Stamps inscribed '(Union Français -) Royaume du Laos', 'Lao', 'R.D.P. Lao', 'République Démocratique et populaire Lao', 'Rep. Dem. Pop. Lao', 'Postes Lao', 'Poste Lao', or 'Lao PDR' and '
', '
', '
', '
', or '
<- 1952 See French Indochina
1952 ->
From 1952: 1 (Royal) Kip = 100 Att (= 1 French Indochinese Piastre)
From 1976: 1 (Pathet Lao) Kip = 100 Att (= 20 Royal Kip)
From 1979: 1 Kip (LAK) = 100 Att (= 100 Pathet Lao Kip)
Checklists > Countries > Laos Domestic Cats List status: Contains all items known by the Webmaster
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Issue Item code Item type Face valueRemarks SC 1969 Paintings of Marc Leguay LA19691225 ST 150 Stamp 150.00Cat painting
Cats in Art
"Village Market"
MI: 269
SC: C631983 Cats LA19831109 ST 1_00 Stamp 1.00Unspecified Breed
MI: 682A
SC: 493LA19831109 ST 2_00 Stamp 2.00Persian (Smoke)
MI: 683A
SC: 494LA19831109 ST 3_00 Stamp 3.00Siamese
MI: 684A
SC: 495LA19831109 ST 4_00 Stamp 4.00Sacred Birman
Listed as SBI by Domfil. We do not know where this info stems from. It doesn't look much like a Birman to us....
MI: 685A
SC: 496LA19831109 ST 5_00 Stamp 5.00Persian (Cream)
MI: 686A
SC: 497LA19831109 ST 6_00 Stamp 6.00Norwegian Forest Cat
MI: 687A
SC: 498LA19831109 IMP 1_00 Imperforate stamp 1.00Unspecified Breed
MI: 682BLA19831109 IMP 2_00 Imperforate stamp 2.00Persian (Smoke)
MI: 683BLA19831109 IMP 3_00 Imperforate stamp 3.00Siamese
MI: 684BLA19831109 IMP 4_00 Imperforate stamp 4.00Sacred Birman
Listed as SBI by Domfil. We do not know where this info stems from. It doesn't look much like a Birman to us....
MI: 685BLA19831109 IMP 5_00 Imperforate stamp 5.00Persian (Cream)
MI: 686BLA19831109 IMP 6_00 Imperforate stamp 6.00Norwegian Forest Cat
MI: 687B1989 INDIA '89 Philatelic Exhibition LA19890107 ST 5_00 Stamp 5.00Unspecified breed
MI: 1124
SC: 908LA19890107 ST 6_00 Stamp 6.00Unspecified breed
MI: 1125
SC: 909LA19890107 ST 10_00 Stamp 10.00Unspecified breed
MI: 1126
SC: 910LA19890107 ST 20_00 Stamp 20.00Unspecified breed
MI: 1127
SC: 911LA19890107 ST 50_00 Stamp 50.00Unspecified breed
MI: 1128
SC: 912LA19890107 ST 95_00 Stamp 95.00Unspecified breed
Stamp from MS
MI: 1130LA19890107 ST 172_00 Stamp 172.00Unspecified breed
MI: 1129
SC: 913LA19890107 MS 95_00 Miniature Sheet 95.00Unspecified breed
MI: B125
SC: 9141995 Pedigree Cats LA19950725 ST 40_00 Stamp 40.00Persian (Red Tabby)
MI: 1469
SC: 1231LA19950725 ST 50_00 Stamp 50.00Siamese
MI: 1470
SC: 1232LA19950725 ST 250_00 Stamp 250.00Persian (Red Tabby)
MI: 1471
SC: 1233LA19950725 ST 400_00 Stamp 400.00Unspecified Breed (Tortoise Shell Shorthair)
MI: 1472
SC: 1234LA19950725 ST 650_00 Stamp 650.00Unspecified Breed (Tortoise Shell Shorthair)
MI: 1473
SC: 1235LA19950725 ST 700_00 Stamp 700.00Unspecified Breed (Tortoise Shell Shorthair)
Stamp from MS
MI: 1474LA19950725 MS 700_00 Miniature Sheet 700.00Unspecified Breed
MI: B154
SC: 1236Compiled by Eli Moallem
Additional info by Geir Arveng
Latest update: 21 Sept 2008