(Democratic Republic of Congo)Stamps inscribed 'Congo', 'République du Congo', 'République Démocratique du Congo'
<- 1960 See Belgian Congo
1960 - 1971 Independence
1971 - 1998 See Zaire
1998 ->
From 1960: 1 Franc = 100 Centimes
From 1967: 1 Zaïre (ZRZ) = 100 Makuta (sing. Likuta) = 10,000 Sengi [= 1000 Francs]
From 1993: 1 New Zaïre (ZRN) = 100 Makuta (sing. Likuta) [= 3,000,000 ZRZ]
From 1999: 1 Franc (CDF) = 100 Centimes [= 100,000 ZRN]
Checklists > Countries > Congo - Kinshasa Wild Cats List status: Incomplete / under construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Issue Item code Item type Face valueRemarks SC 1968 Definitives CD19681105 ST 0_02 Stamp 0.02Leopard
MI 314CD19681105 ST 0_0960 Stamp 0.096Leopard
MI 3152000 Wild Cats CD20000228 ST 1_50 1 Stamp 1.50Leopard Cat
MI 1438CD20000228 ST 1_50 2 Stamp 1.50African Golden Cat
MI 1439CD20000228 ST 1_50 3 Stamp 1.50Caracal
MI 1440CD20000228 ST 1_50 4 Stamp 1.50Puma
MI 1441CD20000228 ST 1_50 5 Stamp 1.50Black-Footed Cat
MI 1442CD20000228 ST 1_50 6 Stamp 1.50Lion
MI 1443CD20000228 ST 1_50 7 Stamp 1.50Clouded Leopard
MI 1444CD20000228 ST 1_50 8 Stamp 1.50Margay
MI 1445CD20000228 ST 1_50 9 Stamp 1.50Cheetah
MI 1446CD20000228 ST 1_50 10 Stamp 1.50Iberian Lynx
MI 1447CD20000228 ST 1_50 11 Stamp 1.50Yaguarundi
MI 1448CD20000228 ST 1_50 12 Stamp 1.50Serval
MI 1449CD20000228 ST 10_00 Stamp 10.00Leopard
Stamp from MS
MI 1450CD20000228 MS 10_00 Miniature Sheet 10.00Leopard
Single-stamp MS
MI B882002 Lions CD20020307 ST 50 Stamp 50Lioness and Cub
MI 1703IL3 CD20020307 ST 75 Stamp 75Lion (Male)
MI 1704CD20020307 ST 150 Stamp 150Lioness and Cubs Drinking
MI 1705CD20020307 ST 250 Stamp 250Lions (Couple)
MI 1706CD20020307 ST 300 Stamp 300Lion (jumping into water)
MI 17072003 Wild Cats CD20030526 ST 340 1 Stamp 340Serval
MI 1752ACD20030526 ST 340 2 Stamp 340Snow Leopard
MI 1753ACD20030526 ST 340 3 Stamp 340Black-footed Cat
MI 1754ACD20030526 IMP 340 1 Imperforate stamp 340Serval
MI 1752ACD20030526 IMP 340 2 Imperforate stamp 340Snow Leopard
MI 1753ACD20030526 IMP 340 3 Imperforate stamp 340Black-footed Cat
MI 1754ACD20030526 MS 340 1 Miniature Sheet 340Serval
MI B149ACD20030526 MS 340 2 Miniature Sheet 340Snow Leopard
MI B150ACD20030526 MS 340 3 Miniature Sheet 340Black-footed Cat
MI B151ACD20030526 MS 1020 Miniature Sheet 1020Serval
Snow Leopard
Black-footed Cat (on one stamp each)
3-stamp MS with one of each stamp
MI KB1752-1754A ICD20030526 MS 2040 Miniature Sheet 2040Serval
Snow Leopard
Black-footed Cat (on two stamps each)
6-stamp MS with two of each stamp
MI KB1752-1754A IICD20030526 IMS 340 1 Imperforate Miniature Sheet 340Serval
MI B149BCD20030526 IMS 340 2 Imperforate Miniature Sheet 340Snow Leopard
MI B150BCD20030526 IMS 340 3 Imperforate Miniature Sheet 340Black-footed Cat
MI B151BCD20030526 IMS 1020 Imperforate Miniature Sheet 1020Serval
Snow Leopard
Black-footed Cat (on one stamp each)
3-stamp MS with one of each stamp
MI KB1752-1754B ICD20030526 IMS 2040 Imperforate Miniature Sheet 2040Serval
Snow Leopard
Black-footed Cat (on two stamps each)
6-stamp MS with two of each stamp
MI KB1752-1754B IICompiled by Geir Arveng with additional information from Greg Balagian and Shaun Stevens.
Latest update: 4 October 2014