Stamps inscribed 'Guernsey', 'Guernsey Bailiwick', or 'Bailiwick of Guernsey'
1840 - 1969 See Great Britain
1969 ->
From 1969: 1 Pound = 20 Shillings, 1 Shilling = 12 Pence
From 1970: 1 Pound (GBP) = 100 Pence
Checklists > Countries > Guernsey Wild Cats Also see Guernsey Domestic CatsList status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Issue Item code Item type Face value Remarks 2009 Endangered Species III GG20090226 ST 3_00 Stamp 3.00 Amur Leopard
Stamp from MSGG20090226 MS 3_00 Miniature Sheet 3.00 Amur Leopard (on stamp and selvedge)
Single-stamp MSGG20090226 FDC 3_00
FDC Inlay
First Day Cover 3.00 (sold at 3.80) Amur Leopard (on stamp, selvedge and cachet)
FDC with MSGG20090226 PP 3_80
Front cover
Inside p. 1Inside p. 2
Back CoverPresentation Pack 3.80 Amur Leopard Compiled by Geir Arveng
Latest update: 18 March 2009