Stamps inscribed 'Filipinas', '[United States of America] Philippine Islands', '[United States of America] Commonwealth of the Philippines' or 'Philippines'
1854 - 1898 Spanish Colonial Issues
1899 - 1941 US Administration Issues (1898 - 1903 US stamps also valid in PH)
1941 - 1945 Japanese Occupation Issues
1945 - 1946 US Administration Issues
1946 -> Independence
From 1854: 1 Peso = 8 Reales = 32 Cuartos = 64 Octavos
From 1864: 1 Peso = 100 Centavos
From 1871: 1 Escudo = 100 Centimos
From 1872: 1 Peseta = 100 Centimos
From 1878: 1 Peso = 100 Centimos/Centavos = 1000 Milesimas
From 1899: 1 Dollar (USD) = 100 Cents
From 1906: 1 Peso = 100 Centavos (= USD 0.50)
From 1946: 1 Peso/Piso (PHP) = 100 Centavos/Sentimos
Checklists > Countries > Philippines Heraldic Cats List status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Issue Item code Item type Face valueRemarks SC 1969 50th Anniversary of The International League of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies PH19690526 ST 0_10 Stamp 0.10Red Lion Logo
MI 883PH19690526 ST 0_40 Stamp 0.40Red Lion Logo
MI 884PH19690526 ST 0_75 Stamp 0.75Red Lion Logo
MI 8852011 75th Anniversary of the Department of Budget and Management PH20110425 ST 7_00 Stamp 7.00Heraldic Merlion
DBA Emblem
MI 4498
This item is also listed under Mythic CatsPH20110425 FDC 7_00 First Day Cover 7.00Heraldic Merlion (on stamp, postmark and cachet)
DBA Emblem
This item is also listed under Mythic CatsPH20110425 FDP 1000 First Day Postmark -Heraldic Merlion
DBA Emblem
"Department of Budget and Management - 75th Anniversary - First Day of Issue"
25 April 2011
This item is also listed under Mythic Cats2011 75th Anniversary of the National Bureau of Investigation PH20111114 ST 7_00 1
Stamp 7.00Heraldic Lion
MI 4589PH20111114 FDC 28_00 Stamp 28.00Heraldic Lion (on stamp and cachet)
Official FDC with
PH20111114 ST 7_00 1
and the three other stamps in the set2012 50th Anniversary of the Asian-Oceanic Postal Union PH20120402 ST 7_00 Stamp 7.00Heraldic Lion
Flag of Sri Lanka
MI 4627PH20120402 ST 30_00 Stamp 30.00Heraldic Lion
Flag of Sri Lanka
MI 4628List compiled by Geir Arveng, with additional information from TS Tan.
Latest update 4 May 2013