MS
MI B1722001 Lions Europa Forum in Lisbon PT20060906 ST 85 Stamp 85 / 0.42 Lions Club Emblem
Dual denomi-nation PTE / EUR
MI 2530M PT20010906 FDC 85 First Day Cover 85 / 0.42 Lions Club Emblem (on stamp, postmark and in cachet)
Dual denomi-nation PTE / EUR
Official FDCPT20010906 MC 85 Maximum Card 85 / 0.42 Lions Club Emblem (on stamp, postmark and card)
Dual denomi-nation PTE / EUR
Official MCPT20010906 FDP 1000 First Day Postmark / Commemorative Postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"Forum Europeu de Lions 2001"
6 Sep 2001PT20010906 FDP 4000 First Day Postmark / Commemorative Postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"Forum Europeu de Lions 2001"
6 Sep 20012002 'Pre History and Space Telescope' - Philatelic Exhibition PT20020525 PMK 8500 Commemorative Postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"Mostra Filatélica da Pré-História as Telescópo Espacial"
25 May 20022002 UNESCO World Heritage PT20021107 ST 0_28 1 Stamp 0.28 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion sculpture from the Hieronymite Manstery in Lisbon
MI 26222003 Convention of Aveiro Lions Club PT20030425 PMK 3800
On maximum card
Commemorative Postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"Lions Clube do Aveiro - Convençãoes 2003"
24 Apr 20032005 36th National Convention of Lions Clubs PT20050424 PMK 4740
On comm. card
Commemorative Postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"36° Convenção Nacional Lions (Portugal) - Lions Clube de Barcelos"
24 Apr 200531 May 2010 - FIFA World Cup PT20100531 ST 0_80 Stamp 0.80 Cheetah (fur pattern on ball)
Round, self-adhesive stamp
MI 3523M
ILSPT20100531 ST 2_50 Stamp 2.50 Leopard
Stamp from MS
MI 3524M PT20100531 MS 2_50 Miniature Sheet 2.50 Leopard
Single-stamp MS
MI B300M PT20100531 FDC 0_80 First Day Cover 0.80 Cheetah (fur pattern) (on stamp)
Leopard (in cachet)
Official FDC with
PT20100531 ST 0_80PT20100531 FDC 2_50 First Day Cover 2.50 Leopard (on stamp and in cachet)
Official FDC with MSM This item is also listed under Heraldic Cats. Other items from this issue are listed under Domestic Cats.
PT20190827 ST N20 1 Lion
Heraldic Lion
Gryffindor CoA
Wild Cats in Literature
Self-adhesive, pre-personalised stamps from
PT20190827 BK 4xN20
MI ???PT20190827 BK 4xN20 Booklet 4 x N20
(2.12 /
4 x 0.53 on issue)Lion
Heraldic Lion
Gryffindor CoA
Wild Cats in Literature
Self-adhesive, pre-personalised booklet with
PT20190827 ST N20 1
and three other stamps
MI MH???List compiled by Geir Arveng with valuable information from Nahum Shereshevsky, Greg Balagian, Marci Jarvis, Ernst
Hüppel, and TS Tan.
Latest update: 8 November, 2019