Stamps inscribed 'Helvetia'
1849 ->
From 1849: 1 Franc (CHF) = 100 Centimes/Rappen
Checklists > Countries > Switzerland Wild Cats List status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to checklists@catstamps.org.WILD CATS
Issue Item code Item type Face valueRemarks SC 1 December 1926 - Pro Juventute: Coat of Arms CH19261201 ST 0_30__0_10 Semi-postal stamp 0.30 + 0.10 Lion
Lucerne Lion
Wild Cat Art
This set also includes a Heraldic Lion
MI 21830 May 1968 - Pro Patria: Arts and Crafts CH19680530 ST 0_20__0_10 Semi-postal stamp 0.20 + 0.10 Lion
Zodiac Leo
Wild Cat Art
Detail from stain-glass window in Lausanne Cathedral (12th - 13th c.)
MI 8751972 Pro Patria - Archaeological Objects CH19720601 ST 0_20__0_10
On maximum card
Semi-postal stamp 0.20 + 0.10 Lions
Wild Cat Art
Lion Figures on a Bronze hydria
Greece 8th - 6th c BC
MI 972MC 1980 Definitives: Architecture and Crafts CH19800221 ST 3_50 Stamp 3.50 Lion
Zodiac Leo
Wild Cat Art
Astronomical clock, Clock Tower, Bern
MI 1169CH19800221 MC 3_50 Maximum Card 3.50 Lion
Zodiac Leo
Wild Cat Art
Astronomical clock, Clock Tower, Bern
Official MC1982 Jubilees CH19820218 ST 0_80 Stamp 0.80 Eurasian Lynx
150th Anniversary of the Museum of Natural History, Bern
MI 1219CH19820218 MC 0_80 Stamp 0.80 Eurasian Lynx (on stamp)
Leopard (skeleton) (on card)
150th Anniversary of the Museum of Natural History, Bern
Official MC1982 Lions International Europa Forum CH19820900_1000 PMK 6900 Slogan Postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"Lugano Europa Forum - 20 - 23.X.1982"
6900 Lugano
Earliest use reported:
20 Sept 1982
Latest use reported:
21 Oct 1982
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us knowCC CH19821020_23 PMK 6900 Commemorative Postmark - Lions Club Emblem
"Lions Europa-Forum"
6900 Lugano
20 - 23 Oct 1982DL 1982 Geneva Museum CH19821100_ PMK 1200 Slogan Postmark - Lions (male and female)
"Visitez le musèum de Genève - route de Malagnou - un des plus modernes d'Europe"
Genève 1
Earliest use reported:
1 Dec 1982
Latest use reported:
28 Dec 1982
If you konow the dates of use for this item, please let us know1983 Definitives: Signs of the Zodiac / Landscapes CH19830217 ST 1_80 Stamp 1.80 Lion
Zodiac Leo
MI 1243CH19830217 FDC 1_80 Stamp 1.80 Lion (on stamp and in cachet)
Zodiac LeoCC 1983 Europa CH19830503 ST 0_40 Stamp 0.40 Lions
Wild Cat Art
Decorative lions on the stand of celestial globe by Jost Burgi (1552-1632)
MI 1249CH19830503 MC 0_40 Maximum Card 0.40 Lions
Wild Cat Art
Decorative lions on the stand of celestial globe by Jost Burgi (1552-1632)
Official MCCC CH19830503 FDP 8000 First Day Postmark - Lions
Wild Cat Art
Decorative lions on the stand of celestial globe by Jost Burgi (1552-1632)
"Sonderaus-stellung im Landes-museum" (Special Exhibition in State Museum)
3 May 1983MC 1983 Geneva Museum CH19831200 PMK 1200 Slogan Postmark - Lion (male, head)
"Visitez le musèum de Genève - route de Malagnou - un des plus modernes d'Europe"
Genève 1
Earliest use reported:
18 Dec 1983
Latest use reported:
31 Dec 1983
If you konow the dates of use for this item, please let us knowDL 1984 Pro Patria CH19840524 ST 0_50__0_20
Semi-postal stamp 0.50 + 0.20 Lions
Wild Cat Art
Decorative Lions on stand of Ceramic tiled stove (1646)
MI 1273MC 1987 Philatelie, Luzern CH19870000 PMK 6000 Pictorial Postmark - Lion
Philatelie PTT
Permanent Pictorial Postmark
First date of use:
22 Sept 1987
Latest use reported
22 Sept 1987
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us know1987 Lunaba 87 CH19870528_31 PMK 6000 2 Commemorative Postmark - Lion
"Lunaba Regiophil"
28 - 31 May 2012CH19870400_ PMK 3600 Slogan Postmark - Lion
"Lunaba 87 - 3. Briefmarkenaus-stellung 28. - 31.5 - Luzern"
3600 Thun 2 Rosenau
Earliest use reported:
23 April 1987
Latest use reported:
23 April 1987
If you know the dates of use for this item, please let us knowIL CH19870400_ PMK 8400 Slogan postmark - Lion
"Lunaba 87 - 3. Briefmarkenaus-stellung 28. - 31.5 - Luzern"
3600 Thun 2 Rosenau
Earliest use reported:
10 May 1987
Latest use reported:
10 May 1987
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.DL 1994 - 125th Anniversary of Langenberg Wildlife Park CH19940000_ PMK 8023 Slogan postmark - Eurasian Lynx
"Wildpark Langenberg - 125 Jahre 3./4. Sept. 94"
8023 Zürich 3
Earliest use reported:
2 August 1994
Latest use reported:
2 August 1994
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.1994 Kloten Slogan Postmark CH19940000_ PMK 8302 Slogan postmark - Lion
Stylized Lion
"PTT - Kloten - Die Neue Post"
8302 Kloten
Earliest use reported:
7 November 1994
Latest use reported:
7 November 1994
If you know more about the dates of use for this item, please let us know.BDC 2001 Pro Juventute CH20011120 ST 0_70__0_35 2 Semi-postal stamp 0.70 + 0.35 Cartoon Leopard
Leopold the Leopard
Wild Cats in Literature
Illustration from "Leopold and the Sun" by Stephan Brülhart
This set also includes a Domestic Cat
MI 17732009 European Wildcat CH20090508 ST 0_85 Stamp 0.85 European Wildcat
MI 2102M CH20090508 FDC 0_85 First Day Cover 0.85 European Wildcat (on stamp, postmark and cachet) CH20090508 MC 0_85 1 Maximum Card 0.85 European Wildcat (adult on branch) CH20090508 MC 0_85 2 Maximum Card 0.85 European Wildcat (kitten) CH20090508 FDP First Day Postmark - European Wildcat 2012 80th Birthday of Janosch CH20120308 ST 1_00 14 Stamp 1.00 Cartoon Tiger
Little Tiger by Janosch
Self-adhesive stamp from sheetlet or booklet
MI 2238CH20120308 BK 10_00 Booklet 10.00 Cartoon Tiger
(on stamps and cover)
Little Tiger by Janosch
Self-adhesive stamp from sheetlet or booklet
MI MH???CH20120308 FDC 1_00 14 First Day Cover 1.00 Cartoon Tiger
(on stamp, postmark and cachet)
Little Tiger by Janosch
Official FDCCH20120308 FDP 3000 4 First Day Postmark - Cartoon Tiger
Little Tiger by Janosch
3000 Bern
8 March 20129 May 2012 - Pro Patria CH20120509 ST 0_85__0_40 Semi-postal stamp 0.85 + 0.40 Lion
Wild Cat Art
Löwen-brunnen (Lion Fountain) at the Eichberg Estate in Uetendorf
MI 2249CH20120509 BK 9_10__4_40 Booklet 9.10 + 4.40 Lion (on 6 stamps and cover)
Wild Cat Art
Löwen-brunnen (Lion Fountain) at the Eichberg Estate in Uetendorf
Booklet with 6 x
CH20120509 ST 0_85__0_40
and 4 of another stamp in set2 March 2017 - Baby Animals CH20170302 ST 1_00 Stamp 1.00 Eurasian Lynx
MI 2477CH20170302 FDC 5_35 First day cover 5.35
+ 1.00
+ 1.50
+ 2.00)Eurasian Lynx (on one stamps)
Lynx Paw Print (on postmark and in cachet)
Official FDC with
CH20170302 ST 1_00
and the 3 other stamps in set.CH20170302 FDP 3000 First day postmark - Eurasian Lynx Paw Print
3000 Bern
2 March 20177 May 2020 - Animal Families CH20200507 ST 1_50 Stamp 1.50 Eurasian Lynx
MI 2659List compiled by Geir Arveng with additional information from Patrick Roberts, Marci Jarvis, Nahum Shereshevsky,
Greg Balagian, TS Tan, Maurizio Sacchi, and Jean-Daniel Duding.
Latest update: 2 September, 2020