Stamps inscribed 'Republica da Guinea Bissau', 'Guiné Bissau' or 'Guiné-Bissau'

<- 1974 See Portugese Guinea
1974 -> Independent republic

From 1974: 1 Guinea Bissau Peso (GWP) = 100 Centavos (= PTE 1)
From 1994: 1 West African CFA Franc (XOF) = 100 Centimes (= GWP 65)
Checklists > Countries > Guinea Bissau Domestic Cats Also see Guinea Bissau Wild Cats
Guinea Bissau Prhistoric Cats
Guinea Bissau Mythic Cats
Guinea Bissau Heraldic Cats

List status: Incomplete / Under Construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to


Issue Item code Item type Face value Remarks SC
1985 Argentina 85 International Philatelic Exhibition GW19850705 ST 7 Stamp 7.00 Persian
MI 856
GW19850705 ST 10 Stamp 10.00 Sacred Birman
MI 857
GW19850705 ST 12 Stamp 12.00 Persian
MI 858
GW19850705 ST 15 Stamp 15.00 Abyssinian
MI 859
GW19850705 ST 20 Stamp 20.00 Persian
MI 860
GW19850705 ST 40 Stamp 40.00 European Shorthair
MI 861
GW19850705 ST 45 Stamp 45.00 Silver (or Blue?) Abyssinian (?)
MI 862
GW19850705 ST 100 Stamp 100.00 European Shorthair kittens
Stamp from MS
MI 863
GW19850705 MS 100 Miniature Sheet 100.00 European Shorthair kittens
MI B264
2001 Cats GW20010401 ST 250 1 Stamp 250 Bengal
MI 1522
GW20010401 ST 250 2 Stamp 250 Cornish Rex
MI 1523
GW20010401 ST 250 3 Stamp 250 British Shorthair (or possibly Exotic Shorthair)
MI 1524
GW20010401 ST 250 4 Stamp 250 Devon Rex
MI 1525
GW20010401 ST 250 5 Stamp 250 Norwegian Forest Cat
MI 1526
GW20010401 ST 250 6 Stamp 250 Sphynx
MI 1527
GW20010401 SH 1500 Sheetlet 1500 Bengal
Cornish Rex
British Shorthair (or possibly Exotic Shorthair)
Devon Rex
Norwegian Forest Cat
Sheetlet comprising the entire set
MI 1522-1527
2003 Dogs and Cats GW20030515 ST 500 13 Stamp 500 Unspecified breed
Two kittens and Beagle
MI 2148
GW20030515 ST 500 14 Stamp 500 Unspecified breed
Two black & white kittens
MI 2149
GW20030515 ST 500 15 Stamp 500 Unspecified breed
Brown tabby kitten and puppy
MI 2150
GW20030515 MS 2000 4 Sheetlet 2000 Unspecified breed (on 3 stamps)
Sheetlet with all 4 stamps in set
MI KB2148-2151
2003 Celebrities GW20031015 ST 500 10 Stamp 500 Unspecified Breed (with Olave Baden-Powell)
MI 2605
GW20031015 MS 3000 2 Miniature Sheet 3000 Unspecified Breed on one stamp)
6-stamp MS
MI KB2602-2607
2005 Dogs and Cats (with scouts' lily emblem) GW20050315 ST 350 2 Stamp 350 Unspecified breed
MI 2812
GW20050315 ST 350 4 Stamp 350 Siamese
MI 2814
GW20050315 ST 350 6 Stamp 350 American Curl (shorthair)
MI 2816
GW20050315 ST 2500 1 Stamp 2500 Chartreux (? - looks longhair to me)
MI 2817
GW20050315 MS 2100 1 Miniature Sheet 2100 Unspecified breed
American Curl (on one stamp each)
Various wild and domestic cats (on selvedge)
This item is also listed under Wild Cats
MI KB2811-2816
GW20050315 MS 2500 1 Miniature Sheet 2500 Chartreux on stamp (? - looks longhair to me)
Maine Coon and
unidentified small wild cat (on selvedge)
This item is also listed under Wild Cats
MI B470
2006 Chess Players GW20061127 ST 500 47 Stamp 500 Burmese
Stamp from MS
MI 3446
GW20061127 ST 3000 13 Stamp 3000 Burmese
Stamp from MS
MI 3446
GW20061127 MS 2000 13 Miniature Sheet 2000 Burmese (on one stamp)
4-stamp MS
MI Unnumbered sheetlet
GW20061127 MS 3000 13 Miniature Sheet 3000 Burmese (on stamp)
Single-stamp MS
MI B577
2007 Cats GW20070326 ST 500 25 Stamp 500 Abyssinian
MI 3586
GW20070326 ST 500 26 Stamp 500 Unspecified Breed (anybody know what this is?)
MI 3587
GW20070326 ST 500 27 Stamp 500 Siberian
MI 3588
GW20070326 ST 500 28 Stamp 500 Bengal
MI 3589
GW20070326 SH 2000 6 Sheetlet 2000 Domestic cats (more info needed)
Sheetlet with all four stamps in set and two non-denominated labels
MI KB3586-3589
GW20070326 LB 27 Label - Unspecified breed (large face [might be an Abyssinian] and head of blue kitten
Stamp-sized label (upper row) from
GW20070326 SH 2000 6
GW20070326 LB 28 Label - Unspecified breed (two red-tabby cats and body of blue kitten)
Stamp-sized label (lower row) from
GW20070326 SH 2000 6
2007 100 Years of Scouting GW20071126 ST 350 1 Stamp 350 Unspecified Breeds (Turkish Angora and Abyssinian kitten?)
MI 3613
GW20071126 ST 500 1 Stamp 500 Unspecified Breed (two kittens, adult cat and boy scout)
MI 3614
GW20071126 ST 500 2 Stamp 500 Cornish Rex and unspecified breed on scout leader's shoulder
MI 3615
GW20071126 ST 500 3 Stamp 500 Unspecified breed (Bengal?) on scout leader's shoulder
MI 3616
GW20071126 ST 3000 1 Stamp 3000 Exotic Shorthair
Stamp from MS
MI 3617
GW20071126 SH 1850 1 Sheetlet 1850 Unspecified Breed
(Possibly Turkish Angora, Abyssinian and Bengal)
Cornish Rex
4-stamp sheetlet with the lower values
MI 3613-3617
GW20071126 MS 3000 1 Miniature Sheet 3000 Exotic Shorthair (on stamp)
Chartreux or British Blue, Burmese, Unspecified Breed and Cartoon Cats (on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS
MI B610
2010 Cats I GW20100131 ST 450 6 Stamp 450 Balinese
MI 4575
GW20100131 ST 550 2 Stamp 550 Abyssinian
Maine Coon
MI 4576
GW20100131 ST 600 4 Stamp 600 Norwegian Forest Cat
MI 4577
GW20100131 ST 800 5 Stamp 800 Russian Blue
Japanese Bobtail
MI 4578
GW20100131 ST 1000 2 Stamp 1000 Savannah
British Shorthair
MI 4579
GW20100131 ST 2800 1 Stamp 2800 Ragdoll
Turkish Angora
Stamp from MS
MI 4580
GW20100131 MS 2800 1 Miniature Sheet 2800 Ragdoll
Turkish Angora (on stamp)
Oriental Shorthair
Devon Rex (on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS
MI 4580
GW20100131 MS 3400 3 Miniature Sheet 3400 Balinese
Maine Coon
Norwegian Forest Cat
Russian Blue
Japanese Bobtail
British Shorthair (on one stamp each)
Unspecified breed (on selvedge)
MI KB4575-4579
2010 Cats II GW20100803 ST 350 2 Stamp 350 Abyssinian
MI 4773
GW20100803 ST 550 2 Stamp 550 Cornish Rex
MI 4774
GW20100803 ST 600 1 Stamp 600 Japanese Bobtail
MI 4775
GW20100803 ST 700 1 Stamp 700 Maine Coon
MI 4776
GW20100803 ST 900 1 Stamp 900 Oriental Shorthair
MI 4777
GW20100803 ST 3000 1 Stamp 3000 Peterbald
Stamp from MS
MI 4778
GW20100803 MS 3000 1 Miniature Sheet 3000 Peterbald (on stamp)
Devon Rex
Oriental Shorthair (on selvedge)
MI B803
GW20100803 MS 3100 1 Miniature Sheet 3100 Abyssinian
Cornish Rex
Japanese Bobtail
Maine Coon (on one stamp each)
Oriental Shorthair (on one stamp and on selvedge)
Siamese (on selvedge
MI KB4773-4777
2011 Cats GW20110903 ST 500 37 Stamp 500 Sphynx
MI ???
GW20110903 ST 500 38 Stamp 500 Turkish Angora
MI ???
GW20110903 ST 500 39 Stamp 500 Devon Rex
MI ???
GW20110903 ST 500 40 Stamp 500 Egyptian Mau
MI ???
GW20110903 MS 2000 10 Miniature Sheet 2000 Sphynx
Turkish Angora
Devon Rex
Egyptian Mau (on one stamp each)
Norwegian Forest Cat (on selvedge)
Oddly (cat)shaped 4-stamp MS
MI ???
2012 Cats GW20120105 ST 600 37 Stamp 600 Turkish Van
MI ???
GW20120105 ST 600 38 Stamp 600 Peterbald
MI ???
GW20120105 ST 600 39 Stamp 600 Bengal
MI ???
GW20120105 ST 600 40 Stamp 600 Oriental Shorhair
MI ???
GW20120105 ST 600 41 Stamp 600 Turkish Angora
MI ???
GW20120105 ST 3000 14 Stamp 3000 Siamese / Oriental Colourpoint / Colorpoint Shorthair
Stamp from MS
MI ???
GW20120105 MS 3000 13 Miniature Sheet 3000 Siamese / Oriental Colourpoint / Colorpoint Shorthair (on stamp)
Abyssinian (on selvedge)
5-stamp MS
MI ???
GW20120105 MS 3000 14 Miniature Sheet 3000 Siamese / Oriental Colourpoint / Colorpoint Shorthair (on stamp)
Abyssinian (on selvedge)
Single-stamp MS
MI ???
2012 Rossica 2013 Philatelic Exhibition GW20120105 MS 3000 21 Miniature Sheet 3000 Unspecified Breed (on Selvedge)
Single-stamp MS
MI ???
GW20120105 MS 3000 22 Miniature Sheet 3000 Unspecified Breed (on Selvedge)
Single-stamp MS
MI ???

List compiled by Geir Arveng with additional information from Patrick Roberts and Rintje van Kemp.
Latest update: 14 October 2012