Stamps inscribed 'New Zealand' or 'Aotearoa'
1855 ->
From 1855: 1 Pound = 20 Shilling = 12 Pence
From 1967: 1 Dollar (NZD) = 100 Cents (= 10 Shillings)
Checklists > Countries > New Zealand Domestic Cats List status: Incomplete / Under Construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Issue Item code Item type Face value Remarks SC 1974 Health - Children and Pets NZ19740807 ST 0_03__0_01 Semi-postal stamp 0.03
+ 0.01Unspecified breed
MI 637NZ19740807 ST 0_04__0_01 Semi-postal stamp 0.04
+ 0.01Unspecified breed
MI 6381982 Centenaries NZ19820203 ST 0_25 Stamp 0.25 Unspecified breed
MI 8371983 Health NZ19830803 ST 0_24__0_02 1 Semi-postal stamp 0.24
+ 0.02Unspecified breed
MI 878M NZ19830803 ST 0_24__0_02 2 Semi-postal stamp 0.24
+ 0.02Siamese
MI 879M NZ19830803 ST 0_30__0_02 Semi-postal stamp 0.30
+ 0.02Persian
MI 880M NZ19830803 MS 1_56__0_12 Miniature Sheet 0.30
+ 0.02Unspecified Breed
6-stamp MS (2 of each)
MI KB878-880NZ19830803 FDC 0_24__0_02 1 First Day Cover 0.24
+ 0.02Unspecified Breed (on stamp and cachet)
A number of private companies and organisations produced individuel FDCs for this issueCC NZ19830803 FDC 0_24__0_02 2 First Day Cover 0.24
+ 0.02Siamese (on stamp and cachet)
A number of private companies and organisations produced individuel FDCs for this issueCC NZ19830803 FDC 0_30__0_02 First Day Cover 0.30
+ 0.02Persian (on stamp and cachet)
A number of private companies and organisations produced individuel FDCs for this issueCC NZ19830803 FDC 0_78__0_06 First Day Cover 0.78
+ 0.06Unspecified Breed
(on stamps) Persian (on stamp and cachet)
Official FDC with all 3 stampsNZ19830803 FDC 1_56__0_12 First Day Cover 1.56
+ 0.12Unspecified Breed
(on stamps) Persian (on stamp and cachet)
Official FDC with MS1991 Thinking of You I NZ19910515 ST 0_40 1 Stamp 0.40 Unspecified Breed
Cartoon Cat (looking out of window)
Stamp from NZ19910515 BK 2_00
MI 1171NZ19910515 ST 0_40 2 Stamp 0.40 Unspecified Breed
Cartoon Cat (with slippers)
Stamp from booklet
MI 1172NZ19910515 ST 0_40 3 Stamp 0.40 Unspecified Breed
Cartoon Cat (with alarm clock)
Stamp from NZ19910515 BK 2_00
MI 1173NZ19910515 ST 0_40 4 Stamp 0.40 Unspecified Breed
Cartoon Cat (on window sill)
Stamp from NZ19910515 BK 2_00
MI 1174NZ19910515 ST 0_40 5 Stamp 0.40 Unspecified Breed
Cartoon Cat (at the door)
Stamp from NZ19910515 BK 2_00
MI 1175NZ19910515 BK 2_00
Booklet 2.00
(5 x 0.40)Unspecified Breed
Cartoon Cat (on stamps and cover)
5-stamp booklet
MI MH???M NZ19910515 FDC 2_00 First Day Cover 2.00
(5 x 0.40)Unspecified Breed
Cartoon Cat (on stamps and cachet)
FDC with booklet pane1991 Thinking of You II NZ19910701 ST 0_45 1 Stamp 0.45 Unspecified Breed
Cartoon Cat (looking out of window)
Stamp from NZ19910701 BK 2_25
MI 1190NZ19910701 ST 0_45 2 Stamp 0.45 Unspecified Breed
Cartoon Cat (with slippers)
Stamp from NZ19910701 BK 2_25
MI 1191NZ19910701 ST 0_45 3 Stamp 0.45 Unspecified Breed
Cartoon Cat (with alarm clock)
Stamp from NZ19910701 BK 2_25
MI 1192NZ19910701 ST 0_45 4 Stamp 0.45 Unspecified Breed
Cartoon Cat (on window sill)
Stamp from NZ19910701 BK 2_25
MI 1193NZ19910701 ST 0_45 5 Stamp 0.45 Unspecified Breed
Cartoon Cat (at the door)
Stamp from NZ19910701 BK 2_25
MI 1194NZ19910701 BK 2_25 Booklet 2.25
(5 x 0.45)Unspecified Breed
Cartoon Cat (on stamps and cover)
5-stamp booklet
MI MH???NZ19910701 FDC 2_25 First Day Cover 2.25
(5 x 0.45)Unspecified Breed
Cartoon Cat (on stamps, postmark and cachet)
FDC with booklet paneNZ19910701 FDP 4540 First Day Postmark - Unspecified Breed
Cartoon Cat
"Thinking of You - First Day of Isuue"
Philatelic Bureau, Wanganui
1 July 19911993 Health NZ19930721 ST 0_80__0_05 1 Semi-postal Stamp 0.80
+ 0.05Unspecified Breed (kitten)
Stamp from ordinary sheets
Perf. 13¼:13¾
MI 1297AM NZ19930721 ST 0_80__0_05 2 Semi-postal Stamp 0.80
+ 0.05Unspecified Breed (kitten)
Stamp from MS
Perf. 14¼
MI 1297CNZ19930721 MS 2_70 Miniature Sheet 2.70
(franking value 2.50)Unspecified Breed (kitten)
4-stamp MS (2x
NZ19930721 ST 0_80__0_05 2
and 2 x other stamp in set
For version overprinted with Taipei '93 logo, see
NL19930814 MS 2_70
MI B36M 1993 Taipei '93 International Philatelic Exhibition NL19930814 MS 2_70 Miniature Sheet 2.70
(franking value 2.50)Unspecified Breed (kitten)
4-stamp MS (2x
NZ19930721 ST 0_80__0_05 2
and 2 x other stamp in set
For version without Taipei '93 logo, see
NZ19930721 MS 2_70
MI B381998 Year of the Tiger / Favourite Felines NZ19980211 ST 0_40 Stamp 0.40 Unspecified Breed (Domestic Moggy)
MI 1651AM NZ19980211 ST 0_80 Stamp 0.80 Burmese
MI 1652ANZ19980211 ST 1_00 Stamp 1.00 Sacred Birman
MI 1653AM/
IPSNZ19980211 ST 1_20 Stamp 1.20 British Shorthair (Blue)
MI 1654ANZ19980211 ST 1_50 Stamp 1.50 Persian
MI 1655ANZ19980211 ST 1_80 Stamp 1.80 Siamese
Perf. 13¼:13½
Same design as
NZ19990100 ST 1_80
- different perforation
MI 1656AILS This MS also has a Tiger in the selvedge NZ19980211 MS 3_20 Miniature Sheet 3.20 Unspecified Breed
Sacred Birman
3-stamp MS with
NZ19980211 ST 0_40
NZ19980211 ST 1_00
NZ19980211 ST 1_80
This MS was re-issued as part of a limited edition presen-tation pack with MSs for all 12 signs of the Lunar Zodiac in 2008. See
NZ20080207 MS 3_20
the 2008 version can be identified by its black control number.
MI B74NZ19980211 FDP 4540 First Day Postmark - Unspecified Breed
Cat's Pawprint
"First day of Issue"
Stamps Centre, Wanganui
11 February 1998MC NZ19980211 PCMC 0_40 Maximum Card / Prepaid Postcard 0.40 Unspecified Breed (Domestic Moggy) CC/
MNZ19980211 PCMC 0_80 Maximum Card / Prepaid Postcard 0.80 Burmese CC/
MNZ19980211 PCMC 1_00 Maximum Card / Prepaid Postcard 1.00 Sacred Birman CC/
MNZ19980211 PCMC 1_20 Maximum Card / Prepaid Postcard 1.20 British Shorthair (Blue) CC/
MNZ19980211 PCMC 1_50 Maximum Card / Prepaid Postcard 1.50 Persian CC/
MNZ19980211 PCMC 1_80 Maximum Card / Prepaid Postcard 1.80 Siamese CC/
M1999 Best of 1998 NZ19990100 ST 1_80 Stamp 1.80 Siamese
Perf. 14
Same design as
NZ19980211 ST 1_80
- different perforation
MI 1656CNZ19990100 MS 5_40 Miniature Sheet 5.40 Siamese (on one stamp only)
3-stamp MS with
NZ19990100 ST 1_80
and two other stamps
MI B841999 Year of the Rabbit / Pets NZ19990210 ST 1_00 Stamp 1.00 Unspecified Breed (with Rabbit)
MI 1743IPS This MS also has a Tiger in the selvedge NZ19920210 MS 2_20 Miniature Sheet 2.80 Unspecified Breed (with Rabbit)
3-stamp MS with NZ19990210 ST 1_00
and two other stamps from the set
This MS was re-issued as part of a limited edition presentation pack with MSs for all 12 signs of the Lunar Zodiac in 2008. See
NZ20080207 MS 2_20
the 2008 version can be identified by its black control number.
MI B881999 Health - Childrens Literature
This set also includes a Lion
NZ19990616 ST 0_80__0_05 Semi-postal Stamp 0.80
+ 0.05Cat Illustration
Cats in Literature
"The Greedy Cat" by Joy Cowley
MI 1780NZ19990616 MS 1_75 Miniature Sheet 1.75
franking value 1.60Cat Illustration (on one stamp and on selvedge)
Cats in Literature
"The Greedy Cat" by Joy Cowley
3 stamp MS with all stamps in set
MI B91NZ19990616 FDC 1_75 First Day Cover 1.75
franking value 1.60Cat Illustration (on one stamp and in cachet)
Cats in Literature
"The Greedy Cat" by Joy Cowley
FDC with all 3 stamps in set1999 CHINA '99 International Philatelic Exhibition NZ19990821 MS 1_40 Miniature Sheet 1.40 Unspecified Breed (with Rabbit)
2-stamp MS with
NZ19990210 ST 1_00
and another stamp from the set
MI B962005 Health - Children and Pets NZ20050803 MS 1_95 Miniature Sheet 1.95
(franking value 1.80)Unspecified Breed (kitten - on selvedge)
MI B187M
ILSNZ20050803 FDC 1_95 1
FDC Back
First Day Cover 1.95
(1.80 + 0.15)Unspecified Breed (oriental type - on cachet only)
FDC with the three single stamps in setCC NZ20050803 FDC 1_95 2
FDC Back
First Day Cover 1.95
(1.80 + 0.15)Unspecified Breed (kitten - on MS selvedge) CC 2008 Lunar New Year 12-Year Cycle Limited Edition Pack
This item also shows a Tiger
NZ20080207 MS 2_20 Miniature Sheet 2.20
(0.40 + 0.80 + 1.00)Unspecified Breed (with Rabbit)
3-stamp MS with
NZ19990210 ST 1_00
and two other stamps from the set
Re-issue of
NZ19990210 MS 2_20
with overprinted control-number in black
MI B88 (same as original issue)This item also shows a Tiger
NZ20080207 MS 3_20 Miniature Sheet 3.20
(0.40 + 1.00 + 1.80)Unspecified Breed
Sacred Birman
3-stamp MS with
NZ19980211 ST 0_40
NZ19980211 ST 1_00
NZ19980211 ST 1_80
Re-issue of
NZ19980211 MS 3_20
with overprinted control-number in black
MI B74 (same as original issue)List compiled by Geir Arveng. Information received from Marci Jarvis, T.S. Tan, Bridget Robinson, and Patrick Roberts.
Latest update: 10 November, 2015