Stamps inscribed 'ΕΛΛ ΓΡΑΜΜ', 'ΕΛΛΑΣ' or 'ΕΛΛΑΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ' and also 'Hellas' (from 1966)

1861 ->

From 1861: 1 Drachma = 100 Lepta
From 1944: 1 Drachma = 100 Lepta (= Old Drachmae)
From 1953: 1 Drachma (GRD) = 100 Lepta (= 1000 1944-Drachmae)
From 2002: 1 Euro (EUR) = 100 Eurocents (= GRD 340.750)
Checklists > Countries > Greece Mythic Cats

List status: Incomplete / under construction.
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to


Issue Item code Item type Face value Remarks SC
24 March 1959 - Definitives: Ancient Greek Coins
GR19590324 ST 1_50 Stamp 1.50 Griffin (on coin)
Wild Cat Art
Coin from Abdera, Thrace. 5th C. B. C
Same design as
GR19630705 ST 1_50
but in ocher and black
MI 701
5 July 1963 - Definitives: Ancient Greek Coins
GR19630705 ST 1_50 Stamp 1.50 Griffin (on coin)
Wild Cat Art
Coin from Abdera, Thrace. 5th C. B. C
Same design as
GR19590324 ST 1_50
but in lilac rose
MI 810
23 July 1977 - 2300th Anniversary of the Death of Alexander the Great
GR19770723 ST 7_00 Stamp 7.00 Mythological Cats
Wild Cat Art
Coptic Carpet
MI 1271

List compiled by Geir Arveng with additional information from Greg Balagian, Shaun Stevens, Peter Gerondis, and TS Tan.
Latest update: 2 June, 2024