Stamps inscribed '[Republic of] Maldives' and or '
', or 'Maldive Islands' and 'جزر المالديف'.
<- 1906 Ceylon Stamps Used
1906 ->
From 1906: 1 [Ceylon] Rupee = 100 Cents
From 1950: 1 Rufiyaa (MVR) = 100 Laari (= 1 Rupee)
Checklists > Countries > Maldives Domestic Cats List status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Issue Item code Item type Face value Remarks SC 2015 Flora and Fauna MV20150525 ST 20_00 5 Stamp 20.00 Selkirk Rex
Stamp from
MV20150525 MS 80_00
MI 5810MV20150525 ST 20_00 6 Stamp 20.00 Maine Coon
Stamp from
MV20150525 MS 80_00
MI 5811MV20150525 ST 20_00 7 Stamp 20.00 Ragdoll
Stamp from
MV20150525 MS 80_00
MI 5812MV20150525 ST 20_00 8 Stamp 20.00 Sphynx
Stamp from
MV20150525 MS 80_00
MI 5813MV20150525 ST 60_00 2 Stamp 60.00 Devon Rex
Stamp from
MV20150525 MS 60_00 2
MI 5814MV20150525 MS 60_00 2 Miniature sheet 60.00 Devon Rex (on stamp)
British Shorthair
Oriental Longhair
Unspecified Breed/silhouette (on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS with
MV20150525 ST 60_00 2
MI B824MV20150525 MS 80_00 Miniature sheet 80.00
(4 x 20.00)Selkirk Rex
Maine Coon
Sphynx (on one stamp each)
Unspecified Breed/silhouette (on selvedge)
4-stamp MS with
MV20150525 ST 20_00 5
MV20150525 ST 20_00 6
MV20150525 ST 20_00 7
MV20150525 ST 20_00 8
MI KB5810-58132015 Centenary of the Endurance Expedition MV20150701 ST 20_00 6 Stamp 20.00 Unspecified breed
Endurance ship's cat Mr Chippy
MI 5856Compiled by Geir Arveng with valuable information from Patrick Roberts, Marci Jarvis, and Stamperija.
Latest update: 22 August, 2016