Stamps inscribed 'Italia', 'Repubblica/Repvblicca Italiana', or 'Poste Italiane' (first few issues without country name).
1861 ->
From 1861: 1 Lire (ITL) = 100 Centisimo (Centisimi abolished from 1945)
From 2002: 1 Euro (EUR) = 100 Eurocents (= ITL 1,936.27)
Checklists > Countries > Italy Heraldic Cats List status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Item Code Item type Face value Remarks SC 1937-50 University for Foreigners Perugia Meter Frank
This item is also listed under Mythic Cats
IT1937 MF UNST 06123 Meter frank - Heraldic Griffin
Griffin Rampant
(Old) Univerity Logo
"Regia Vniversita' Italiana per Stranieri - Palaz zo Gallenga - Perugia"
Earliest use reported:
10 July 1937
Latest use reported:
13 December 1950
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1939 - Cinzano Meter Frank IT1939 MF CINZ 10113 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
(Old) Cinzano Logo
"Soc. anon. Fsco. Cinzano & Cia. - Torino (113)"
Torino (Turin)
Earliest use reported:
25 August 1939
Latest use reported:
25 August 1939
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1946 - Venice City Meter Frank
This item is also listed under Mythic Cats
Also see 2013 version
IT1946 MF VENE 30124 Meter frank - Winged Lions
Lion of St. Mark
Venice CoA
"Commune di Venezia"
Earliest use reported:
14 July 1946
Latest use reported_
14 July 1946
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.27 March 1951 - Centenary of Tuscany Stamps
This issue was also overprinted for Trieste Zone A
Valid until 31 December 1951
IT19510327 ST 20 Stamp 20 Heraldic Lion
Wild Cats and Philately
Tuscan stamp
ITTO18570701 ST 1_00 1
MI 826IT19510327 ST 55 Stamp 55 Heraldic Lion
Wild Cats and Philately
Tuscan stamp
ITTO18510000 ST 6_00 1
MI 8275 October 1951 - Centenary of Sardinian Stamps
This issue was also overprinted for Trieste Zone A
Valid until 31 December 1951
IT19511005 ST 10 Stamp 10 Heraldic Lion
Two Lions Couchent
MI 845IT19511005 ST 25 Stamp 25 Heraldic Lion
Two Lions Couchent
MI 846IT19511005 ST 60 Stamp 60 Heraldic Lion
Two Lions Couchent
MI 8471952 - Perugia City Meter Frank
This item is also listed under Mythic Cats
IT1952 MF CIPE 06100 Meter frank - Heraldic Griffin
Crowned Griffin Rampant
Perugia City CoA
"Comune di Perugia"
Earliest use reported:
27 August 1952
Latest use reported:
27 August 1952
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1958 - Grosseto Chamber of Commerce, Industry, and Agriculture
This item is also listed under Mythic Cats
IT1958 MF GCIA 58100 Meter frank - Heraldic Griffin
Armed Griffin Rampant
Grosseto CoA
"Camera di Commercia Industria e Agricoltura Grosseto"
Earliest use reported:
25 August 1958
Latest use reported:
25 August 1958
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DPM 13 April 1974 - 7th Philatelic and Numismatic Exhibition / 125th Regional Meeting of Lombardy and Veneto This item is also listed under Mythic Cats
IT19740413 PMK 36045 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion (Lonigo CoA)
Heraldic Winged Lion (Veneto CoA)
"7° Manifestaz. Filatelico-Num. - 125° Moti Lombardo-Veneto"
36045 Lonigo
13 April 1974DL 1980-86 - Montepulciano Municipality Meter Frank
This item is also listed under Mythic Cats
Also see Montepulciano Municipality items from 1999-2001 and 2001-03
IT1980_86 MF COMO 53045 Meter frank - Heraldic Griffin
Griffin Rampant
Montepulciano CoA
"Commune di Montepulciano (SI)"
Machine no. 77329
53045 Montepulciano (SI)
Earliest use reported:
22 March 1980
Latest use reported:
23 September 1986
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know.BDC 1981 - Perugia City Meter Frank
This item is also listed under Mythic Cats
IT1981 MF CIPE 06100 Meter frank - Heraldic Griffin
Crowned Griffin Rampant
Perugia City CoA
"Città di 06100 Perugia"
Earliest use reported:
16 February 1981
Latest use reported:
16 February 1981
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know.BDC 1981-87 - Perugia Provincial Administration Meter Frank
This item is also listed under Mythic Cats
IT1981_87 MF AMPP 06100 Meter frank - Heraldic Griffin
Crowned Griffin Passant
Perugia Provincial CoA
"Amministrazione della Provincia di Perugia"
06100 Perugia
Earliest use reported:
29 January 1981
Latest use reported:
16 March 1987
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know.BDC 1983 Spello Municipality Meter Frank IT1983 MF COSP 06038 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Two Lions Rampant
Spello CoA
"Commune di Spello"
Machine no. STe73 6407
06038 Spello
Earliest use reported:
23 May 1983
Latest use reported:
23 May 1983
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know.BDC 1987 Mole Mab Meter Frank IT1987 MF MOMA 25050 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
(Old) Company Logo
"EAB Mole Mab - OME (Brescia) Italia - Tel. 030/652161 (5 linee r.a.) - Tx 300418"
25050 Ome (BS)
Earliest use reported:
29 September 1987
Latest use reported:
29 September 1987
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1988 Andria City Meter Frank IT1988 MF ANDR 70031 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant
Andria CoA
"Città di Andria"
Machine no. STae 6111
70031 Andria (BA)
Earliest use reported:
21 December 1988
Latest use reported:
21 December 1988
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1989 Jesi Municipality Meter Frank IT1989 MF JESI 60035 Meter frank - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Jesi CoA
"Comune di Jesi"
Machine no. Lmae 404 / n. 82200
60035 Jesi
Earliest use reported:
1 March 1989
Latest use reported:
1 March 1989
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know.This item is also listed under Mythic Cats
IT19940529 PMK 58100 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Griffin
Armed Griffin Rampant
Grosseto CoA
"8^Tappa - 77° Giro d'Italia"
58100 Grosseto Centro
29 May 1994DPM This item is also listed under Mythic Cats
IT1995 MF CIPE 06100 Meter frank - Heraldic Griffin
Crowned Griffin Rampant
Perugia City CoA
"Città di Perugia"
06100 Perugia
Earliest use reported:
8 February 1995
Latest use reported:
8 February 1995
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know.BDC This item is also listed under Mythic Cats
IT19961109 ST 750 1 Stamp 750 Heraldic Griffin
Crowned Griffin Rampant
Perugia University Logo
MI 24681998 60th Anniversary of the Death of Angelo Silvio Novaro
This item is also listed under Mythic Cats
IT19980918 PMK 18013 Commemorative postmark Heraldic Griffin
Crowned Griffin Rampant
From Diano Marino CoA
"60° Anniversario Morte Angelo Silvio Novaro - Poeta - Mostra Open Class"
18013 Diano Marino (IM)
18 September 1998DP 1999 Perugia Provincial Administration Meter Frank This item is also listed under Mythic Cats
IT1999 MF AMPP 06100 Meter frank - Heraldic Griffin
Crowned Griffin Passant
Perugia Provincial CoA
"Amministrazione della Provincia di Perugia"
Machine no. 9038
06100 Perugia
Earliest use reported:
13 October 1999
Latest use reported:
13 October 1999
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know.BDC 1999-2001 Montepulciano Municipality Meter Frank
This item is also listed under Mythic Cats
Also see Montepulciano Municipality items from 1986 and 2002-03.
IT1999_2001 MF COMO 53045 Meter frank - Heraldic Griffin
Griffin Rampant
Montepulciano CoA
"Commune di Montepulciano (SI)"
Machine no. 92393, denominated in Lire
53045 Montepulciano (SI)
Earliest use reported:
16 August 1999
Latest use reported:
16 August 1999
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know.BDC 2002-03 Montepulciano Municipality Meter Frank
This item is also listed under Mythic Cats
Also see Montepulciano Municipality items from 1986 and 1999-2001
IT2002_03 MF COMO 53045 Meter frank - Heraldic Griffin
Griffin Rampant
Montepulciano CoA
"Commune di Montepulciano (SI)"
Machine no. 92393, denominated in Euros
53045 Montepulciano (SI)
Earliest use reported:
19 February 2003
Latest use reported:
19 February 2003
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know.BDC 2003 First National Convention of the National State Police Association IT20031011 PMK 06034 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Armed Lion Rampant
Italian State Police CoA
"155 Anni al Servicio del Cittadino - I Mostra Convegno Nazionale - Associazione Naz.le. Polizia di Stato"
06034 Foligno Centro (PG)
11 October 20032004 Perugia Provincial Administration Meter Frank This item is also listed under Mythic Cats
IT2004 MF AMPP 06100 Meter frank - Heraldic Griffin
Crowned Griffin Passant
Perugia Provincial CoA
"Provincia di Perugia"
Machine no. FP0549201
06100 Perugia
Earliest use reported:
23 January 2004
Latest use reported:
23 January 2004
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know.BDC 2004 700th Anniversary of Perugia University
This item is also listed under Mythic Cats
IT20040000_ PMK 06100 Slogan postmark - Heraldic Griffin
Crowned Griffin Rampant
Perugia University Logo
"Università degli Studi di Perugia - Celebrazioni VII Centenario - 1308-2008"
Perugia C.P.O.
Earliest use reported:
16 December 2004
Latest use reported:
16 December 2004
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know.BDC 2005 42nd Black Truffles Market IT20050227 PMK 06046 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Norcia CoA
"Tartufo Nero Pregiato e Prodotti Tipici - 42^ Mostra Mercato"
06046 Norcia (PG)
27 February 2005BDC 2005 The Sassari Brigade IT20050301 ST 0_45 Stamp 0.45 Heraldic Lion
Two Lion Rampant Reguardant Supporters
Sassari Brigade CoA
MI 3017BDC IT20050301 FDC 0_45 First Day Cover 0.45 Heraldic Lion (on stamp, postmark and cachet)
Two Lion Rampant Reguardant Supporters
Sassari Brigade CoA
Official FDC with
IT20050301 ST 0_45BDC IT20050301 MC 0_45 Maximum card 0.45 Heraldic Lion (on stamp, postmark and card)
Two Lion Rampant Reguardant Supporters
Sassari Brigade CoA
Official MC with
IT20050301 ST 0_45BDC IT20050301 PP 4_00 (??)
Front cover
Page 1
Page 2
Back cover
Presentation pack ? Heraldic Lion (on stamp, postmark and cover)
Two Lion Rampant Reguardant Supporters
Sassari Brigade CoA
PP with
IT20050301 ST 0_45
IT20050301 FDC 0_45
IT20050301 MC 0_45
and a stamp cardBDC IT20050301 FDP 07100 First Day Postmark - Heraldic Lion
Two Lion Rampant Reguardant Supporters
Sassari Brigade CoA
"Brigata 'Sassari' - Giorno di emissione"
07100 Sassari Centro
1 March 2005BDC 2005 Italian Air Force Acrobatic Training Squadron
This issue is also listed under Mythic Cats
IT20050903 ST 0_45 Stamp 0.45 Heraldic Griffin
Griffin Rampant
Italian Air Force CoA
MI 3050BDC
ILMIT20050903 ST 0_60 Stamp 0.60 Heraldic Griffin
Griffin Rampant
Italian Air Force CoA
MI 3051BDC
(M)IT20050903 FDC 1_05 First Day Cover 1.05
+ 0.60)Heraldic Griffin (on stamps, postmark, and cachet)
Griffin Rampant
Italian Air Force CoAIT20050903 PP 6_00 (??) Presentation pack ? Heraldic Griffin (on all items and cover)
Griffin Rampant
Italian Air Force CoAIT20050903 FDP 33030 First Day Postmark - Heraldic Griffin
Griffin Rampant
Italian Air Force CoA
"Patuglia Acrobatica Nazionale - Aeronautica Militare Italiana - Girono di emissione"
33030 Rivolto (UD)
3 September 20052007 50th Anniversary of the Death of Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa IT20070414 ST 0_60 Stamp 0.60 Heraldic Leopard
Crowned Leopard Rampant
MI 3174M IT20070414 FDC 0_60 First Day Cover 0.60 Heraldic Leopard (on stamp, postmark, and cachet)
Crowned Leopard Rampant
MI 3174BDC IT20070414 FDP 92018 First Day Postmark - Heraldic Leopard
"Giorno di emissione - 50° Anniversario Morte Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa"
92018 S. Margherita Belice (AG)
14 April 2007BDC This item is also listed under Mythic Cats
IT20071202 PMK 58100 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Griffin
Armed Griffin Rampant
Grosseto CoA
"Festa della Toscana - Giovani Ingeni - Magnifiche Eccelerie"
58100 Grosseto Centro
2 December 20072008 156th Anniversary of the State Police IT20080516 PMK 00187 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
State Police Crest
"156° Anniversario Polizia di Stato"
Roma V.R.
8 May 2009This item is also listed under Mythic Cats
IT20080617 PMK 58100 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Griffin
Armed Griffin Rampant
Grosseto CoA
"Grosseto 2008 - Baseball European Cup"
58100 Grosseto Centro
17 June 2008BDC 2008 75th Italian Esperanto Congress
This item is also listed under Mythic Cats
IT20080823 PMK 58100 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Griffin
Armed Griffin Rampant
from Grosseto CoA
"75° Congresso Italiano di Esperanto - Esperanto 75e Itala Kongreso"
58100 Grosseto Centro
23 August 2008BDC This item is also listed under Mythic Cats
IT20080908 ST 0_60 2 Stamp 0.60 Heraldic Griffin
Crowned Griffin Rampant
Perugia University Logo
MI 3264M
DLIT20080908 FDP 06100 First Day Postmark - Heraldic Griffin
Crowned Griffin Rampant
Perugia University Logo
"Giorno di emissione - Università degli Studi di Perugia"
Perigio Centro
8 September 20082009 4th Medieval Festival IT20090418 PMK 25121 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
"A.D. 1238 Frederico II il e l'assedio di Brescia - IV edizione Festival Medioevale
Brescio Centro
18 April 20092009 Inauguration of the Museum "Ammiraglio Guglielmo Marconi" IT20090507 PMK 60123 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion (tiny lion in shield)
"1909-2009 Centenario Premio Nobel - Inagurazzione Museo "Ammiraglio Guglielmo Marconi""
Ancona Centro
7 May 20092009 157th Anniversary of the State Police IT20090508 PMK 00187 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
State Police Crest
"157° Anniversario fondazione Polizia di Stato"
Roma V.R.
8 May 2009IT20090509 PMK 39100 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
State Police Crest
"157. Jubiläum der Gründung der Staatspolizei - 157° Anniversario fondazione Polizia di Stato"
39100 Bolzano Centro - Bozen Zentrum
9 May 2009IT20090509 PMK 71043 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
State Police Crest
"157° Anniversario fondazione Polizia di Stato"
71043 Manfredonia Centro (FG)
9 May 20092009 The Orgoglio Race IT20090522 PMK 41100 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lions
Two lion heads in a (military?) crest
"Cerimonia MAK 7T 100 - 189° Corso "Orgoglio" - Accademia Militare"
Modena Centro
22 May 2009
This postmark is also listed under Wild Cats2009 Giro d'Italia IT20090523 PMK 50013 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Arms of Campi Bisenzio
"La Città di Campi Bisenzio saluta i ciclisti"
50013 Campi Bisenzio (FI)
23 May 2009IT20090524 PMK 48015 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Crest of the City of Faenza
"15^ Tappa Forlì - Faenza"
48015 Faenza (RA)
24 May 20092009 Inauguration of the Restored Villa Imbonati IT20090524 PMK 22020 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
"Inaugrazione restauro dipinti Villa Imbonati - "C'era una volta lieto colle"
22020 Cvallasca (CO)2009 VI Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa International Literary Prize IT20090808 PMK 92018 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
"Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa - Vi Edizione Premio Letterario Internazionale"
92018 S. Margherita di Belice (AG)
8 August 20092009 Salute to the Sassari Brigade IT20090921 PMK 07100 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lions
"Saluto alla Brigata "Sassari" - In Partenza per la Missione in Afghanistan"
07100 Sassari Centro
21 Sept. 200927 September 2009 - Inauguration of the National State Police Headquarters in Pinerolo IT20090927 PMK 10064 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
"S.E. Mons. Carlo Alberto Ferrero di Cavallerleone - Intitolazione Sede Ass. Naz.le Polizia di Stato"
10064 Pinerolo (TO)
27 September 20092009 Cartovagando 1890 - 1950 Regional Postcard Exhibition IT20091213 PMK 62019 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
"Cartovagando 1890-1950 - Mostra di Cartoline d'Epoca"
62019 Recanati (MC)
13 December 2009IL 2009 Inauguration of the Masonic House in Perugia
This item is also listed under Mythic Cats
IT20091221 PMK 06100 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Griffin
Crowned Griffin Rampant
from Perugia CoA
"Grande Oriente d'Italia - Inaugurazione della Casa Masonica di Perugia - goi"
Perugia Centro
21 December 20092010 158th Anniversary of the State Police IT20100514 PMK 00128 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
State Police Crest
"158° Anniversario della Polizia - 158° Anniversario della Fondazione della Polizia"
Roma V.R.
14 May 2010IL IT20100515 PMK 71036 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
State Police Crest
"158° Anniversario Fondazione Polizia di Stato"
71036 Lucera (FG)
15 May 20102010 Inauguration of the Humanistic Library at the University of Perugia IT20100520 PMK 06121 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
"Universita' degli studi di Perugla - Inaugurazione Biblioteca Umanistica"
Perugia Centro
20 May 2010IL 2010 10 Most Beautiful Castles in Italy IT20100522 PMK 53022 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
"X Assemblea Nazionale - I Borghi Piu' Belli d'Italia"
53022 Buonconvento (SI)
22 May 2010IL 2010 150th Anniversary of the Swiss Courtyard in Lucca IT20100605 PMK 55100 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
"Comando Provinciale Caribinieri - 150 Anni in Cortile degli Svizeri"
55100 Lucca Centro
5 June 20102010 25th Anniversary of Twinning between Romentino and Saint-Marcel IT20100626 PMK 28068 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lions
Romentino CoA
"Romentino • Saint-Marcel - 25° Anniversario del Gemelaggio"
28068 Romentiono (NO)
26 June 2010IL 2010 The History of Famous Italian Tennis Racket IT20100701 PMK 60022 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lions
"Inaugurazione Mostra - Castle . The History of Famous Italian Tennis Racket"
60022 Castelfidardo
1 July 2010IL 2010 62nd Anniversary of Roccafiorita IT20101208 PMK 98030 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Roccafiorita CoA
"62° Anniv. Autonomia del Comune di Roccafiorita 1948-2010"
98030 Roccafiorita (ME)
8 Dec 2010IL 2011 150th Anniversary of Italian Unity See Wild Cats for more postmarks for this occasion
This item is also listed under Mythic Cats
IT20110317 PMK 07024 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Winged Lion
CoA of the Italian Navy
"La Marina Militare Celebra il 150° Anniversario dell'Unita' d'Italia"
07024 La Maddalena (OT)
17 March 2011IL IT20110317 PMK 22070 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
from CoA of Appiano Gentile
"Celebrazioni - 150° Anniversario Unita' d'Italia"
22070 Appiano Gentile (CO)
17 March 2011IL IT20110317 PMK 37044 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Winged Lion
CoA of Cologna Veneta
"Il Commune di Cologna Veneta Celebra il 150° Anniversario dell'Unita' d'Italia
37044 Cologna Veneta (VR)
17 March 2011IL IT20110319 PMK 35042 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Winged Lion
"1861-2011 - 150° Annivesario Unita' d'Italia - XIV Mostra Filatelica e Numismatica"
35042 Este (PD)
19 March 20112011 Centenary of the Vincenzo Bellini Choral Society IT20110416 PMK 40054 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
"1911-2011 - Centenario Fondazione Societa' Corale Vincenzo Bellini"
40054 Budrio (BO)
16 April 2011IL 2011 Centenary of La Compagnia della Vela (Venice Sailing Club)
This item is also listed under Mythic Cats
IT20110715 PMK 30124 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Winged Lion
CoA of the Italian Navy
"Per il Centenario della Compagnia della Vela - Concerto Banda Musicale Marina Militare"
Venezia Centro
15 July 2011IL These items are also listed under Mythic Cats
Also see version from 1946
IT2013 MF VENE 30124 Meter frank - Winged Lions
Lion of St. Mark
Venice CoA
"Commune di Venezia"
Machine no. 1231328
Venezia (Venice)
Earliest use reported:
8 February 2013
Latest use reported_
8 February 2013
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL IT2013 MF VENE 30170 Meter frank - Winged Lions
Lion of St. Mark
Venice CoA
"Commune di Venezia"
Machine no. 1231338
30170 Mestre (VE)
Earliest use reported:
30 July 2013
Latest use reported_
30 July 2013
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.BDC 2013 Convention of A.N.V.G.D. (Associazione Nazionale Venezia Giulia e Dalmazia)
This item is also listed under Mythic Cats.
IT20130927 PMK 16121 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Winged Lion
Heraldic Lion
Winged Lion Passant Guardant
Three Crowned Lion Heads
A.N.V.G.D. CoA
"A.N.V.G.D. - Delegazione Regionale Ligura Presidenzia Nazionale - Convegno 'Ernesto Bruno Valenziano (1937-2003)'"
Genova Filatelico
27 September 20132013 60th Meeting of the Italian Dalmatians in Exile
This item is also listed under Mythic Cats.
IT20130928 PMK 35031 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Winged Lion
Winged Lion Passant
Lion of St. Mark
Free Dalmatia CoA
"60° Radundo dei Dalmati Italiani Esuli"
35031 Abano Terme Bagni (PD)
28 September 20132013 10th Anniversary of Twinning between Alberobello and Romentino IT20131213 PMK 70011 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Three Lions Rampant
Alberobello CoA
Romentino CoA
"2003-2013 - Simboli di Fratellanza - Decennale Gemellaggio Alberobello-Romentino
70011 Alberobello (BA)
13 December 20132013 150th Anniversary of Mirandola Savings Bank IT20131214 PMK 41037 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Two Lions Rampant
Bank Logo (?)
"150 Anni - Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Mirandola - Centocinquant'anni dall'Istituzione della Casa"
41037 Mirandola (MO)
14 December 20132013 120th Anniversary of Tavarnelle IT20131222 PMK 50028 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
from Tavarnelle Val di Pesa CoA
"1893-2013 - 120° Anniversario Istituzione Comune"
50028 Tavarnelle Val di Pesa (FI)
22 December 20132014 20th Presentation of Noble Wines
This item is also listed under Mythic Cats
IT20140216 PMK 53045 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Griffin
Griffin Rampant
"Consorzio Vino Nobile di Montepulciano - Anteprima Vino Nobile - XX Edizione"
53045 Montepulciano (SI)
16 February 20142014 Bi-centenary of Alfonsine Municipality IT20140410 PMK 48011 1 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Couchant
Alfonsine CoA
"Municipalita' di Alfonsine - 1814-2014 - 200° Anniversario Istituzione Commune di Alfonsine"
48011 Alfonsine (RA)
10 April 20142014 7th Ex Libris International Competition IT20140412 PMK 21020 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Bodio Lomnago CoA
"Poesia, Musica del Cuore - 7° Concorso Internazionale Ex Libris"
21020 Bodio Lomnago
12 April 20142014 Bi-centenary of the Arms of the Carabinieri II
Also see Bari postmark.
IT20140426 PMK 27100 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Passant
CoA of the Carabinieri
"1814-2014 - Bicentenario Istituzione Arma Carabinieri "
27100 Pavia Centro
26 April 2014BDC 2014 70th Anniversary of the Death of Mariano Buratti
This item is also listed under Wild Cats
IT20140516 PMK 01100 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Passant Guardant
from Viterbo CoA
"70° Anniv. Morte Mariano Buratto M.O.V.M - Certamen Viterbiense della Tusca"
01100 Viterbo Centro
16 May 20142014 'Serenissima Babel' Art Exhibition
This item is also listed under Mythic Cats
IT20140605 PMK 30123 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Winged Lion
Lion of St. Mark
Caffè Florian Logo
"Caffè Florian - 'Serenissima Babel' - Espocizione d'Arte"
Venezia Filatelico (Venice Philatelic Office)
5 June 20142014 Bi-centenary of the Arms of the Carabinieri III
Also see Pavia postmark.
IT20140605 PMK 70121 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Passant
CoA of the Carabinieri
"VII Mostra d'Arte Contemporanea - Bicentenario Arma dei Carabinieri - 1814-2014"
Bari V.R.
5 June 201414 June 2014 - 6th National Rally of the State Police Association IT20140614 PMK 84100 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Armed Lion Rampant
Italian State Police CoA
"VI Radundo Nazionale - Associazione Nazionale della Polizia di Stato"
Salerno Centro
14 June 20142014 Selection of the New Bishop of Isernia-Venafro IT20140628 PMK 86170 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Two Lions Rampant
Isernia-Vanafro Diocese CoA
"Diocesi di Isernia-Venafro - Possesso Canonico Nuovo Vescovo"
86170 Isernia Centro
28 June 20142014 Historical Tournament of Albenga IT20140719 PMK 17031 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Passant
Santa Maria Team Banner
"Palio Storico dei Rioni"
17031 Albenga (SV)
19 July 20142014 Magistrate of the Contrade of Montepulciano
This item is also listed under Mythic Cats
IT20140823 PMK 53045 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Griffin
Griffin Rampant
from Montepulciano CoA
"Associazione Magistrato delle Contrade - Anniversario Bravio delle Botti"
23045 Montepulciano (SI)
23 August 20142014 11th Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa Litterary Price
Also see GTL Litterary Price items from 2015.
IT20140805 PMK 92018 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Leopard
Leopard Rampant
"XI Premio Letterario 'Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa' - Mostra Filatelica Margheritese"
92018 Santa Margherita di Belice (AG)
8 August 20142014 189th Course of the State Police Academy in Trieste
Also see other State Police Academy items from 2015 and 2016.
IT20140917 PMK 34133 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Armed Lion Rampant
Italian State Police CoA
"Giuramento 189° Corso - Scuola Allievi Agenti della Polizia di Stato"
Trieste Filatelico
17 September 20142014 90th Anniversary of Legnano's City Status IT20141011 PMK 20025 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Legnano CoA
"XXIX Mostra Filatelica - 90° Anniv. Elevazione di Legnano a Citta' - 1924-2014"
20025 Legnano (MI)
11 October 20142014 The Teens of Casnate con Bernate IT20141025 PMK 22070 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Casnate con Bernate CoA
"I Diciottenni in Comune - 'Vive ut Post Vivas'"
22070 Casnate (CO)
25 October 20142014 60th Anniversary of the G.B.Vermiglioli Philatelic Association / 44th Philatelic and Numismatic Meet
This item is also listed under Mythic Cats
IT20141108 PMK 06135 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Griffin
Griffin Passant
"60° Anniv. Asociazione 'G.B. Vermiglioli' - 44° Mostra Convegno Filatelico Numismatico"
06135 Ponte San Giovanni (PG)
8 November 20142015 325th Anniversary of the Aosta Mechanized Brigade 5th Infantry Regiment IT20150220 PMK 98122 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
from the Brigade CoA
"325° Anniversario Costituzione 5° Reggimento Fanteria 'Aosta' - 1690-2015 - Esercito - Brigata Meccanizzata 'Aosta'"
Messina 18
20 February 0152015 Centenary of the Sassari Mechanized Brigade IT20150301 PMK 07100 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Two Lion Rampant Regardant Supporters
National Association CoA
"Associazione Nazionale Brigata Sassari - 'La Brigata Sassari' - 1915-2015 - Da Centi Anni nella Legenda"
07100 Sassari Centro
1 March 2015IT20150305 PMK 09048 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Two Lion Rampant Regardant Supporters
National Association CoA
"Associazione Nazionale Brigata Sassari - 'La Brigata Sassari' - 1915-2015 - Da Centi Anni nella Legenda"
09048 Sinnai (CA)
5 March 2015IT20150313 PMK 07029 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Two Lion Rampant Regardant Supporters
National Association CoA
"Associazione Nazionale Brigata Sassari - 100° Anniversario Costitizione Brigata Sassari"
07029 Tempio Pausania
13 March 2015This item is also listed under Mythic Cats
IT20110507 PMK 30123 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Winged Lion
Lion of St. Mark
Caffè Florian Logo
"Mostra 'So We'll Go No More a Roving' - Tempranea XII Edizione"
Venezia Filatelico (Venice Philatelic Office)
7 May 20152015 1000 Miglia Rally IT20150513 PMK 25121 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Automobile Club Brescia Logo
"1000 Miglia - Punzonatura delle Vetture - Mille Miglia 'La Corsa Piu' Bella del Mondo'"
Brescia Centro
13 May 2015IT20150514 PMK 25121 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Automobile Club Brescia Logo
"1000 Miglia - Partenza - Mille Miglia 'La Corsa Piu' Bella del Mondo'"
Brescia Centro
14 May 2015BDC IT20150517 PMK 25121 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Automobile Club Brescia Logo
"1000 Miglia - Arrivo - Mille Miglia 'La Corsa Piu' Bella del Mondo'"
Brescia Centro
17 May 2015BDC 2015 49th Italian Heraldic Studies Conference IT20150516 PMK 02100 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Two Lion Rampant Supporters
Fabi Family CoA
"Convegno di Studi Araldici: 194^ Battaglia di Antrodoco - Omaggio A.F. Mozzetti Ten. Legionari - Grassi - Tosti - Fabi"
02100 Rieti Garibaldi
16 May 20152015 17th Franciacorta in Fiore - Floral Exhibition IT20150517 PMK 25046 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
SistemaBrescia Expo 2015 Logo
"XVII Edizione Francicorta in Fiore - SistemaBrescia Expo 2015 - F - 1000 Miglia"
25046 Bornato (BS)
17 May 20152015 Centenary of the First World War IT20150524 PMK 28068 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Two Lion Rampant Supporters
Romentino CoA
"Celebrazione Centenario Prima Guerra Mondiale - 1915-2015"
28068 Romentino (NO)
24 May 2015IT20150524 PMK 36061 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
"Mostra Documentaria - Centenario Prima Guerra Mondiale"
36061 Bassano del Grappa (VI)
24 May 20152015 Graduation Ceremony of the Marshals of the Guardia di Finanza IT20150612 PMK 67100 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant Reguardant Supporter
This looks suprisingly like the Armenian CoA to us. If you have an explanation for the CoA, please let us know
"Guardia di Finanza - Ceremonia Consegna Gradi - 15° Corso Marescialli G.d.F. Maresciallo Capo Nini Noia M.B.V."
67100 Coppito (AQ)
12 June 2015IT20150714 PMK 34133 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Armed Lion Rampant
Italian State Police CoA
"Giuramento 192° Corso - Scuola Allievi Agenti della Polizia di Stato"
Trieste Filatelico
14 July 20152015 12th Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa Litterary Price
Also see GTL Litterary Price items from 2014.
IT20150808 PMK 92018 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Leopard
Leopard Rampant
"XII Premio Letterario 'Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa' - Mostra Filatelica Margheritese"
92018 Santa Margherita di Belice (AG)
8 August 20152015 Magistrate of the Contrade of Radicofani IT20150913 PMK 53040 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Radicofani CoA
"Palio del Bigonzo - Radicofani Magistrato delle Contrade - '...Dove la Francigena Tocca il Cielo...'"
53040 Radicofani (SI)
13 September 20152015 10th Regional Symposium on Mediteranean and Black Sea Navies
This issue is also listed under Mythic Cats
IT20151021 ST 0_95 Stamp 0.95 Heraldic Winged Lion
CoA of the Italian Navy
MI 3853M
DLIT20151021 SC 0_95 Souvenir card 0.95 Heraldic Winged Lion
CoA of the Italian Navy
Official souvenir card with
IT20151021 ST 0_95IT20151021 MC 0_95 Maximum Card 0.95 Heraldic Winged Lion
CoA of the Italian Navy
Official maximum card with
IT20151021 SC 0_95 andCC IT20151021 FDP 30123 First Day Postmark - Heraldic Winged Lion
CoA of the Italian Navy
"Girono di emissione - 10° Simposio Regionale per le Marine Paesi del Mediterraneo e Mar Nero"
Venezia Filatelico (Venice Philatelic Office)
21 October 2015MC 2015 'Shots of Memory' Photo Competition
This item is also listed under Mythic Cats
IT20151024 PMK 81030 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Griffin
Griffin Passant
Cellole CoA
"Concorso Fotografico 'Scatti della Memoria' - Quarantenale Autonomia Communale 1975-2015"
81030 Cellole (CE)
24 October 20152015 Centenary of Montagna Football Club
This item is also listed under Mythic Cats
IT20151213 PMK 35044 Commemorative Postmark - Winged Heraldic Lion
Winged Lion Statant Guardant
Montagna Footbal Club Logo
"Centenario Associazione 'A.C.D. Montagnana' 1915-2015"
35044 Montagnana (PD)
13 December 2015BDC 2016 New Fresh Produce Market in Brescia IT20160205 PMK 25121 Commemorative Postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Brescia Markets Logo
"Presentazione Nuovo Ortomercato 'Il Mercato di Domani'"
Brescia Centro
5 February 2016IT20160512 PMK 34133 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Armed Lion Rampant
Italian State Police CoA
"Gemellaggio - 72° Corso Allievi - Giuramento 195° Corso Allievi della Polizia del Stato"
Trieste Filatelico
12 May 20162016 50th Italian Heraldic Studies Conference IT20160514 PMK 02100 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Two Crowned Lions Rampant
Massimo Family CoA
"Convegno di Studi Araldici - 50° Rieti Colleziona 'Il Patrimonio Artistico, Storico e Culturale Sabino' - I Massimi - I Tosti - I Petrongari"
02100 Rieti Garibaldi
14 May 20162016 'The Sea Brides' Art Exhibition
This item is also listed under Mythic Cats
IT20160526 PMK 30123 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Winged Lion
Lion of St. Mark
Caffè Florian Logo
"'Le Spose del Mare' - Esposizione d'Arte - Caffè Florian"
Venezia Filatelico
26 May 20165 June 2016 - 150th Anniversary of the Sesto al Reghena Philharmonic Orchestra IT20160605 PMK 33079 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Sesto al Reghena CoA
"150° di Fondazione - Filarmonica di Sesto al Reghena"
33079 Sesto al Reghena (PN)
5 June 201611 June 2016 - Senafil 2016 Philatelic Exhibition IT20160611 PMK 60019 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Leopards
Two Leopard Rampant Supporters
Senigallia CoA
"Senafil 2016 - Mostra Filatelica - 30° Anniv. Gemellaggio Senegallia (I) - Lörrach (D)"
60019 Senegallia (AN)
11 June 201618 June 2016 - 60th Anniversary of Lions Club Perugia
This item is also listed under Wild Cats and Mythic Cats
IT20160618 PMK 06121 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Griffin
from Perugia CoA
Lions Club Emblem
"60° Anneversario Lions Club Perugia Host"
Perugio Centro
18 June 20163 September 2016 - 160th Anniversary of San Gregorio di Catania's Municipal Status IT20160903 PMK 95027 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Two Lions Rampant
San Gregorio di Catania CoA
"Commune di San Gregorio di Catania - 160° Anniversario dell'Autonomia"
95027 San Gregorio di Catania (CT)
3 September 2016IL 25 September 2016 - 11th National Rally of the Lagunari Amphibious Troops' Association (Veterans Group)
This item is also listed under Mythic Cats
IT20160925 PMK 33078 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Winged Lion
Lion of St Mark
Association Badge
"11° Radundo Nazionale - Associazione Lagunari Truppe Anfibie"
33078 San Vito al Tagliamento (PN)
25 September 2016IL 8 October 2016 - 31st Legnano Philatelic Exhibition IT20161008 PMK 20025 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Legnano CoA
"Città di Legnano - Sport e Olimpiadi - XXXI Mostra Filatelica"
20025 Legnano (MI)
8 October 2016IL 21 October 2016 - Italiafil 2016 - 9th Centenary of the City of Bologna IT20161021 PMK 40124 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion's Head Guardant
Bologna CoA
"1116-2016 - Italiafil 2016 - 9° Centenario del Comune di Bologna"
Bologna Centro
21 October 2016IP 29 October 2016 - 50th Lonigo Philatelic and Numismatic Exhibition IT20161029 PMK 36045 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
from Lonigo CoA
"50° Manifestazione Filatelica Numismatica - 50° Fondazione Circolo Filatelico Mumismatico 'Citta´ di Lonigo'"
36045 Lonigo (VI)
29 October 2016IL 11 May 2017 - The 'Rio Grande' Art Exhibition
This item is also listed under Mythic Cats
IT20170511 PMK 30124 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Winged Lion
Lion of St. Mark
Caffè Florian Logo
"Mostra 'Rio Grande' - Temporanea XIV Edizione"
30124 Spazio Filatelia Venezia
11 May 201720 May 2017 - Book Presentation: Il Regno di Nunar - Il Ciondolo Reale IT20170520 PMK 10121 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Two Lion Rampant Supporters
Fictional CoA
"Presentazione Libro - Il Regno di Nunar - Il Ciondolo Reale 1° Episodio"
10121 Spazio Filatelia Torino
20 May 201727 May 2017 - 45th '100 km of Paths' (Florence - Faenza Run) IT20170527 PMK 48018 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Rampant
from Fanza CoA (?)
"'La più bella del mondo' - 45ᵃ Edizione 100 km del Passatore"
48018 Faenza
27 May 201718 June 2017 - Orvieto Historical Procession IT20170618 PMK 05018 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Armed Lion Rampant
from Orvieto CoA
"Associazione 'Lea Pacini' - Corteo Storico per il Corpus Domini"
05018 Orvieto
18 June 201722 June 2017 - 60th Anniversary of Brescia Lions Club This item is also listed under Wild Cats
IT20170622 PMK 25121 Commemorative postmark - Lion
Lions Club Emblem
"60° Anniversario Lions Club Brescia Host"
25125 Brescia Centro
22 June 20172 September 2017 - 10th Anniversary of the Twinning between Calascibetta and Chapelle-lez-Herlaimont (Belgium) IT20170902 PMK 94010 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Chapelle-lez-Herlaimont CoA
"Citta' di Calascibetta - Commune de Chapelle-lez-Herlaimont - 2007-2017 - X Anniversario Gemelaggio - Calascibetta (I) - Chapelle-lez-Herlaimont (B)
94010 Calascibetta
2 September 201724 September 2017 - 8th Echi della Valle Olona Festival IT20170924 PMK 21058 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Crowned Demi-Lion Rampant
Solbiate Olona CoA
"VIII Edizione 'Echi della Valle Olona' - Tre popoli, la stessa meta: La Liberta' - In recordo dei militari Cechi e Slovachi"
21058 Solbiate Olona
24 September 20177 October 2017 - 64th Assembly of Dalmatians in Italy / 70th Anniversary of the Treaty of Paris IT20171007 PMK 60019 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Three Crowned Lion Heads
"64° Raduno dei Dalmati Italiani - 70° Anniversario Trattato di Parigi del 1947"
60019 Senigallia
7 October 2017IL 20 October 2017 - 90th Anniversary of the Brescia Automobile Club IT20171020 PMK 25121 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Club logo
"1927 - 2017 - 90° Anniversario Automobile Club Brescia"19 November 2017 - 30th San Miniato Philatelic and Numismatic Show IT20171119 PMK 56028 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Crowned and Armed Lion Rampant
From San Miniato CoA
"San Miniato... - Città dal 2014 - 30ᵃ Mostra Filatelica e Numismatica"
56028 San Miniato
19 November 201722 November 2017 - 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Maestro Giuseppe Manente
This item is also listed under Mythic Cats
IT20171122 PMK 86100 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Griffin
Griffin Sejant
Guardia di Finanza CoA
"Guardia di Finanza - Primo Direttore Banda Musicale Guardia di Finanza - 150° Anniversario Nascita Maestro Giuseppe Manente"
86100 Campobasso Centro
22 November 291720 December 2017 - 50th Anniversary of the First Philatelic and Numismatic Exhibition in Antrodoco IT20171220 PMK 02013 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Two Lions Rampant
Fabia family CoA
50° Anniv. Prima Mostra Filatelico-Numismatico Antrodoco - Omaggio al Prof. Natale Fabi - Poeta 1875-1952"
02013 Antrodoco
20 December 201721 January 2023 - Centenary of Campagna This item is also listed under Mythic Cats
IT20230121 PMK 16121 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Griffin
Griffin Rampant
A Compagna jubilee logo
"1923-2023 - 100° Anno - A Compagna"
16121 Spazio Filatelia Genova
21 January 20232 April 2023 - Restructuring of Martellago Municipality IT20230402 PMK 30030 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion rampant
Martellago CoA
"Inaugurazione Municipo Ristrutturato - Commune di Martellago"
30030 Martellago (VE)
2 April 2023IL 8 April 2023 - Philatelic Exhibition to Celebrate the Centenary of Recanati Football Club IT20230408 PMK 62019 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Crowned and armed lion rampant
Club Logo
"Mostra Filatelica sul calcio per i 100 anni della U.S. Recanatese"
62019 Recanati (MC)
8 April 2023IL 1 October 2023 - Pellizza Biennale IT20231001 PMK 15059 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Two Lions Rampant
Volpedo CoA
"Pellizza 2023 - Binnale di Arte Cultura e Spettacolo - I Borghi piú belli d'Italia - PT"
15059 Volpedo (AL)
1 October 20238 October 2023 - 14th National Gathering of the Italian Amphibious Troops Association
This item is also listed under Mythic Cats
IT20231008 PMK 30124
Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Winged Lion
Association Emblem
14° Raduno Nazionale Lagunari - PT - Lagunari A.L.T.A."
30124 Spazio Filatelia Venezia
8 October 202319 November 2023 - Photo Exhibition: 70 Years of Recanati Football Club's History IT20231119 PMK 62019 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Crowned and armed lion rampant
from Club Logo
"Mostra Fotgrafica per gli Oltre 70 Anni di Storia - C.S.I. Recanati - 1950-2023 - PT"
62019 Recanati (MC)
19 November 20237 December 2023 - 480th Anniversary of the Birth of Rocco Jelo di Lentini IT20231207 PMK 95124 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Three Lions Rampant30 December 2023 - Centenery of Milena Municipality IT20231230 PMK 93010 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Lion Rampant
Milena CoA
"Centenario Autonomia Comune di Milena 1923-2023"
93010 Milena (CL)
30 December 20235 January 2024 - World's Longest Epiphany Stocking IT20240105 PMK 01100 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Crowned Lion Passant
Viterbo CoA
"'Calza della Befana Più Lunga del Mondo' - Edizione 2024 - PT"
01100 Viterbo Centro
5 January 202410-13 April 2024 - 172nd Anniversary of the Foundation of the Italian State Police IT20240410_13 PMK 00187 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Armed Lion Rampant
Italian State Police CoA
"172° Anniversario Fondazione Polizia di Stato - PT"
00187 Roma V.R.
10-13 April 202411 April 2024 - 45th Anniversary of Tuscia University IT20240411 PMK 01100 Commemorative postmark - Heraldic Lion
Two Lions Rampant
University logo
"Università degli Studi della Tuscia - 45° Anniversario Fondazione - Universitas Studiorum Tusciae - Viterbium MCMLXXIX - PT"
01100 Viterbo Centro
11 April 2024List compiled by Geir Arveng with helpful information from Marco Carelli, Jürgen Hoffmann, Renato Morandi, Marci
Jarvis, Jørgen Kristiansen, Miriam Congedo, Elisabeth Hallsjö, and Renata Bortolozzi.
Latest update: 25 May, 2024