Stamps inscribed 'Cyprus' alone or along with 'ΚΥΠΡΟΣ/Κυπροσ' and 'Kibris' or 'ΚΥΠΡΙΑΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ' and 'KIBRIS CUMHURİYETİ'
1880 - 1960 British Colonial Issues
1960 -> Independent Republic
From 1880: 1 Pound (CYP) = 20 Shillings, 1 Shilling = 9 Piastres. 1 Piastre = 40 Paras
From 1955: 1 Pound (CYP) = 1000 Mils
From 1983: 1 Pound (CYP) = 100 Cents
From 2008: 1 Euro (EUR) = 100 Eurocents (= CYP 0.585274)
Checklists > Countries > Cyprus Wild Cats List status: Incomplete / Under Construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Issue Item code Item type Face valueRemarks SC 1928 50 Years of British Administration This set also includes Heraldic Cats
CY19280201 ST 0_0_0_30 Stamp 0-0-¾ /
30 parasLion
Wild Cat Art
Silver Coin of Amathus (450-400 BC)
Valid until 31 July 1951
MI 1081955 Definitives This set also includes Heraldic Cats and Mythic Cats
CY19550801 ST 0_500 Stamp 0.500 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Ancient coin from Citium (Larnaka), (ca. 500 BC)
This stamp also shows a Sphinx
MI 1771960 Definitives This set also includes Mythic Cats and Heraldic Cats
CY19600816 ST 0_500 Stamp 0.500Lion
Wild Cat Art
Ancient coin from Citium (Larnaka), (ca. 500 BC)
CY19550801 ST 0_500
This stamp also shows a Sphinx
MI 1921966 Cypriot Cultural Heritage CY19661121 ST 0_020 Stamp 0.020Lion
Lion Skin
Wild Cat Art
Head of Hercules in Lion Skin
Silver Coin from Salamis (ca. 400 BC)
MI 2771976 Cypriot Art CY19760607 ST 0_250 Stamp 0.250Lion
Wild Cat Art
Warrio attacking a Lion
Silver Plate from Lamboussa (6th c.)
MI 4501977 Silver Jubilee of H.M. Queen Elizabeth II CY19770613 ST 0_120 Stamp 0.120Lion
Wild Cat Art
Ancient coin from Citium (Larnaka), (ca. 500 BC)
Catstamp on Stamp showing
CY19600816 ST 0_500
This stamp also shows a Sphinx
MI 4671980 Archaeological Treasures This set also includes a Sphinx
CY19800915 ST 0_040 Stamp 0.040Lion
Wild Cat Art
Gold Ring (13th c. BC)
MI 528CY19800915 ST 0_150 Stamp 0.150Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lions attacking a Bull
Bronze sculpture from Vouni Palace (5th c. BC)
MI 5331983 Archaeological Treasures (overprinted with new cent-values) CY19831003 ST 0_04
Stamp 0.04Lion
Wild Cat Art
Gold Ring (13th c. BC)
CY19800915 ST 0_040
MI 528CY19831003 ST 0_15
Stamp 0.15Lion
Wild Cat Art
Lions attacking a Bull
Bronze sculpture from Vouni Palace (5th c. BC)
CY19800915 ST 0_150
MI 5331989 Mosaics of Paphos CY19891229 ST 0_50 Stamp 0.50Lion
Wild Cat Art
Hercules and the Lion of Nemea
Mosaic from the House of Orpheus Paphos (2nd - 3rd c.)
MI 7421990 Jubilees and Events CY19900403 ST 0_18 Stamp 0.18Lions Club Emblem
Lions Europa Forum in Limassol
MI 747ILM List compiled by Geir Arveng with valuable help from Marci Jarvis, Kallai Laszlo and Greg Balagian.
Latest update: 8 January 2014