Before 1947, stamps were marked with the Imperial Chrysantemum Seal:
From 1947 stamps inscribed 'Nippon' and/or '日本郵便'.1871 ->
From 1871: 1 Yen (JPY) = 100 Sen = 1000 Rin
Checklists > Countries > Japan Wild Cats List status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to checklists@catstamps.org.WILD CATS
Item Code Item type Face value Remarks SC 1 February 1950 - Year of the Tiger JP19500201 ST 2_00 Stamp 2.00 Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Year of the Tiger
Detail from "Dragon and Tiger", Painting by Okyo Maruyama (1733-1795)
MI 499AJP19500201 IMP 2_00 Imperforate stamp 2.00 Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Detail from "Dragon and Tiger", Painting by Okyo Maruyama (1733-1795)
Stamp from imp. MS (printed "perforations")
MI 499BJP19500201 MS 10_00 Miniature Sheet 10.00
(5 x 2.00)Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Detail from "Dragon and Tiger", Painting by Okyo Maruyama (1733-1795)
Stamp from imp. MS (printed "perforations")
MS with 5 x
JP19500201 IMP 2_00
This MS was never for regular sale, but functioned as the 6th prize in the 1950 New Year Lottery
MI B3215 December 1961 - Year of the Tiger JP19611215 ST 5 Stamp 5 Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier Maché Tiger Toy
MI 781JP19611215 MS 20 Miniature Sheet 20
(4 x 5)Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier Mache Tiger Toy
MS with 4 x
JP19611215 ST 5
This MS was never for regular sale, but functioned as the 5th prize in the 1962 New Year Lottery
MI B64M JP19611215 FDC 10 First Day Cover 10
(2 x 5)Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier Mache Tiger Toy
FDC with 2 x
JP19611215 ST 5
Japanese date: 36.12.15 *CC 8 May 1964 - Lions International District 302E2 - 10th Annual Meeting JP19640508 PMK 4308799 Commemorative Postmark - Lions Club Logo
Hamamatsu City
8 May 1964
Japanese date:
39.5.8 *CC 1969 52 World Congress of Lions International JP19690702 ST 15 Stamp 15 Lions Club Logo
MI 1045M 1970 Noto-Hanto Mational Park JP19700801 ST 15 2 Stamp 15 Lion Mask
Wild Cat Art
MI 1086JP19700801 FDC 30 Stamp 30 Lion Mask
Wild Cat Art
FDC with both stamps in set1971 Centenary of the Japanese State Printers JP19711101 ST 15 2 Stamp 15 Tiger
Wild Cat Art
"Dragon and Tiger", painting by Gaho Hashimoto (1835-1908)
MI 1127JP19711101 FDC 30 First Day Cover 30 Tiger
Wild Cat Art
"Dragon and Tiger", painting by Gaho Hashimoto (1835-1908)
FDC with both stamps in set
Japanese date: 46.11.1 *CC 1974 Preservation of Nature I JP19740325 ST 20 Stamp 20 Iriomote Cat
MI 1205M
DLJP19740325 FDC 20
FDC Inlay
First Day Cover 20 Iriomote Cat (on stamp, cachet and postmark) SI2 JP19740325 FDP First Day Postmark - Iriomote Cat
Iriomote Jima
25 March 1974SI 21 June 1978 - 61st Lions International World Congress JP19780621 ST 50 Stamp 50 Lion
Lions Club Logo
Wild Cat Art
Silk painting by Sotatsu Tawaraya.
17th. c
MI 1357M JP19780621 FDC 50 First Day Cover 50 Lion (on stamp, cachet and postmark
Lions Club Logo (on stamp and cachet)
Wild Cat Art
Silk painting by Sotatsu Tawaraya.
17th. c
Japanese date:
53.6.21 *JP19780621 FDP 1028799 First Day Postmark 50 Lion
Wild Cat Art
From silk painting by Sotatsu Tawaraya.
17th. c
Kōjimachi PO, Tokyo
21 June 1978
Japanese date:
53.6.21 *23 February 1981 - 30 July 2010 - Nihonbashi Ichiban Scenic Postmark JP19810223_ PMK 1030027 Pictorial postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion statue outside Nihonbashi Fish Market
Nihonbashi Ichiban PO, Tokyo
東京 日本橋通一
First date of use:
23 February 1981
Last date of use:
30 July 2010
Japanese dates:
56.2.23 - 22.7.30 *22 August 1981 - Western Architecture in Japan I JP19810822 ST 60 2 Stamp 60 Lions
Wild Cat Art
Guardian Stone Lions outside Hyokei Museum, Ueno, Tokyo
MI 1483JP19810822 FDC 120 First Day Cover 120 Lions (on stamp and cachet)
Wild Cat Art
Guardian Stone Lions outside Hyokei Museum, Ueno, Tokyo20 March 1982 - Centenary of Ueno Zoo JP19820320 ST 60 2 Stamp 60 Lion
MI 15051982 10th Anniversary of the Return of the Ryuku Islands JP19820515 ST 60 Stamp 60 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Statue of Kara-Shishi
Guardian Lion from Okinawa
MI 1510M JP19820515 FDC 60 First Day Cover 60 Lion (on stamp, cachet and postmark)
Wild Cat Art
Statue of Kara-Shishi
Guardian Lion from Okinawa
Naha CPO
15 May 1982
Japanese date:
57.5.15 *JP19820515 FDP 9008799 First Day Postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Statue of Kara-Shishi
Guardian Lion from Okinawa
15 May 1982
Japanese date:
57.5.15 *JP19820515 MISC FLY
Cover and back
Flyer - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Statue of Kara-Shishi
Guardian Lion from Okinawa (on cover and eventual stamp and FDP)
Information flyer in English and Japanese from the post office
This item is often found with a stamp inside and a first day cancellationFDC 2 December 1985 - Year of the Tiger JP19851202 ST 40 Stamp 40 Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
MI 1671M JP19851202 FDC 40 First Day Cover 40 Tiger (on stamp, cachet and postmark)
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
Japanese date:
60.12.2 *DL2 JP19851202 FDP 1008994 First day postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
"昭和 61 年年算"
Tokyo CPO
5 December 1985
Japanese date:
60.12.2 *DP JP19851202 FDP 5308799 First day postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
"昭和 61 年年算"
Osaka CPO
5 December 1985
Japanese date:
60.12.2 *DL 1986 Year of the Tiger JP19860120 MS 80 Miniature Sheet 80 Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
This MS was never for regular sale, but functioned as the 4th prize in the 1986 New Year Lottery
MI B108JP19860120 FDC 80 First Day Cover 80 Tiger (on stamp and cachet)
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
FDC with MS
This MS was never for regular sale, but functioned as the 4th prize in the 1986 New Year Lottery
Japanese date:
61.1.20 *SD 1987 ??? Scenic postmark ### 1987 Centenary of Modern Waterworks JP19871016 ST 60 Stamp 60 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Shaped Public Fountain from the Waterworks Museum in Yokohama
MI 1757JP19871016 FDC 60
FDC Inlay
First Day Cover 60 Lion (on stamp, cachet and postmark)
Wild Cat Art
Lion Shaped Public Fountain from the Waterworks Museum in Yokohama
Japanese date:
62.10.18 *SIM JP19871016 FDP First Day Postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Shaped Public Fountain from the Waterworks Museum in Yokohama
Japanese date:
62.10.18 *1997 Centenary of Japanese Emigration to Mexico JP19970512 ST 80
Stamp 80 Jaguar
Wild Cat Art
"Representations of Mexican Mythology" by Luis Nishizawa Flores (1918 - )
Joint issue with Mexico
MI 24531997 New Year Lottery Cards JP19971103 PC 50 1
Picture sideAddress side
Prestamped Postcard 50 Tiger
Cartoon Tiger
If you could give us a translation for the text on the picture side, please mail usUD 1997 Year of the Tiger JP19971114 ST 50 Stamp 50Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
Same design as
JP19980116 ST 50
but printed on ordinary (thinner) paper
MI 2500xM
ILMJP19971114 ST 50__3 Semi-postal Stamp 50 + 3Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
Lottery stamp that doubles as a lottery ticket - all stamps are numbered individually
MI 2502M JP19971114 ST 80 Stamp 80Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
Same design as
JP19980116 ST 80
but printed on ordinary (thinner) paper
MI 2501xM
ILMJP19971114 ST 80__3 Semi-postal Stamp 80 + 3Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
Lottery stamp that doubles as a lottery ticket - all stamps are numbered individually
MI 2503M JP19971114 FDP 1 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
If you know which city this postmark is from, please let us know1998 Year of the Tiger JP19980116 ST 50 Stamp 50 Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
Stamp from MS
Same design as
JP19971114 ST 50
but printed on thicker, chalky paper
MI 2500yJP19980116 ST 80 Stamp 80Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
Stamp from MS
Same design as
JP19971114 ST 80
but printed on thicker, chalky paper
MI 2501yJP19980116 MS 130 Miniature Sheet 130Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
MS with both stamps in set
This MS was never for regular sale, but functioned as the 4th prize in the 1998 New Year Lottery
MI B1761999 Okinawa Prefecture Stamps JP19990323 ST 80 4 Stamp 80Lions
Wild Cat Art
Shishi - Imperial Guardian Stone Lions (unknown artist
Perf. all four sides
MI 2647AJP19990323 ST 80 5 Stamp 80Lions
Wild Cat Art
Shishi - Imperial Guardian Stone Lions (unknown artist
Imperf. Right
MI 2647DJP19990323 ST 80 6 Stamp 80Lions
Wild Cat Art
Shishi - Imperial Guardian Stone Lions (unknown artist
Imperf. Right and bottom
MI 2647E1999 -> Aozasa Scenic Postmark JP19990511_ PMK 0280503 Pictorial Postmark -Lion Dancer in Costume
Permanent Pictorial Postmark used at
Aozasa PO
First date in use:
11 May 1999 - ???
Japanese dates:
11.5.11 - ?.?.?
If you know the last day of use for this postmark, please let us know1999 -> Chatan Scenic Postmark JP19990628_ PMK 9040199 Pictorial Postmark -Lion Dancer in Costume
Permanent Pictorial Postmark used at
Chatan PO
First date in use:
28 June 1999 - ???
Japanese dates:
11.6.28 - ?.?.?
If you know the last day of use for this postmark, please let us know1999 -> Kawagoe Tsukiyoshi Scenic Postmark JP19990805_ PMK 3500825 Pictorial Postmark - Lion Dancer in Costume
Permanent Pictorial Postmark used at
Kawagoe Tsukiyoshi PO
First date in use:
5 August 1999 - ???
Japanese dates:
11.8.5 - ?.?.?
If you know the last day of use for this postmark, please let us know1999 -> Osawa Scenic Postmark JP19991009_ PMK 2291134 Pictorial Postmark - Lion Statue
Wild Cat Art
Statue at the Mitake Shrine
Permanent Pictorial Postmark used at
Osawa PO
First date in use:
9 Oct 1999 - ???
Japanese dates:
11.10.9 - ?.?.?
If you know the last day of use for this postmark, please let us know1999 50th Anniversary of Cantral and Pacific Baseball League JP19991022 ST 80 3 Stamp 80 Lion
Cartoon Lion
mascot of the Seibu Lions
MI 2796JP19991022 ST 80 10 Stamp 80 Tiger
Cartoon Tiger
mascot of the Hanshin Tigers
MI 2803JP19991022 SH 960 Miniature Sheet 960Cartoon Lion
Cartoon Tiger
(on one stamp each)
Sheetlet with
JP19991022 ST 80 3
JP19991022 ST 80 10
and 10 other stamps in set
MI FB2794 - 28051999 -> Mutsu Rokugo Scenic Postmark JP19991101_ PMK 0360537 Pictorial Postmark - Lion
Lion Dancer in Costume
Permanent Pictorial Postmark used at
Mutsu Rokugo PO
First date in use:
1 Nov 1999 - ???
Japanese dates:
11.11.1 - ?.?.?
If you know the last day of use for this postmark, please let us know1999 -> Yokohama Chokinjimusentanai Scenic Postmark JP19991101_ PMK 2310023 Pictorial Postmark - Lion Dancers in Costume
Permanent Pictorial Postmark used at
Chokinjimu-sentanai PO, Yokohama
First date in use:
1 Nov 1999 - ???
Japanese dates:
11.11.1 - ?.?.?
If you know the last day of use for this postmark, please let us know1999 -> Fujimi Mizutanihigashi Scenic Postmark1999 -> Fujimi Mizutanihigashi Scenic Postmark JP19991101_ PMK 3540013 Pictorial Postmark - Ren Lion Dance Mask
Permanent Pictorial Postmark used at
Fujimi Mizutanihigashi PO
First date in use:
1 Nov 1999 - ???
Japanese dates:
11.11.1 - ?.?.?
If you know the last day of use for this postmark, please let us know1999 -> Toshima Scenic Postmarks JP19991111_ PMK 1710051 1 Pictorial Postmark -Lion Dancers in Costume (at Toshima Lion Shrine)
Permanent Pictorial Postmark used at
Toshima Nagasaki PO, Tokyo
First date in use:
11 Nov 1999 - ???
Japanese dates:
11.11.11 - ?.?.?
If you know the last day of use for this postmark, please let us knowJP19991111_ PMK 1710051 2 Pictorial Postmark -Lion Dancers in Costume (at Toshima Lion Shrine)
Permanent Pictorial Postmark used at
Toshima Nagasakiichi PO, Tokyo
First date in use:
11 Nov 1999 - ???
Japanese dates:
11.11.11 - ?.?.?
If you know the last day of use for this postmark, please let us knowJP19991111_ PMK 1710051 3 Pictorial Postmark - Lion Dancers in Costume (at Toshima Lion Shrine)
Permanent Pictorial Postmark used at
Toshima Nagasakiroku PO, Tokyo
First date in use:
11 Nov 1999 - ???
Japanese dates:
11.11.11 - ?.?.?
If you know the last day of use for this postmark, please let us knowJP19991111_ PMK 1710052 1 Pictorial Postmark - Lion Dancers in Costume (at Toshima Lion Shrine)
Permanent Pictorial Postmark used at
Toshima Ninaminagasaki PO, Tokyo
First date in use:
11 Nov 1999 - ???
Japanese dates:
11.11.11 - ?.?.?
If you know the last day of use for this postmark, please let us knowJP19991111_ PMK 1710052 2 Pictorial Postmark -Lion Dancers in Costume (at Toshima Lion Shrine)
Permanent Pictorial Postmark used at
Toshima Minaminagasaki Roku PO, Tokyo
First date in use:
11 Nov 1999 - ???
Japanese dates:
11.11.11 - ?.?.?
If you know the last day of use for this postmark, please let us know1999 -> Tamapurazaekimina-miguchi Scenic Postmarks JP19991111_ PMK 2250003 Pictorial Postmark -Lion Dancer in Costume (Ushigome Festival Lion Dance)
Permanent Pictorial Postmark used at
Tamapurazae-kiminamiguchi PO, Yokohama
First date in use:
11 Nov 1999 - ???
Japanese dates:
11.11.11 - ?.?.?
If you know the last day of use for this postmark, please let us know1999 -> Sagamihara Shimokuzawa Scenic Postmark JP19991111_ PMK 2291134 Pictorial Postmark -Lion Dancer in Costume (Shimokuzawa Lion Dance)
Permanent Pictorial Postmark used at
Sagamihara Shimokuzawa PO
First date in use:
11 Nov 1999 - ???
Japanese dates:
11.11.11 - ?.?.?
If you know the last day of use for this postmark, please let us know1999 -> Haramachi Scenic Postmark JP19991115_ PMK 3860012 Pictorial Postmark -Lion Dancer in Costume
Permanent Pictorial Postmark used at
Haramachi PO
First date in use:
15 Nov 1999 - ???
Japanese dates:
11.11.15 - ?.?.?
If you know the last day of use for this postmark, please let us know1999 -> Minamiyuza Scenic Postmark JP19991201_ PMK 9998422 Pictorial Postmark -Lion Dance Mask
Permanent Pictorial Postmark used at
Minamiyuza PO
First date in use:
1 Dec 1999 - ???
Japanese dates:
11.12.1 - ?.?.?
If you know the last day of use for this postmark, please let us know2000 -> Kamaishi Scenic Postmarks JP20000304_ PMK 0260001 Pictorial Postmark -Dancer in Tiger Costume
Permanent Pictorial Postmark used at
Heita PO, Kamaishi
4 March 2000 - ???
Japanese dates:
12.3.4 - ?.?.? *
If you know the last day of use for this postmark, please let us knowJP20000304_ PMK 0260013 Pictorial Postmark - Dancer in Tiger Costume
Permanent Pictorial Postmark used at
Hamacho PO, Kamaishi
4 March 2000 - ???
Japanese dates:
12.3.4 - ?.?.? *
If you know the last day of use for this postmark, please let us knowJP20000304_ PMK 0268799 Pictorial Postmark - Stylized Tiger
Permanent Pictorial Postmark used at
Kamaishi CPO, 026-8799
4 March 2000 - ???
Japanese dates:
12.3.4 - ?.?.? *
If you know the last day of use for this postmark, please let us know2000 Philately Week JP20000420 ST 80 1 Stamp 80 Tiger
Wild Cat Art
"Tiger and Dragon". painting by Gaho Hashimoto (1835-1908)
This stamp form a composite design with the other stamp in the set
MI 2920ILM JP20000420 FDC 160 First Day Cover 160 Tiger
Wild Cat Art
"Tiger and Dragon". painting by Gaho Hashimoto (1835-1908)
FDC with both stamps in the set2000 -> Kamegasaki Scenic Postmark JP20000420_ PMK 9980841 Pictorial Postmark - Lion Dance Costume
Permanent Pictorial Postmark used at
Kamegasaki PO, Sakata
20 April 2000 - ???
Japanese dates:
12.4.20 - ?.?.? *
If you know the last day of use for this postmark, please let us know2000 -> Gondo Scenic Postmark JP20000721_ PMK 3800833 Pictorial Postmark - Lion Dance Costume (we wouldn't have recognised it as such, but the PO circular is clear)
Permanent Pictorial Postmark used at
Gondo PO, Nagano
21 July 2000 - ???
Japanese dates:
12.7.21 - ?.?.? *
If you know the last day of use for this postmark, please let us know2000 -> Wakamatsu Sengokumachi Scenic Postmark JP20000801_ PMK 9650818 Pictorial Postmark - Lion Dance Costume
Permanent Pictorial Postmark used at
Wakamatsu Sengokumachi PO
1 Aug 2000 - ???
Japanese dates:
12.8.1 - ?.?.? *
If you know the last day of use for this postmark, please let us know2000 The 20th Century (VIII) JP20000823 ST 50 2 Stamp 50Cartoon Lion
MI 3019JP20000823 SH 740 Sheetlet 740Cartoon Lion (on one stamp)
MI KB3018-30272000 -> Ashigakubo Scenic Postmark JP20001001_ PMK 3680071 Pictorial Postmark -Lion Dance Costume
Permanent Pictorial Postmark used at
Ashigakubo PO
1 Oct 2000 - ???
Japanese dates:
12.10.1 - ?.?.? *
If you know the last day of use for this postmark, please let us know2001 Unesco World
Heritage IIJP20010323 ST 80 4 Stamp 80Lion
Wild Cat Art
Shishi - Imperial Guardian Stone Lion
MI 3141JP20010323 MS 800 Miniature Sheet 800Lion (on one stamp only)
Wild Cat Art
Shishi - Imperial Guardian Stone Lion
MI KB3138-31472001 Unesco World
Heritage IIIJP20010622 ST 80 4 Stamp 80Lion
Wild Cat Art
Shishi - Imperial Guardian Stone Lion
MI 3189JP20010622 MS 800 Miniature Sheet 800 Lion (on one stamp only)
Wild Cat Art
Shishi - Imperial Guardian Stone Lion
MI KB3186-31952001 -> Shibuya Scenic Postmark JP20011017_ PMK 1508799 Pictorial Postmark - Lion
Stone Lion
Wild Cat Art
Permanent Pictorial Postmark used at
Shibuya PO, Tokyo
Earliest use reported:
17 Oct 2001
Latest use reported:
29 Sept 2003
Japanese dates:
13.10.17 - 15.9.29 *
If you know the dates of use for this postmark, please let us know2001 -> Kakegawa Shimmachi Scenic Postmark JP20011126_ PMK 4360079 Pictorial Postmark - Lion Dance Mask
Permanent Pictorial Postmark used at
Kakegawa Shimmachi PO
26 Nov 2001 - ???
Japanese dates:
13.11.26 -
?.?.? *
If you know the last day of use for this postmark, please let us know2002 50th Anniversary of Lions International in Japan JP20020301 ST 80 Stamp 80 Lions Club Logo
Wild Cat Art
Silk painting by Sotatsu Tawaraya. 17th c.
MI 3318ILM 2002 -> Bansei Scenic Postmark JP20020612_ PMK 9921199 Pictorial Postmark - Lion Dancer in Costume
Permanent Pictorial Postmark used at
Bansei PO
12 June 2002 - ???
Japanese dates:
14.6.12 -
?.?.? *
If you know the last day of use for this postmark, please let us know2002 Osaka Prefectural Stamp: 85th Regional Conference of Lions International JP20020701 ST 80 Stamp 80 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Statue on Naniwa Bridge, Osaka
MI 33722001 -> Bansei Post Office Scenic Postmark JP20010000_ PMK 9921123 Pictorial postmark - Lion
Lion Dance
Bansei PO, Yamagata
山形 万世
Earliest date reported:
12 June 2001
(Japanese date:
14.6.21 *)
Latest date reported:
7 September 2015
(Japanese date:
27.9.7 *)
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.2002 -> Naha Scenic Postmark JP20020807_ PMK 9008799 Pictorial Postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Statue of Kara-Shishi
Guardian Lion from Okinawa
Permanent Pictorial Postmark used at
Naha CPO
Earliest use reported:
7 August 2002
Latest use reported:
14 February 2015
Japanese dates:
15.8.7 - 27.2.14 *
If you know more about the dates of use for this postmark, please let us know2002 -> Matsudo Kamihongo Scenic Postmark JP20020903_ PMK 2710064 Pictorial Postmark - Lion
Lion Dancers in Costume
Permanent Pictorial Postmark used at
Matsudo Kamihongo PO
3 September 2002 - ???
Japanese dates:
14.9.3 - ?.?.? *
If you know the last day of use for this postmark, please let us know2002 -> Takatama Scenic Postmark JP20021017_ PMK 9940068 Pictorial Postmark -Lion Dancers in Costume
Permanent Pictorial Postmark used at
Takatama PO
17 Oct 2002 - ???
Japanese dates:
14.10.17 -
?.?.? *
If you know the last day of use for this postmark, please let us know2002 -> Karako Scenic Postmark JP20021210_ PMK 3550076 Pictorial Postmark - Lion Dancers in Costume
Permanent Pictorial Postmark used at
Karako PO
First date in use:
10 Dec 2002 - ???
Japanese dates:
14.12.10 - ?.?.?
If you know the last day of use for this postmark, please let us know2002 Unesco World
Heritage XJP20021220 ST 80 1 Stamp 80 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Stone Lion Statue
Royal mausoleum, Ryukyu Islands
MI 3439JP20021220 MS 800 Miniature Sheet 800 Lion (on one stamp)
Wild Cat Art
Stone Lion Statue
Royal mausoleum, Ryukyu Islands
MI KB3439-34482003 -> Yokohama Chokinjimusentanai Scenic Postmark JP20030106_ PMK 2310023 Pictorial Postmark - Lion Dancers in Costume
Permanent Pictorial Postmark used at
Chokinjimusen-tanai PO, Yokohama
First date in use:
6 Jan 2003 - ???
Japanese dates:
15.1.6 - ?.?.?
If you know the last day of use for this postmark, please let us know2003 Saga Prefectural Stamps JP20030410 ST 80 Stamp 80 Lion
Shishi, Imperial Guardian Stone Lion
Wild Cat Art
Cheramic Figurine
MI 35062003 Letter Writing Day JP20030723 ST 80 8 Stamp 80 Lion
Cartoon Lion
Stamp from sheetlet, perf. all sides
MI 3568AJP20030723 ST 80 17 Stamp 80 Lion
Cartoon Lion
Stamp from booklet, imperf. left
MI 3568DlJP20030723 ST 80 18 Stamp 80 Lion
Cartoon Lion
Stamp from booklet, imperf. right
MI 3568DrJP20030723 BK 680
Booklet 800 Lion
Cartoon Lion
Booklet with
JP20030723 ST 80 17
JP20030723 ST 80 18
and 8 other stamps in set
MI MH???JP20030723 SH 800 Sheetlet 800 Lion
Cartoon Lion (on one stamp only)
Sheetlet with
JP20030723 ST 80 8
and 9 other stamps in set2003 -> Oji Scenic Postmark JP20030922_ PMK 6368799 Pictorial Postmark - Tiger
Papier Maché Tiger Toy
Permanent Pictorial Postmark used at
Oji PO
First date in use:
22 Sep 2003 - ???
Japanese dates:
15.9.22 - ?.?.?
If you know the last day of use for this postmark, please let us know2003 The Kitora Tomb JP20031015 ST 80__10 1 Semi-postal stamp 80
+ 10Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Mural from The Kitora Tomb, Asuka, Nara Prefecture
"Bayako" (White Tiger)
MI 35832004 New Year Lottery Cards JP20041100 PC 50 1
Picture side
Address side
Pre-stamped Postcard 50 Tiger
Cartoon Tiger (on picture side)
New year lottery card (private issue?)
If you have any more information about this item, please let us knowUD 2005 Zoo Animals of the North JP20050624_0707 PMK 0708799 Commemorative Postmark - Tiger
Asahiyama Zoo, Asahikawa CPO
26 May - 8 June 2005 and
24 June - 7 July 2005
Japanese dates:
17.5.26 - 17.6.8 and 17.6.24 -
17.7.7 *JP20050624_0707 PMK 0788799 Commemorative Postmark - Tiger
Asahiyama Zoo, Asahikawa Higashi PO
26 May - 8 June 2005 and
24 June - 7 July 2005
Japanese dates:
17.5.26 - 17.6.8 and 17.6.24 -
17.7.7 *2005 -> Nikko Small River Scenic Postmark JP20051003_ PMK 3211399 Pictorial Postmark - Lion Dance Costume
Permanent Pictorial Postmark
Small River Post Office, Nikko
3 Oct 2005 - (still in use)
Japanese dates:
17.10.3 - (still in use) *2006 76th Inter-City Baseball Tournament JP20050822_0901 PMK 1128799 Commemorative Postmark - Stylized Lion (tournament emblem - it doesn't look much like a lion, but that's what it is - this is the old version of the tournament flag)
Koishikawa PO, Tokyo
22 Aug - 1 Sep 2005
Japanese dates:
17.8.22 -
17.9.1 *2006 Centenary of Nagaoka City JP20060401_30 PMK 9400299 Commemorative Postmark - Cartoon Lion
Jubilee Mascot
"100th Anniversary" and text in Japanese
Tochio PO, Nagaoka
1 - 30 Apr 2006
Japanese dates:
18.4.1 -
18.4.30 *JP20060401_30 PMK 9402099 Commemorative Postmark - Cartoon Lion
Jubilee Mascot
"100th Anniversary" and text in Japanese
Western Nagaoka PO, Nagaoka
1 - 30 Apr 2006
Japanese dates:
18.4.1 -
18.4.30 *JP20060401_30 PMK 9402399 Commemorative Postmark - Cartoon Lion
Jubilee Mascot
"100th Anniversary" and text in Japanese
Wakino Town PO, Nagaoka
1 - 30 Apr 2006
Japanese dates:
18.4.1 -
18.4.30 *JP20060401_30 PMK 9402499 Commemorative Postmark - Cartoon Lion
Jubilee Mascot
"100th Anniversary" and text in Japanese
Yoita PO, Nagaoka
1 - 30 Apr 2006
Japanese dates:
18.4.1 -
18.4.30 *JP20060401_30 PMK 9402599 Commemorative Postmark - Cartoon Lion
Jubilee Mascot
"100th Anniversary" and text in Japanese
Teradomari PO, Nagaoka
1 - 30 Apr 2006
Japanese dates:
18.4.1 -
18.4.30 *JP20060401_30 PMK 9408799 Commemorative Postmark - Cartoon Lion
Jubilee Mascot
"100th Anniversary" and text in Japanese
Nagaoka CPO
1 - 30 Apr 2006
Japanese dates:
18.4.1 -
18.4.30 *JP20060401_30 PMK 9494599 Commemorative Postmark - Cartoon Lion
Jubilee Mascot
"100th Anniversary" and text in Japanese
Wajima PO, Nagaoka
1 - 30 Apr 2006
Japanese dates:
18.4.1 -
18.4.30 *JP20060401_30 PMK 9495199 Commemorative Postmark - Cartoon Lion
Jubilee Mascot
"100th Anniversary" and text in Japanese
Tsukayama PO, Nagaoka
1 - 30 Apr 2006
Japanese dates:
18.4.1 -
18.4.30 *JP20060401_30 PMK 9495299 Commemorative Postmark - Cartoon Lion
Jubilee Mascot
"100th Anniversary" and text in Japanese
Nanukamachi PO, Nagaoka
1 - 30 Apr 2006
Japanese dates:
18.4.1 -
18.4.30 *JP20060401_30 PMK 9495399 Commemorative Postmark - Cartoon Lion
Jubilee Mascot
"100th Anniversary" and text in Japanese
Taromaru PO, Nagaoka
1 - 30 Apr 2006
Japanese dates:
18.4.1 -
18.4.30 *JP20060401_30 PMK 9495499 Commemorative Postmark - Cartoon Lion
Jubilee Mascot
"100th Anniversary" and text in Japanese
Raikoji PO, Nagaoka
1 - 30 Apr 2006
Japanese dates:
18.4.1 -
18.4.30 *JP20060401_30 PMK 9540299 Commemorative Postmark - Cartoon Lion
Jubilee Mascot
"100th Anniversary" and text in Japanese
Minamikanbara PO, Nagaoka
1 - 30 Apr 2006
Japanese dates:
18.4.1 -
18.4.30 *2006 Asahiyama Zoo Season Opening JP20060429_0507 PMK 0788799 Temporary Postmark - Tiger
Asahiyama Zoo, Asahikawa PO
29 Apr - 7 May 2006
Japanese dates:
18.4.29 -
18.5.7 *2006 Centenary of Nagaoka City Echo Card JP20060801 PC 50 9408501 Pre-stamped postcard - Cartoon Lion
Jubilee Mascot (in ad)
Echo Card with advertisment for the centenary celebrations
Sold throughout the Nagaoka area
If you have a scan of the entire card, please send it to us2006 77th Inter-City Baseball Tournament JP20060825_0905 PMK 1128799 Commemorative Postmark - Stylized Lion (tournament emblem - it doesn't look much like a lion, but that's what it is - this is the old version of the tournament flag)
Koishikawa PO, Tokyo
25 Aug - 5 Sep 2006
Japanase dates:
18.8.25 -
18.9.5 *2007 Asahiyama Zoo Season Opening JP20070426_0506 PMK 0788799 Temporary Postmark - Tiger
Asahiyama Zoo, Asahikawa PO
26 Apr - 6 May 2007
Japanese dates:
19.4.26 -
19.5.6 *JP20070503_05 PMK 0788203 Temporary Postmark - Tiger
Asahiyama Zoo, Hinode PO
3 - 5 May 2007
Japanese dates:
19.5.3 - 19.5.5 *2007 Japan-India Friendship Year JP20070523 ST 80 3 Stamp 80 Tiger
MI 4223M JP20070523 ST 80 5
Stamp 80 Lion
Lion Sculptures
Wild Cat Art
Southern Gate, Great Stupa, Sanchi, India
MI 4225JP20070523 SH 800 Sheetlet 800 Tiger
Lion Sculptures (on one stamp each)
MI KB4221-42302007 78th Inter-City Baseball Tournament JP20070824_0904 PMK 1128799 Commemorative Postmark - Stylized Lion (tournament emblem - it doesn't look much like a lion, but that's what it is - this is the old version of the tournament flag)
Koishikawa PO, Tokyo
24 Aug - 4 Sep 2007
Japanase dates:
19.8.24 -
19.9.4 *2008 British Philatelic Exhibition JP20080412_13 PMK 1708799 Commemorative Postmark - Lion
"British Philatelic Exhibition 2008" and text in Japanese
Toshima, Tokyo
12 - 13 Apr 2008
Japamese dates:
20.4.12 -
20.4.13 *2008 Asahiyama Zoo Temporary Post Office JP20080426_0506 PMK 0788799 Temporary Postmark - Tiger
Asahiyama Zoo, Asahikawa
26 April -
6 May 2008
Japanese dates:
20.4.26 -
20.5.6 *2008 Unesco World
Heritage XVJP20081023 ST 80 8 Stamp 80 Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Wall Painting from Iwami Silver Works in Oda (Shimane Prefecture)
MI 4693JP20081023 SH 800 Sheetlet 800 Tiger (on one stamp)
Wild Cat Art
Sheetlet with
JP20081023 ST 80 8
and 9 other stamps in set
MI KB4686-46952009 Sights of Okinawa Prefecture JP20090123 ST 80 8 Stamp 80 Lion
Lion Statue
Wild Cat Art
Stamp from MS
JP20090123 SH 800
MI 4776JP20090123 SH 800 Sheetlet 800 Lion
Lion Statue (on one stamp)
Wild Cat Art
10-stamp sheetlet with
JP20090123 ST 80 8
and 9 other stamps
MI KB4768-47772009 400th Anniversary of Sakata JP20090515_21 PMK 9988799 Commemorative Postmark 1 Lion Mask
Sakata, Yamagata Prefecture
15 - 21 May 2009
Japanese dates:
21.5.51 - 21.5.21 *2009 New Year Greeting Cards JP20091028 PC 50 4 Pre-stamped Postcard 50 Tiger Cub (in stamp indicum)
Single-sided New Year Lottery Greeting CardJP20091028 PC 50 5 Pre-stamped Postcard 50 Cartoon Tiger
Tigger (in stamp indicum)
Single-sided New Year Lottery Greeting CardJP20091028 PC 50__5 2 Pre-stamped Semi-postal Postcard 50 + 2 Tiger (on picture side)
Tiger among Trees
Double-sided New Year Lottery Greeting CardJP20091028 PC 50__5 17 Pre-stamped Semi-postal Postcard 50 + 2 Tiger (on picture side)
Little Tiger Card
Double-sided New Year Lottery Greeting CardJP20091028 PC 50__5 22 Pre-stamped Semi-postal Postcard 50 + 2Tiger (on picture side)
Papier Mâché Toy Tiger
Double-sided New Year Lottery Greeting CardJP20091028 PC 50__5 27 Pre-stamped Semi-postal Postcard 50 + 2Tiger (on picture side)
Tiger Drinking
Double-sided New Year Lottery Greeting CardJP20091028 PC 50__5 30 Pre-stamped Semi-postal Postcard 50 + 2Tiger (on picture side)
Tiger in Winter Scene
Double-sided New Year Lottery Greeting Card2009 Year of the Tiger I JP20091111 ST 50 Stamp 50 Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
MI 5090JP20091111 ST 50__3 Semi-postal Stamp 50 + 3 Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
Lottery stamp that doubles as a lottery ticket - all stamps are numbered individually
MI 5092JP20091111 ST 80 Stamp 80 Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
MI 5091JP20091111 ST 80__3 Semi-postal Stamp 80 + 3 Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
Lottery stamp that doubles as a lottery ticket - all stamps are numbered individually
MI 5093JP20091111 FDP 0108799 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Hand canceller with circle
Akita CPO
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 0208799 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Hand canceller with circle
Morioka CPO
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 0308799 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Hand canceller with circle
Aomori CPO
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 0408799 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Hand canceller with circle
Hakodate CPO
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 0608994 1 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Hand canceller with circle
Sapporo CPO
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 0608994 2 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Machine postmark without circle
Sapporo CPO
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 0708799 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Hand canceller with circle
Asahikawa CPO
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 0858799 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Hand canceller with circle
Kushiro CPO
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 1008799 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Hand canceller with circle
Nihonbashi PO, Tokyo
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 1008994 1 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Hand canceller with circle
Tokyo CPO
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 1008994 2 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Machine postmark without circle
Tokyo CPO
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 1018799 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Hand canceller with circle
Kanda PO, Tokyo
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 1048799 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Hand canceller with circle
Kyobashi PO, Tokyo
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 1058799 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Hand canceller with circle
Shiba PO, Tokyo
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 1100004 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Hand canceller with circle
Ueno PO, Tokyo
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 1500002 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Hand canceller with circle
Shibuya PO, Tokyo
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 1600023 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Hand canceller with circle
Shinjuku PO, Tokyo
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 2208799 1 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Hand canceller with circle
Yokohama CPO
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 2208799 2 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Machine postmark without circle
Yokohama CPO
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 2608799 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Hand canceller with circle
Chiba CPO
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 3108799 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Hand canceller with circle
Mito CPO
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 3208799 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Hand canceller with circle
Utsunomiya CPO
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 3308799 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Hand canceller with circle
Saitama CPO
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 3718799 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Hand canceller with circle
Maebashi CPO
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 3808799 1 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Hand canceller with circle
Nagano CPO
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 3808799 2 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Machine postmark without circle
Nagano CPO
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 4008799 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Hand canceller with circle
Kofu CPO
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 4200000 1 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Hand canceller with circle
Shizuoka City
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *
We are not certain which branch office(s) this postmark was used in. If you have further information on this item, please let us know.JP20091111 FDP 4200000 2 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Machine postmark without circle
Shizuoka City
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *
We are not certain which branch office(s) this postmark was used in. If you have further information on this item, please let us know.JP20091111 FDP 4208799 1 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Hand canceller with circle
Shizuoka CPO
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 4208799 2 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Machine postmark without circle
Shizuoka CPO
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 4508799 1 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Hand canceller with circle
Nagoya CPO
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 4508799 2 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Machine postmark without circle
Nagoya CPO
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 5008799 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Hand canceller with circle
Gifu CPO
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 5148799 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Hand canceller with circle
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 5208799 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Hand canceller with circle
Otsu CPO
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 5308799 1 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Hand canceller with circle
Osaka CPO
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 5308799 2 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Machine postmark without circle
Osaka CPO
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 5418799 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Hand canceller with circle
Osaka Higashi PO
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 6008799 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Hand canceller with circle
Kyoto CPO
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 6308799 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Hand canceller with circle
Nara CPO
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 6408799 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Hand canceller with circle
Wakayama CPO
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 6508799 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Hand canceller with circle
Kobe CPO
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 6808799 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Hand canceller with circle
Tottori CPO
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 6908799 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Hand canceller with circle
Matsue CPO
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 7008799 1 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Hand canceller with circle
Okayama CPO
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 7008799 2 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Machine postmark without circle
Okayama CPO
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 7208799 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Hand canceller with circle
Fukuyama PO
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 7308799 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Hand canceller with circle
Hiroshima CPO
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 7328799 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Hand canceller with circle
Hiroshima Higashi PO
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 7538799 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Hand canceller with circle
Yamaguchi CPO
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 7608799 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Hand canceller with circle
Takamatsu CPO
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 7708799 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Hand canceller with circle
Tokushima CPO
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 7808799 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Hand canceller with circle
Kochi CPO
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 7908799 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Hand canceller with circle
Matsuyama CPO
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 8028799 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Hand canceller with circle
Brunswick CPO
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 8108799 1 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Hand canceller with circle
Fukuoka CPO
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 8108799 2 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Machine postmark without circle
Fukuoka CPO
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 8408799 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Hand canceller with circle
Saga CPO
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 8508799 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Hand canceller with circle
Nagasaki CPO
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 8608799 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Hand canceller with circle
Kumamoto CPO
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 8708799 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Hand canceller with circle
Oita CPO
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 8808799 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Hand canceller with circle
Miyazaki CPO
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 8908799 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Hand canceller with circle
Kagoshima CPO
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 9108799 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Hand canceller with circle
Fukui CPO
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 9200000 1 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Hand canceller with circle
Kanazawa City
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *
We are not certain which branch office(s) this postmark was used in. If you have further information on this item, please let us know.JP20091111 FDP 9200000 2 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Machine postmark without circle
Kanazawa City
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *
We are not certain which branch office(s) this postmark was used in. If you have further information on this item, please let us know.JP20091111 FDP 9208799 1 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Hand canceller with circle
Kanazawa CPO
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 9208799 2 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Machine postmark without circle
Kanazawa CPO
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 9308799 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Hand canceller with circle
Toyama CPO
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 9508799 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Hand canceller with circle
Niigata CPO
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 9608799 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Hand canceller with circle
Fukushima CPO
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 9838799 1 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Hand canceller with circle
Sendai CPO
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 9838799 2 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Machine postmark without circle
Sendai CPO
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 FDP 9908799 1 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
["New Year's Celebrations for 22 Heisei"]
Hand canceller with circle
Yamagata CPO
11 November 2009
Japanese date:
21.11.11 *JP20091111 MISC FLYJP Flyer - Tiger
Information flyer from Japan Post in Japanese presenting the set2009 Year of the Tiger II - Caligraphy JP20091120 ST 80 1 Stamp 80 Tiger (black writing, red background)
Text reference only
Variation of the sign for "Tiger"
MI 5097M
ILMJP20091120 ST 80 2 Stamp 80 Tiger (black writing, cream background)
Text reference only
Variation of the sign for "Tiger"
MI 5098M JP20091120 ST 80 3 Stamp 80 Tiger (gold writing, green background)
Text reference only
Variation of the sign for "Tiger"
MI 5099M JP20091120 ST 80 4 Stamp 80 Tiger (black writing, cream background)
Text reference only
Variation of the sign for "Tiger"
MI 5100M JP20091120 ST 80 5 Stamp 80 Tiger (black writing, cream background)
Text reference only
Variation of the sign for "Tiger"
MI 5101M JP20091120 ST 80 6 Stamp 80 Tiger (black writing, cream background)
Text reference only
Variation of the sign for "Tiger"
MI 5102M JP20091120 ST 80 7 Stamp 80 Tiger (red writing, cream background)
Text reference only
Variation of the sign for "Tiger"
MI 5103M JP20091120 ST 80 8 Stamp 80 Tiger (black writing, cream background)
Text reference only
Variation of the sign for "Tiger"
MI 5104M JP20091120 ST 80 9 Stamp 80 Tiger (black writing, blue background)
Text reference only
Variation of the sign for "Tiger"
MI 5105M JP20091120 ST 80 10 Stamp 80 Tiger (black writing, cream background)
Text reference only
Variation of the sign for "Tiger"
MI 5106M JP20091120 SH 800 Sheetlet 800
(10 x 80)Tiger (on selvedge and text reference on all 10 stamps)
Variations of the sign for "Tiger"
MI KB5097-5106M JP20091120 MISC FLYJP Flyer - Tiger
Information flyer from Japan Post in Japanese presenting
JP20091120 SH 8002010 Year of the Tiger MS JP20100125 MS 130 Miniature Sheet 130
(50 + 80)Tiger
Wild Cat Art
Papier-mâché Toy Tiger
MS with both stamps in set
This MS was never for regular sale, but functioned as a prize in the 2010 New Year Lottery
MI B208M 2010 Mito Postcard Exhibition JP20100101_15 PMK 3100816 Commemorative Postmark - Tiger
Cartoon Tiger
Mito Shimoichi PO, Ibaraki
1 Jan 2010 -
15 Jan 2010
Japanese dates:
22.1.1 -
22.2.15 *JP20100101_15 PMK 3100836 Commemorative Postmark - Tiger
Cartoon Tiger
Mito Motoyoshida PO, Ibaraki
1 Jan 2010 -
15 Jan 2010
Japanese dates:
22.1.1 -
22.2.15 *JP20100101_15 PMK 3100851 Commemorative Postmark - Tiger
Cartoon Tiger
Chinami Mito PO, Ibaraki
1 Jan 2010 -
15 Jan 2010
Japanese dates:
22.1.1 -
22.2.15 *25 January-5 February 2010 - Mito New Year's Stamp Exhibition JP20100125_0205 PMK 3100851 Commemorative Postmark - Tiger
Cartoon Tiger
Chinami Mito PO, Ibaraki
25 Jan 2010 -
5 Feb 2010
Japanese dates:
22.1.25 -
22.2.5 *2010 Nara Capital Relocation Festival 1300 JP20100401_1231 PMK 6358799 Pictorial Postmark - Tiger
Stylized Tiger
White Tiger-kun
Yamatotakada Branch PO, Nara
1 April 2010 - 31 Dec 2010
Japanese dates:
22.4.1 - 22.12.31 *JP20100401_1231 PMK 6360116 Pictorial Postmark - Stylized Tiger
White Tiger-kun
Horyuji Temple PO, Nara
1 April 2010 - 31 Dec 2010
Japanese dates:
22.4.1 - 22.12.31 *JP20100401_1231 PMK 6360822 Pictorial Postmark - Stylized Tiger
White Tiger-kun
Misato Tateno PO, Nara
1 April 2010 - 31 Dec 2010
Japanese dates:
22.4.1 - 22.12.31 *JP20100401_1231 PMK 6368799 Pictorial Postmark - Stylized Tiger
White Tiger-kun
Oji Branch PO, Nara
1 April 2010 - 31 Dec 2010
Japanese dates:
22.4.1 - 22.12.31 *JP20100401_1231 PMK 6390299 Pictorial Postmark - Stylized Tiger
White Tiger-kun
Kashiba PO, Nara
1 April 2010 - 31 Dec 2010
Japanese dates:
22.4.1 - 22.12.31 *JP20100401_1231 PMK 6392299 Pictorial Postmark - Stylized Tiger
White Tiger-kun
Imperial Post Office, Nara
1 April 2010 - 31 Dec 2010
Japanese dates:
22.4.1 - 22.12.31 *2010 Philately Week JP20100420 ST 80 1 Stamp 80 Tiger (facing right)
Wild Cat Art
Painted Screen
MI 5228M JP20100420 ST 80 4 Stamp 80 Tiger (facing left)
Wild Cat Art
Painted Screen
MI 5231M JP20100420 SH 800 Sheetlet 800
(10 x 80)Tiger (on 6 stamps)
Wild Cat Art
Painted Screens
Sheetlet with 3 x
JP20100420 ST 80 1
2 x
JP20100420 ST 80 4
and 4 other stamps in set
MI KB5228-5231JP20100420 BK 1200
Booklet 1200
(franking value 800)Tiger (on 6 stamps and inner cover)
Wild Cat Art
Painted Screens
Booklet/presentation pack with
JP20100420 SH 800JP20100420 FDP 0608994 2 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Machine postmark
Sapporo CPO
20 April 2010
Japanese date:
22.4.20 *JP20100420 FDP 1008799 2 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Machine postmark
Nihonbashi PO, Tokyo
20 April 2010
Japanese date:
22.4.20 *JP20100420 FDP 1008994 2 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Machine postmark
Tokyo CPO
20 April 2010
Japanese date:
22.4.20 *JP20100420 FDP 2208799 2 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Machine postmark
Yokohama CPO
20 April 2010
Japanese date:
22.4.20 *JP20100420 FDP 3808799 2 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Machine postmark
Nagano CPO
20 April 2010
Japanese date:
22.4.20 *JP20100420 FDP 4508799 2 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Machine postmark
Nagoya CPO
20 April 2010
Japanese date:
22.4.20 *JP20100420 FDP 5308799 2 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Machine postmark
Osaka CPO
20 April 2010
Japanese date:
22.4.20 *JP20100420 FDP 7008799 2 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Machine postmark
Okayama CPO
20 April 2010
Japanese date:
22.4.20 *JP20100420 FDP 8108799 2 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Machine postmark
Fukuoka CPO
20 April 2010
Japanese date:
22.4.20 *JP20100420 FDP 9838799 2 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Machine postmark
Sendai CPO
20 April 2010
Japanese date:
22.4.20 *JP20100420 MISC FLYJP Flyer - Tiger
Information flyer from Japan Post in Japanese presenting
JP20100420 SH 8002010 Brunswick Stamp and Hobby Exhibition JP20100420_23 PMK 8078799 Commemorative Postmark - Tiger
Cartoon Tiger
Hachiman South PO, Brunswick City, Fukuoka Prefecture
20 - 23 Apr 2010
Japanese dates: 22.4.20 - 22.4.23 *These items are also listed under Domestic Cats
JP20100506 ST 80 5 Stamp 80 Cartoon Tiger
Square self-adhesive stamp
MI 5260JP20100506 SH 800 Miniature Sheet 800
(10 x 80)Cartoon Tiger (on one stamp)
Self-adhesive pane with 2 of each of the JPY 80 stamps
MI FB5258-5262JP20100506 MISC FLYJP 80 Flyer - Unspecified breed
Cartoon Cat
Hello Kitty and Dear Daniel
Information flyer from Japan Post in Japanese presenting
JP20100506 SH 8002010 Astro Fighter Sunred Commemorative Postmarks JP20100723_0831 PMK 2130005 Commemorative Postmark - Cartoon Tiger
Armor Tiger from Astro Fighter Sunred by Makoto Kubota
Used for the promotion of pre-personalised stamp set
Kawasaki "View" PO
23 July -
31 Aug 2011
Japanese dates:
22.7.23 - 22.8.31 *2010 Shonan Fun '10 Stamp Exhibition JP20101022_24 PMK 2510024 Commemorative Postmark - Cartoon Tiger
Fujisawa Tachibanadori PO
22 - 24 Oct 2010
Japanese dates: 22.10.22 - 22.10.24 *2010 South Nihonbashi Scenic Postmark JP20101101_ PMK 1030027 Pictorial Postmark - Lion Statue
Permanent Pictorial Scenic Postmark in use at South Nihonbashi Post Office in Tokyo
First day of use:
1 Nov 2010
Last day of use: Still in use2010 Apex '10 Stamp Exhibition, Yokohama JP20101124_28 PMK 2400004 Commemorative Postmark - Cartoon Tiger
Iwama PO, Yokohama
24 - 28 Nov 2010
Japanese dates: 22.11.24 - 22.11.28 *2011 60 Years of Local Autonomy of Tottori JP20110815 ST 80 3 Stamp 80 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Costume from local parade
MI 5747JP20110815 MS 400 Miniature Sheet 400 Lion (on one stamp)
Lion Costume from local parade
MI B2222011 Harmony with Nature JP20110823 ST 80 1 Stamp 80 Amur Cat/Leopard Cat
Tsushima Leopard Cat
MI 5750JP20110823 SH 800 Sheetlet 800
(10 x 80)Amur Cat/Leopard Cat (on 2 stamps)
Tsushima Leopard Cat
Sheetlet of 2 of each of the 5 stamps in series
MI KB5750-5754JP20110823 MISC FLYJP
Flyer - Amur Cat/Leopard Cat
Tsushima Leopard Cat
Information flyer from Japan Post in Japanese presenting
JP20110823 SH 800M 22 June 2012 - Hello Kitty & Dear Daniel This stamp also shows a Cartoon Cat and is also listed under Domestic Cats
JP20120622 ST 80 3 Stamp 80 Lion
Cartoon Lion
House-shaped, self-adhesive stamp
MI 602211 September 2012 - Travel Scenes Series (XVI): Nagasaki JP20120911 ST 80 6 Stamp 80 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Guardian Stone Lion statue in front of Sanmon Gate, Sōfuku-ji Temple, Nagasaki
Stamp from
JP20120911 SH 800
MI 6110JP20120911 SH 800 Sheetlet 800
(10 x 80)Lion
Wild Cat Art
Guardian Stone Lion statue in front of Sanmon Gate, Sōfuku-ji Temple, Nagasaki
10-stamp sheetlet with
JP20120911 ST 80 6
and 9 other stamps
MI 6110JP20120911 MISC FLYJP Flyer - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Guardian Stone Lion statue in front of Sanmon Gate, Sōfuku-ji Temple, Nagasaki
Information flyer from Japan Post in Japanese, presenting
JP20120911 SH 8001 March 2013 - Winnie the Pooh JP20130301 ST 50 4 Stamp 50 Tiger
Cartoon Tiger
Tigger (on right front paw, seen from front)
Self-adhesive stamp from sheetlet
MI 6300JP20130301 ST 50 6 Stamp 50 Tiger
Cartoon Tiger
Tigger (on front paws, seen from the side)
Self-adhesive stamp from sheetlet
MI 6302JP20130301 ST 80 4 Stamp 80 Tiger
Cartoon Tiger
Tigger (on head)
Oval self-adhesive stamp from sheetlet
MI 6310JP20130301 ST 80 5 Stamp 80 Tiger
Cartoon Tiger
Tigger (with Winnie)
Oval self-adhesive stamp from sheetlet
MI 6311JP20130301 ST 80 9 Stamp 80 Tiger
Cartoon Tiger
Tigger (with Winnie, Eeyore and Piglet)
Oval self-adhesive stamp from sheetlet
MI 6315JP20130301 SH 500 Sheetlet 500 Tiger
Cartoon Tiger
Tigger (on 2 stamps and selvedge)
Self-adhesive sheetlet with 10 different JPY 50 stamps
MI FB6297-6306JP20130301 SH 800 Sheetlet 800 Tiger
Cartoon Tiger
Tigger (on 3 stamps and selvedge)
Self-adhesive sheetlet with 10 different JPY 80 stamps
MI FB6307-6316JP20130301 MISC FLYJP 50 Flyer - Tiger
Cartoon Tiger
Information flyer from Japan Post in Japanese, presenting
JP20130301 SH 500JP20130301 MISC FLYJP 80 Flyer - Tiger
Cartoon Tiger
Information flyer from Japan Post in Japanese, presenting
JP20130301 SH 8005 July 2013 - Constellations III JP20130705 ST 80 2 Stamp 80 Lion
Zodiac Leo
Self-adhesive stamp
MI 6438JP20130705 SH 800 Sheetlet 800
(10 x 80)Lion (on one stamp)
Zodiac Leo
Self-adhesive sheetlet with all 10 satmps in set
MI FB6437-6446If you have a scan of this item, please share. JP20130705 FDP 0608994 1 First Day Postmark - Lion
Zodiac Leo
"星座シリーズ 第3集" ["Constellations 3rd Series"]
Sapporo CPO
5 July 2013
Japanese date:
25.7.5 *JP20130705 FDP 1008799 1 First Day Postmark - Lion
Zodiac Leo
"星座シリーズ 第3集" ["Constellations 3rd Series"]
Nihonbashi PO, Tokyo
5 July 2013
Japanese date:
25.7.5 *JP20130705 FDP 1008994 1 First Day Postmark - Lion
Zodiac Leo
"星座シリーズ 第3集" ["Constellations 3rd Series"]
Tokyo CPO (also used at Kyobashi PO)
5 July 2013
Japanese date:
25.7.5 *If you have a scan of this item, please share. JP20130705 FDP 2208799 1 First Day Postmark - Lion
Zodiac Leo
"星座シリーズ 第3集" ["Constellations 3rd Series"]
Yokohama CPO
5 July 2013
Japanese date:
25.7.5 *If you have a scan of this item, please share. JP20130705 FDP 3808799 1 First Day Postmark - Lion
Zodiac Leo
"星座シリーズ 第3集" ["Constellations 3rd Series"]
Nagano CPO
5 July 2013
Japanese date:
25.7.5 *If you have a scan of this item, please share. JP20130705 FDP 4508799 1 First Day Postmark - Lion
Zodiac Leo
"星座シリーズ 第3集" ["Constellations 3rd Series"]
Nagoya CPO
5 July 2013
Japanese date:
25.7.5 *If you have a scan of this item, please share. JP20130705 FDP 5308799 1 First Day Postmark - Lion
Zodiac Leo
"星座シリーズ 第3集" ["Constellations 3rd Series"]
Osaka CPO
5 July 2013
Japanese date:
25.7.5 *If you have a scan of this item, please share. JP20130705 FDP 7008799 1 First Day Postmark - Lion
Zodiac Leo
"星座シリーズ 第3集" ["Constellations 3rd Series"]
Okayama CPO
5 July 2013
Japanese date:
25.7.5 *If you have a scan of this item, please share. JP20130705 FDP 8108799 1 First Day Postmark - Lion
Zodiac Leo
"星座シリーズ 第3集" ["Constellations 3rd Series"]
Fukuoka CPO
5 July 2013
Japanese date:
25.7.5 *If you have a scan of this item, please share. JP20130705 FDP 9838799 1 First Day Postmark - Lion
Zodiac Leo
"星座シリーズ 第3集" ["Constellations 3rd Series"]
Sendai CPO
5 July 2013
Japanese date:
25.7.5 *JP20130705 MISC FLYJP Flyer - Lion
Zodiac Leo
Information flyer from Japan Post in Japanese, presenting
JP20130705 SH 80020 September 2013 - Young Zoo Animals I JP20130920 ST 80 1 Stamp 80 Tiger
Siberian Tiger
Self-adhesive, irregularly shaped stamp from
JP20130920 SH 800
MI 6549JP20130920 SH 800 Sheetlet 800
(10 x 80)Tiger (on two stamps and on selvedge)
Siberian Tiger
Self-adhesive sheetlet with 2 x
JP20130920 ST 80 1
and 2 x 4 other stamps
MI FB6549-6553If you have a scan of this item, please share. JP20130920 FDP 0608994 1 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Siberian Tiger
"ほっとする動物シリーズ 第1集" ["Heartwarming Animals - First Series"]
Sapporo CPO
20 September 2013
Japanese date:
25.9.20 *If you have a scan of this item, please share. JP20130920 FDP 1008799 1 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Siberian Tiger
"ほっとする動物シリーズ 第1集" ["Heartwarming Animals - First Series"]
Nihonbashi PO, Tokyo
20 September 2013
Japanese date:
25.9.20 *JP20130920 FDP 1008994 1 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Siberian Tiger
"ほっとする動物シリーズ 第1集" ["Heartwarming Animals - First Series"]
Tokyo CPO
20 September 2013
Japanese date:
25.9.20 *JP20130920 FDP 2208799 1 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Siberian Tiger
"ほっとする動物シリーズ 第1集" ["Heartwarming Animals - First Series"]
Yokohama CPO
20 September 2013
Japanese date:
25.9.20 *If you have a scan of this item, please share. JP20130920 FDP 3808799 1 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Siberian Tiger
"ほっとする動物シリーズ 第1集" ["Heartwarming Animals - First Series"]
Nagano CPO
20 September 2013
Japanese date:
25.9.20 *If you have a scan of this item, please share. JP20130920 FDP 4508799 1 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Siberian Tiger
"ほっとする動物シリーズ 第1集" ["Heartwarming Animals - First Series"]
Nagoya CPO
20 September 2013
Japanese date:
25.9.20 *JP20130920 FDP 5308799 1 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Siberian Tiger
"ほっとする動物シリーズ 第1集" ["Heartwarming Animals - First Series"]
Osaka CPO
20 September 2013
Japanese date:
25.9.20 *If you have a scan of this item, please share. JP20130920 FDP 7008799 1 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Siberian Tiger
"ほっとする動物シリーズ 第1集" ["Heartwarming Animals - First Series"]
Okayama CPO
20 September 2013
Japanese date:
25.9.20 *If you have a scan of this item, please share. JP20130920 FDP 8108799 1 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Siberian Tiger
"ほっとする動物シリーズ 第1集" ["Heartwarming Animals - First Series"]
Fukuoka CPO
20 September 2013
Japanese date:
25.9.20 *If you have a scan of this item, please share. JP20130920 FDP 9838799 1 First Day Postmark - Tiger
Siberian Tiger
"ほっとする動物シリーズ 第1集" ["Heartwarming Animals - First Series"]
Sendai CPO
20 September 2013
Japanese date:
25.9.20 *JP20130920 MISC FLYJP Flyer - Tiger
Siberian Tiger
Information flyer from Japan Post in Japanese, presenting
JP20130920 SH 80025 October 2013 - Traditional Crafts II JP20131025 ST 80 10 Stamp 80 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Decorative Guardian Lion Figurine on Edo period copperware vessel from Takaoka, Toyama Prefecture
MI 6602JP20131025 MISC JPFLY Flyer - Lion
Information flyer from Japan Post in Japanese, presenting
JP20131212 SH 800
and the other 9 stamps in set12 December 2013 - 50th Anniversary of Japan - Kenya Diplomatic Relationship JP20131212 ST 80 2 Stamp 80 Cheetah
MI 6675JP20131212 ST 80 5 Stamp 80 Lion
MI 6678JP20131212 SH 800 Sheetlet 500
(10 x 80)Cheetah
Lion (on two stamps each)
Sheetlet with 2 x
JP20131212 ST 80 2
JP20131212 ST 80 5
and 2 x 3 other stamps
MI FB6674-6678If you have a scan of this item, please share. JP20131212 FDP 0608994 1 First Day Postmark - Cheetah
"日ケニア外交関係樹立50周年" ["Japan-Kenya Diplomatic Relations 50th Anniversary"]
Machine postmark
Sapporo CPO
12 December 2013
Japanese date:
25.12.12 *JP20131212 FDP 1008799 1 First Day Postmark - Cheetah
"日ケニア外交関係樹立50周年" ["Japan-Kenya Diplomatic Relations 50th Anniversary"]
Machine postmark
Nihonbashi PO, Tokyo
12 December 2013
Japanese date:
25.12.12 *JP20131212 FDP 1008994 1 First Day Postmark - Cheetah
"日ケニア外交関係樹立50周年" ["Japan-Kenya Diplomatic Relations 50th Anniversary"]
Machine postmark
Tokyo CPO
12 December 2013
Japanese date:
25.12.12 *JP20131212 FDP 2208799 1 First Day Postmark - Cheetah
"日ケニア外交関係樹立50周年" ["Japan-Kenya Diplomatic Relations 50th Anniversary"]
Machine postmark
Yokohama CPO
12 December 2013
Japanese date:
25.12.12 *If you have a scan of this item, please share. JP20131212 FDP 3808799 1 First Day Postmark - Cheetah
"日ケニア外交関係樹立50周年" ["Japan-Kenya Diplomatic Relations 50th Anniversary"]
Machine postmark
Nagano CPO
12 December 2013
Japanese date:
25.12.12 *If you have a scan of this item, please share. JP20131212 FDP 4508799 1 First Day Postmark - Cheetah
"日ケニア外交関係樹立50周年" ["Japan-Kenya Diplomatic Relations 50th Anniversary"]
Machine postmark
Nagoya CPO
12 December 2013
Japanese date:
25.12.12 *If you have a scan of this item, please share. JP20131212 FDP 5308799 1 First Day Postmark - Cheetah
"日ケニア外交関係樹立50周年" ["Japan-Kenya Diplomatic Relations 50th Anniversary"]
Machine postmark
Osaka CPO
12 December 2013
Japanese date:
25.12.12 *If you have a scan of this item, please share. JP20131212 FDP 7008799 1 First Day Postmark - Cheetah
"日ケニア外交関係樹立50周年" ["Japan-Kenya Diplomatic Relations 50th Anniversary"]
Machine postmark
Okayama CPO
12 December 2013
Japanese date:
25.12.12 *If you have a scan of this item, please share. JP20131212 FDP 8108799 1 First Day Postmark - Cheetah
"日ケニア外交関係樹立50周年" ["Japan-Kenya Diplomatic Relations 50th Anniversary"]
Machine postmark
Fukuoka CPO
12 December 2013
Japanese date:
25.12.12 *If you have a scan of this item, please share. JP20131212 FDP 9838799 1 First Day Postmark - Cheetah
"日ケニア外交関係樹立50周年" ["Japan-Kenya Diplomatic Relations 50th Anniversary"]
Machine postmark
Sendai CPO
12 December 2013
Japanese date:
25.12.12 *JP20131212 MISC FLYJP Flyer - Cheetah
Information flyer from Japan Post in Japanese, presenting
JP20131212 SH 80024 April 2014 - 31 March 2015 - 15th Anniversary of Zoorasia, Yokohama JP20140424_20150331 PMK 2418799 Pictorial postmark - Lion
Stylized Lion
Zoorasia Logo
Yokohama Asahi PO
24 April 2014 -
31 March 2015
Japanese dates:
25.4.24 - 26.3.31 *23 May 2014 - Disney Characters JP20140523 ST 82 4 Stamp 82 Tiger
Cartoon Tiger
Self-adhesive stamp from
JP20140523 SH 820
MI 6786JP20140523 SH 820 Sheetlet 820
(10 x 82)Tiger (on one stamp)
Cartoon Tiger
Self-adhesive sheetlet with
JP20140523 ST 82 4
and 9 other stamps
MI 6786JP20140523 MISC FLYJP 82 Flyer - Tiger
Cartoon Tiger
Information flyer from Japan Post in Japanese, presenting
JP20140523 SH 8207 July 2014 - The Western Zodiac I JP20140707 ST 82 2 Stamp 80 Lion
Zodiac Leo
Self-adhesive stamp from
JP20140707 SH 820
MI 6864JP20140707 SH 820 Sheetlet 800
(10 x 82)Lion (on 3 stamps)
Zodiac Leo
Self-adhesive sheetlet with 3 x
JP20140707 ST 82 2
and 3 x 2 + 1 x 1 other stamps
MI FB6863-6866JP20140707 MISC FLYJP Flyer - Lion
Zodiac Leo
Information flyer from Japan Post in Japanese, presenting
JP20140707 SH 82019 September 2014 - Young Zoo Animals II JP20140919 ST 82 4 Stamp 82 Lion
Heart-shaped, self-adhesive stamp from
JP20140919 SH 820
MI 6996JP20140919 SH 820 Sheetlet 820
(10 x 82)Lion (on two stamps)
10-stamp self-adhesive sheetlet with 2 x
JP20140919 ST 82 4
and 2 x 4 other stamps
MI FB6993-6997JP20140919 MISC FLYJP 82 Flyer - Lion
Information flyer from Japan Post in Japanese, presenting
JP20140919 SH 8201 October - 30 December 2014 "Let's Kyumo Toyama"-Campaign JP20141001_1230 PMK 9320299 Pictorial postmark - Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lion Sculpture
Inami Lion Head
1 October - 30 December 2014
Japanese dates:
26.10.1 - 26.12.30 *30 October 2014 - Year of the Ram JP20141030 PC 52 21 Pre-stamped Postcard 52
(sold at 62)Tiger (in bottom illustration)
Cartoon Tiger
Wild Cats in Literature
New Year Lottery Card2015 - Nakanida PO Scenic Postmark JP20150000_ PMK 9814241 Pictorial postmark - Tiger
Nakanida PO, Miyagi
宮城 中新田
Earliest date reported:
22 September 2015
Latest date reported:
22 September 2015
(Japanese date:
27.9.22 *)
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.23 January 2015 - Young Zoo Animals III JP20150123 ST 82 4 Stamp 82 Snow Leopard
Self-adhesive stamp from
JP20150123 SH 820
MI 7152JP20150123 SH 820 Sheetlet 820
(10 x 82)Snow Leopard (on two stamps)
Self-adhesive sheetlet with 2 x
JP20150123 ST 82 4
and 2 x 4 other stamps
MI FB7149-7153There are more than 60 versions of this postmark. Click here for a detailed list.
JP20150123 FDP 1008994 2 First Day Postmark - Snow Leopard
"ほっとする動物シリーズ 第3集"
["Heartwarming Animals 3rd Series"]
Hand canceller
Tokyo CPO
23 January 2015
Japanese date:
27.1.23 *JP20150123 MISC FLYJP 82 Flyer - Snow Leopard
Information flyer from Japan Post in Japanese, presenting
JP20150123 SH 8202 February 2015 -> Takeoka Post Office Scenic Postmark JP20150202_ PMK 2991621 Pictorial postmark - Lion
Lion Dance Masks
Takeoka, Chiba
Dates of use:
2 February 2015 - ??? (Latest date reported:
1 April 2017
Japanese dates:
27.2.2 - ??? (29.4.1) *
If you know the last date of use for this postmark, please let us know.IL 29 April - 3 November 2015 - Asahiyama Zoo Pictorial Postmark JP20150429_1103 PMK 0788799 Pictorial postmark - Tiger
"2015旭川市 旭山動物園"
29 April - 3 November 2015
Japanese dates: 27.04.29 - 27.11.03 *23 July 2015 -> Tottori Post Office Scenic Postmark JP20150723_ PMK 6801155 Pictorial postmark - Lion
Lion Dance Costumes
Tottori P.O, Kobe
Dates of use:
23 July 2015 - ???
Japanese dates:
27.7.23 - ??? *
If you know the last date of use for this postmark, please let us know.IL 6 May 2016 - 99th Lions International Convention (stamp issue) JP20160506 ST 82 Stamp 82 Lion
Lions Club Emblem
Stamp from
JP20160506 SH 820
MI 7828JP20160506 SH 820 Sheetlet 820
(10 x 82)Lion (on stamps and in margin)
Lions Club Emblem
Sheetlet with 10 x
JP20160506 ST 82
MI KB7828There are 10 versions of this postmark. Click here for a detailed list.
JP20160506 FDP 8108799 1 First Day Postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
Machine postmark
Fukuoka CPO
6 May 2016
Japanese date:
28.5.6 *There are more than 100 versions of this postmark. Click here for a detailed list.
JP20160506 FDP 8108799 2 First Day Postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
Hand canceller
Fukuoka CPO
6 May 2016
Japanese date:
28.5.6 *JP20160506 MISC FLYJP Flyer - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
Information flyer from Japan Post in Japanese, presenting
JP20160506 ST 8224-27 June 2016 - 99th Lions International Convention (commemorative postmark) JP20160624_27 PMK 8108799 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
Fukuoka CPO
24-27 June 2016
Japanese dates:
28.6.24 - 28.6.27 *25 November 2016 - Illustrations from Children's Books JP20161125 ST 82 6 Stamp 82 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Illustrations from Aesop's Fables
Stamp from
JP20161125 SH 820
MI 8287JP20161125 SH 820 Sheetlet 820
(10 x 82)Lion (on one stamp)
Wild Cat Art
Illustrations from Aesop's Fables
Sheetlet with
JP20161125 ST 82 6
and 9 other stamps
MI KB8282-82919 February 2017 - Disney Characters JP20170209 ST 82 18 Stamp 82 Tiger
Cartoon Tiger
Tigger (with Pooh)
Self-adhesive stamp from
JP20170209 SH 820 2
MI 8389JP20170209 ST 82 19 Stamp 82 Tiger
Cartoon Tiger
Tigger (with Pooh and Eeyore)
Self-adhesive stamp from
JP20170209 SH 820 2
MI 8389JP20170209 SH 820 2 Sheetlet 820
(10 x 82)Tiger (on two stamps)
Cartoon Tiger
Sheetlet with
JP20170209 ST 82 18
JP20170209 ST 82 19
and 8 other stamps
MI FB8382-8391JP20170209 MISC FLYJP 2 Flyer - Tiger
Cartoon Tiger
Information flyer from Japan Post in Japanese, presenting
JP20170209 SH 820 23 March 2017 - Tales from the Stars - Zodiacal Constellations V JP20170303 ST 82 18 Stamp 82 Lion
Zodiac Leo
Self-adhesive stamp from
JP20170303 SH 984
MI 8424JP20170303 SH 984 Sheetlet 984
(12 x 82)Lion
Zodiac Leo
Self-adhesive sheetlet from
JP20170303 PP 1500
(only sold as part of the presentation pack)
MI FB8420-8431
Page 2-3
Page 4-5
Page 6-7
Page 8-9
Page 10-11
Page 11-12
Back coverJP20170303 PP 1500 Presentation pack / Book 1500
(franking value 984)Lion
Zodiac Leo
12-page book/ presentation pack with
JP20170303 SH 984JP20170303 MISC FLYJP Flyer - Lion
Zodiac Leo
Information flyer from Japan Post in Japanese, presenting
JP20170303 PP 1500
and the rest of the issue24 May 2017 - Centenary of Lions International JP20170524 ST 82 1 Stamp 82 Lion
Lions Club Emblem
Stamp from
JP20170524 SH 820
MI ???JP20170524 SH 820 Sheetlet 820
(10 x 82)Lion (on two stamps and in margin)
Lions Club Emblem
Sheetlet with 2 x
JP20170524 ST 82 1
and 2 x 4 other stamps
MI ???If you have a scan of this item, please share. JP20170524 FDP 0608994 1 First Day Postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
Sapporo CPO
札幌中央24 May 2017
Japanese date:
29.5.24 *If you have a scan of this item, please share. JP20170524 FDP 1008799 1 First Day Postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
Nihinbashi PO, Tokyo
24 May 2017
Japanese date:
29.5.24 *JP20170524 FDP 1008994 1 First Day Postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
Tokyo CPO
24 May 2017
Japanese date:
29.5.24 *If you have a scan of this item, please share. JP20170524 FDP 2208799 1 First Day Postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
Yokohama CPO
24 May 2017
Japanese date:
29.5.24 *If you have a scan of this item, please share. JP20170524 FDP 3808799 1 First Day Postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
Nagano CPO
24 May 2017
Japanese date:
29.5.24 *If you have a scan of this item, please share. JP20170524 FDP 4508799 1 First Day Postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
Nagoya CPO
(also used at Yanagibashi PO, with same imprint)
24 May 2017
Japanese date:
29.5.24 *JP20170524 FDP 5308799 1 First Day Postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
Osaka CPO
24 May 2017
Japanese date:
29.5.24 *If you have a scan of this item, please share. JP20170524 FDP 7008799 1 First Day Postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
Okayama CPO
24 May 2017
Japanese date:
29.5.24 *If you have a scan of this item, please share. JP20170524 FDP 8108799 1 First Day Postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
Fukuoka CPO
24 May 2017
Japanese date:
29.5.24 *JP20170524 FDP 9838799 1 First Day Postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
Sendai CPO
24 May 2017
Japanese date:
29.5.24 *JP20170524 MISC FLYJP Information flyer - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
Information flyer from Japan Post in Japanese, presenting
JP20170524 SH 820* A note on Japanese dates:
Japan follows the Gregorian callendar regarding days and months, years are, however, counted within the reign
of the current emperor. Domestic Japanese postmarks will thus not use Western years. International mail is mostly
postmarked with an international postmark showing a Western year and the city and country in Latin script - alone
or in addition to the domestic postmark. For catstamp collectors, the post-war reigns are of significance.
Emperor Hirohitho's reign, referred to as 'Shōwa' ("Brilliant Harmony") started in 1926 (year 1), and lasted until 7 January
1989 (year 64).
The reign of Emperor Akhito is referred to as 'Heisei' ("Achieving Peace") and started 8 January 1989 (year 1), and lasted
until 30 April 2019 (year 31).
The current reign of Emperor Naruhito is referred to as 'Reiwa' ("Beautiful Harmony") and started 1 May 2019.
2019 is thus year 31 until 30 April, and year 1 from 1 May.Compiled by Geir Arveng with valuable information from T.S. Tan, Marci Jarvis, Jørgen Kristiansen, Greg Balagian
Tomoaki Hakuto, and Takao Kobayashi.
Latest update: 13 August, 2019