Stamps inscribed 'DPR KOREA' and/or '
<- 1946 Japanese stamps used
1946 ->
From 1946: 1 Yen = 100 Sen
From 1947: 1 Won = 100 Chon
From 1959: 1 (New) Won = 100 Chon = 100 Old Won
From 2009: 1 Won (KPW) = 100 Chon = 100 2nd Won
Checklists > Countries > North Korea Wild Cats Also see North Korea Domestic CatsList status: Incomplete / Under Construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Issue Item code Item type Face value Remarks SC 1964 Animals KP19641120 ST 0_02 Stamp 0.02Eurasian Lynx
East Siberian Lynx
MI 558KP19641120 ST 0_05 Stamp 0.05Leopard Cat
MI 559KP19641120 ST 0_10 1 Stamp 0.10Leopard
Amur Leopard
MI 5601974 Animals from Pyongyang Zoo KP19740510 ST 0_02 Stamp 0.02Leopard Cat
MI 1255KP19740510 ST 0_05 Stamp 0.05Eurasian Lynx
MI 1256KP19740510 ST 0_10 3 Stamp 0.10Leopard Cat
Imperforate, diamond-shaped stamp with printed 'perforations' from MS
MI 1264KP19740510 ST 0_30 Stamp 0.30Eurasian Lynx
Imperforate, diamond-shaped stamp with printed 'perforations' from MS
MI A1264KP19740510 ST 0_50 Stamp 0.50Leopard
Imperforate, diamond shaped stamp with printed 'perforations' from MS
MI B1264KP19740510 ST 0_60 1 Stamp 0.60Leopard
MI 1261KP19740510 ST 0_60 2 Stamp 0.60Tiger
Imperforate, diamond-shaped stamp with printed 'perforations' from MS
MI B1264KP19740510 ST 0_70 Stamp 0.70Tiger
MI 1262KP19740510 ST 0_90 Stamp 0.90Lion
MI 1263KP19740510 MS 1_50 Miniature Sheet 1.50Leopard Cat
Eurasian Lynx
Lion (on one stamp each)
Imperforate, 4-stamp MS with printed 'perforations'
MI B71975 Wall Paintings KP19750320 ST 0_15 Stamp 0.15Stylized Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Traditional 'White Tiger' rendition
Wall painting from the Koguryo Tombs
MI 13451976 Embroideries KP19760808 ST 0_40 1 Stamp 0.40Tiger
Stamp from ordinary sheets
perf: 12
MI 1549AKP19760808 ST 0_40 2 Stamp 0.40Tiger
Stamp from sheetlets
perf: 13 3/4
MI 1549CKP19760808 ST 0_50 1 Stamp 0.50Tiger
Stamp from Sheetlet
perf: 13 3/4
MI 1550CKP19760808 ST 0_50 2 Stamp 0.50Tiger
Stamp from MS
perf: 10 1/2
MI 1550AKP19760808 MS 0_50 Miniature Sheet 0.50Tiger
Single stamp MS
MI B311979 Riders of the Koguryo KP19790801 ST 0_05 Stamp 0.05Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Wall painting from the Tomb of the Dancers, Koguryo
MI 18671985 Koguryo Paintings KP19850930 ST 0_25 Stamp 0.25Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Wall painting from the Tomb of the Dancers, Koguryo
MI 26851996 World Conservation Congress KP19961013 ST 0_50 Stamp 0.50Tiger
Stamp from MS
MI 3874KP19961013 IMP 0_50 Imperforate stamp 0.50Tiger
Imperforate stamp from MS
MI UnlistedKP19961013 LB Label -Lion KP19961013 LB IMP Imperforate label -Lion KP19961013 MS 1_50 Miniature Sheet 1.50Tiger and Lion
MS with 3 stamps + 1 Lion label
WWF logo and further animals in the selvedge
MI Unnumbered sheetletKP19961013 IMS 1_50 Imperforate Miniature Sheet 1.50Tiger and Lion
MS with 3 stamps + 1 Lion label
WWF logo and further animals in the selvedge
MI Unlisted1997 Uear of the Ox KP19970101 MS 1_40 1 Miniature Sheet 1.40Tiger (on central, undenominated label)
MI Unnumbered sheetletKP19970101 MS 1_40 2 Miniature Sheet 1.40Tiger (on central, undenominated label)
MI Unnumbered sheetletKP19970101 IMS 1_40 1 Imperforate Miniature Sheet 1.40Tiger (on central, undenominated label)
MI Unnumbered sheetletKP19970101 IMS 1_40 2 Imperforate Miniature Sheet 1.40Tiger (on central, undenominated label)
MI Unnumbered sheetlet1998 Paintings - Animals from the Paektu-san Forest KP19980306 ST 0_50 1 Stamp 0.50Tigers
Wild Cat Art
Issued in both MS and Booklet
MI 3998KP19980306 MS 2_00 Miniature Sheet 2.00Tigers (on one stamp)
Wild Cat Art
MS with all 4 stamps in set
MI Unnumbered sheetletKP19980306 BK 4_00
Booklet 4.00Tigers (on two stamps and on cover)
Wild Cat Art
MI MH???1998 WWF KP19981021 ST 1_00 1 Stamp 1.00Amur Leopard
In tree
MI 4085KP19981021 ST 1_00 2 Stamp 1.00Amur Leopard
In snow
MI 4086KP19981021 ST 1_00 3 Stamp 1.00Amur Leopard
Face turned left
In front of rocks
MI 4087KP19981021 ST 1_00 4 Stamp 1.00Amur Leopard
Face (green background)
MI 4088KP19981021 IMP 1_00 1 Imperforate stamp 1.00Amur Leopard
In treeKP19981021 IMP 1_00 2 Imperforate stamp 1.00Amur Leopard
In snowKP19981021 IMP 1_00 3 Imperforate stamp 1.00Amur Leopard
Face turned left
In front of rocksKP19981021 IMP 1_00 4 Imperforate stamp 1.00Amur Leopard
Face (green background)KP19981021 SH 16_00 Sheetlet 16.00Amur Leopard
Sheetlet with 4 x series printed se-tenantly in blocks of 4
Leopards and WWF logo in the marginKP19981021 ISH 16_00 Imperforate Sheetlet 16.00Amur Leopard
Sheetlet with 4 x series printed se-tenantly in blocks of 4
Leopards and WWF logo in the marginKP19981021 FDC 1_00 1 First Day Cover 1.00Amur Leopard
In treeKP19981021 FDC 1_00 2 First Day Cover 1.00Amur Leopard
In snowKP19981021 FDC 1_00 3 First Day Cover 1.00Amur Leopard
Face turned left
In front of rocksKP19981021 FDC 1_00 4 First Day Cover 1.00Amur Leopard
Face (green background)KP19981021 MC 1_00 1 Maximum Card 1.00Amur Leopard
In treeKP19981021 MC 1_00 2 Maximum Card 1.00Amur Leopard
In snowKP19981021 MC 1_00 3 Maximum Card 1.00Amur Leopard
Face turned left
In front of rocksKP19981021 MC 1_00 4 Maximum Card 1.00Amur Leopard
Face (green background)1998 ITALIA '98 World Philatelic Exhibition KP19981023 MS 2_00 Miniature Sheet 2.00Lion (on selvedge)
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sculpture
King Vittorio Emmanuele II Monument in Milan by Ercole Rosa (1846-1893)
MI B4112005 Relics from the Koguryo Kingdom KP20050614 ST 70 Stamp 70Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Wall painting from the Tomb of the Dancers, Koguryo
Stamp from booklet
MI 48912006 Surcharged Stamps KP200605_10 ST 128 11 Stamp 128Amur Leopard
In snow
New value in BLACK surcharged on
KP19981021 ST 1 2
MI 5101KP200605_10 ST 128 12 Stamp 128Amur Leopard
In snow
New value in RED surcharged on
KP19981021 ST 1 2
MI 5102KP200605_10 ST 134 6 Stamp 134Tiger
Wild cat art
New value in BLACK surcharged on
KP19760808 ST 0_40 1
MI 5110KP200605_10 ST 134 7 Stamp 134Tiger
Wild cat art
New value in RED surcharged on
KP19760808 ST 0_40 1
MI 51112010 North Korean Cartoons KP20100630 ST 95 Stamp 95Cartoon Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Scene from the cartoon "The Porcupine Beats the Tiger"
MI 5617KP20100630 MS 268 Miniature Sheet 268Cartoon Tiger (on one stamp)
Wild Cat Art
Scene from the cartoon "The Porcupine Beats the Tiger"
MI B7752010 Animals KP20100130 ST 110 Stamp 110Leopard KP20100130 IMP 110 Imperforate stamp 110Leopard KP20100130 BK 285 Booklet 285Leopard (on one stamp)
Tiger (on cover)
Booklet with one of each stamp in setKP20100130 BK IMP 285 Booklet 285Leopard (on one stamp)
Tiger (on cover)
Booklet with one of each imperforate stamp in setKP20100130 SH 660 Sheetlet 660Leopard (on stamps and selvedge)
Eurasian Lynx (on label)
Cheetah (on selvedge)
Sheetlet with 6 x
KP20100130 ST 110KP20100130 SH IMP 660 Sheetlet 660Leopard (on stamps and selvedge)
Eurasian Lynx (on label)
Cheetah (on selvedge)
Sheetlet with 6 x
KP20100130 IMP 110KP20100130 PSE 60 Pre-stamped Envelope 60Leopard (in cachet) KP20100130 AEG 110 Aerogramme 110Leopard (in stamp indicum) Compiled by Geir Arveng with additional information from Greg Balagian, T.S. Tan, Marci Jarvis and Ian Haney.
Latest update: 26 September 2013