Stamps inscribed 'Monaco' or 'Principauté de Monaco'
1885 ->
From 1885: 1 [French] Franc = 100 Centimes
From 1960: 1 New Franc (FRF) = 100 Centimes = 100 Old Francs
From 2002: 1 Euro (EUR) = 100 Eurocents
Checklists > Countries > Monaco Domestic Cats List status: Incomplete / Under Construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Item Code Item type Face value Remarks SC 26 April 1969 - Death Centenary of Hector Berlioz MC19690426 ST 0_25 Stamp 0.25 Unspecified Breed
MI 91918 January 1972 - 150th Birth Anniversary of Baudelaire MC19720118 ST 1_30 Stamp 1.30 Unspecified Breed
MI 1022MC19720118 FDS 1_30 First Day Sheet 1.30 Unspecified Breed
Official FDS30 April 1973 - Birth Centenary of Colette MC19730430 ST 0_30 Stamp 0.30 Unspecified Breed
MI 1076MC19730430 FDC 0_30 First Day Sheet 0.30 Unspecified Breed (on stamp and cachet)
Official FDCMC19730430 FDS 0_30 First Day Sheet 0.30 Unspecified Breed
Official FDS12 November 1975 - 125th Anniversary of the Grammont Law MC19751112 ST 0_80 Stamp 0.80 Unspecified Breed
MI 1205MC19751112 FDC 0_80 First Day Cover 0.80 Unspecified Breed (on stamp and cachet)
Official FDCMC19751112 FDS 2_60 First Day Sheet 2.60 Unspecified Breed
Official FDS with
MC19751112 ST 0_80
and two other stamps in set8 November 1978 - 350th Birth Anniversary of Charles Perrault MC19781108 ST 0_25 Stamp 0.25 Cartoon Cat
Cats in Literature
Puss in Boots
MI 1337MC19781108 FDC 0_25 First Day Cover 0.25 Cartoon Cat
Cats in Literature
Puss in Boots (on stamp, cachet and postmark)MC19781108 FDP 98000 First Day Postmark - Cartoon Cat
Cats in Literature
Puss in Boots
"Jour d'Émission
Monaco A
8 Nov 19788 November 1978 - Christmas MC19781108 ST 1_00 1 Stamp 1.00 Cartoon Cat
MI 134915 October 1994 - 275th Anniversary of Robinson Crusoe MC19941015 ST 7_00 Stamp 7.00 Unspecified Breed
MI 22077 February 2009 - AFM International Cat Show MC20090207 ST 0_88 2 Stamp 0.88 Sacred Birman
The Cat Fancy
MI 2927MC20090207 FDC 0_88 2 First Day Cover 0.88 Sacred Birman (on stamp)
Stylized Cat (on postmark)
The Cat Fancy
Official FDC with
MC20090207 ST 0_88 2MC20090207 FDP 98000 First Day Postmark - Stylized Cat
The Cat Fancy
"Jour d'émission"
Monaco O.E.T.P
7 February 20094 December 2009 - AFM International Cat Show 2010 MC20091204 ST 0_56 Stamp 0.56 Bengal
The Cat Fancy
MI 2960MC20091204 SH 5_60 Sheetlet 5.60 Bengal (on stamps)
Cat's Paw Print (in margin)
The Cat Fancy
Sheetlet of 10 stampsMC20091204 FDC 0_56 First Day Cover 0.56 Bengal
The Cat FancyMC20091204 FDP 98000 First Day Postmark - Bengal
Cat's Paw Print
The Cat Fancy
"Jour d'émission"
Monaco O.E.T.P.
4 Dec 2009MC20091204 LB 2 Marginal Label - Cat's Paw Print
Upper marginal label from pos 2 or 6 of the sheetletMC20091204 LB 11 Marginal Label - Cat's Paw Print
Right marginal label from pos 3 of the sheetlet15-22 February 2010 - Monaco International Cat Show 2010
This postmark was also in use in 2011
MC20100215_22 PMK 98020 Slogan postmark - Bengal
The Cat Fancy
"Éxposition Féline International de Monaco - Auditorium Rainer III - Association Féline de Monaco"
Monte Carlo
15 - 22 February 20104 January 2011 - Monaco International Cat Show 2011 MC20110104 ST 0_87 Stamp 0.87 Egyptian Mau
The Cat Fancy
MI 3015MC20110104 SH 8_70 Sheetlet 8.70 Egyptian Mau (on stamps)
Cat's Paw Print (in margin)
The Cat Fancy
Sheetlet of 10 stamps
This postmark was also in use in 2010
MC20110128_31 PMK 98020 Slogan postmark - Bengal
The Cat Fancy
"Éxposition Féline International de Monaco - Auditorium Rainer III - Association Féline de Monaco"
Monte Carlo
28 - 31 Jan 2011MC20110104 LB 2 Marginal Label Cat's Paw Print
Upper marginal label from pos 2 or 6 of the sheetlet10 January 2012 - Monaco International Cat Show 2012 MC20120110 ST 0_77 Stamp 0.77 Russian Blue
The Cat Fancy
MI ???If you have a scan of this item, please share. MC20120110 SH 7_70 Sheetlet 7.70
(10 x 0.77)Russian Blue (on stamps)
Cat's paw prints (in margin)
The Cat Fancy
Sheetlet with 10 x
MC20120110 ST 0_77
and marginal labelsMC20120209_13 PMK 98000 Slogan Postmark - Unspecified Breed
"Éxposition Féline Mondiale - Fédération Féline de Monte-Carlo"
9-13 February 2012If you have a scan of this item, please share. MC20120110 LB 2 Marginal label - Cat's Paw Print
Upper marginal label from pos 2 or 6 of the sheetlet3 December 2012 - Nudes in Art (I) MC20121203 ST 1_80 Stamp 1.80 Unspecified Breed
Cats in Art
Olympia, painting by Edouard Manet (1832-1883)
MI 311516 Januar 2013 - Monaco International Cat Show 2013 MC20130116 ST 0_56 Stamp 0.56 Turkish Angora
MI 311831 January 2014 - Monaco International Cat Show 2014 MC20140131 ST 0_61 Stamp 0.61 British Shorthair
MI 31687 July 2020 - Monaco International Cat Show 2020 MC20200707 ST 0_97 Stamp 0.97 Siberian
MI 3498MC20200707 FDC 0_97 First day cover 0.97 Siberian (on stamp and postmark)
Official FDC with
MC20200707 ST 0_97MC20200707 FDP 98050 First day postmark - Siberian
"Jour d'émmision"
Office des Timbres, Monaco
7 July 2020September 2020 - Monaco International Cat Show 2020 Slogan Postmark MC20200900_ PMK 98020 Slogan postmark - Unspecified breed
"Exposition Féline Internationale à Monaco"
Monte Carlo
First date reported:
25 September 2020
Latest date reported:
25 September 2020
If you know the dates of use for this postmark, please let us know.7 September 2021 - Monaco International Cat Show 2021 MC20210907 ST 1_50 Stamp 1.50 Maine Coon
MI 3552M MC20210907 SH 15_00 Sheetlet 15.00
(10 x 1.50)Maine Coon (on all stamps)
Cat's paw print (on two marginal labels)
Sheetlet with 10 x
MC20210907 ST 1_50
MI KB3552MC20210907 FDC 1_50 First day cover 1.50 Maine Coon (on stamp and postmark)
Official FDC with
MC20210907 ST 1_50CC MC20210907 FDP 98050 First day postmark - Maine Coon
"Jour d'émmision"
Office des Timbres, Monaco
7 September 2021CC MC20210907 LB 11 Marginal label - Unspecified breed (presuambly Maine Coon)
Cat's paw print
Fourth row, left marginal label from
MC20210907 SH 15_00MC20210907 LB 14 Marginal label - Unspecified breed (presuambly Maine Coon)
Cat's paw print
Fifth row, right marginal label from
MC20210907 SH 15_00List compiled by Geir Arveng. Information received from Gertrude Hainzl, Nahum Shereshevsky, Marci Jarvis, TS Tan,
and Patrick Roberts.
Latest update: 27 January, 2022