Stamps inscribed 'Israel' and 'יִשְׂרָאֵל' and 'إِسْرَائِيل'
1948 ->
From 1948: 1 Palestine Pound = 1000 Mils
From 1948: 1 Pound/Lira (ILP) = 100 Agorot = 1000 Prutot (= 1 Palestine Pound)
From 1980: 1 Shekel (ILR) = 100 [New] Agorot (= 10 ILP)
From 1986: 1 New Shekel (ILS) = 100 Agorot (= 1000 ILR)
Checklists > Countries > Israel Domestic Cats List status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Issue Item code Item type Face valueRemarks SC 1973 Children's Drawings IL19730116 ST 0_03 Stamp 0.03 Cat Drawing
(Cat in Baloon)
MI 5741973 Jerusalem '73 international Stamp Exhibition IL19731220 ST 1_00 Stamp 1.00 Cat (on the overall worn by the child in the middle)
Cats and Philately
MI 6031984 Israeli Childrens' Books IL19841127 ST 20_00 Stamp 20.00 Cat Drawing
Cats in Literature
Illustration by Shemuel Katz for the poem "Apartment for Rent" by Leah Goldberg
MI 9781995 Childrens' Books IL19950607 ST 1_80 Stamp 1.80 Cat Drawing
Cats in Literature
"Daddy's Big Unbrella" by Levin Kipnis (1894-1990); Illustrated by Pazit Meller-Dushi
MI 1338IL19950607 LB 3 Label / Tab - Cat Drawing
Cats in Literature
"Daddy's Big Unbrella" by Levin Kipnis (1894-1990); Illustrated by Pazit Meller-Dushi
Tab attached to
IL19950607 ST 1_801996 Israel Philatelic Federation Meter Frank IL1996 MF PHIL 61999 Meter Frank - Cartoon Cat
Puss in Boots
Meter Frank advertising a national philatelic exhibition
Machine no. 5925
Tel Aviv - Yafo /
תל אביב-יפו/
تل أبيب يافا
Earliest use reported:
10 June 1996
Latest use reported:
10 June 1996
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1996 Coexistence of Animals and Humans IL19961205 ST 1_75 Stamp 1.75 Cat Drawing
MI 1412IL19961205 FDP 61999 First Day Postmark - Cat Drawing
"Coexistence: Man & Animals"
Tel Aviv - Yafo /
תל אביב-יפו/
تل أبيب يافا
5 December 19961998 Israel Philatelic Federation Meter Frank IL1998 MF PHIL 61999 Meter Frank - Stylized Cat
Meter Frank advertising ISRAEL '98 philatelic exhibition
Machine no. 5925
Tel Aviv - Yafo /
תל אביב-יפו/
تل أبيب يافا
Earliest use reported:
17 May 1998
Latest use reported:
17 May 1998
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1998 ISRAEL '98 International Philatelic Exhibition - Pets IL19980513 ST 0_60 1 Stamp 0.60 Unspecified Breed
MI 1474IL19980513 SH 3_60 Sheetlet 3.60 Unspecified Breed
The 6 stamps of the set issued se-tenantly and forming a composite design
MI KB1474-14792000 H.C. Andersen's Fairytales IL20000215 ST 2_30 Stamp 2.30 Cartoon Cat
Cats in Literature
Illustration of "The Ugly Duckling" by Hans Christian Andersen
MI 15482001 Philanippon 2001 World Stamp Exhibition IL20070717 ST 1_40 Stamp 1.40 Cat Drawing
MI 1634IL20070717 MS 10_00 Miniature Sheet 10.00
(franking value 9.80)Cat Drawing (on stamp only)
MS with all four stamps in set
MI B652008 "My Own Stamp" Jetix Sheet IL20080210 LB 5 Personalised Stamp Label - Cartoon Cat
Doraemon "Gadget Cat from the Future"
Stamp from sheet of personalised stamp issued by Israeli Post
MI 1735 (with personalized label)IL20080210 SH 27_00 Personalised Stamp Sheet 27.00 Cartoon Cat
Doraemon "Gadget Cat from the Future"
Sheet of personalised stamp issued by Israeli Post
MI KB1735 (personalized)2008 Children Paint Israel's 60th IL20080514 ST 2_25 10 Stamp 2.25 Cat Drawing by Daniel Hazan
MI 19912010 Animals and their Offspring IL20100825 ST 1_70 3 Stamp 1.70 Unspecified breed (kitten)
MI 1991IL20100825 ST 1_70 4 Stamp 1.70 Unspecified breed (adult)
MI 1991IL20100825 SH 10_20 Sheetlet 10.20 Unspecified breed (on 2 stamps and 1 undenominated label)
MI B85IL20100825 TEN 3_40 Se-tenant strip 3.40 Unspecified breed (on two stamps and one label)
Se-tenant strip with two stamps and three labels forming a composite designIL20100825 FDP 52100 First Day Postmark - Unspecified breed
"Animals and their Offspring" and same text in Hebrew
Ramat Gan /
רָמַת גַּן/
رمات غان
25 August 2010IL20100825 LB 10 Label - Unspecified breed
Stamp-sized gutter label from
IL20100825 SH 10_20Compiled by Geir Arveng with additional information from Nahum Shereshevsky, Ron Berger and Marci Jarvis.
Latest update: 20 April, 2016