Stamps inscribed 'Belarus´', 'Belaruś', or 'Belarus' and 'Беларусь'
1858 - 1918 Part of Russia
1918 - 1991 Part of the Soviet Union
1991 -> Independent republic (Soviet commemorative stamps valid until 1 August 1992 -
Soviet definitive stamps valid until 25 January 1993)
From 1991: 1 (Soviet) Ruble (SUR)= 100 Kopeks
From 1992: 1 (Belarus) Ruble (BYB) = 100 Kapeyka [= 10 SUR]
From 2000: 1 (Redenominated) Ruble (BYR) = 100 Kapeyka [= 1,000 BYB]
From 2016: 1 (New) Ruble (BYN)= 100 Kapeyka [= 10,000 BYR]
Checklists > Countries > Belarus Domestic Cats List status: Incomplete / Under Construction
If you have corrections or addendae to this list, please send an e-mail to CATS
Item Code Item type Face value Remarks SC 1991 -> Unstamped/Overprinted Soviet Postal Stationary used in post-indepependence Belarus BY_SUN19910000 ENV BRI Provisional pre-stamped envelope - British Shorthair
Envelope no. 132650
Order no.
Printed 23.07.90
Franked with a mixture of provisional handstamp and (still valid) Soviet stampsRIL 3 January 1992 - Unstamped/Overprinted Soviet Postal Stationary used in post-indepependence Belarus BY_SUN19920103 PSE 0_15 X1
BY_SUN19910000 ENV PER 1Provisional pre-stamped envelope 0.15 Persian (Smoke)
Envelope no. 132650
Order no.
Printed 23.07.90
Franked with a mixture of provisional handstamp, Belarus stamps, and (still valid) Soviet stamps.
Provisional pre-stamped envelope up-franked for registered letter.
MI U17RIL BY_SUN19920103 PSE 0_15 X3
BY_SUN19910000 ENV PER 3Provisional pre-stamped envelope 0.15 Persian (Tortie)
Envelope no. 132650
Order no.
Printed 23.07.90
Franked with a mixture of provisional handstamp, Belarus stamps, and (still valid) Soviet stamps.
Provisional pre-stamped envelope up-franked for registered letter.
MI U17RIL BY_SUN19920103 PSE 0_15 X4
BY_SUN19910000 ENV PER 4Provisional pre-stamped envelope 0.15 Persian (Cream)
Envelope no. 132650
Order no.
Printed 23.07.90
Franked with a mixture of provisional handstamp, Belarus stamps, and (still valid) Soviet stamps.
Provisional pre-stamped envelope up-franked for registered letter.
MI U17RIL BY_SUN19920103 PSE 0_15 X7
BY_SUN19910000 ENV BRIProvisional pre-stamped envelope 0.15 Persian (Smoke)
Envelope no. 132650
Order no.
Printed 23.07.90
Franked with a mixture of provisional handstamp and a Belarus stamp.
Provisional pre-stamped envelope up-franked for registered letter.
MI U19RIL BY_SUN19920103 PSE 0_15 X8
BY_SUN19910000 ENV EURProvisional pre-stamped envelope 0.15 Persian (Smoke)
Envelope no. 132650
Order no.
Printed 23.07.90
Franked with a mixture of provisional handstamp and a Belarus stamp.
Provisional pre-stamped envelope up-franked for registered letter.
MI U19RIL BY_SUN19920103 PSE 0_15 X10
BY_SUN19910000 ENV SIAProvisional pre-stamped envelope 0.15 Siamese
Envelope no. 132650
Order no.
Printed 23.07.90
Franked with a mixture of provisional handstamp, Belarus stamps, and (still valid) Soviet stamps.
Provisional pre-stamped envelope up-franked for registered letter.
MI U17RIL 30 November 1992 - Unstamped/Overprinted Soviet Postal Stationary used in post-indepependence Belarus
This item is also listed under Wild CatsBY_SUN19921130 PSE 2_00 X1
BY_SUN19900307 ENV TIG_CATProvisional pre-stamped envelope 2.00 Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Cartoon Tiger
Printer's no. 1990.3.134880
Printing date: 03.07.90
Un-franked Soviet envelope pre-franked by Belarus Post with provisional stamps (inland rate)
This item is also listed under Wild CatsBY_SUN19921130 PSE 2_00 X2
BY_SUN19900307 ENV TIG_CATProvisional pre-stamped envelope 2.00 Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Cartoon Tiger
Printer's no. 1990.3.134880
Printing date: 03.07.90
Un-franked Soviet envelope pre-franked by Belarus Post with mix of provisional stamps and (still valid) Soviet stamps (inland rate)
MI U38aDL 5 April 1993 - Unstamped/Overprinted Soviet Postal Stationary used in post-indepependence Belarus
With provisional "stamp" used in Minsk
With PO desk meter
frank (Мар'іна Горка /
Maryina HorkaBY_SUN19930405 PSE 5_00
BY_SUN19910000 ENV PER 1Provisional pre-stamped envelope 5.00 Persian (Smoke)
Envelope no. 132050
Printed 23.07.90
Un-franked Soviet envelope pre-franked by Belarus Post (inland rate)
MI U49aDL BY_SUN19930405 PSE 5_00 X9
BY_SUN19910000 ENV BALProvisional pre-stamped envelope 5.00 Balinese
Envelope no. 132350
Printed 23.07.90
Un-franked Soviet envelope with de-monetised Soviet stamp, pre-franked by Belarus Post with Belarus stamp (inland rate)
MI U49DL(C) 1 June 1993 - Unstamped/Overprinted Soviet Postal Stationary used in post-indepependence Belarus BY19930601 PSE 10_00 X4
BY_SUN19910000 ENV PER 4Provisional pre-stamped envelope 10.00 Persian (Cream)
Envelope no. 132650
Order no.
Printed 23.07.90
Franked with a provisional handstamp
MI U55cIL(B) 2000 - Pre-stamped Picture Postcards BY20000000 PC B 569 Pre-stamped postcard B*
(34.00 on issue)Persian (on picture side)
Print no. 41-00
Design no. 569
Order no. 1861
MI P42II (?)BY20000000 PC B 1028 Pre-stamped postcard B*
(34.00 on issue)Unspecified breed (on picture side)
Print no. 04-00
Design no. 1028
Order no. 1831
MI P42II (?)M 2001 - Postal Stationary BY20010000 PSE A 1 Pre-stamped envelope A* Cartoon Cat (in cachet)
(Belarus Fairytales - issued on same date as stamps?)
Cats in Literature
If you know the date of issue for this item, please let us know24 August 2001- Belarus Fairytales BY20010824 ST 100 Stamp 100 Cartoon Cat
Cats in Literature
Belarus folk tale: “A blue suit is made inside out“
MI 4178 August 2004 - Pre-stamped Picture Postcards
Address sideBY20040808 PC B 65-03 Pre-stamped postcard B*
(100 on issue)Unspecified breed (on picture side)
Red tabby and white longhair kitten
Print no. 861ц.-03
Design no. 65-03
MI P61II (one of 32 designs)
Address sideBY20040808 PC B 75-03 Pre-stamped postcard B*
(100 on issue)Unspecified breed (on picture side)
Two longhair kittens, one solid white, one blue and white
Print no. 861ц.-03
Design no. 75-03
MI P61II (one of 32 designs)29 October 2004 - Cats BY20041029 ST 300 Stamp 300 Persian (Black)
MI 567BY20041029 ST 500 1 Stamp 500 Tonkanese
MI 568BY20041029 ST 500 2 Stamp 500 Persian (Red)
MI 569BY20041029 ST 800 1 Stamp 800 Unspecified Breed
MI 570ILM BY20041029 ST 800 2 Stamp 800 British Shorthair
MI 571203BY20041029 MS 2900 Miniature Sheet 2900 Persian
Unspecified Breed
British Shorthair (on stamps and in margin)
MI B43BY20041029 LB 1 Marginal label - Unspecified breed
Upper left corner marginal label from
BY20041029 MS 2900BY20041029 LB 2 Marginal label - Unspecified breed
First column, upper marginal label from
BY20041029 MS 2900BY20041029 LB 3 Marginal label - Tonkanese
Second column, upper marginal label from
BY20041029 MS 2900BY20041029 LB 4 Marginal label - Tonkanese
Upper right corner marginal label from
BY20041029 MS 2900BY20041029 LB 5 Marginal label - Persian
First row, left marginal label from
BY20041029 MS 2900BY20041029 LB 6 Marginal label - Tonkanese
First row, right marginal label from
BY20041029 MS 2900BY20041029 LB 7 Marginal label - Persian
Second row, left marginal label from
BY20041029 MS 2900BY20041029 LB 8 Marginal label - British Shorthair
Second row, right marginal label from
BY20041029 MS 2900BY20041029 LB 9 Marginal label - Persian
Third row, left marginal label from
BY20041029 MS 2900BY20041029 LB 10 Marginal label - British Shorthair
Third row, right marginal label from
BY20041029 MS 2900BY20041029 LB 11 Marginal label - Persian
Lower left corner marginal label from
BY20041029 MS 2900BY20041029 LB 12 Marginal label - Unspecified breed
First column, lower marginal label from
BY20041029 MS 2900ILM BY20041029 LB 13 Marginal label - Unspecified breed
British shorthair
Second column, lower marginal label from
BY20041029 MS 2900BY20041029 LB 14 Marginal label - British shorthair
Lower right corner marginal label from
BY20041029 MS 29006 November 2004 - Pre-stamped Christmas and New Year's Cards
Address sideBY20041106 PC B 115-03 Pre-stamped postcard B*
(100 on issue)Persian (red) (on picture side)
Print no. 1278ц-03
Design no. 115-03
MI P60II (one of 16 designs)23 November 2009 - Cats BY20091123 ST 2500 1 Stamp 2500 Russian Blue (adult cat)
MI 788BY20091123 ST 2500 2 Stamp 2500 Russian Blue (two kittens)
MI 789BY20091123 ST 2500 3 Stamp 2500 Russian Blue (three kittens)
MI 790BY20091123 MS 7500 Miniature Sheet 7500 Russian Blue (on stamps, label and selvedge)
MS with the three stamps, stamp-sized label and marginal labels forming a composite design
MI B69BY20091123 FDC 7500 First Day Cover 7500 Russian Blue (on stamps, postmark and cachet)
Official FDC with the three stampsBY20091123 FDP 220000 First Day Postmark - Russian Blue (silhouette)
"Беларусь - Першы дзень - Premier jour - Кошкі"
Мінск-поштамт (Minsk GPO)
23 November 2009BY20091123 LB 1 Label - Russian Blue (silhouette)
Upper Right Corner Marginal LabelBY20091123 LB 2 Label - Russian Blue (silhouettes)
Stamp sized label from MSBY20091123 LB 3 Label - Russian Blue (upper back of adult)
First Row Right Marginal LabelBY20091123 LB 4 Label - Russian Blue (hind legs of a kitten)
Second Row Left Marginal LabelBY20091123 LB 5 Label - Russian Blue (lower back and tail of adult)
Second Row Right Marginal LabelBY20091123 LB 6 Label - Russian Blue (back part and tail of kitten)
Second Column Bottom Marginal Label18 January 2017 - Kittens BY20170118 ST A 1 Stamp A*
(0.36 on issue)Bengal
MI 1169BY20170118 ST A 2 Stamp A*
(0.36 on issue)Maine Coon
MI 1170BY20170118 ST N 1 Stamp N*
(0.93 on issue)Scottish Fold
MI 1171BY20170118 ST N 2 Stamp N*
(0.93 on issue)British Shorthair
MI 1172BY20170118 SH 9xA 1 Sheetlet 9 x A*
(3.33 on issue)Bengal (on stamps)
Stylized cat (on marginal labels)
Sheetlet with 9 x
BY20170118 ST A 1
MI KB1169BY20170118 SH 9xA 2 Sheetlet 9 x A*
(3.33 on issue)Maine Coon (on stamps)
Stylized cat (on marginal labels)
BY20170118 ST A 2
MI KB1170BY20170118 SH 4xA_4xN Sheetlet 4 x A
+ 4 x N*
(5.16 on issue)Bengal
Maine Coon
Scottish Fold
British Shorthair
8-stamp sheetlet with 2 each of
BY20170118 ST A 1
BY20170118 ST A 2
BY20170118 ST N 1
BY20170118 ST N 2
MI KB1169-1172BY20170118 SH 9xN 1 Sheetlet 9 x N*
(8.37 on issue)Scottish fold (on stamps)
Stylized cat (on marginal labels)
Sheetlet with 9 x
BY20170118 ST N 1
MI KB1171BY20170118 SH 9xN 2 Sheetlet British shorthair (on stamps)
Stylized cat (on marginal labels)
Sheetlet with 9 x
BY20170118 ST N 2
MI KB1172FDC 2xA_2xN First Day Cover 2 x A
+ 2 x N*
(2.58 on issue)Bengal
Maine Coon
Scottish Fold
British Shorthair (on one stamp each)
Unspecified breed (on postmark and cachet)
Official FDC with
BY20170118 ST A 1
BY20170118 ST A 2
BY20170118 ST N 1
BY20170118 ST N 2
Address sideBY20170118 MC A 1 Maximum card A*
(0.36 on issue)Bengal (on stamp and card)
Unspecified breed (on postmark)
Official MC with
BY20170118 ST A 1CC
Address sideBY20170118 MC A 2 Maximum card A*
(0.36 on issue)Maine Coon (on stamp and card)
Unspecified breed (on postmark)
Official MC with
BY20170118 ST A 2CC
Address sideBY20170118 MC N 1 Maximum card N*
(0.93 on issue)Scottish Fold (on stamp and card)
Unspecified breed (on postmark)
Official MC with
BY20170118 ST N 1CC
Address sideBY20170118 MC N 2 Maximum card N*
(0.93 on issue)British Shorthair (on stamp and card)
Unspecified breed (on postmark)
Official MC with
BY20170118 ST N 2CC BY20170118 FDP 220000 First day postmark - Unspecified breed
"Беларусь - Першы дзнь - Premier jour"
Мінск (Minsk) 1
18 January 2017BY20170118 LB 2 Marginal label - Unspecified breed
Cat silhouette
First column, upper marginal label from
BY20170118 SH 9xA 1BY20170118 LB 4 Marginal label - Unspecified breed
Cat silhouette
Third column, upper marginal label from
BY20170118 SH 9xA 1BY20170118 LB 9 Marginal label - Unspecified breed
Cat silhouette
Second row, right marginal label from
BY20170118 SH 9xA 1BY20170118 LB 10 Marginal label - Unspecified breed
Cat silhouette
Third row, left marginal label from
BY20170118 SH 9xA 1BY20170118 LB 13 Marginal label - Unspecified breed
Cat silhouette
First column, lower marginal label from
BY20170118 SH 9xA 1BY20170118 LB 18 Marginal label - Unspecified breed
Cat silhouette
First column, upper marginal label from
BY20170118 SH 9xA 2BY20170118 LB 20 Marginal label - Unspecified breed
Cat silhouette
Third column, upper marginal label from
BY20170118 SH 9xA 2BY20170118 LB 24 Marginal label - Unspecified breed
Cat silhouette
Second row, left marginal label from
BY20170118 SH 9xA 2BY20170118 LB 27 Marginal label - Unspecified breed
Cat silhouette
Third row, right marginal label from
BY20170118 SH 9xA 2BY20170118 LB 29 Marginal label - Unspecified breed
Cat silhouette
First column, lower marginal label from
BY20170118 SH 9xA 2BY20170118 LB 34 Marginal label - Unspecified breed
Cat silhouette
First column, upper marginal label from
BY20170118 SH 9xN 1BY20170118 LB 36 Marginal label - Unspecified breed
Cat silhouette
Third column, upper marginal label from
BY20170118 SH 9xN 1BY20170118 LB 40 Marginal label - Unspecified breed
Cat silhouette
Second row, left marginal label from
BY20170118 SH 9xN 1BY20170118 LB 43 Marginal label - Unspecified breed
Cat silhouette
Third row, right marginal label from
BY20170118 SH 9xN 1BY20170118 LB 45 Marginal label - Unspecified breed
Cat silhouette
First column, lower marginal label from
BY20170118 SH 9xN 1BY20170118 LB 50 Marginal label - Unspecified breed
Cat silhouette
First column, upper marginal label from
BY20170118 SH 9xN 2BY20170118 LB 52 Marginal label - Unspecified breed
Cat silhouette
Third column, upper marginal label from
BY20170118 SH 9xN 2BY20170118 LB 57 Marginal label - Unspecified breed
Cat silhouette
Second row, right marginal label from
BY20170118 SH 9xN 2BY20170118 LB 58 Marginal label - Unspecified breed
Cat silhouette
Third row, left marginal label from
BY20170118 SH 9xN 2BY20170118 LB 61 Marginal label - Unspecified breed
Cat silhouette
First column, lower marginal label from
BY20170118 SH 9xN 2BY20170118 LB 65 Marginal label - Unspecified breed
Cat's paw print
Upper left corner marginal label from
BY20170118 SH 4xA_4xNBY20170118 LB 66 Marginal label - Unspecified breed
Cat's paw print
First column, upper marginal label from
BY20170118 SH 4xA_4xNBY20170118 LB 67 Marginal label - Unspecified breed
Cat's paw print
Second column, upper marginal label from
BY20170118 SH 4xA_4xNBY20170118 LB 68 Marginal label - Unspecified breed
Cat's paw print
Text: "Кацянямы"
Third column, upper marginal label from
BY20170118 SH 4xA_4xNBY20170118 LB 69 Marginal label - Unspecified breed
Cat's paw print
Fourth column, upper marginal label from
BY20170118 SH 4xA_4xNBY20170118 LB 70 Marginal label - Unspecified breed
Cat's paw print
Upper right corner marginal label from
BY20170118 SH 4xA_4xNBY20170118 LB 71 Marginal label - Unspecified breed
Cat's paw print
First row, left marginal label from
BY20170118 SH 4xA_4xNBY20170118 LB 72 Marginal label - Unspecified breed
Cat's paw print
First row, right marginal label from
BY20170118 SH 4xA_4xNBY20170118 LB 73 Marginal label - Unspecified breed
Cat's paw print
First row, right marginal label from
BY20170118 SH 4xA_4xNBY20170118 LB 74 Marginal label - Unspecified breed
Cat's paw print
First row, right marginal label from
BY20170118 SH 4xA_4xNBY20170118 LB 75 Marginal label - Unspecified breed
Cat's paw print
Lower left corner marginal label from
BY20170118 SH 4xA_4xNBY20170118 LB 76 Marginal label - Unspecified breed
Cat's paw print
First column, lower marginal label from
BY20170118 SH 4xA_4xNBY20170118 LB 77 Marginal label - Unspecified breed
Cat's paw print
Text: "Kittens"
Second column, lower marginal label from
BY20170118 SH 4xA_4xNBY20170118 LB 78 Marginal label - Unspecified breed
Cat's paw print
Third column, lower marginal label from
BY20170118 SH 4xA_4xNBY20170118 LB 79 Marginal label - Unspecified breed
Cat's paw print
Text: ""
Fourth column, lower marginal label from
BY20170118 SH 4xA_4xNBY20170118 LB 80 Marginal label - Unspecified breed
Cat's paw print
Lower right corner marginal label from
BY20170118 SH 4xA_4xN30 October 2019 - Happy New Year! Merry Christmas! Jolly Kalyady! BY20191030 ST A Stamp A*
(0.54 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
MI 1315 (?)BY20191030 ST M Stamp M*
(1.56 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
MI 1316 (?)BY20191030 MC A Maximum card A*
(0.54 on issue)Unspecified breed (on stamp and card)
Cartoon cat
Official MC with
BY20191030 ST ABY20191030 MC M Maximum card M*
(1.56 on issue)Unspecified breed (on stamp and card)
Cartoon cat
Official MC with
BY20191030 ST MBY20191030 MISC PC 1 Unstamped postcard - Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Card no. 1001-19
Postcard with same motif as
BY20191030 ST ABY20191030 MISC PC 2 Unstamped postcard - Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
Card no. 1000-19
Postcard with same motif as
BY20191030 ST M6 July 2021 - Holidays and Ceremonies of Belarussians
Philatelic Newsletter in English and Belarussian
BY20210706 ST M Stamp M*
(1.74 on issue)Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
MI 1414 (?)BY20210706 MS 5xA Miniature sheet 5 x A*
(3.00 /
5 x 0.60 on issue)Unspecified breed (on selvedge)
Cartoon cat
MI KB1412 (?)BY20210706 MS ANMP Miniature sheet A+N
+ 1.62
+ 1.74
+ 1.86 on issue)Unspecified breed (on one stamp and selvedge)
Cartoon cat
MI B203 (?)BY20210706 MC M Maximum card M*
(1.74 on issue)Unspecified breed (on stamp and card)
Cartoon cat
Official MC with
BY20210706 ST M10 July 2021 - Happy Postcrossing BY20210710 ST N Stamp N* (1.62 on issue) Unspecified breed
Cartoon cat
MI 1422 (?)List compiled by Geir Arveng with valuable help from Marci Jarvis, TS Tan, Alexander Rusak, and D.G.Naryshkin.
Latest update: 3 March, 2025